Same deal; fill out the requirement, get an interlude. Different people will be available at different times of the year.
Group options cost 6 weeks, and do not have guaranteed interludes but give the equivalent of 2 weeks of downtime to each person involved. It's a bargain, maybe!
[] Yang Xiao Long (0/3)- Interlude: Funk Soul Sister
I imagine having an AI prepped to instantaneously provide fact checks and statistical analysis is going to make this a weird class for Teach as the semester goes on
...yes? She's also got Transistor character Royce working for her. And for some reason there's a (possibly) patch of Process floating out in the boiling sea, indicating that Royce may have tried his own hand at making the Process first before we did. Or something. He also recognizes the name Cloudbank solutions. Somehow.
There's two Salems; the canon Witch, and a student from Signal Academy that was randomly named "Salem" because Prok forgot she existed and inadvertently broke the "One-Steve Limit". The most relevance he has to the main plot is that he's dating the daughter of Arthur Watts (No, we don't know what his deal is).
First off, thank you all for your wonderful messages. I'm not going to lie, considering I ended up going a full year and change without any kind of updates or, really, any indication I was still alive, I did expect a touch more admonition, so just skating by with welcomes back is an unexpected positive. I didn'
says. "'The (Remove that apostrophe after the period)
(Missing description of around incident / time)
Since this is made of Lxuin, a: what dust residue, it's basically a either glass or a gel? and b: Luxin dissolves itself totally, right? How does it stain?
[X] "... My brain's healed. We can, test that thing you talked about?" (Start "Funk Soul Sister" now.)
Luxin doesn't break down completely, even when Lumen forces it to. There's a big whiff of whatever scent it has, then a little bit of dust or grit left behind, which eventually decomposes into nothing- sort of like scented glitter.
On the bright side, Jaune's hands smell lovely now- almond and cedar!
If you want more specifics, this is Jaune and Yang taking time to test out how the Transistor feels when fully disconnected from Jaune. She was one of the first people to realise something was off about it in the Initiation, and when you talked to her about that night out you had with Weiss, she mentioned- you know what, gimme a second, I'll go find it-
A minute or so passes in quiet silence, Yang snapping a hand up to shush you when you ask her what's on her mind, before she comes to some conclusion.
"... So… you manage Jaune's Semblance, right?"
"Well, right now, I look at you, and I feel… Jaune. You give off the same, feel as him. I think that's to do with the fact that you're managing his Semblance. When you weren't, I assume you weren't, that's why Jaune collapsed in the middle of the forest with a massive nosebleed, you felt… wrong."
"{... I was severely damaged at the time,"} Blue says, hesitating for the slightest of moments. His tone is thoughtful, slowly comprehending what Yang is saying.
"Exactly! But- did you feel wrong because you were damaged, or because you were disconnected? I couldn't really tell at the time, I, uh, had slightly bigger problems on my mind. But, here, in a more controlled environment…"
Ah. She wants the Transistor to disconnect from you.
"{Absolutely not. I'm not putting Jaune in danger to sate our philosophical curiosity.}"
Yang blinks, surprised at being shut down so quickly.
"Blue, chill. What he means to say," you quickly interject, "is that it's only been a couple of days since I had a major brain bleed. I'd… rather take it easy for a while, at least until that heals."
Yang nods, taking that point in stride.
"Okay, fair. But, you know, once that heals, if you are ready to give that a try… tell me, 'kay? You've got me curious, now."
I imagine having an AI prepped to instantaneously provide fact checks and statistical analysis is going to make this a weird class for Teach as the semester goes on
Well he did manage a little bit of that, obviously- and then people got so angry about things that it didn't really matter who's wrong, it mattered who you sided with. Any kind of resistance, or god forbid, correction, just starts being treated as a direct attack.
… And here's Dove with a Semblance that influences people's emotions so long as they don't know about it, nothing Heartbreaker-y, just enough to throw fuel on what's already there, and all the gleeful schadenfreude that comes with refusing to argue in good faith, as well as his pet blockhead he just likes to wind up and watch go, if only he could focus on things other than someone being named Edwin Mass.
Fun fact- humans cannot actually differentiate between an ideological attack and a physical one. It's all processed the exact same way, and triggers the exact same responses. Bald apes punching other bald apes, all it ever was and is. As far as Creme was concerned, Jaune came at her with a knife- and then she stared him into submission. Then she calmed down enough to realise what she'd done, but by then the panic attack had its grip and he basically ran away from her.
Frankly, that Jaune kept his lunch down was impressive. That Creme kept hers down is an utter miracle.
Different Salem, Salem Sini, one of your classmates from back in Signal, likes long walks on the beach and in a committed now long-ish-distance relationship. Yes I named an entirely unrelated original character Salem. Yes I forgot about the other Salem for like a hot second. Yes, this wasn't actually pointed out until the name was too embedded in the story for me to change.
2017 Prok was not a smart man -
oh god it's been seven years fuck okay I'm nailing that box shut
Anyway, I j- I mean, it's fucking obvious what's won, first unanimous vote in the quest's history, starting Funk Soul Sister tonight.
... Update before (or on) Christmas. That- I'm not, setting myself up for failure right after managing this much. Before the end of the year, and I promise nothing more or less. If I can manage that much, I take the next step. But I'm only promising you the first right now!
Adhoc vote count started by Prok on Nov 18, 2024 at 7:50 PM, finished with 50 posts and 29 votes.
[X] "... My brain's healed. We can, test that thing you talked about?" (Start "Funk Soul Sister" now.)
From what I gather in context, basically! Some belated speculation, since I haven't re-binged the quest THAT recently:
If left alone, it'll eventually break down harmlessly and flush from the system. The PROBLEM that most of Lumen's extended family/clan has is that they are pretty much all addicts to the stuff, because it's really pleasant to use (See: the times Luxin calmed himself down spinning a particular color of luxin to put himself in an excellent mood for the day or helped calm someone else down with a luxin stress ball), and thus tend to mainline it faster than it can naturally be flushed from their systems. It's why he noted some of his clan members have signs of luxin overdose like the whites of their eyes and the undersides of their nails being recolored, if I recall earlier updates. Luxin overdosing is ALSO a problem because it is literally an emotion given solid form and spun back into the user's body, and so once you start ODing on Luxin, you start to get into Memetic Ranma 1/2 Emotional Flavored Ki BLast levels of emotional extremes like happiness, fear, anger, calm, etc and accompanying erratic behavior.
It's also apparently why he and his siblings are living/hiding in Vale with no adult supervision, because unlike most of the clan, which has strong criminal tendencies, Lumen and his sister A: can form pretty much the entire 'spectrum' of luxin AND have a much higher tolerance for luxin build-up before they start to 'overdose'. Given the first adult member of his clan that we run into is an ultraviolent ultra-violet using White Fang assassin who gives zero fucks about collateral damage among allied forces while trying to assassinate Weiss Schnee, he's probably right to be wary.
I imagine having an AI prepped to instantaneously provide fact checks and statistical analysis is going to make this a weird class for Teach as the semester goes on