Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

Voting is open
New Good Seed and Omake Rule Updates
Good Seed and Omake Spreadsheet Rules:

Firstly, if you have questions about Good Seeds and the like please read here. If that doesn't answer your question please ping me in thread, or on Discord.

If you write a new Good Seed, or write an omake, please update the spreadsheet if you have access.

If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

This is mandatory. If a Good Seed does not record their omake by pinging collabs (or just requesting access and editing things themselves - this is the preferred option), I won't give out awards. If a new Good Seed is not recorded here, they won't advance. By doing this it makes the whole thing manageable for me - it's gotten pretty unwieldy!


Omake Writer Instructions:

There are four fields you need to fill out.

Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

Requested Bonus, which is your requested bonus for your omake. You can leave it up to me if you like. You can see more info in the Good Seed infopost here.

Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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Giving Good Seed Authors permissions for the existing unprotected cells and giving Collaborators access to the protected cells as well might be a good idea? Just a suggestion, ofc.

(Mainly because there are some blank spots in the protected cells that I'd like to fill in tbh.)

My main problem is I use a sheet for every turn, so constantly changing permissions for new Good Seeds is finicky.

Maybe collaborators get access, and add spreadsheet details as part of a ping?

I can leave general commenting permission for all if people want to add comments to be copied into the sheet, maybe.
Too many cooks ruin the roast and all that jazz. If people can't be trusted to keep to their squares then a permission based system might be needed.
My main problem is I use a sheet for every turn, so constantly changing permissions for new Good Seeds is finicky.

Maybe collaborators get access, and add spreadsheet details as part of a ping?

I can leave general commenting permission for all if people want to add comments to be copied into the sheet, maybe.
That makes sense. In that case, limiting it to collaborators doesn't sound like a bad idea.

With the new expansion, there should be enough of us that it'd work out, probably.
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At this point with the number rapidly begining to exceed 50 Good Seeds and weird mistakes going on/possible chicanery and shenanigans its probably best to just restrict it to Collaborators and have people tag us for what they want, and/or we ask them if we aren't sure.
There's certainly enough of us for that to work, yeah.

Especially with the Index Threadmark to serve as redundancy in case we need to reference it
Xiao, you crazy monster, next turn if I don't need to get more LSTs, Magnus will forge a regeneration pill for a fellow member of the Thirteen
You could have someone take you. I'm sure there would be a lot of juniors who'd be willing to escort a hero.
That would nice. Please make sure to put him in a large enough flower pot and remember to water him daily :V

I'm going to reorganise things. The Thirteen will come out first, and I'll try and get the spreadsheet fixed up in the meantime. If I miss anyone, rest assured you'll be covered - I'll add extra updates to ensure nobody is missed.

Does anyone have any ideas as to to how this might be fixed?
I think the main problems is that new good seeds have to be added to the sheet by the author which will gradually snowball. Perhaps it would be better for a Collaborator to add the the seed.

As for the other columns, it could be added into the Omakes for the Good Seed? So for example it will be:


Bonus: LST, Cultivation Aim: 11th heavenstage, Goal: Go drink some soup.

For the Good Seeds who just want a good seed in Game, they can add that to the bottom of the Good Seed BG ?
... Make the auction take place at Pleuron? If Xiao Yi cannot go to the auction, the auction will go to Xiao Yi. :V Literally so.
Now that's a thought! Pleuron the City of Trade! The desert City where the MAGIC HAPPENS. Come see our Tree-man
So, to avoid endless adminposting (discussions like these aren't well-suited to SV) I've created a Discord here.

Please PM me with your Discord name if you join and I'll add roles.

edit: The link booted people who went offline sans role. Fixed that, hopefully all should now be well.
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I'm really really grateful for the many offers to give my Good Seed, LST or healing stuff for next turn. So firstly thanks for that everyone! 🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️

But i went into this expecting his death, so there's no need to trade the rare 1 bonus per turn on his behalf. I tried to write Xiao Yi as being devoted to the Clan as a whole, so using that bonus to make each good seed relatively stronger for the Next Trials + the upcoming tribulations will be better for the Clan overall.

I'm not stopping if Xiao Yi dies due to bad rolls in the next few turns. I mentioned to @BungieONI that i was going to make my 2nd Good Seed be his daughter that he didn't knew about, so even with his death i can use it as fuel to motivate her as a legacy to live up to.

It would be interesting to try and write a character that is constantly compared to someone dead. Someone who's legend kept growing in the retelling.
I'm really really grateful for the many offers to give my Good Seed, LST or healing stuff for next turn. So firstly thanks for that everyone! 🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️

But i went into this expecting his death, so there's no need to trade the rare 1 bonus per turn on his behalf. I tried to write Xiao Yi as being devoted to the Clan as a whole, so using that bonus to make each good seed relatively stronger for the Next Trials + the upcoming tribulations will be better for the Clan overall.

I'm not stopping if Xiao Yi dies due to bad rolls in the next few turns. I mentioned to @BungieONI that i was going to make my 2nd Good Seed be his daughter that he didn't knew about, so even with his death i can use it as fuel to motivate her as a legacy to live up to.

It would be interesting to try and write a character that is constantly compared to someone dead. Someone who's legend kept growing in the retelling.
My Good Seed has healing as half of her calling so I'm afraid you're shit out of luck if you're thinking there's any chance at all she won't double down on that for Xiao Yi's sake
(assuming she survives)
(mind this isnt me giving up the Cool Thing per se, it was high time she focused on healing anyway)
Antonius Emmanuel Eleanora 6 - Eleanora x Emmanuel Fin
I had this bit written as part of Emmanuel's omake but didn't put in the final bit. Just added some stuff from Eleanora's viewpoint. This is the last planned omake from their point of view and it's Antonius next. Woo hoo! @ReaderOfFate
Eleanora x Emmanuel Fin
An AEE Omake

Death comes for us all
Make the best of what you have
Fear is a poison

Eleanora POV

Your eyes opened and you awoke from sleep fully aware. As old instincts screamed, you didn't move. You didn't show any sign to show that you had woken up. Then subtly, you followed the flow of qi in your body seeking the source of your discomfort. What had woken you up?

You felt it inside you. Something foreign that had invaded your body. The first thought that came to your mind was poison. It was a subject you had studied and feared and you couldn't quiet the dread building inside you.

Further study showed that it couldn't be a poison. Poison needed to spread through your body but this thing was concentrated in one spot. It was draining you. What was it? A curse? No, a parasite.

You twitched and your hand turned to fists. You grasped soft folds of fabric and suddenly the whole situation seemed absurd. Your mind insisted you should be sleeping in the open desert on hard ground. It screamed that you were near people who could kill you in your sleep but Dage and Snake were long gone. Snake had been dead for decades and by your own hand.

This was the core territory of the Golden Devils - your allies and it was the home of Emmanuel Ambrosius, your dearest friend. The bed was the one you had begun to share after long hours of research made it simpler to stay over. The smell that filled the room was the one you had woken up to for many years.

You opened your eyes and then you sat up. The familiar clutter of the bedroom filled your eyes. You could see the patterns born of the vague truce that had sprung when two people's things were concentrated in a small room that was the only part of the large house that Emmanuel insisted on using.

Yes, this was your home and wasn't that the strangest thought? You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to quiet the panic that had been building inside you. Then you dove back into your body, mind following the flows of qi to understand what happened. Your mind now clear, a suspicion formed. There again was that parasite. It was strange but not unfamiliar. It felt… like… bronze…

The location of the foreign object confirmed your hypothesis and for a moment you were unsure what to think. First you were overcome with annoyance. There were arts to prevent this but apparently they had failed. You wanted to scream in frustration but now that you were alert, you could sense Emmanuel in the kitchens. You didn't want to alarm him yet.

You stood up and for a moment, you let the cold floor distract you. Then you began to pace trying to think through the possibilities and slowly you realized the implications of this new development. As the annoyance faded, the dread returned but of a different sort. It wasn't overpowering but it was constant, present. It coated your every thought.

For a moment, you considered running. You could disappear again. It would be like you were never here in the first place. But then - an ache filled you at that thought. And logically, you didn't think that was feasible anyway.

Your mind leapt from thought to thought as you considered your options, some bad and some not. Finally, your mind returned to running away for the third time and you realised that you were being pulled into the mire of your own thoughts. You took a deep breath and relaxed.

You'd thought about this. That wasn't doing any good. Your senses reached out to Emmanuel who you felt nearby.

You needed to talk to him.

Emmanuel POV

Once of the perks of being an auxiliary was apparently the freedom of setting your own schedule. More often than not she slept past the time you had to leave for your own drills and the major contact you had in the morning was her mumbled goodbye and the exotic meals you had begun preparing for her as you began to cook again.

Today was different. Some time after you entered the kitchen, you sensed her awaken with the alertness that you'd first felt in that battle so long ago. This wasn't a rare phenomenon. She still sometimes woke up and didn't realise where she was.

Usually, she returned to sleep. That wasn't the case today. You could sense her turning something over in her mind. You followed her aura as best as you could but it was suppressed as usual. It worried you but she would come to you if she needed help.

You felt her sit upright and then you felt her pace about in her room. You found yourself cooking a little faster to burn the nervous energy that filled you. By the time she left the room and slowly made her way to you, the food was mostly done and the only thing left was for it to boil.

You stood there as she arrived, hands on the raised stone where your food was prepared. You looked up at her trying to keep your worry from your face. "Eleanora," You asked, before she could say anything. "What's wrong?"

"Emmanuel," You can see her holding back her own worry. Her face glances down for a moment and you follow it till you stare at her hand on her abs. You look at it unsure. "I'm pregnant."

The words make their way through your mind and then your eyes widen as you realise what she means. Several thoughts go through your head as you try to make sense of things. "How?" You manage finally.

"I don't know," She replies, her face filled with an odd vexation. "Arts can fail. They aren't always completely effective."

You sighed and you looked at her. She was annoyed but she was playing it up, trying to keep away other feelings. "Do you have any idea when?"

She walks up next to you and sits on the stone. "I don't know," She told you lightly resting against you. You adjusted so both of you were comfortable. "I just found out."

"How?" You asked her. Did… it? "Did the baby kick or something?" The idea felt absurd. You, a father? You focused on the feeling.

She shook her head. "I can just... feel him," She answered, her hand touching where the baby was.

Him? "Him?" You asked her, surprised. "You can already tell?"

"Yeah, I think so?" She looked up at you and shrugged. "I guess he developed just enough for his blood to express itself but I can feel the bronze inside of him. I can feel him just growing inside me."

Right. That's what you'd been ignoring. Your legs felt weak and you pulled yourself on the stone beside her. "So he has the Blood of Bronze." The one thing you were trying not to think about. "The trials are mere decades away and this time they will be the worse than ever."

You felt her nod. "Isn't there anything we can do?"

You looked at her - a thought worming it's way to your mind. "Do you-" You shook your head. "You've already decided that part, haven't you?"

She looked at you and then she nodded. "I thought about it. Not keeping him or just pushing him over to someone else." She sighed. "He's family."

You nodded. "Okay then." There wasn't anything more to say. "Then we'll have to think about how to do this."

"The Trials," She closed her eyes to think. "Do we have a way to get out of it?"

"No. Not if he cultivates. Not if he has the Blood of Bronze." You told her. You'd never felt it but you knew. It was tied to your blood - to who you were. "Even if he runs away, they will find him."

"So he has to be mortal then," She looks down at the ground. "That's not so bad. We can make sure that he'd be happy."

You close your eyes and try to calculate the years. "We could wait till after the trials. He should still be capable of it and that would give him a good hundred years."

"And we'd weaken him for it," She replied, frowning. "When the trials come back, he'd be slaughtered. We'd simply be sending him to his death."

"So it's a mortal life then or risk a terrible death." You said, taking a moment to close your eyes. So this was what your brothers felt? You open your eyes to look at her. "If he becomes a strong cultivator, perhaps then he could…. ?"

"The heavens aren't so kind to us." Eleanora replied, sighing. She looks you in the eye. "If he is to survive as a cultivator, then he will make that choice with his own will. Whether or not we train him for it."

You nodded. "So be it then. I'll reach out to talk to the mortal branch of my family. They can help us with this. If the day comes when he decides to cultivate… we deal with that then."

"I won't be hunted in the trials," She told you, her voice determined. "I can protect him whatever happens."

You nodded again and then you sat in silence. What else was there to say?

"What shall we name him?" She asked you suddenly. And you looked at her vexed face looking back at you. "It needs to be a good one but I'm rubbish at names."

It only took you a moment of thought. "Antonius," You answered. "It means 'one who has value'."

"Antonius," Eleanora repeated, testing the sound. "I like it."
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Mildgyð Galene 2 - Blood debts
Blood debts 453 words

Mildgyð Galene 2nd omake

I was working on trying to help with Xiao Yi's recovery. Of course I wasn't the only one the clan was offering very enticing rewards to anyone that found a way to enhance or speed the hero's recovery even by a tiny bit, but I would have been working on it even if it was costing me. After all, I am one of the juniors that his selfless actions had saved. Now I am only on the first stages of cultivation, but I was an alchemist long before I became a cultivator and my work with of "first step elixir" had gained me enough credit to be allowed to study a small vial of Xiao's blood so that I might further optimize treatment.

I was going through all the normal tests to see if there were any easy remedies that would be especially effective on Xiao obviously many others with far greater skill and experience than me would have would have already done so, but diligence said that I should check for myself. It was when I did the test for the karma of heaven's favor that I got an odd result. Surely I had made a mistake. This was far too obvious for all the clan healers to have missed.

I double and triple checked and there was no mistake. When I consulted others apparently experienced Golden Devil alchemists don't even bother checking for karma positivity anymore because it is well established that the heavens hate our clan and the results are just depressing. But I had learned my trade before cultivating and joining the clan proper and heavens didn't care about hating the mortals in their territory so I had learned different methods.

Well that made things easy. Once I explained what it was for. It was simplicity itself to get blood donations from people who Xiao's selfless sacrifice had saved. The hardest part was explaining to many of them that I only actually needed a drop each and cutting yourself to the bone didn't actually help. Then I brewed up a "thousand drop blood repayment" elixir which should increase Xiao's recovery time many fold.

Only question now is what am I supposed to do with all these contribution points? It seems terribly gosh to spend them on myself when I had gotten them repaying a personal debt. Also there were far too many of them to spend on myself without wasting them. There had been no expectation that someone my level of cultivation would have managed to help. In the end put together an extra well supplied hospital ward. It isn't as if these trials had left any lack of injuries.

Omake reward: Bonus to Xiao Yi's recovery.
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Your eyes opened and you awoke from sleep fully aware. As old instincts screamed, you didn't move. You didn't show any sign to show that you had woken up. Then subtly, you followed the flow of qi in your body seeking the source of your discomfort. What had woken you up?

You felt it inside you. Something foreign that had invaded your body. The first thought that came to your mind was poison. It was a subject you had studied and feared and you couldn't quiet the dread building inside you.

Further study showed that it couldn't be a poison. Poison needed to spread through your body but this thing was concentrated in one spot. It was draining you. What was it? A curse? No, a parasite.
That was a interesting choice of words. Like i guessed it was pregnancy, but still the first thought being Parasite is pretty defining in terms of how Cultivators treat the world and potential threats.
Yes, this was your home and wasn't that the strangest thought? You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to quiet the panic that had been building inside you. Then you dove back into your body, mind following the flows of qi to understand what happened. Your mind now clear, a suspicion formed. There again was that parasite. It was strange but not unfamiliar. It felt… like… bronze…

The location of the foreign object confirmed your hypothesis and for a moment you were unsure what to think. First you were overcome with annoyance. There were arts to prevent this but apparently they had failed. You wanted to scream in frustration but now that you were alert, you could sense Emmanuel in the kitchens. You didn't want to alarm him yet.
Interesting way of using Cultivation Art as Ultrasound, very nice on how it's so in keeping with what she can do as established in the past omakes.
"How?" You asked her. Did… it? "Did the baby kick or something?" The idea felt absurd. You, a father? You focused on the feeling.

She shook her head. "I can just... feel him," She answered, her hand touching where the baby was.

Him? "Him?" You asked her, surprised. "You can already tell?"

"Yeah, I think so?" She looked up at you and shrugged. "I guess he developed just enough for his blood to express itself but I can feel the bronze inside of him. I can feel him just growing inside me."

Your legs feel weak and you pull yourself on the stone beside her. "So he has the Blood of Bronze." The one thing you were trying not to think about. "The trials are mere decades away and this time they will be the worst ever."
Nice, excellent showing of the perspective of someone sending their kid into almost sure death
"So he has to be mortal then," She looks down at the ground. "That's not so bad. We can make sure that he'd be happy."

You close your eyes and try to calculate the years. "We could wait till after the trials. He should still be capable of it and that would give him a good hundred years."

"And we'd weaken him for it," She replied, frowning. "When the trials come back, he'd be slaughtered. We'd simply be sending him to his death."

"So it's a mortal life then or risk his death." You said, taking a moment to close your eyes. So this was what your brothers felt? You open your eyes to look at her. "If he becomes a strong cultivator, perhaps then he could…. ?"

"The heavens aren't so kind to us." Eleanora replied, sighing. She looks you in the eye. "If he is to survive as a cultivator, he will make that choice with his own will. Whether or not we train him for it."

You nodded. "So be it then. I'll reach out to talk to the mortal branch of my family. They can help us with this. If the day comes when he decides to cultivate… we deal with that then."
Ooh, nice way of showing what could lead someone to give up on the opportunity to cultivate.

I was going through all the normal tests to see if there were any easy remedies that would be especially effective on Xiao obviously many others with far greater skill and experience than me would have would have already done so, but diligence said that I should check for myself. It was when I did the test for the karma of heaven's favor that I got an odd result. Surely I had made a mistake. This was far too obvious for all the clan healers to have missed.

I double and triple checked and there was no mistake. When I consulted others apparently experienced Golden Devil alchemists don't even bother checking for karma positivity anymore because it is well established that the heavens hate our clan and the results are just depressing. But I had learned my trade before cultivating and joining the clan proper and heavens didn't care about hating the mortals in their territory so I had learned different methods.
This is a pretty interesting way to express IC about the Karma changes. I really like how it was discovered because someone went through all the processes instead of skipping it because " the result is known " . That's the exact stuff that leads to new info being discovered, so excellent work!
But i went into this expecting his death, so there's no need to trade the rare 1 bonus per turn on his behalf. I tried to write Xiao Yi as being devoted to the Clan as a whole, so using that bonus to make each good seed relatively stronger for the Next Trials + the upcoming tribulations will be better for the Clan overall.
Ah, but there's the thing: he's devoted to the Clan, and so would it not make sense for the Clan to look after him in return?
Hey quick question. Does the clan border the sea to the south? On the big map it likes like it should but the flipper region and desert maps cut of before the coast.
Hey quick question. Does the clan border the sea to the south? On the big map it likes like it should but the flipper region and desert maps cut of before the coast.
If I remember correct, that bottom deserts connect to another region, but it's so deadly, it drain and kills anyone who tries to enter it
Voting is open