Will sacrificing
peoplesheep to the Dice Gods every day do instead
But yeah, I honestly prefer having these guys on our Beacon team, instead of NPRRWBY. Why do you people want the canon people on our team anyway?
Status quo, I suppose. I mean I'd be happy with just relegating them to background characters that you can hang out with every now and then, but if you want one or two on your team, that's fine too.
I mean, really, it's a matter of the dice who ends up going to Beacon and who ends up going elsewhere, so really it's a moot point anyway.
Transistor!Jaune breaks with Jeanne D'Arc, but CATA doesn't quite fit either--Jaune and Ada come from indie videogames, while Lumen's fantasy book themed and Cream... actually, I haven't picked up on her character inspiration, unless she's based on Bambi.
Er... offhand, I... genuinely don't know. I think she might be the most
original original character I've made.
I see your point about thematic sets, but while that works for a series dictated by writers trying to tell a story, for a quest that does rely quite a lot on random chance? Nah. It works in canon because it's meant to work in canon, but this is not canon and treating it as such is...
Well, not a good idea, at best.
At the absolute
worst, three-quarters of CRDL and half of CVFY are completely uncharacterised. Or I could bring in a fourth and create a completely new team. There's absolutely no reason that replacing any of JNPR or RWBY are the only options, and as I said, as much as I bitch and moan about it if I wanted a pure OC RWBY quest I wouldn't have even set it in Vale to begin with. No, canon can't take a double tap to the chest just yet.
You know what, fuck it, it's not like I need it up there anyway- once the Signal fight ends, I PROMISE I'M NOT HOLDING OUT FOR UPDATE 17 FOR THEMATIC REASONS IT JUST SEEMS TO BE WORKING OUT THAT WAY, I'll set up another poll on the matter, because then I'll have rolled dice to see who's going to Beacon anyway.
... But, none of this has actually answered my initial question. How are people enjoying the CAT of team CATA?
Creme is my favorite teammate because she seems to be an adorable ball of pure, unfiltered repressed anger.