Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Paulus 20

The pursuit of immortality is a sickness of the mind.

It is the prescribed fate of every creation to live and then to die. To complete the tasks set before them in this world and then, when their forms grow weak and their usefulness is expended, to lay down their burdens and commit this world to their descendants. Each and every one of us are the products of this design, this never ending cycle. We must take the burdens and knowledge of those who came before and, through an abundance of youthful energy, reduce the burden as much as we can and add to the knowledge so that those who come next can reduce it even further. This endless evolution is the perfection of life itself reflected in the body and soul of every being, from the smallest cell to the full and cognizant creature.

With this truth borne in hand, the only conclusion we can come to is that Cultivators are a cancer. To consume and grow recklessly beyond the bounds of design could indeed be framed as a natural conclusion to the design itself, but not when such advancements come at the expense of other, healthy beings. Countless lines of progress perish needlessly as the cancer spreads and takes from its neighbours. Entire regions are consumed to fuel just one more step towards that foolhardy goal of simply perpetuating their meaningless existence beyond the limits set out for it from creation.

And for all the destruction brought about by its rampant malignance the Cultivator has the audacity to fail in its pursuit more often than not. Oft the renegade perishes even without outside influence, simply by doing something even more terribly foolish like trying to consume beyond its capacity to digest, consigning all the power it collected to nothingness as they are rent asunder by forces they cannot contain.

Is it any wonder then that the heavens strike against those on the path? Does the body not strike harshly against malign influence in itself? Does a man not cling to the physician's robes, begging for the slightest sliver of hope in excising rot within himself when his own body fails to remove it alone?

To cultivate in itself is to stand against the will of heaven and to cast aside harmony. Any reasonable man would simply lay his head upon the and smite it with another instead of bearing this blight within. Doubly so for those invading from the outside like yourself.

All of this is true. None of it is false.

I come to say to you, so what? So what if heaven cries out as you take more than your due? So what if a few or many suffer for your advancement?

Eat and grow strong.

Consume and grow fat and bloated upon the riches the heavens denied you.

Bathe yourself in offal, drown in a tide of blood, ascend to the heavens on a sea of destruction and step even beyond those heights until none can constrain you.

This is the first step. Take what is before you and eat.



I woke to the taste of blood in my mouth, all of it thankfully mine. It sounded like a strange thing to be thankful for but after the past few days of madness it was something that I was going to be conscious of for a long time. I'd never forget the sensation of my own will being brushed aside like dust. The tide of RED reduced me to an observer in my own body pretty much immediately.

The blood in my mouth is mine.

I coughed and spat on the dusty earth. My body was wrung dry of every drop of qi beyond the absolute minimum needed to keep me going and the sensation was terrible. I felt weak, sore. The inside of my mouth felt like a wasteland, complete with its own collection of wounds and dry cracks. The only thing I could taste was the blood. Hell it was the only thing I could smell, even my skin crawled with the slick, sticky feeling of spilled blood. For a while there had been more of it than air.

A calloused hand grabbed me by the arm and forcibly tugged me to my feet. I couldn't even feel the jolt of panic at the sudden event anymore, whatever fuelled that in my body was as dried up and wrung out as the rest of me. I distantly noted that the person was wearing gravebronze before they dragged me outside. At least it wasn't the Jingshen. A medico must have shown up and gotten a few of us on our feet.

The light was too bright, the sound of my own breathing was too loud, the cuffs were too tight around my wrists. I haven't felt this bad since I was mortal. I clung to the Legionnaire like a lifeline as he frog-marched me through the twisting passageways between buildings before depositing me in an open courtyard. Heat baked me from above and below. The sandstone beneath me had been cooking for who knows how long in the desert heat and between it and the orb of flame high in the sky I was sweating out the last bits of my strength in seconds. I was a cultivator and a fighter too, but without qi the experience quickly became closer to painful than merely unpleasant and a few seconds was all it took for me to decide to try and crawl to a shadier spot. I tried my best to fight through the mindfog and get my beari-

A slab of bloody meat fell in front of me, and suddenly I was as awake as ever.

I sat before a Ludus board - currently repurposed as a normal table - across from a familiar face. Chiseled features, strong jaw, muscles that looked like they had their own squad numbers, and a body riddled with scars from countless battles. Oman Jeru, Squad Captain of the 5th, watched me expressionlessly. His helmet sat on the ground beside him leaving his face uncovered and exposing a myriad of new lacerations across his face and neck. He observed my reaction to the meat quietly for half a minute before shaking his head and chuckling sadly.

"Paulus. You're not looking too hot." He began. His usual booming voice was subdued, pensive. "Though after the last few days I'd be more concerned if you came out smelling like roses."

He gestured towards my chin with a wince. "You've got a bit of blood there."

"It's mine." I rasped.

"Hmm." he mused, trailing off into silence.

I took the chance to take a better look around. We were still in one of the pop-up fortresses; A place built out of nothing in a handful of days by the Legion whenever we needed a place to crash on a campaign. It was just barely large enough to handle a cohort and their required baggage with walls just high enough to stop a non-flier from seeing our defensive positions and thick enough to stop or at least mitigate a surprise bombardment. Nevertheless it had the basic requirements of the Clan and the more popular desirables. Array Pillars, Beast Pens, Prison, and of course boards for Ludus.

We sat before one of the larger 'fixed' boards, in one of the small areas set aside for simple entertainments and martial training. Six more Legionnaires stood at attention around the space, watching me intently with their hands on their spears. They were covered in blood from the days of chaos we'd just left behind and clearly wired to attack at the slightest misstep.

"They're calling it the Blood Mist, you know." Oman continued, drawing my straying attention back to him. " Communications are still a bit out of order but it turns out that our little crisis was much more widespread than a few bases. I'm talking millions fallen to the blood path, and that's just the Devils. It may be even more widespread than that."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I want you to understand your situation, Paulus. The Devils have taken a real blow this time and certain things will be looked at differently." He wiped a hand across his face with a sigh, taking an extra moment to scrape some dried blood from his beard. "You are a capable cultivator, I would not wish to see a bright light such as yourself snuffed out now."

"Is that a threat?"

"Yes." Oman said plainly.

He gestured to the slab of meat on the board between us. It was about the size of my head and was jagged and uneven around the edges. Fresh blood spread out in a pool around it before they slipped into the shallow furrows on the boards surface. It flowed steadily and quickly from the hunk of flesh in a crude mockery of a formation and for a moment I just watched it separate into individual streams and join together at junctions like a perversion of an array system.

"The previous man did not recognize his situation quickly enough and tried something very unwise. These are his remains, or what's left of them at least."

He reached down and slowly, deliberately, tore off a hunk of bloody flesh from the slab and held it up to the light.

Then he popped it in his mouth.

Oman the traitor watched my reaction calmly as he messily chewed, fluids dripping from his lips to run down into his already well stained beard.

"Partake." He demanded.

"Eat shit." I replied.

If he was offended at my retort he didn't show it, instead calmly and slowly finishing what was in his mouth and swallowing. His wounds began to close at a slow but visible rate and it was clear he'd be in top form by the end of his meal. Still, he didn't reach for another piece, instead choosing to watch me closely.

"I thought you would be smarter than this, Paulus."

"And I thought you wouldn't turn at the drop of a hat."

He did frown then, regarding me with a bit more hostility. "My affliction was not exactly by choice, you know that! You know exactly what we had to endure out here."

I only glared at him in reply, and he chuckled.

"Locking yourself up in the cells was a stroke of genius. Perhaps I should start bringing array cuffs with me as well hmm? Well, too little too late now. While you, Centurion, used your last means to secure your own self, the rest of us were not so fortunate."

He gestured to the Legionnaires standing by the walls, and I noticed for the first time how much of that blood on their armour was dripping from their own chins. A young man I knew - used to know - spared me a crimson grin as he watched me digest my situation anew. "Behold the newest crop of cannibals. Converted against their will and abandoned by their Centurion in their time of need. Now their fate is to be cut down by their old friends, or to resist and live another day."

He hefted the slab of meat on the board again and proffered it in my direction.

"All can be forgiven, Centurion. You can lead these young cultivators again and perhaps secure a bit of leniency with a simple act. Eat."

Oman held the offering as patiently as a mountain altar. He held it out at my eye level, completely still between us even as blood and viler things dripped from it and back down to the board. His gaze was fixed on mine, unwavering, betraying nothing of his thoughts as he waited for my decision.

He was about a meter away huh?

I twisted, whipping my legs around from underneath me to slam them into the low stone table. Even without qi reinforcement the stone broke before my legs did, courtesy of my advanced cultivation. Blood splashed upwards, flashing into Oman's eyes as they widened at my actions. He hissed in annoyance and dropped the slab of flesh, reaching for his weapon.

He never was good at adapting in combat.

"You basta-" He roared

I lunged forward, scrambling over the ruin of the Ludus board before diving past him, flicking the chain of my cuffs over his head. His roar got stoppered in his chest as the chain pulled taut against his neck and he scrambled for his weapon. I pressed my feet into his back and forced my hands and his body away with every bit of force I could muster. Even after my ordeal and weak on qi, it must have been a significant amount because something went *crack* and he dropped his retrieved shortsword immediately to reach for the chain instead. It wouldn't be enough. I had him. Come on you son of a-

A kick to my ribs drove the air from me and another from the other side robbed me of what little strength I could muster. Damn too slow. Blows rained down on me and even though I tried to keep choking the man, I was glad when the resistance eventually went slack and I could pull my hands back to protect my head.

"W-wait-" a voice rasped. A few abused ribs finally broke and I just about avoided it penetrating my lungs thanks to the unnatural body transformation from practising the Singing Copper Kettle. A blow landed on my helmetless head and I felt a tooth snap and then shatter.

"STOP!". The blows stopped immediately as a wave of bloody power rolled out from Oman. His cultivation was still weaker than mine by a good margin, somewhere around 8th heavenstage, but it was still higher than it had been before this mess. The growth rate of cannibals was insane.

I peered out from between my fingers at Oman, finding him chewing on some more meat and rubbing at his throat.

"This is what I was talking about." He began, but I got the feeling he wasn't talking to me. "This passion. This drive. We'll need men like him to shield us from Old Gold. Every single one we convert to our cause will give us more bargaining power. Once we get enough, enough to make him really feel the loss, then we can make our case." The traitor Legionnaires shuddered at the mention of the Archegates' Dao Name and stepped away from me, though more than a few regarded me with hatred…or hunger. Oman regarded me with a mixture of anger and wariness, from further away than before I noticed.

"Bravo, Centurion. If it wasn't for those cuffs of yours I'd be dead, though I suppose if you hadn't had them on you couldn't use them as a weapon. Sadly for you that quick thinking of yours has also left you terribly, terribly vulnerable." he continued with a melancholic grin, "I can be patient."

He signalled the legionnaires by the sides and two of them came forward to lift me into a standing position. "Put him back in the cells. Get some of the engineers to work on the arrays. I want him bathing in Blood Mist by sundown."

Calloused hands tore me from the ground again, and pain shot through my body like lightning. None of them were interested in sparing me the torture.

"You should have taken my offer Paulus. My other methods will not be so kind."

I flipped him off.

Paulus 20 - Paulus and the Blood Resistance Part 1

Wordcount: 2582 words

This isn't actually what I'd planned to put out next but a lot of time has passed and needs must. These are basically the events following the Blood Mist and leading up to Paulus' Turn 13 fate. I hope to write up the rest of them soon (should be around two more) and actually complete one of my man's arcs again.

I have no idea where I was in my plans but LST never fails so.

Omake Reward: LST
Mission: Turtlebone Mountain Mine

@no. @ReaderOfFate
Last edited:
Paulus 21 - Paulus and the Blood Resistance Part 2
Paulus 21 - Paulus and the Blood Resistance Part 2

As a clan, the Golden Devils were pretty good at a lot of things.There were enough people in our lands that it wouldn't really be hard to find someone with the skills we needed when we wanted it, with the only real unknown being their cultivation. We had countless fighters, musicians, artists, hell we even had sailors and 99% of this place was desert.

But the thing we were best at, the thing that was the backbone of our strength, was making things work together.

It was a sad fact of cultivation that those in higher realms were basically untouchable to those in lower realms. Foundation crushed qi condensation, Core crushed Foundation, and Nascent Souls were the unstoppable old devils that did whatever they wanted out here, only remotely counterable by another Nascent. If you piled on the numbers and really ignored life and death then you could cross the boundaries on a good day.

Some people were just untouchable no matter how much chaff you piled up, but your average Foundation level Cultivator? If you gathered 80 of your best guys in the lower realms and had them work together they could maybe make it out of an encounter without injury, 100 could swing a kill if they were really lucky.

The Clan? We could do it with twenty.

Formations, Arrays, stone cold Discipline, our skill with just Stacking up Pebbles to Tower Over Mountains was unmatched in the rest of the sea as far as I could tell. For the most part that filled me with pride but right now it was being a real pain in my butt.

I cracked open my eyes and peered through the red haze that surrounded me. It had been three days since I first spoke to Oman and he'd made good on his threat to force me to bathe in Blood Mist. An Array Engineer was kneeling by the front of my cell, adjusting the prison array that kept me bound and refilling their insidious little add-on.

A dizzying web of glowing lines slowly dismantled a pile of spirit stones, bones, flesh, and other things I didn't want to think about, and transformed the mass of qi before feeding it into my cell in the form of Mist. It soaked my robes and dampened my flesh, it tainted my every breath and slowly, ever so slowly stained me. Thankfully it wasn't the real thing. This mist didn't have the sheer potency of that first wave that effortlessly brushed aside my will. This was a bare remnant, the memory of a sensation gathered together by inept hands and woven into something desperately trying to match its predecessor but ultimately falling short.

Still, it was effective.

"They haven't turned you yet?" I whispered.

The engineer jolted in place and looked up at me with trepidation. He looked to the left and right, satisfying himself that we were alone before exhaling nervously and running a hand through his hair. "Please don't talk to me, Centurion. They won't like it if they find out we spoke."

An engineer like him was rarely ever the one with the highest cultivation in a Legion, and he'd easily be forced by anyone now that things had gone south. If the traitors didn't want him talking to me, they could easily mete out any punishment they wanted to discourage him. Naturally I couldn't give a shit about what Oman would or wouldn't like.

"What's your name?"

The engineer stiffened and risked another glance around before putting a hand over his chest and muttering a few hushed expletives. I waited calmly for him to gather himself and speak.

"Servus, Centurion. I am Servus." he replied after a few more seconds of calming himself down. "Now please, you're putting us both in danger."

"Why haven't they turned you?" I continued.

He seemed to have expected it this time so I didn't end up having to wait for him to calm down again.

"The arrays here are keyed to the Bronze Blood. I convinced him that if he forced me to change over that he may end up completely locked out," He muttered hurriedly, turning back to the prison array, "Cannibal strength wouldn't do anything to help an Engineer. I'd have to start from scratch and learn how to apply Blood Qi to everything instead."

He worked quickly as I digested that, hurrying to finish before I could open my mouth again.

"You don't have to do this."

He stopped, a grimace overcoming his features.

"I wouldn't have to, if you had protected us." He growled. He connected the last pair of glowing nodes together and rose quickly to his feet before storming out, expression thunderous.


I was one of the strongest people on this expedition, being one of the few Centurions spared, and I couldn't do shit against the Blood Mist. I'd locked myself up with the last dregs of my will not just to ride out the influence but to keep myself from acting. I have no idea what happened to my fellow Centurions or how many people survived the Mist, but It wasn't arrogance to me to think that even less would be alive if I hadn't done what I did.

I protected them as best I could. I had to keep thinking that. Any mental weakness would be an open door for the mist to take hold, and I couldn't have that.

I kept my breaths as shallow as I could as I sunk back into meditation, just enough to stay conscious and keep myself above permanent damage, but without access to the eagle's share of my qi I couldn't muster a true defence. In my mind's eye I saw the mist floating on the disturbance caused by my breath and diving into my lungs. The work I'd begun on the Singing Copper Kettle technique both fought and aided it, the enhanced metal element working both to gather the mist and keep it contained, but the technique was unmastered. My passive defences were not enough without some conscious manipulation to back them up.

The blood essence wormed its way through in threads and slivers to stain my helpless meridians, slowly but surely forcing a change on me. As far as I knew you couldn't really be forced into the blood path, but something like this wouldn't be simple to reverse or push through. The Mist, the real thing not this wire and knot job, was potent enough that I'd believe it was an exception to the rule and I didn't want to test its shadow either.

Still, even locked in here with my qi sealed by array cuffs, I had a few tricks up my sleeve to help me get by.

The First Pillar of Weakness: Yielding

The first pillar of my way was the one that came easiest to me. I'd been doing it all my life in one way or another. There was give and take in everything and even brash cultivators that defied the heavens weren't immune to it. Some realised this, even accepted it, but I'd noticed that few people actually followed the money.

When most people thought of yielding they thought of a defeated opponent accepting reality, of a person outclassed, outmanoeuvred, and outmatched by whatever they were facing. That much was true. But it was also the general avoiding a battle on unfavourable terrain to find a better location, the revolutionary who bowed to the corrupt magistrate until it was time to strike, the endless sands that gave way to my every step but had buried countless fools, or the street rat leaving behind the city of his birth to seek a better life elsewhere.

It was me.

I was weak.

And the first lesson is how to yield.

The array cuffs thrummed as I sunk into my Dao, but they weren't meant to handle something like this. The simple bindings were meant to stop someone from properly cycling their qi not to keep them from their Dao, and so I was unimpeded as I sank, changed, and remained who I was the entire time.

Now as the tendrils of blood essence wrapped around my qi, it simply slipped away like an oil covered stone. My very being slipped, flipped, rolled, and slid in a way that was distinctly uncomfortable as the essence tried and failed to latch on and change it. The process actually ended up causing me to cycle excruciatingly slowly as the process of chase and retreat continued but I couldn't spare any attention to puzzle that out into a significant thing.

The process was working, weakness was buying me time, but it wasn't perfect. I'd turned a process of days to one of weeks, maybe even months if they didn't adapt to me as I thought they would, but that was all my weakness could do in the end; Buy Time. I just had to hope it was enough.


It was days later when I opened my eyes again. Seeking true Weakness was taking almost everything I had and every second of distraction now was minutes of time I'd lose in the future, but I couldn't afford to cut myself off completely in hostile territory.

I was no longer alone; Several Legionnares in simple robes were laid out in the room with me, seemingly unconscious. I recognized only one of them from my Century, the rest must have been from the other Centurions. With my qi sealed as it was and my ongoing internal war besides I couldn't figure out how strong or weak they might be but Oman must have a reason to add them to the room instead of just forcing them to eat.

The array…I suppose it wouldn't only be useful against me. With it he'd be able to force more conversions instead of simply killing those who refused and weren't 'valuable' to him like myself. I wracked my brain for hours to try and come up with something, but my hands were quite literally bound. I just had to hope they could fend for themselves.


I opened my eyes to the sound of growling. How much time has it been. Days? A week? There were new faces among us and some of the old faces were gone. I didn't want to think about what might have happened to them.

The other Legionnaires had been chained to the walls at some point and one of them was straining against them with a determined look on his face. Bloody foam bubbled up at the corners of his mouth and his wrists were rubbed raw from pulling against his shackles. He fought desperately, filled with maddened strength for his one desire. He pulled, tugged, scrabbled at the floor in an effort to escape, gain one more inch to his freedom.

…If he'd meant to leave I'd have helped him, but his bloodshot gaze was locked on one of the still unconscious Legionnaires chained on the other side of the room. Those closest to him watched him warily with intent to defend themselves and he'd probably break his teeth trying to chow down on me, so he aimed for the most vulnerable.

I rose with a smooth motion. Unlike them my physical body was enough to break most of the chains the Legion would have had ready, the only thing really keeping me here were these cuffs and the untold number of enemies outside. I reached the madman in three short steps, and it was a testament to just how far gone he was that he took absolutely no notice of my approach until I placed my bound hands on either side of his head. In the last moment his rheumy eyes flicked to mine, filled with terror and dawning comprehension.

Bronze muscles forged by decades of dedicated Reflected Purities use and bolstered by the early stages of Singing Copper Kettle flexed and crushed his skull like an overripe gourd, qi reinforcement or not. I sighed and retook my seat.

That little manoeuvre had cost me relative days of effort against the Blood Mist. Old Gold was really dragging his heels.


Two weeks in the drain. The corruption was well and truly set now, nothing like the comparatively fleeting stain that came before. Even if I was freed right this second I would have to spend…decades maybe working this thing out of my system. I'd say it was only a fifth or so complete but that was enough to cause me serious problems. Waiting wasn't doing me any favors, I had to act.

My eyes flicked open.

My roommates had changed again, and the corpse of the first to fall had been removed, one way or another. The mist was thicker than ever and a glance to the front of the jail showed a trio of array engineers working on tuning up the addition. They were haggard and clearly had not been eating or sleeping, but they were alive and unchanged. Good.

My fellow prisoners were not quite so lucky. Several of the poor souls chained in here showed the classic signs of blood path. They watched each other with clear yearning but none of them made a move from their positions. I shifted slightly and all of their gazes snapped to me like frightened Jaldeer spotting a Flesh Render in the distance. Looks like my lesson took root. Good.

With that settled I could finally take a look at the ones that hadn't turned. Five others, three I knew and one I was surprised to see. Rosetta Stone, Squad Captain of the 8th was chained across the room from me looking none the worse for wear, barring the obvious.

"Hey you, you're finally awake." she slurred drunkenly. Damn not quite as unscathed as I hoped.

"I was meditating." I murmured. I'd expected my unused voice to crack and rasp, but the mist I was holding in my lungs kept the entire thing nourished.

"Quite deeply, I take it." she replied with a deep chuckle. "I've waited a week for you to surface for air."

A week was a lot of time to resist based on the change of my cellmates. My mind tried to spin up and think about it but the moment I did the mist leapt to attention and I was forced to sink back into my Dao. Couldn't spend the energy to figure it out myself, so I did the next best thing.


She pulled one hand up dreamily and beckoned me with a curled finger. "Come closer."

I began to reconsider just how turned Rosetta might really be. While I considered myself somewhat of an expert at spotting blood path by now, there were plenty of more subtle changes that could come first and hide a transformation for years. I used all my limited capacity to ponder her angle and prepare as I strode over, coming to a stop within an arm's length away but no further as I braced for some treachery-

"Disrobe me." She demanded dreamily.

My mind juttered to a halt and then all thoughts of Weakness blew away as I broke the limit to contemplate that maybe, maybe, I hadn't heard of all the ways that blood path cravings could manifest and going over all the demands for my flesh from past foes for hidden innuendo.

Rosetta must have noticed because she rolled her eyes - at me - and smiled. "Hurry it up Paulus. If I could I'd do it myself. We don't have much time."

Her follow up statement did nothing to assuage my worries that I'd just tripped into a magical realm but out of respect for my old…friend? Colleague? Drinking buddy? I shut up that part of my mind and pulled up the simple blouse that used to be just part of her under armour.

Ah, she's pierced.

A lot actually.

An array of silvery, one-inch long spikes covered her torso in a wide band, undulating and waving from front to back in a deliberate design. With a start I realised I was looking at an actual array and flicked my eyes back to her mischievous one, all thoughts of weird innuendo gone. Well, mostly gone.

"My cultivation art is a bit different." She slurred by way of explanation, still sounding very pleased with herself. "Compatible with the Blood, thankfully, but I must rely on gathering spiritual metals of increasing purity and potency to advance."

She twisted as much as she could in a shocking (and slightly disorienting) show of flexibility to show me the back and continued. "The formation provides some benefits, such as spiritual insulation and catching the eye of silly Centurions. It's called-"

"The Nine Hundred Hammers Array. An array involving nine layers of enhanced metal nails with one hundred nails required for each layer, its aim to raise the qi concentration of a base ingot all the way to foundation grade for use in forges, not for human cultivators."

We both turned and saw one the array engineer that had spoken looking at Rosetta in disbelief, his tools hanging limply in his hands. She shrugged, another impressive feat given how contorted and bound she currently was.

"Bronze is a metal." She said as if that explained everything, and sadly it kind of did. "Sadly I have not yet been able to get the last two layers done. The ingredients are expensive and the process…somewhat painful."

"Woman! You are driving nails into your spiritual superstrate! Of course it would be painful, how are you not dead!" The engineer hissed.

She dismissed his query with rolled eyes and continued to focus on me. "I was thinking…I could pass it on to you. The array is slowing the process on me, but you seem to be doing well enough even without it. Perhaps with it you could gain some immunity…" She trailed off as my mildly bewildered look turned to a dark frown. I belatedly dropped her blouse back to its resting position.

"You're asking me to kill you?" It was a mild exaggeration, but if her cultivation was tied up in these spikes - nails - like she implied then just sharing them would probably damage her. Enough and the entire thing would collapse and collapsed cultivation was a quick trip to dust if the cultivator was over their mortal lifespan, which I knew Rosetta was. With a cultivator's body and a small enough lifespan gap they might survive long enough to start cultivating again, but we both knew that was basically pure chance.

"Well if the alternative is both of us turning…" She slurred again with a shrug.

I sighed and walked back over to my spot, sitting heavily as I tuned out the rest of what she was saying. I wouldn't lie and say I wasn't tempted by the possible immunity it would grant together with my Dao, but the cost was beyond my ability to stomach.

A voice in the back of my head said I'd be having that conversation again if she turned, and I couldn't find an argument to refute it.


I'd lost about a third of my foundation to the mist by partway through the second week. Between the break in my focus when I was arguing with Rosetta and two more time I'd had to squash some maddened Ex-Legionnaires, I'd lost a lot of the ground I could have kept with full concentration. Keeping out the mist wasn't a real option anymore, I'd lost enough territory that I couldn't stop Blood from calling to Blood, and the pace was increasing every minute despite my efforts.

With keep away dead, it was time to step my efforts up.

"The Second Pillar of Weakness: Enveloping"

Even the weak had methods they used to fight. I used them extensively on my time on the street, in Ludus, and even in my brief time as a Centurion.

Enveloping was the slow, insidious creeping around the advance of the enemy.

It was the cavalry that surged up the flanks and swept around to crash against the enemy's back.

It was the plans two steps ahead of your enemy that stopped their victory dead.

It was the mist that swept off the ocean and wrapped you in darkness and confusion.

It was the quicksand that held you only more tightly the more you struggled.

The battlefield changed and the blood essence surged with glee at the sudden opening in the gap of my qi. I waited as one of my meridians filled completely before suddenly closing the gap and cutting the invading essence away from the greater whole. The separated essence went wild and raged around inside me but found itself slipping and sliding away from once again yielding foundation without the ability to force it with sheer quantity. I watched for a moment as the essence writhed and twisted fruitlessly before sighing in relief and drawing more essence into traps.

I lost ground in large chunks, but the essence having to build up to critical mass to start making headway against me meant that I was actually losing ground slower than before in the long run. The sensation was distinctly unpleasant but this method had once again turned days till total failure to weeks and bought me more time.

Still, it wouldn't be enough to just wait. I had no idea what was going on with the greater clan but I was beginning to believe nobody would be coming to look for us for some time. If Oman kept a tight lid on the situation they might even believe we had a total wipeout. Legions that responded after the crisis would be prioritised more than ones that simply went dark.

I could no longer depend on Old Gold coming to our rescue. I needed to get those array engineers on my side as quickly as possible.


They surprised me by approaching me first. At the end of the third week the array engineers snuck into the cells to meet me. Well, one of them did. He was drenched in blood and worked the unlocking array unsteadily as he tried to get inside. I wondered at what price they paid to make this meeting happen, but I wasn't about to waste time asking. The engineer, Servus, knelt before me silently and nodded when he saw me aware before producing a jade slip from his sleeves, the key to my cuffs.

"If you free me now I'm not sure I'll be able to stop the conversion." I murmured quietly, and he hesitated.

"We…have a solution." He replied, glancing behind him. I saw Rosetta was awake too, watching us with something just short of lucidity. She'd held out far longer than the rest, but with her lower cultivation it was only a matter of time, and her time was running short.

"No." I refused.

"Wait. It won't require everything. We - my fellow engineers - we've been studying the Mist and the few records we have of Captain Stone's cultivation method, at her behest and with her assistance."

I locked eyes with Rosetta and she shrugged. Seeing me say nothing the Engineer continued.

"We've come up with a way for you to expel the blood qi. We call it the Seven Strikes Array. Dangerous, painful, with exacting and difficult requirements, but if everything goes well it should even boost the force of your blows for a time as you forcibly burn the contaminants."

Dangerous and painful were a normal part of cultivator vocabulary as far as I was concerned, so if he was making a note of it it must have been something truly out of the ordinary. Still, the risk to Rosetta - someone who might otherwise make it out of this with minimum issues - was high, and I was close to just forgoing taking her nails for the array and just trying to balance things on my own when she spoke up.

"I'll do it if you won't." She sighed. And shit, wasn't that a winning argument.

"Fine. Do it." I bit out. Servus sprung into action immediately, snapping Rosetta's chains with a single use jade slip and dragging her closer to me for the operation. As the pain started and he began driving the literal nails into my body and spirit, I comforted myself by thinking about what I'd get up to in the next few minutes.

Oman wouldn't know what hit him.

Wordcount: 4068

Not fully satisfied, but finished. We take those.
I aim to do Part 3, the final part, tomorrow. Hopefully that works out.

Lots of introspection and one of the first looks at Paulus' Dao in action. I'd written other intros to this months ago but never finished the passages to my satisfaction. I'll likely release those later with some polish but I'm glad to have gotten the demonstrations out, as conceptual as they were in this release.

In Part 3 we'll definitely see at least one of them in use in battle so look out for that.
Thanks for reading.

@no. @ReaderOfFate
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Paulus 23 - Paulus and the Blood Resistance Part 3
OMAKE 22 Paulus and the Blood Resistance Part 3

Oman Jeru

My breakthrough is complete. Bloody power surges through my veins, pools in my heart, and floods my dantian. Power sloshes around within me like wine in a sloppy man's cup, a consequence of the array assisted breakthrough the Array Engineers told me to expect. Over the coming days and weeks this essence will fully suffuse my prior foundation and secure my strength but for now it flows fluidly through my system at my slightest whim, and overflows with my slightest inattention.

Still, it is somewhat intoxicating. The speed of cultivation on this path is…miraculous. As unfortunate as the Mist was, I can still make something of it. Of myself.

I favour the Engineers with a pleased look and dismiss the Legionnaires holding spears at their necks with a flick of my fingers. These makers of arrays had been staying my hand with whispers of trouble should the remnants of this army be completely converted. Warnings of countermeasures built into the clan's normal procedure, traps and self-destructing security arrays that have been in use since Old Cannibal's time. With my breakthrough complete, I had no more to fear of such things.

"It is as you said it would be. A successful breakthrough. For this I will grant you a wish, as promised. Anything you desire will be yours if it is within my power to grant you. I am not an unreasonable man." I inject as much gravitas as I can into my speech, mindful of the eyes watching my every move for weakness. Leadership is a part of me that has not changed even as everything else about me has shifted. It serves me well here, corralling these beasts into something noteworthy. Perhaps enough to stay the Archegete's hand.

"I was told one of your number was injured during the creation of the array to support my breakthrough." I continue, "Do you wish him healed? I can devote enough of the remaining healing treasures to return him to full health no matter the ailment." A claim not made lightly, though it is a gesture that could turn out to be quite expensive if the wound is grave enough. Still, the Legions walked with more than enough to service a single qi condensation disciple.

The two Array Engineers - no, Masters I will call them, we are no longer the Clan - bow before me, pressing their heads to the sand before one of them speaks in reply. "We wish only to be allowed to return to the Clan."

I grimace, the answer was one I hoped them wiser than to utter. Still one cannot fault the salmon for struggling on the hook. I open my mouth to reject them and grant them something else when a surge of bloody power interrupts me and turns every eye to the south of the camp. The prisons.

"I will deal with you later. It seems our former Centurion has finally ceased his struggles and joined the fold. Take them away." The last I direct at the spearmen standing by their sides. The two Array Masters are dragged away and I focus for a moment, drawing Leadership around me like a cloak. A tug on invisible lines draws the attention of every convert in the camp to me and my presence reminds them of their duties even as it bears my words to them regardless of distance.

"Assemble. The former Centurion may not be so reasonable upon his escape. Let us remind him who he is dealing with."

The walls of the prison explode outwards in spectacular fashion and a blur of ruddy Bronze flesh and bloody light lands in the plaza outside, crouching in the dust of its impact. Paulus rises to his feet with fully Bronzed flesh gleaming in the moonlight. Seven pinpoints of bloody light gleam on his chest, surging in time with his heartbeat and casting a diffuse glow through the dust and grit.

I give it a seven out of ten.

"Paulus!" I call out, "I trust that you see there is no further need for fighting? We are two paddlers in the same boat now and only together will we outlast the storm. Will you sup with me, brother?"

The cratering earth is my only response as Paulus leaps forwards in a flash of bronze light, fist raised to strike.


I pull the cloak of Leadership tighter around me, letting the strength of my subordinates become my own. The world fades away in an instant, replaced by the altered sight of Loyalty. Hundreds of smouldering flames burn behind me, with a few bright spots of golden light standing out from the crowd of converts. None of them remotely match my old squad's roaring flames of commitment but I will make due. Sparks leap from those flames, the barest sliver of each of my subordinates' strengths tithed to me and I feel it bolster my new foundation to higher heights.

I may be new to my Foundation but Paulus has been imprisoned while I am fresh. His qi is weak and his control should be pitiful thanks to recent conversion. With this in mind and with the man bereft of all his collected equipment and treasures, I am his match. I leap in turn and cock my fist back, ready to meet him in transit -


I come back to myself with my back buried three feet into the earth. I've lost barely an instant but that instant is well and truly lost. I have no idea what happened. Old instincts fill me as I quickly locate the still approaching Paulus, our clash only slowing him.

"Give me Hoplite, now!" I roar, something feels loose in my mouth.

The four spearmen closest to me, the brightest flames, leap into action as soon as I command and the shadowy form of the Hoplite slinks into being in a bare second, giving us enough time to raise the shield before the Centurion arrives. None of them are Foundation like myself, but they are close. With my own success behind me they are the prime candidates for ascension and this promise of strength bolsters their Loyalty to me, feeding further into my Leadership. It is the only thing that allows me to see what happens.

His fist impacts the shield and throws it backwards nearly out of our control, but only nearly. We could have resisted and continued fighting but in the very same instant the stars on his chest shine with bloody light and a wave of RED flickers from the stars and down his arms at the speed of thought, causing one of the lights to gutter out. A torrent of blood qi bursts out in a secondary strike and fully disrupts the formation. The bloody stream engulfs a subordinate and strips him to bone in an instant. Ah, the feedback.


This time when I return to consciousness I am buried in the debris of some destroyed building, the flickers of a failed formation still burning through my channels. Bloody qi leaps at my command and smothers the disruption with force, allowing me to rise to my feet. Several broken bones, deflated lung, one eye non-functional. Already the blood begins to knit my wounds back together, this miraculous power reducing the expensive work of months to mere minutes of my own labour. Still, minutes in a fight are an eternity. I must locate Paulus.

I leap to the peak of a still intact building and look out over the ruined fortress. Paulus is out there, rushing through the streets with the speed of a Foundation Building cultivator, one with greater cultivation than my own. How is this possible? He shouldn't be able to call on this much strength with his conversion fresh and as of yesterday he was still unconverted. Could his adaptation time be faster? Something about his dao? I need information.

Paulus blurs through the street, steam pouring from his mouth and legs pumping like an engine of war. Qi Condensation juniors perish by the handful as he surges past them, the power of his physical body more than enough to crush someone a full great realm below. He crashes bodily through a building and leaps through the roof to grasp an archer by the throat and uses the poor lad as a missile to bowl over a group of desperately assembling reinforcements. He leaps, destroying what is left of the building underfoot and approaches a Hoplite with twenty juniors strong. This is it.


I follow him several streets over and get a good look as he slams a fist into the gleaming bronze shield and repeats his trick. A flash of bloody light and it's over, each of the disciples reduced to mere offal in that single blow before he continues his rampage.

But I saw. I confirmed it.

Leadership draws the remnant of my inner circle to me, only a pair remain. "He can't do that forever. The lights on his chest must be some form of array, I predict it has only seven charges he can use to boost his strength. He must have been gathering them all this time, once they are done he will be powerless."

They nod in acknowledgement and I wordlessly dismiss them to gather reinforcements. Trustworthy subordinates with some power.

Paulus continues his rampage as I watch, he's down to two glowing stars on his chest now and is using the Bloody Light sparingly. Less than a hundred converts left. I need to force his hand. Leadership bears my words to my subordinates and I raise a hand to draw their eyes. The words command them and the hand inspires. "Form Kataphraktoi! Match his speed!"

My dao infuses my words and breaks through their panic and moments later a dozen of the mighty horse formations spring up among the decimated converts. They sprint away from the Centurion as directed by my dao and wheel around the battlefield picking up stragglers. He surges after them, his speed boosted by cultivation and art causing him to catch one of them near instantly and shattering their formation with another surge of bloody light. But he cannot catch all of them.

The great warriors on the back of the shadowy horses draw arrows from the ether and set them to gleaming bronze bows before loosing the shafts at the Centurion. The first staggers him, the second knocks him off his feet, the third sends him tumbling across the earth and so does the fourth, the fifth, the sixth. One of the groups becomes overconfident and charges to meet his tumbling form, lance pointed at his heart. As soon as they draw into range the Centurion, still tumbling, swings a bronzed fist at the formation and the torrent of bloody light erases the formation and its creators from existence.

No matter. He is out of charges and out of time. My subordinates return to me with one partner each, bringing our group back to five. I smile in anticipation.

"He is out of charges. Follow me and subdue him. Hoplite on arrival."

We leap forward, closing the distance with qi reinforced strength just in time for the Centurion to awkwardly spin around an arrow of spirit bronze and tilt to his feet. I step forward and he inhales-



My foot impacts the earth with the jarring sensation of having missed it, of my stride impacting a beat after I expected. I've not experienced something like this since I was mortal, the confusing instant of a missed step. I shake it off, refocus my wandering eye on Paulus and stop. A star glows brightly on his chest.

"Hoplite, now!" I bellow.

I am saved from a repeat of my earlier performance by what feels like chance, as he swings his fist not at my arriving group but at one of the distant Kataphrakoti. He is nowhere near, even the most generous measure puts him dozens of metres away from the nearest opponent, but the bloody light extends from his fist and washes the target away all the same like a waterfall crashing down. Another group of disciples have been eradicated and not even my Leadership can pull the rest into continued combat. The weaker willed amongst them were the first to convert and I cannot rely on the Legion's legendary discipline to live in them all. Damn them.

A demonstration is needed. He has no further stars now, whatever trick he used to regain one should be limited. The Hoplite forms around me and we step forward. Paulus inhales-

The world loses cohesion around me. My feet are still on solid ground. Everything is as it was but for a moment I feel it, the sickening sensation of weightlessness. Of myself falling freely into a deep pit. It cuts out as soon as it begins and once again leaves me with the sensation of a missed step, but the flip flop of vertigo still lingers in my stomach.

What was that? There was no pull, no great force that compelled my action. Simply an…emptiness that I could no more avoid than a boulder could roll uphill. It was as if he…simply became lesser than his surroundings and naturally everything flowed towards him, for good or ill. Bloody qi flowed into him from the surroundings as naturally as the sun rose in the day, even the froth of my recent breakthrough dribbled over the lip of my recent foundation and dripped and drabbed in his direction.

Light flowed down his throat and flashed out to the rest of his body before spiralling back towards his chest like water flowing downhill until it was caught in the array of …nails? driven into his sternum. The array surged with bloody light for a moment before pulling the stolen qi inexorably deeper. A star ignited on his chest.


I was mistaken, he had not been converted. The surge must have been from this array concentrating his corruption. I was not fighting a Foundation Building expert burdened and weak from the change in his cultivation, but one freed to use his strength. Strength that admittedly eclipsed what I could muster from my freshly completed breakthrough. I could not even depend on his imprisonment weakening him. This array, this stupid array must have pulled the majority share of the Corruptor Mist into his use. He was fed and fat on our own efforts and the longer we fought the worse this would get.

Retreat is no option. The eagle will not answer my call. We must win.

Leadership reaches once again for my remaining subjects but subtlety is cast aside as I pull on everything I can muster from the cowards and thread it through my cloak of power. Hoplite fades around me as those unfortunate enough to be directly connected are forced to give me all they have before the formation breaks. They would never forgive me for this, but that is fine, I will find more subordinates.

I leap at him and he turns to face me, recognizing the threat. A fist cloaked in golden light meets one wreathed in a bloody glow.


Qi clashes with qi. The bloody glow is more powerful, bolstered by his greater cultivation, but my light is fueled by the unwitting tribute of my lessers and continues for more than his single instant. I'm blown backwards, but I persevere. I'm sent sliding but my wrath continues. I stand firm and radiance bowls him over. Paulus tumbles into and through one of the remaining walls.

I cannot let him regain his pace. I pursue, trailing golden light flecked with bloody flecks. He rises to meet me, barely bringing up his guard. Bronze smacks against Bronze and my golden Conquest carves deep gouges into his chest. He winces and returns a straight blow that leaves a persistent dent above my heart. Fresh blood spills from my lips but there is no turning back.

We continue.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Paulus." I roar, stepping around a grasping arm to sink golden claws into his waist. "Can't you see why I'm doing this! The clan will not suffer the converts without being made to!"

"You're insane." He growls, stepping on my lead foot and driving it into the earth with a vicious stomp. "You think corrupting these Legionnaires will win you any favours?" The leg is trapped, I cannot spare the attention to free it. I must win.

"I had to bring us together!" I counter, sacrificing my left hand to drive golden bone deep through his Bronzed fists, a trade. "The mists were a tragedy, Paulus. Good men and women turned without ever making that choice!" Leadership cloaks me and protects me from the worst of the next blow, but my control gutters out with the strike and so does my light. I can still speak.

"If we all stand together then Old Gold will have no choice but to spare us!" I choke out, gritting my teeth against the backlash of having my manifested Dao shattered. The technique is advanced, more advanced than I could have ever managed without the ring to help me. But it doesn't matter now. Without it I'm dead.

Paulus continues his assault without pause.

"You corrupt his people and still want to lean on his mercy?" A blow shatters my jaw.

"You eat good people and say you're trying to save them?" My last good rib breaks.




His last blow activates it, the barrier of qi springing up from my lifesaving treasure taking the blow and standing firm. Paulus glares at the barrier in recognition, it's one of his. I didn't even realise. A soft chuckle leaves my lips.

"I didn't choose this life." I whisper, my broken body still able to support me in this much. "But I will live it. I refuse to die. Goodbye Paulus." The treasure will wisk me away from here in moments, its speed should be far beyond the ability of a Foundation Building expert to pursue. Even one as paradoxically quick as Paulus. I settle back and close my eyes as I feel the motion begin, qi lifting me into the sky-

I fall.

My eyes flash open as the sensation of freefall overtakes me, deeper and longer than before. The world is replaced by a blackened pit where all falls towards a single point of angry Bronze. My treasure falters.

The effect ends and I once again feel the sensation of lift, my body leaving the e-

I'm falling once again, deeper, darker. The lip of the world flees my sight and I fall into his embrace. A hand slips past the barrier as an invited guest, fingers wrapped around the little symbol of a boat hanging around my neck as gently as a lover.

Ah, this isn't fair.

The world returns and the treasure strains and then gutters out as the rightful owner reclaims it. I strike out with a sharp bone, an arm reduced to near nothing. It shatters against the Bronze flesh and rewards me with only blinding flashes of pain. The treasure sinks to the earth and the barrier winks out. A bloody star burns brightly on Paulus's chest and for all he is shorter he still towers over me now like an avenging demon.

Bloody light surges.

Wordcount: 3231

Cultivator combat with very Dao tinted exchanges. I thought I'd write from Oman's perspective to showcase some of Paulus's stuff from the outside. Oman is very advanced in his understanding of his Dao thanks to his own fortunate encounters and just needed his cultivation to catch up, but now he'll never get that chance.

Edit: Paulus's thing here is a slight twist on the Seven Strikes array from his last fate. While I assume the difficulty in using it was supposed to be in setting it up at a location to favor him, im slightly reworking that into it essentially requiring a qi rich environment to prime it before use with Paulus cheating it a bit thanks to synergy with his Dao.

I am at least happy I got to show some of what Paulus' Dao in combat looks like, Weakness was a real brain bender to start with but I'm happy with how its turning out even if this wasn't the set of reveals I'd envisioned at the start. Like if ya liked.
Thanks for reading.

@no. @ReaderOfFate
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Paulus 24

Even with Oman defeated and the Legion freed from his rising rebellion it didn't just wrap the story neatly in a bow with a few claps on the back and a return to normal activities. It had been weeks since the Blood Mist and if what Oman had said was true, the Clan, hell the entire Sea was in shambles. If what happened to us was repeated all over the Desert then it wouldn't even be strange for entire Centuries of Legionnaires to get swallowed up in the chaos and never heard from again, even a full cohort like our own wasn't above a footnote in an event of this scale. It may be years before some administrator trawled through the deployment records and sent someone to find out what happened to us. Priority would be placed on securing the core lands and making use of whichever groups got in contact, no doubt, and with Oman having destroyed all of our communications we were basically reduced to the absolute simplest ways of getting in contact.

That's right, we were going to walk.

Thankfully we wouldn't have to march all the way back to the Dawn Fortress itself - a journey that would take the better part of a decade even at my speed - instead we could report to the nearest Clan controlled city and make use of their own communications, a change that brought our estimated journey time down to a few weeks instead. I could have made the journey myself in a fraction of the time but I wasn't about to leave these Legionnaires behind in the pop-up fortress, nor would I force them to make the march alone. That was just…not going to happen.

Every single Legionnaire remaining was eager for this place to see the back of them and the only reason they'd be likely to return was to burn every burnable thing and destroy every stone above the bedrock. The pop-up fortress was meant to be a temporary structure anyway but this one was already slated for a more thorough deconstruction than most.

So we left the fortress behind as soon as the most gravely injured could be stabilised and the uncontaminated equipment could be packed away.

The first few days were full of silence and marching as everyone came to terms with what had just happened and just focused on getting back to the Clan. But no matter how poorly we all felt, eventually people opened up to their remaining friends. Low conversations started around the nightly camp and if I ignored a few Legionnaires spending time with each other past curfew, nobody would report me for it.

Besides I was having a few non-standard meetings myself with Legionnaires who needed help, and through it all I had one conversation partner that I couldn't really get away from if I wanted to.

Rosetta Stone was never further than a hundred metres away from me on the march back to civilization, and frequently was right by my side instead. Our stunt with the nails had caused some far reaching problems that Engineer Servus couldn't make heads or tails of just yet and if we were too far away from each other, or if I used too much strength, or any number of small inconveniences, Rosetta started experiencing side effects.

This kind of thing brought familiarity and contempt, but mostly it brought conversation.

"Weakness?" she asked.

"Is that so strange?" I replied

Rosetta's lips twisted as if she'd bitten into a lemon. "I simply find it difficult to believe given current circumstances. You just slew several hundred Blood Path converts, reportedly, by doing nothing more than throwing your body into them at high speed. If such a man then tells me he is following the path of Weakness, then what am I to believe?"

"You can believe whatever you want." I replied with a smirk, "But if I were you I would believe that I don't understand Weakness as well as the other guy."

"Then how about you enlighten me, oh insightful one? How does your Dao deal with being the most powerful man left alive in our cohort? Your behaviour doesn't seem to match your philosophy no matter the interpretation."

I sighed and took a second to think about it. The truth is, I didn't really have a problem explaining all of this to Rosetta. We were pretty much bound at the hip until we could get someone with the right skillset to unravel this mess we'd made so having her understand my style a bit more would be nothing but good.

There was a chance she could go the way of Oman and put me in an even worse spot than he could once I reveal this to her but… I didn't want to live thinking that way.

"Oh that? Well, it's a bit of a long story and I'm going to have to start somewhere in the middle and bring it back around to what you want to know later. But sure, let's-"


Turn 11 - 12​

I braved scorching flames and freezing ice, cutting winds and virulent spores, even surging tides and crushing stone and what do I meet at the end of this blasted tunnel? A wall of text and a fragrant pill…and a little punk with a superiority complex.


Nine voices resounded in unison as I faced my opponent. He was a short man with curly hair and a grin so full of smug superiority that it was almost physically painful to restrain myself from punching it. Despite his small stature he was fairly well muscled from what I could see past his armour, and the scars on his knuckles told me about a history of hand to hand combat so storied that even the advantages of his foundation level cultivation couldn't completely wipe out the imperfections.

It was a form I knew well, and it would be weird if I didn't, because it was mine.

"You come so brazenly into the Ninety-Nine Death's Cavern little man?" The clone shouted, slamming a clenched fist into his breastplate. "Are you prepared for the challenges you must face to get your prize? Combat! Against a Superior opponent!"

"SUPERIOR!" The voices came again, another nine of this very same dude waiting in the wings of our little natural arena shouting with enough force to drive dust into the air.

I winced a little at the barrage of noise and studied the guy across me more closely. He was me, yes, but there were a few glaring differences that meant nobody would ever mistake the two of us for each other. For one thing my face never looked that smugly superior despite what my opponents might claim. For another his getup had been mirrored for what I assumed was maximum poetic irony. Where mine was burnished bronze his armour had the silky sheen of heavenly steel. Silver filigree curled about the edges of his armour, shaped just so that it hinted at the otherwise hidden muscular physique hidden beneath. The edges caught the light as he paced around me just enough that he was never without a bit of light flare that changed up enough that I couldn't tune it out. The overall composition just screamed that my own gear was an inferior product, even to someone like me who had never before given a shit about that.

The entire effect was pissing me off, to be honest.

"And what prize is that?" I asked to distract myself from my unnaturally rising emotions.

The pill clone's grin widened and he spread his arms to the side to give me a better look at himself.

"Why, other than the pleasure of combat against myself, you will gain possession of the Superiority Pill!"


"A priceless artefact that promises to raise your level no matter who you are by teaching you the true power of Superiority!" the clone continued.


Damn they were loud.

"Sounds like a scam. I'll just be on my way then."

The pill clones stared in confusion as I started trudging away. It felt a bit good to throw their stuff back in their faces but the truth is I was really pissed off myself. I had come chasing rumors of a pill that could raise your level no matter who you were and ended up with something that might clash with my Dao. I wasn't exactly deep in my Dao yet but I knew everything from this stage forward mattered and taking the wrong pill to boost up now could cost me centuries of effort to reverse down the line. My damn fault for not getting more information before coming down here.

This wouldn't be the first route to power I turned down for a bad match, and it for sure wouldn't be the last either.

I barely got to the edge of the ring before a palpable sense of danger ran down my spine and I found myself crouched behind the Hoplite's manifested shield in an instant as I narrowed down the source. Unsurprisingly it came from the nine figures arranged at the other end of the Arena, emanating multiple times more spiritual pressure than they were a second ago.

Clone-me fixed me with a look of contempt and flexed his qi-body, projecting a silver-steel spear into his waiting hand like it was always there.

"You do not understand the tenets of Superiority, young cultivator." he said as his body began to glow with ethereal light. For once the backup singers didn't chime in with the chorus, instead fixing me with the same silent pressure as the pill-clone. "Attempting to leave before you come to understand it would be...unwise."

"I never accepted any lessons from you." I muttered, already unsure why I'd said it.

"Of course you did, young cultivator. By crossing the elemental sea you declared your desire to possess our teaching. The moment you set foot in this arena the trial began." the clone replied somewhat genially, "This trial has two portions. First the lesson, and then the test. You are free to skip the lesson if you wish, however…well, do you know why this place is called the Ninety-Nine Deaths Cavern?"

"Maybe because ninety-nine out of one hundred people that come in here bite the dust?" I replied with the standard theory.

The pill-clone smirked and brandished its spear. "You'll figure it out." Then he dashed across the arena towards me.

He was fast, but no faster than me. The moment he started moving the pressure he gave off moved from something that towered so high above me that I couldn't make sense of it back to my rough equivalent. He moved like me, executed my moves, and used my weapon, so it was an incredibly unpleasant surprise when he broke through my guard like it wasn't even there and swept me off my feet with the haft of his spear. Before I could even start reacting he whipped a kick into my back that sent me tumbling back into the center of the arena.

I tumbled across the rocky cave floor and popped to my feet as quickly as possible to dodge his follow up attack, a facsimile of the Hoplite in Steel and Silver that was thrusting directly at me. My skin became Bronze just in time to reject the fountain of stone and grit that erupted from the impact point and I waded through the dust with a sound like rain pinging off a metal roof as I began my counterattack.

I pushed forward, slipping past the faux-Hoplite's spiritual armament and stepped right into the formation body....and abruptly stopped. A spear humming with lethal intent rested just on the edge of my neck. A trickle of blood ran downwards from where it had effortlessly cut through my bronze skin before I managed to pull a halt.

The pill clone smirked at me from within his steadily collapsing Hoplite."That's one, little cultivator." Then his power swelled and he backhanded me across the arena with a force I couldn't resist.

I skipped, tumbled, and slid back to what I quickly realised was my starting point and once I could manage it through the pain I glared across the ring to the pill-clone who was casually walking back to his own original spot, all signs of that unfathomable power already suppressed back to my own level.

So that's how it's gonna be.


Death Count: 1​

I juked to the right around a vicious bronze knuckled strike and stepped in with the strength of the Singing Copper Kettle flooding through my body. Twin high pitched whistles erupted from our bodies as we swung, ducked, and counter attacked with less than a handbreadth between us.

I was beginning to get a glimpse of the mind behind my copied body. He was like me, but not. He could use my moves but the intent and Intent behind them was different. I tended to keep mine as close to the chest as possible except when releasing it would prove beneficial. Concealing your motives and angling for maximum effect was just a no-brainer if you wanted to survive below foundation in this world.

But this guy? Screw this guy.

He flooded the area around him with Intent at all times. A hundred fist shadows, dozens of advances, none of them doing the slightest bit to hide themselves at all and every single one emanating a sense of SUPERIORITY(damn it was even in my head now) as if every single one would hit.

I slipped past a right straight, the bronze of his fist scraping against the bronze of my cheek in an unholy cacophony and angled for a cross-counter. He twisted his head violently out of the way and crouched, vanishing from my sight an instant before I felt my entire body being lifted up from behind.

"OH SH-"


Death Count: 3​

Okay I'll get him this time.


Death Count: 5​

Son of a-


Death Count: 9​

"Aren't you supposed to be teaching me something?"

I lay on the thoroughly ruined cave floor after my last 'death', working on analysing the last fight. I'd found out that the next 'life' wouldn't start until I'd put my guard up and I was taking as much advantage as I could to circulate some qi to heal my injuries. The fifth 'death' had come quickly with me trying to force a stamina advantage I'd built up the life before, only to find out that my enemy had restored himself to full health and readiness between battles with an ease only someone with a body that didn't actually have physical limits could manage.

Pill spirit. Of course. I won't be making that mistake again.

"You learn with every breath in my presence, little man." The clone said, banging his fist against his breastplate once again. "Rejoice and cling to life a little longer, and perhaps those lessons will stick."

I rolled my eyes and hopped to my feet, Singing Copper Kettle already pushing qi through my meridians at an accelerated rate. The clone regarded me with a smile and in an instant its body transformed to mimic my new starting state, managing to beat my best ten second activation time by a shameful amount.

"I'm not sure your 'lessons' match my Dao, Mr. Pill Spirit." I continued, putting every bit of sarcastic contempt I could manage into the title.

"Nonsense, every cultivator can swallow this lesson and improve no matter what deluded worldview their pitiful minds come up with. It was created by a Superior being, after all."

"SUPERIOR!" The almost forgotten backup crew shouted.

"Let's say I don't want it anyway?" I floated, hands raised in the ready position. My only reply was a pitying smile before the clone dashed across the arena, same as before. Same as every other time.

He kept approaching the same way and would start the engagement the same way if I didn't disrupt his advance. He couldn't fling me around any more like that very first exchange but he never really needed to either. Every time we clashed he just came out a tiny bit ahead despite us seemingly using the same amount of energy.

I was done with bashing my head against this wall. I needed to try something different.

While that may sound like something I should have tried many 'deaths' ago, the fact of the matter is that the pill-clone was still toying with me. None of the deaths so far were enough to trigger any of my defensive treasures and that towering cultivation it showed off to throw me around was firmly under wraps during the actual fight. I didn't want to show off too many of my tricks in case this fight got serious and I needed to pull out all the stops to actually escape, but at this rate nothing would change and I would just get beat down again and again until I couldn't keep getting up.

"The First Pillar of Weakness: Yielding."

In the space of a breath the world changed to my sight and things that had been muddled came into stark focus. My charging opponent, face split by a cocky grin, was surrounded by a corona of light. Elbows, fists, swift kicks, stunning headbutts, a variety of possible attacks sprung forth from him in a confusing deluge. Beyond that, a bright ring of spear thrusts, qi blades, and attacks accompanying a sudden burst of speed surrounded him like bright fire. His zones of threat, mine really, stood out clearly to my Dao enhanced sight.

Every possible option, every potential threat he could bring to bear in one step of action was laid out plainly in blazing light.

It wasn't an unusual sight, really. Even before I acknowledged this path it was something I could catch glimpses of, but this time was different. Instead of trying to slip through, to take risks and seize opportunities, or simply clashing and seeing who came out on top….I yielded.

I skipped sideways as a spear clad in blazing light roared past my cheek an instant before the clone's actual spear did the same. The false wood groaned as he grasped the haft and forced the tip of the spear to whip around at my back, but I was already moving away. Three quick steps carried me out of range of the move and the follow-up lunge. I batted aside his manifested Hoplite's spear with the shield from my own and sprung backwards on one leg as his own shield crashed down where I'd stood a moment before.

I paused in place then, no attack wreathed in light coming to threaten me with the clone stopped in place.

He regarded me with a lopsided frown and snorted in displeasure.

"Quit with all that running around! How are you supposed to learn anything if you just avoid attacks all the time? Why don't you try fighting?"

I shrugged and held up a warding palm. "Just waiting for my opportunity."

He tapped the floor with the butt of his spear impatiently. "You call dodging and waiting for a chance a combat style?"

"Hey, whatever works."

He laughed once, mirthlessly and then sprung at me again.

We continued the lack of exchanges for minutes in comparative silence, him advancing, me retreating. We went around the entire arena multiple times, repeating our motions tirelessly until I noticed. He was getting impatient.

He pressed forward recklessly, predicting my dodge and doing his level best to push me into a corner or catch my follow up instead. Rookie mistake. I waited until his next feint to pull my senses back inwards and shifted my stance from one for fluid motion to a solid mountain, ignoring the building feeling of wrongness in my chest as I did. Instead of slipping away I surged into his guard through the gap of his own making and planted an elbow coated in spiritual bronze directly into his sternum, drawing a satisfying crack from the full force collision.

This is where the fun begins.

Two more blows to his sternum before he recovers his footing.

Duck below spear sweep. Punch sternum.

Sway away from rising right. Punch sternum.

Step around twin hammerblow. Punch sternum.

The pill clone roared and tried to force me back but the momentum was firmly in my favour now. Every missed response only pulled him deeper into the quagmire as I pressed the advantage. Two more blows and I began to feel something resonating with my Dao as I kept pushing him into the wrong decisions. It was faint but oh so close I could almost see it, just a little more-

A silvered palm closed around my fist and held it firmly, shattering the fragile insight like glass. The pill clone's qi positively hummed as it swelled beyond belief once more and it directed a baleful glare my way.

"Now, now, we can't have you flirting with other advancements during the trial." He said, words low and cold for the first time since I'd arrived. Gone was the smug smirk and the challenging body language, replaced instead by a palpable sense of menace and a body that seemed to loom over me despite being the exact same size.

My reply - a vicious straight at his nose - was caught by another palm and seized just like the other one. I struggled fruitlessly for a couple of seconds before the clone slowly brought my arms down. My muscles released an audible metallic groan as I tried to resist, but it was like a child resisting an adult. "I was in the middle of a breakthrough you cocky motherfucker."

"Fragile and inconsequential. And not cocky, Superior."

"SUPERIOR!" came the refrain.

"You would do well to learn the difference, young cultivator, or you will not leave this place alive. If you wish to divert from my curriculum, you will need to prove yourself SUPERIOR to me." he crowed, face flashing back to that smug grin.

He flexed and a wave of force ran down his arms to where he held my fists captive. A hammerblow of pure cultivation base slammed into me and sent me flying from his grip back to the center of the arena in a loose heap of pain.

"As punishment for your wandering mind, I shall add another five deaths to your tally."

I struggled up to my hands and knees and spat out a mouthful of blood. Wow, this really was a lot of pain. It was weirdly eerie to actually feel pain all across and inside my body at once and still be conscious. Even the Bronze Blood was working overtime to stop my muscles unravelling like a loose rope. I just knelt there for a while, doing as much as I could to hold myself together and stop my cultivation from collapsing entirely.

There was no way I was getting out of this, I realised. Not without playing his game and learning whatever it is the spirit wanted me to learn. Maybe one of my treasures could help me escape but…

I looked across the room to where the pill spirit was resuming his starting position. He grinned at me and shook his head slightly.

…yea something tells me it might not work out. Still, there was no way I was going to politely bow my head and do what he said. My Dao is Weakness, but the only one I yield to is myself.


Death Count: 14​

Okay, superior, superior, superior. I know what that means. It's just another one of those forceful and direct type inheritances right? I did that with the Snake and it kind of worked out. Maybe that's what it wants? Straightforward, big damage, unga bunga. Okay let's give it a shot.


Death Count: 27​

Okay, maybe this wasn't such a good plan.

My rate of 'deaths' increased rapidly as I abandoned my tried and true ways to try and suss out what the pill spirit was trying to 'show me' and for the most part it just seemed like it was 'how to get injured and influence recovery times' because I was having to take longer and longer breaks between sessions just to get myself back into fighting shape.

That's not to say it was a total waste though. By throwing myself straight into it and not overthinking things I confirmed that he really wasn't using more strength than me.He was just coming out on top whenever we clashed because… he was superior?


"Shut up, I didn't even say it!" I roared.

The crowd of mes smirked smugly at me and I went back to slowly knitting my arm back together as I pondered this superiority thing. There was something there, some kind of qi technique or something the clone was using that I just didn't know about. He kept going on and on about being superior - I glared at the crowd to stop the outburst - and it just kept working out.

It couldn't be that simple, right?

It wasn't just some kind of state of mind thing. I knew plenty of arrogant bastards and crushed them too, even before becoming a cultivator. Sometimes they were pretty strong but…

No, it couldn't be that, right?

I looked back up at the pill spirit and saw a shit eating grin a mile wide on his face.


Okay lets try this. I drew lightly on the Ecstasy and felt my higher functions dwindle as I latched on to a simple concept:

I am better than you.

Stress leaked out of my body as an easy strength filled me and drove me to my feet. Abused muscles cried out in pain, but it didn't bother me. I am better, this much won't make a difference. The pill clone dashed forward as it always did to start the rounds and I met its opening blow with one of my own. My bones creaked and my muscles spasmed as I was pushed back yet again but…there was something there.

I met his second blow the same as the first and again I was driven back with ease, and again with the third, and the fourth, and so on. I sunk into it, ignoring the leading of my Dao for a moment as I chased something hidden underneath…no, floating above? There was something there. A law? The echo of an echo of something long past, the sense of superiority held by a man creating wonders too grand to be understood by someone like me.

It was faint, so faint as to be undetectable in a normal state I was sure. If it wasn't for this situation, with my mind half fractured, with an opponent that battered me past lesser insights, with the fragrance of the pill that I'd somehow forgotten about filling my lungs, I wouldn't have had the faintest chance of pulling this knowledge from the background. Even now I could only get the first insight. It was a state of mind, no, a state of being that made me hold myself above all things. It wasn't arrogance, it was a simple fact built into the firmament of reality and that stable foundation granted me leverage where everyone else had nothing but ephemeral hopes and dreams.

I am Superior.

My fist met the clones once again and the metal of my body groaned from the blow. But this time was different. It was just by the tiniest amount. So small I could have missed it if it wasn't for my extremely altered state. The world lent the tiniest amount of support to my blow or perhaps it simply shifted with my will. The clone's arm buckled and his guard was thrown wide, his stance completely ruined. It was child's play to step in and sweep his leg and slam him into the ground.

The pill clone grinned up at me from the prone position, looking none the worse for wear as I wound up for a killing stomp.

"Now you're getting it."

The stomp shattered him completely, his body turning from something almost physical to pure pill smoke. It whipped around like a living thing and dove into my nostrils before turning into pure qi. Before I knew it I found myself sitting cross legged, all my techniques down as I focused on processing the pill and meditating on the insight I'd gained. The smoke rushed through me and pulled on that ephemeral insight I was just tasting before threading it through my entire body, wrapping my dantian in it like a ghostly shell until it formed an entire new layer, regardless of how much I actually understood. The merest hint of that law in me was enough for the pill to start working and by the time the layer around my dantian was done I found that I was…about one stage stronger. No more, no less.

The power of the pill didn't seem consumed in the slightest but once it finished the full layer it simply called it done and dissipated into nothing. That stingy bastard!

A couple hours later I opened my eyes to find myself in just as much pain as before but now with two of the remaining pill clones crouched on the other side of the battlefield, watching me with predatory smirks. Their auras swelled to match mine, even with my recent advancements and they stood as one with their weapons raised.

My altered state from the Ecstasy was gone but the dregs of the insight were literally bound to me right now. Ten pill clones, ten layers? If everything went well here…I could even break through to Core before I left. I smirked and raised my fists.


Death Count: 52​

Everything was not going well. Fighting these guys head on was straight suicide and I had been forced back to my normal ways after just two deaths attempting it. Fortunately it turned out the first clone was right and this new sense of…Superiority didn't clash with my Dao at all. In fact the two seemed to barely interact save for the difficulty I was having maintaining both mindsets at once in this fight.

I yielded before a silver spear and let it scrape across my armoured chest only to slide into the way of my second opponent's attack. I slipped underneath it and leapt over a sweeping leg without stopping as I fought against two me's while mostly trying to get them to fight each other. I could sense that prior insight into Weakness coming back, ready to form a second pillar for my foundation but I couldn't spare a thought for it without the two clones surging in power to chastise me.

But you know what? Screw it, I was better than these imitation scrubs anyway.

"The Second Pillar of Weakness: Env-"


Death Count: 67​

"The Second Pillar of Weakness: Enveloping!"

I roared out as I pivoted on one heel and pushed an incoming spear attack away. I surged towards my attacker and swept him into my guard an instant before the Hoplite of his brother stabbed straight through us both.


I pushed my own fist through the impaled clone, bursting it into a cloud of pill smoke before holding the spear in my gut firmly with qi reinforced strength.


The Two-Headed Eagle cried its fury as it manifested at my back and the clone's eyes widened in surprise as it dropped its Hoplite to do the same and found out it couldn't. Bronze claws that only answered to the Clan closed around the clone and popped it like a soap bubble as I fell to the floor and downed one of my own life-saving pills before the rest of my life tumbled out of me.

Crap, I didn't want to reveal that card so early. The remaining seven clones looked at each other before three of their number hopped into the ring and pulled imitations of my own weapons from nothing. Their strength surged and I cursed inwardly and focused on absorbing the pill smoke.

Seven more.


Death Count: 98​

Five clones left. With the addition of the Eagle to my combat pattern and the judicious use of some of my remaining treasures, I had taken out two of the three last round. They didn't reform even though the last one 'killed' me, but the remaining four on the sidelines just sent two over to bring it back to three, and their power grew to match mine.

I'd gotten five layers of the Superior treatment by now and I was the strongest I'd ever been, but it was a fragile strength with no Pillars to make it complete. It was getting to the point that I was nearly totally unfamiliar with my own abilities and I was wasting a lot of opportunities even with my superior mobility with the Eagle. I was bruised, broken and re-broken in several places, and just straight up getting tired for the first time in decades. I have no idea how long I've been down here and with just one 'life' left, maybe two depending on how they count it, I wasn't going to beat the three-on-one at this rate.

Time to go.

The Eagle formed behind me again and it cried out before surging towards the enemy. It spread its wings wide, completely blocking me from sight as I pulled a needle from a loop in my belt. The Albatross Transformation Needle worked quickly, changing my body into a Giant Bird and raising my strength by another two layers temporarily. On this I layered the power of Kataphraktoi, staining my white feathers black as the formation's shadowy power came to rest in me.

And then I ran.

A minor insight into the nature of Wind granted by the needle propelled me all the way to Great Circle in pure speed, enough to have the cavern of the test fade behind me in the blink of an eye. But it wasn't enough to stop me from feeling five towering qi signatures rise from behind me and meld with the stone all around in the blink of an eye. Aw hell.

The cavern quaked and spires of stone shot out at me. Tons of earth buckled and folded all around me, creating strange waves in the terrain that made it difficult to navigate even though I was flying.

The power of Kataphraktoi surged and I pulled on the largest portion of Weakness I could handle. Shadow infused flesh became wobbled and became more flexible and loose, letting me slip through the gaps without getting hit, but it wasn't enough. The walls were literally closing in and second by second my room to slip through became smaller and smaller.

I roared again and detonated the power in the formation early, almost sagging with the effort. The stone around me was blown away just enough for me to catch a glimpse of the light beyond the cave entrance and I flapped with the last of my strength towards freedom. Then the entire cavern began warping once again, stone quickly bending ahead of me to block the entrance. The light ahead shrank as I flapped desperately, but without the boost from Kataphraktoi…I wasn't going to make it.


Powerful claws grabbed hold of me from behind and the Eagle rolled its eyes at me as it effortlessly caught up with my passage and surged ahead, slamming itself through the closing gap with bronze born strength. We flipped through the open air as the cave slammed closed behind us and I tumbled over the nearby sands like a childs toy, my birdlike bones not at all suited for something like this.

After a solid minute of that my momentum finally petered out and I rolled to a stop. My wings were broken and my beak was bruised, and I was stuck in this transformation for the rest of the day. Even if it got me out, I don't think I was willing to become a bird again. They're way too fragi-

The Eagle landed heavily next to me, blowing up a wave of sand over my prone form. It looked down at me smugly (don't ask how birds can look smug) and screeched right in my face before dismissing itself.

...Dumbass formation birds that didn't carry over damage do not count.

The cave rumbled and the entrance sank below ground behind me, but with no tide of angry pill enemies showing up I decided it was fine to keep lying here for a while. A couple hours. Maybe a few days.

And I promised myself that I was never, ever, going to a secret realm again.


Wordcount: 6132

This one fought me for a long time and it ended up longer than I originally planned, but I am happy that it is done.
Pretty sure this is my first omake this turn, and one of a series I still hope to complete in time, so-

Requested Bonus: LST
Mission: Clearing the Path

Give a like if you liked. Hit me with the feedback if you have any.
Forgot to say, this is covering the events of Paulus's fate here and also the start of the Clearing the Path mission, which is going to be a lot of walking and talking as far as I can tell.
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PAULUS 25 - Ice Queen Percent - Part 1
PAULUS 25 - Ice Queen Percent - Part 1

"What is the world coming to that Devils like you are allowed to walk freely in this place?"

I stood in a large group of thousands of men as we all awaited the opening of the Ice Soul Boudoir. After weeks of purification rituals and meditation that was supposedly to fortify our souls for the coming trials, we had all been gathered in a frozen valley covered in translucent blue ice and told to wait. It had barely been a few hours since then but the presence of so many bodies was already beginning to fill the area with uncomfortable warmth - more for its source than the temperature - and the sounds of heavy breathing.

"What are you, deaf? And so short too. The Beautiful Sisters must be truly desperate to allow even an inferior specimen such as yourself entry."

I tried my best to ignore the bloodshot eyes and intent glares of the men around me. If they were directed at me it would be one thing, but the gazes of almost every last man in the area was locked on a steadily growing anomaly in the air at one end of the valley. It began as a slight rippling in the air that once could have mistaken as the heat rising from the men around the spot but it had quickly grown at a rate visible to the naked eye to become a sphere of undulating light the size of a fist and was even now increasing in size. Soon it would be large enough to pass through but we would still be waiting here for some time until the cultivators of the Ice Soul Palace told us it was safe to enter.

"Whatever, just stand aside if you know what's good for you. The Nascent Wills stored here are probably just going to eradicate you just for being unpleasant and you're lacking in what they need besides."

I finally turn to look at one of the few men who hasn't been watching the growing portal with an intense gaze, instead spending all his time picking fights with those around him. He was a tall man, almost twice my height in fact and he was built wide enough to take the space of three other men. He sneered down at me and flexed biceps larger than my head as soon as he noticed me looking. His olive skin was anointed with the elemental oil that was provided by our hosts and it caused him to shine like a jewel in the light reflecting off the ice covered mountainside, an effect he was clearly aware of given how he positioned himself for maximum obnoxiousness.

"That's right. Gaze upon a superior specimen, Devil." he said, bouncing his pectorals rhythmically. "Perhaps if you pick one of the other entrances you may find one or two lingering wills who will take pity on you if they cannot lay eyes on me."

My eyebrow twitched as I tried to stop myself from scowling as the echoed shout of SUPERIOR filled my mind from a previous trial but I must not have been very successful at keeping my face plain as the mans sneer grew into a satisfied smirk and he raised his head to laugh loudly. Any other day and I might have just shoved his head underground so I could get some peace and quiet but our hosts had stressed repeatedly that touching any of the other men would ruin our elemental coating and require us to return to the palace to be anointed once more by a band of enthusiastic volunteers from the Beautiful Sister Sect. While that wasn't exactly a deal breaker for me I didn't want to waste any more time than was necessary here. So instead of shutting him up with force I just turned away and focused on the growing portal.

"It's not exactly a competition, you know."

He answered with a snort of derision. "Whatever you need to tell yourself to cushion your inevitable failings, Devil. I, the greatest warrior of the Bongo Bicep Clan, Jho-"

Nope, enough listening to that. I never should have engaged with him. The portal was thirty metres tall now, well beyond the size required to allow entry but our hosts had yet to give us the signal that it was time to do so. It continued to expand, gaining speed with every second until it spanned one end of the valley to the other and the shimmering distortion started to look like something more than a confusing haze. Already I could see a faint view of a field of flowers through it, the bright and healthy green seeming out of place when viewed from this valley that was buried in the ice of centuries. The crowd grew silent with expectation, the men around me glaring intensely for the slightest signal that it was time to proceed while doing their best to avoid touching anyone else. Then finally the portal stabilised and the watcher from the Beautiful Sister Ice Soul Palace raised a hand to signal the start of the trial and the crowd rushed ahead.

The first row of men roared in excitement and charged through the portal into the field beyond, quickly followed by the second and then the third. I shuffled forward with the tide of bodies and made my last checks. Much like the idiot beside me I had been dressed up by the Beautiful Sisters in special vestments required for the ritual. Or dressed down, really. My armour, my trinkets, weapons, tools, all gone. In their place I had been provided a pair of simple fabric pants, bound at the waist by a multicoloured belt and nothing else by way of clothing. My body was adorned with elemental oil and my bronze skin gleamed in the light. Special formation inscribed cloth wraps had been tied around my arms, head, hands, and feet. Supposedly they would allow me some limited interaction with the Nascent Wills contained in this special space and more importantly, identify me as a 'husband' so the wills wouldn't squash me flat. Even as weakened scraps of will needing to be strengthened, I was under no illusions that I could stand up to a Nascent Soul cultivator.

It was time

I plunged through the portal alongside hundreds of roaring men and after a brief bit of disorientation I was somewhere else.

Somewhere dangerous.

The air was charged with an almost tangible feeling of malice so heavy that I almost missed that the roars of excitement around me had turned to screams and pleas for mercy. I flexed my will and pushed back against the feeling around me and slowly I was able to refocus on my surroundings. The line of men I had rushed in beside had been scattered somehow, and the few men I could still see from my position looked to be locked in combat or attempting to flee. The withered husks of dozens of foundation building cultivators littered the floor just a few steps beyond the portal but I couldn't see any wounds or signs of what happened to them before a blazing bright spear of intent crashed through me and forced my attention towards the source.

My skin was already bronze and steam began pouring from my mouth, nose, and ears in an instant as the Singing Copper Kettle began enhancing my strength. I whipped my hands before me in the blink of an eye and just barely caught the two hands reaching for me. I was overwhelmed instantly, my defenses crumbling as the hands smashed my guard aside and lanced towards my chest.

I took my first good look at my opponent.

An intangible wisp of qi with the vague, ephemeral form of a woman in daoist robes. They were the barest suggestion of a body, lacking all the details that would allow me to identify this sliver of will from any other if I needed to save in one place. Their hands were excruciatingly detailed and formed from a menacing mix of freezing cold nascent will and a ravenous, hungry intent that threatened to carve me to pieces just for looking at it. I saw my death approach but instead of tearing through my woefully insufficient flesh and smashing my heart to pieces, the hands unfurled from their vicious clawed shape and settled gently on my chest. The Will, for it couldn't be anything else, shuddered violently and ran its hands across my oiled flesh as if seeking something before its knuckles brushed the formation inscribed cloth on my arms and it stopped. The indistinct mass that vaguely matched the position a human head should be split open, giving the barest impression of a wide open mouth and a voice I felt more than head washed through me.

"A man."

The Will burst forward to fully engulf me and I screamed internally, moving faster than I ever had before in my life as I went through the steps the Beautiful Sisters had painstakingly ensured I memorized. My hands flashed through the proper steps in an instant and the cloth around my hand burst outwards and took a new formation before the will could consume me. The Will paused in its rush, regarding the strange arrangement of threads before it with great fascination and then slipped its fingers against mine, moving almost instinctively to complete the ritual. The moment its fingers went into the proper place I grit my teeth and cycled my qi through the thread as forcefully as I could, drawing a gasp of surprise from the will. A few seconds later the icy cold feeling of yin qi joined mine in a constructive cycle through the thread and I felt more and more of my energy rush into the thread uncontrollably.

I braced myself to try and preserve even a tiny bit of my own strength so I wouldn't be sucked dry but almost as quickly as it started the flow ceased. The Will across from me shuddered and rapidly grew more defined before my very eyes, quickly moving on from something akin to a doll until it resembled any other member of the Beautiful Sister sect. It briefly locked eyes with me and released a satisfied sigh before dissipating, slipping away to rejoin the Greater Will somewhere.

I remained standing there for who knows how long with my arms outstretched and the cold sweat of terror pouring down my brows. The entire encounter had passed in maybe six minutes before the Will had been satisfied and while I didn't feel very drained and had barely been harmed, that was the closest I'd come to death in decades.

I released a shaky breath and moved forward, stepping over the collapsed form of the idiot I had been speaking to before. This was only the entrance to the Ice Soul Boudoir. The real test still awaited me within.

Wordcount: 1820

This was intended to be a funny little dive into the wacky world of nascent will high speed dating and then it became something a little more as I wrote. This isn't the entire sequence as I envisioned it and I'm loathe to actually release it unfinished but I have no idea when I'll get time to revisit the rest so might as well get the omake in for the turn.

Hope you enjoy the idea, even if this is really only the beginning.

Edit: Forgot to mention, Paulus's 'cool thing' of increased stamina is showing up here with how he isn't turned to beef jerky after getting drained by the Wills. That plus the 'Imperial Bronze Constitution'(acquired in the wiki contest) will keep him from tapping out too quickly.

Requested Bonus: Cultivation Boost
Mission: Blood of Oak, Heart of Peace
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Peta Condos and Wajo [DEAD] - Good Seed Background
The Lost Girl

5 years ago

"Run! I'll hold them off!"

Her father's last words were a lie. He didn't mean to lie. Maybe he thought, in those last moments, that he'd gain some kind of new strength. Some power to make his courageous sacrifice worthwhile. It mattered more to him. He wanted it. He needed it.

Nature is cruel.

You don't become stronger because you need to. If that were the case, there would be no prey. Her father barely slowed their pursuers, they laughed and joked while they slaughtered their prey.

Her mother ran as fast as she could. She didn't want to waste her husband's sacrifice. She used every technique she had, every bit of Qi she'd condensed. She sacrificed her growth, burned her meridians.

Cultivation is cruel.

Perhaps if she had spent less time on family, less time on joy. If she'd cultivated that extra week, or month, or year. But she had not, and so her efforts were not enough. The hunters ran her down. She collapsed, exhausted, in the broken mountains. Annoyed and bored, they killed her without preamble.

They sat and drank spirit wine while they debated. What to do with the little girl in the woman's arms?

"We can't kill her, right? We're supposed to match cultivation and the kids are mortal."

"Their blood is poison. Their clan is cursed. Heaven has decreed their destruction."

"Heaven demands justice as well. It's unjust to kill a defenseless child. We can't kill her until she's older."

"Then she'll just make more. Like weeds, they'll just come back unless we pull the root."

Heaven is cruelest.

No honorable end for her clan. Only endless struggle, endless slaughter, endless tragedy. Torture beyond even nature's hard truth. Beyond even cultivation's demands.

"I got it! Look where we are. No mortal could make it home from here. Her fool of a mother brought her too far in a panic. We don't have to kill her, but we don't have to save her either. Let's go, let the beasts have their snack."

So her parent's killers finished their drinks and leapt away. Broken and lost, she wandered the mountains and waited for nature, or cultivation, or heaven to take her. In the distance she heard the baying of blood wolves. Nature then. At least she wouldn't be a pill, or a puppet, or a bloodsack. It would dishonor her parents if she didn't at least try to fight, so she sprinted into a cave mouth and readied a stone.

She stared out and waited. Waited. Wait some more. Why did the wolves stay outside? Surely they weren't scared of a little girl?

Then she heard a wet huff from behind her. Oh yes, of course. A cave like this would have an occupant. She turned and saw a great shadow move forward.

A bear, and not a normal one. Its fur was shining metallic silver. The air twisted and spun in its aura. Metal and wind. A great spirit bear of the mountain. The bear sniffed at her curiously.

"Are you going to eat me?" the girl asked. Of course he would. It was only natural.

"Well you smell very good. Like meat, and blood, and metal. But you are very small. Barely worth the eating," the bear replied. He answered not with his mouth, but by twisting the air by her ear, "hmmm… I think I will not eat you."

"Are you sure? I'm lost. My parents are dead. I have nothing left. Not even a bite?"

The bear eyed her, "not even a bite. Do you have no den? I thought your kind live in herds."

She crunched up her face, "The village? The clan? I guess if I got back there, someone would take care of me. Doesn't matter. I can't make it. The wolves would eat me."

The bear nodded, "they would. But I can eat them first. I have decided. I will give you bond strength. I will feed you. I will protect you. I will bring you back to your herd."

The girl was stunned. Baffled. It made no sense.


"Because I am a very kind bear."

Nature is cruel. Cultivation is cruel. Heaven is cruelest. But a bear can be kind, if it wants.



Peta Condos looked out over the clan home. The broken mountains were not so far for a cultivator, but for a mortal girl with nothing but the clothes on her back, who needed to forage, and fight, and grow, it was a long journey indeed. She would have died a thousand times, if it wasn't for her brother's kindness.

She patted her sworn brother Wajo, the great bear who'd guided and protected her these long five years. "We finally found it. My den. My herd…."

What will he do now? She left the question unspoken. It was too painful to voice aloud.

The bear bobbed its head, "this journey changed me. I can no longer return to the lonely cave. Our fates are bound. I will stay and learn the secrets of human cultivation with you."

She hugged her brother. It'd been so long. She didn't even know if she still had family in the clan. But at least she'd have her brother with her.

Preferred Omake bonus: Upgrade to spirit bond or the beast ally, or a unique cultivation method using the beast bond


Good Seed!

Name: Peta Condos and Wajo.

Background: Lost and presumed dead during the 100 year trials, she was rescued by a Floating Iron Bear. They became sworn siblings and formed a spirit bond, allowing her to begin cultivation without proper instructions. She has returned to the clan, uncertain of her place, but drawing strength from her brother and constant companion.

1st​ Heavenstage

Bonuses (I had too many, but the bond stuff can be consolidated to one cool thing)
Starting Cool Thing: Spirit Bond to a Floating Iron Bear that will progress with her.
1st Omake Bonus - Cool Thing: extraordinary spirit bond, shared thoughts and limited shared bloodline abilities
2nd Omake Bonuse - Cultivation Speed Boost (expired)
3rd Omake Bonus - Tribulation Reduction
4th Omake Bonus - Lifesaving Treasure
5th Omake Bonus - Lifesaving Treasure 2

Good Fortune Bonuses:
All-Swimming Art
Bee-Slaying Slap
Last edited:
Peta Condos and Wajo 1 - The Girl Caught between Worlds
The Girl Caught between Worlds

Nothing makes you miss the wilderness like a year at home.

Peta sweated while her aunt lectured. She tried to concentrate on the pain in her muscles, it was far more pleasant than the pain in her heart.

"Your parents were cowards. Scum. Lower than worms. They should have stood in the Hoplite. They may have lived. They may have died. In living or dying they would have strengthened the clan. They chose to abandon their clan. ABANDON THEIR CLAN! This made them thieves. The clan gave them resources. The clan gave them strength. The clan gave them life. They stole these things by fleeing."

Her aunt's bronze eyes flash with barely contained rage. She wants to lash out, but she won't. Not physically.

"Be grateful that we do not believe in passing the sins of a father to his children, or the mother to hers. I do not punish you for their mistakes. I punish you for echoing them in your treacherous heart. Repeat: The clan is everything."

"The clan is everything!" Peta panted with as much force as she could muster.

"No! You lack conviction! You will fail as they did. You will perform a thousand more thrusts, and you will repeat the mantra. You will do this until I am convinced of your sincerity, or until you fall."

Peta fell.


Her brother's calm voice soothes her heart, laying on the cool metal of her bed soothes her muscles.

"Take the wind-breath and guide it to your paws. Don't force it. You cannot catch wind like a salmon, you cannot trap it in your cave. It will escape or die."

"Paws?" she jokes. But it gives her brother serious pause.

"Yes, hands for you? I'm… I'm not sure. They aren't the same. The meridians may not match. Ask your aunt?'

Peta sighs, "can't I just make paws out of qi or something? I think it'd be easier."

Her brother, as usual, takes her joke seriously, "if there is a way, I don't know it." He lifts his paw to show her, "I was born with mine, so I never needed to learn such a technique."



"Again. Straighten your back. Thrust. No. Higher. Sloppy. You have lost many years. If you ever hope to catch up, you must push yourself much harder than your age peers. They have had years to prepare the body with the basic forms of combat before they begin cultivating. You are backwards. We will fix this with blood and sweat. The forms will feel unnatural. Ignore this. They are better than your childish instincts. You will inscribe the superior combat forms of your clan on your body. Just as you will inscribe loyalty in your heart. You will not fail in this. Repeat: The clan is everything."



"Shape it like a roar. Yes, a roar. You can roar, it's just less impressive. What is the sound of a still roar? Nothing. Yes. You understand, right? Don't you? The iron of your throat, it pushes the wind, shapes it."



"What is this? Some beastly excuse of a cultivation method? The Bronze Furnace has served our family for countless generations. Our elders refined it to match our bloodline legacy perfectly. You will discard your pet's foolishness and master the orthodox path. If you do otherwise, you will cripple your own cultivation, you will fail to contribute to the clan, and I will have wasted my time. The furnace will strengthen your body with layers of hardened qi. You will not fail. You will stand firm. Repeat: The clan is everything."



"Iron and wind. Iron is strength. Wind is speed. Strength is speed. Speed is strength. The wind pushes the iron. The iron guides the wind… Should I say bronze? Your body is bronze as mine is iron. Are they the same?"



"I will give you nothing more that you have not earned. You have earned nothing. This is the contribution board. You will use it to give what miniscule strength you now have back to the clan. When you have proven that you are capable of contributing, then I will continue your instruction. In addition to the gift of my attention, the clan will give you contribution points for your efforts. You will use them to learn cultivation from your betters. The Grand Elder is lecturing. His time is far more valuable than mine, or yours. Whatever your meager contributions, you will not deserve his attention, yet he will give it. The clan is generous. We trust that their member will return this investment in the fullness of time. You will not betray this trust. Repeat: The clan is everything."


So Peta attended the Elder's lectures, and they were enlightening. She expected to hear more of the same. Yet the sheer diversity of students, and the way the elder respected their differences, opened her eyes. There was no one path to being a part of the clan, no matter what her aunt said. In fact, it seemed like the most talented cultivators were the most heterodox. Poison, and soul eating, and some strange kind of magic song, and so much more!

When the Elder gave her a word, she almost knew what it was before she read it:


It was her problem, yes. How to reconcile the loving admiration she had for her parents with the harsh fanaticism of her aunt? How to combine her aunt's orthodox cultivation technique, so perfectly suited to her bronze body, with her brother's deep insight?

It was also her solution. Do not embrace one and reject the other, the elder said. Find a way to mix them fruitfully, to combine the lessons and make her own path, her unique Dao (though she was not yet ready for even a single pillar).

Peta sat and meditated. She did not think of pain, or its temporary dissolution. She sought the truth.

A man who gave his life to buy his family time was no coward, but in hindsight it was hard to justify his actions in full. There were few paths that would have ended worse for their family than the one her parents followed. If the clan was everything than it was nothing, a closed circle that existed only for itself. Empty and cruel, as her aunt had become. The clan was valuable only if its ideals were. Peta must learn those ideals, and decide for herself if she would someday make the sacrifices her aunt demanded of her, the sacrifices her parents refused to make.

With that ache in her heart finally resolved, there was the lesser matter of combat and cultivation styles. If she could master her brother's techniques, they could be a valuable contribution to the clan. It wouldn't be enough to merely follow him though. He had a tendency to forget she's not a bear, and knew nothing of her bloodline's unique properties. Her aunt was a late foundation cultivator and an excellent warrior. She'd taught Peta a great deal in a short time, even if it hurt. She would learn the orthodox path and understand her unique nature, then she would adapt her brother's lessons to it. She would mix them, and make something new.

Peta listened to her aunt, understood her, but did not become her. She listened to her brother, understood him, but did not become him. She took the first step along the new Soaring Bronze Style.

1147 Words
Bonus: Cultivation Speed Boost
Peta Condos and Wajo 2 - The girl and her brother
The girl and her brother
Peta and Wajo

Peta meditated against her brother.

She did a lot of meditation in the fourth cycle of road duty. Twenty years of service, five in each: logistics, road patrol, border patrol, station. She'd celebrated whole-heartedly when her Contubernium was assigned the task. Finally, a chance to be in the wild again! Her first five years shattered whatever expectations of freedom she'd held. Logistics? More like hard labor at the beck and call of her superiors. The next ten years were better, they tracked rogue cultivators and deadly beasts in the Scorpion Sea. The clan let them keep all the beast flesh and cores they could hunt and a portion of the bandit plunder, greatly aiding her beast-bond cultivation.

Then came station duty. Some might see it as a reward for 15 years of hard service, to finally get five years of sitting around. For Peta it was intolerable. Can't exercise, can't cultivate, can't hunt. Just staring out at the endless desert, trying to stay alert. Wait, and watch, and smile, and take the pittance they charged. The duty was necessary, but she wished one of those green-skins that liked sitting around all day would take it.

She perked up. Someone was coming! Not the usual baggage train, a lone traveler. She sensed his cultivation level: Foundation Establishment. Following protocol, she signaled the whole contubernium to muster, just in case.

The man was handsome, even for a cultivator. He had delicate features and fair skin, and he wore the impractical flowing robes favored by some of the so called 'just' sects. Peta frowned. Trouble? Or just a traveler? She signaled Big Fatty Caesar, her commanding officer and the only foundation cultivator in the contubernium. They waited together for his arrival. He certainly wasn't in a hurry.

"Greetings sir," Peta said, in her best imitation of professional, "and welcome to Bronze Devil territory. I'm afraid there's a small road maintenance fee to travel through our lands."

The man eyed her like she was a fascinating bug, "Bronze Devil eh? I won't be paying the fee."

Trouble then? Likely. Her brother moved protectively closer to her, the rest of the contubernium shifted to surround him.

"Are you a diplomatic envoy with credentials to indicate your status?" Peta continued with the protocol. You have to follow the protocol, just in case, even when you knew where this was going. It's about discipline.

"No. I represent no one and nothing but my Dao. I am the Wandering Sage of the Lightning Fist. Perhaps you've heard of me?"

Peta sighed, "no sir. Please indicate why you refuse to pay the fee. We may be able to make an exception and send a messenger to the midpoint station for…"

"Let me show you then!" he laughed.

Big Fatty Caesar moved first, his enormous axe swinging with the force to split boulders. Strong, but slow. So slow. The curse of her clan.

The rogue cultivator lived up to his name, with a flash and a cackle he danced around Big Fatty and struck him three times before the axe hit the ground. The force of the blows couldn't even dent his bronze skin, but they each delivered a payload of stunning qi. Big Fatty Caesar spasmed as his metallic skin dutifully carried the electricity to his central nervous system.

Another flash and he was on Peta. She stabbed futilely with her spear, but with both a cultivation and natural qi advantage she had no chance of hitting him. Her bronze-infused muscles were simply too slow. He sneered and flowed around her thrust.

Right into her trap. Her muscles might be slow, but her Soaring Bronze qi was swift as the wind. With a blast of wind she launched herself at him, shield first. As she expected, he was pathetically light and easily pushed back. She did no real damage, but that wasn't the point.

The point was the other 6 cultivators unleashing their techniques behind him. Bronze Furnace Bellows, Viridian Vitality Theft, Opes Terebro, Cauldron Slam, Titan's Shackles, Acidum Lotus. Her contubernium worked with perfect coordination born of twenty long years of daily training together. This was the true strength of her clan, more than even the Bronze Blood. Peta joined them with Bronze Roar, a debilitating sonic attack she'd learned from her brother.

It wasn't enough, not to win. With a blinding flash, the rogue cultivator unleashed wave after wave of defensive techniques. They were holding with their all out attack, but they lacked the endurance to keep him pinned down like this. One slip, and his speed would let him cut through the first attacked, and the rest would fall quickly after. They couldn't beat him with ranged techniques. They couldn't beat him in hand to hand. The cultivation advantage was too much. At least he lacked the strength to simply destroy them with the sheer force of his aura.

Come on Fatty! Come on! Peta begged internally as she poured more qi into her technique. Only Fatty had the strength to end this. She spared a glance down, and despaired. Fatty was still insensate. They were all going to die.

Then, Wajo. Peta had nearly forgotten about her brother, until a great mass of iron slammed into the enemy cultivator from above. Deadly lightning qi poured into the bear, but the wild spasming it provoked didn't stop him from ripping the enemy cultivator to shreds with iron claws.

The contubernium stopped their attacks as fast as they could, but it was far too late. Fire, acid, steel, and more joined the enemy's lightning and tore into the magnificent beast.

Peta rushed to join her brother, tears in her eyes.

I forgot how fragile most humans are, even in a higher realm. No armor, no hair, not even a nice roll of fat.

Wajo spoke in her mind, their bond had long since grown past the need to speak aloud.

"Hold on!" Peta shouted aloud, "Marcus, help him!" she looked desperately at the medicos already crouched over Fatty Caesar. He glanced up but shook his head grimly. Triage? How dare he!

I forgot how fragile I am too. Armor, hair, fat. Didn't help.

You can't die. You're my family.
I already owe you my life. I can't repay you if you die now!

The great bear shook, don't worry about it. No karma. No debts. It's all just… kindness.



Her bloodline was not simply strength and toughness. It was regeneration. The bronze sings with the power of another world. Her very blood defies heaven. She would not allow this.

In a moment of desperate inspiration, Peta forced the spirit bond wider. She would give him more than her Qi. She would give him her blood, her nature, her very soul if she must. She forced everything she had down their bond, screaming in pain as it shook her down to her core.

She woke up a month later in the hard bed of a border camp. Vacillating between hope and despair, she looked around. She sank down in relief. He was here. He was alive. Her brother's fur was different. The silver held a strange golden tinge in the light. He was still her brother. Maybe even more, now.

Omake bonus: Wajo now benefits from bronze regeneration?
Peta Condos and Wajo 3 - The Girl and the Reasonable Bears
The Girl and the Reasonable Bears
Peta Condos and Wajo

Peta waved goodbye to the Great Mudslide bear as he meandered in the direction of the Devil Bee lands. He'd arrived at the oasis to bathe and restore his qi, displacing an entire city that depended on the natural resource. Now that his qi was restored, getting him to leave was as simple as polity informing him that Devil Bees probably make Devil Honey.

"He was very reasonable."

Bears are often reasonaable, if we are not hungry or afraid. We can eat anything, and we are big and strong for our cultivation level, so we are not often hungry or afraid.

Peta nods, absorbing her brother's wisdom.

"I guess… It makes me think why people aren't? Even predatory spirits just follow their nature. They want to eat, they want to be safe, they want to grow stronger. I used to think that nature is cruel. Now, I am not so sure. The Trials… No spirit would bother with genocide, or make a game of hunting a clan forever. Maybe the problem isn't nature. Maybe it's people?

Maybe. I heard a story of your people, that they came from a distant world.

Peta shrugged. She didn't get along well with her aunt, and spent most of her time away from the clan holds. She heard a rumor or two, just like Wajo had.

Maybe all humans are the same. Maybe you do not belong here, and this is why you act so strange.

"Then why are my people cursed by heaven?"

Hmmm… What is heaven?

"You know, that stuff," Peta gestured vaguely at the sky, where lightning would soon fall upon her in deadly waves for daring to become stronger.

That stuff. Yes, I understand as little as you. I think before we can discern the true the will of heaven, we must know what heaven really is. Heaven seems cruel to me as well. As cruel as man. What were the stages of human cultivation?

"Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, Soul Severing…"

And after?

"What was after?" Peta scrunches up her face in thought. She'd been away from cultivators for a long time now, and after Soul Severing was well beyond her frame of reference, "Demigod I think? Then…"


"Heaven," Peta nods, understanding his point. Heaven was people. That's why heaven is mad, why it's cruel.

"If only heaven was full of bears instead."

Their eyes met, and Peta could feel something shift in her Dao. Heaven needs a bear.


Are you sure?

"Yes. Our fortune has been mediocre. My talent is unremarkable. At this rate, we will reach core formation on schedule and stall there. We will plant a few good seeds. We will protect them with our clan for a while. We will make a respectable contribution, and will die defending our territory against one dire threat or another. Unacceptable."

They stood before the job board and, for the first time in forty years, Peta cashed in her contribution points.

First, a pair of Rebirth Seeds, lifesaving treasures for her level. Second, access to the Qiguai Clan's secret realm. Many die in this realm, but those that emerge do so with great fortune. Enough fortune, perhaps, to jumpstart her stalled cultivation.

"Heaven needs a bear."

I want to go to the Qiguai Clan's secret realm. This will probably burn the life saving treasure from this omake.
Omake Bonus: Life Saving Treasure
Peta Condos and Wajo 4 - The Wandering Girl
The Wandering Girl - Peta and Wajo

What did Wajo almost die for?

She didn't have an answer. It circled in her mind, again and again. Her aunt might kill her for such traitorous thoughts, but the truth is she wouldn't trade her brother for anyone in the Golden Devil Clan. Not what remains of her human family, not for her entire _____, not even for the Grand Elder, as vital and cunning has that old monster was. She would watch the clan burn before she sacrificed Wajo.

Traitorous indeed. As a child she'd promised herself to mix, to listen and learn so she could forge her own path. Her aunt sought to carve loyalty in her heart with cruel repetition, as if it was another muscle she could grow with sheer stubborn effort. Yet every year, she grew to understand her fallen parents more, and her aunt less. What value did the clan hold, if it was nothing but service and pain, a pointless defiant scream at heaven and an ignoble death?

When Wajo was fully recovered, Peta put in her request for an honorable discharge to focus on closed cultivation. She would return to active service no less than 30 years before the Trials.

Good! Said her brother, I learned much of human cultivation, but it living in a herd is very hard. I spent two years with my mother and have never seen another of my kind. She told me that if I see another male, we will greet each other and float in different directions. If I see a female, I should flare my Qi and impress her, so she will mate with me. Then I should float in a different direction.

They walked for a time. They lived in the wild and hunter beasts, but found no satisfaction in it. So they came to a struggling mortal village. At first they screamed and ran from the giant metallic bear, but they were terribly slow and their flailing farm tools didn't even hurt, so it was easy for Peta to explain that they came in peace. Did they… Have any work?

Peta built them a new fence, lifted some stubborn boulders from their fields, and dug a new well. Wajo pulled a plow and sharpened their tools with his claws. Peta felt something in her heart settle as she used her superhuman body to ease the hard lives of these people.

"What is this feeling?"

Kindness! Wajo laughed in her mind. My Dao. They will never repay us. That's good. The karma becomes a seed. For everyone. You seek the meaning of your clan? You will find it here.

Peta barely cultivated in the next decade. She had no spirit stones, no beast cores, and the qi in the air was weak. She slowly expanded her dantian, when she could, preparing for the next heavenstage, but it was not her focus.

With that strange fellow Xiao Yi's Formation research and her own experience sharing the power of her blood with Wajo, Peta developed a technique to grant a portion of her regeneration to those beneath her. The clan would no doubt find it pointless. Their formations were about combining the power of the weak to fight the strong, not taking the power of the strong to help the weak. Yet, Peta found it enormously valuable. She could seal wounds, purge sickness, and give the infirm a few more pleasant years.

The people grew to love her, they told stories of the great wandering healer and her magic bear. Peta found joy and peace in it that she'd never felt before. She could have spent the rest of her life this way, stuck in the 8th​ heavenstage, a good seed grown not into a towering oak but into a beautiful flower.

Then she strayed across the border.

She saw devastation. Suffering beyond suffering. Her paltry powers of healing were nothing to this. How do you fix a stolen soul? What can you do, for the desiccated husk of what was a village?

She had understood, intellectually, that the other sects were evil. Now she saw it. Now she could feel it. She felt a fire of rage grow in her soul. The weak should be helped, protected, cherished. People are not livestock.

She followed a bloody trial to a war camp. All condensation cultivators, all beneath her 8th​ heavenstage. With Wajo's help, she killed them all.

Nothing. Empty. You cannot wash away blood with more blood.

Peta cried, and shook. She screamed. Nothing. You can't bring back the dead with grief.

The strong grow on the backs of the weak. This is our world.

"It's too cruel."

Yes. That too. It is our world. It is too cruel. This is the heart of your herd. Not service and pain. Not a defiant scream against heaven. Your herd is these things, but its Dao is brighter. To forge a better world within this one.

"You knew." Peta whispered.

Yes… A bear can see much from the mountaintop. I could not just tell you. You didn't need to hear it. You needed to see it. To feel it. You planted seeds of kindness in this cruel world. But such seeds are not suited to this soil. You must tend them.

"I would sacrifice you for a better world."

Then you can go home. You have found your Dao.

Omake Bonus: Tribulation Reduction

Would be nice to have a life-saving treasure, but the story didn't take me there.

@occipitallobe Omake, if that's how you tag?
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