Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]

That does make sense from one half of the equation, but nobody in Team A or the support staff never mentioned this?
Olga was Taylor's primary tutor in magecraft, and she would have stressed being careful over pushing limits, especially in the early days, when she was worried Taylor might keel over if pushed too hard ("To be a magus is to walk with death."). As for Team A, who among them would actually have told her? Pepe, maybe, but Pepe is too busy being mysterious. Kirschtaria is too busy being misunderstood. Yu Meiren (aka Hinako) doesn't interact with anyone unless she absolutely has to. Kadoc's inferiority complex prevents him from giving her anything that might make her a better magus than him, especially if Taylor is racing through the basics. Daybit is...also too busy being mysterious and also stoic. Ophelia is too busy making her version of googly eyes at Kirschtaria. That leaves Beryl, who would rather shank her than teach her how to be a better magus.

It wasn't that Taylor had no friends among Team A. But she started off on Team Olga Marie, which put some distance between her and them. Hard to get especially close to begin with when most of your teammates don't really know how to human, harder still when your boss has been obviously trying to fill big shoes and no one else seems to notice how much she's struggling. Or care.

But I haven't fleshed out the background details for all of that yet, so the nitty gritty might change if we do get to see anything of those two years. The original shot limit was actually introduced from the beginning as a way of showing, "Taylor isn't Rin. She can't just fire off Finn Gatling Shots forever." That might seem obvious when I say it directly, but it's actually really easy to forget that Rin firing Gandr like she's got limitless ammo isn't normal.
Olga was Taylor's primary tutor in magecraft, and she would have stressed being careful over pushing limits, especially in the early days, when she was worried Taylor might keel over if pushed too hard ("To be a magus is to walk with death."). As for Team A, who among them would actually have told her? Pepe, maybe, but Pepe is too busy being mysterious. Kirschtaria is too busy being misunderstood. Yu Meiren (aka Hinako) doesn't interact with anyone unless she absolutely has to. Kadoc's inferiority complex prevents him from giving her anything that might make her a better magus than him, especially if Taylor is racing through the basics. Daybit is...also too busy being mysterious and also stoic. Ophelia is too busy making her version of googly eyes at Kirschtaria. That leaves Beryl, who would rather shank her than teach her how to be a better magus.

It wasn't that Taylor had no friends among Team A. But she started off on Team Olga Marie, which put some distance between her and them. Hard to get especially close to begin with when most of your teammates don't really know how to human, harder still when your boss has been obviously trying to fill big shoes and no one else seems to notice how much she's struggling. Or care.

But I haven't fleshed out the background details for all of that yet, so the nitty gritty might change if we do get to see anything of those two years. The original shot limit was actually introduced from the beginning as a way of showing, "Taylor isn't Rin. She can't just fire off Finn Gatling Shots forever." That might seem obvious when I say it directly, but it's actually really easy to forget that Rin firing Gandr like she's got limitless ammo isn't normal.
To be fair with how Rin and the various Rin-faces have become the chew-toy for the FATE franchise ever since those early days, it's easy to forget that she is a certified genius and walking mana reactor rolled into one. The only other mages who have shown to be able to support a Servant without external aid all had gimmicks to pull it off, whereas Rin was able to just brute-force keep Artoria around in the Sunny Day ending.
But I haven't fleshed out the background details for all of that yet, so the nitty gritty might change if we do get to see anything of those two years. The original shot limit was actually introduced from the beginning as a way of showing, "Taylor isn't Rin. She can't just fire off Finn Gatling Shots forever." That might seem obvious when I say it directly, but it's actually really easy to forget that Rin firing Gandr like she's got limitless ammo isn't normal.

I always thought that the best way to put it was that there was a class of low level spells that fell into the same category as the Gandr runic spell. Things that are generally decayed to the point of non-lethality, non-lethal by design or only able to kill one person that can be cast with almost no advance notice.

By the way, does Taylors bug control cost her energy (albeit a negligable amount) or does it behave like an authority where the world recognizes she rules that conceptual aspect? Just asking because even shards used up their own energy reserves to give parahumans their powers.
There is 'dejavu' and there is real dejavu. Real dejavu is a glitch in short term memory that makes one think it's older than it is. Or really not a 'glitch' but the recognition of a glitch.
I ducked behind a tree and let the spell splash harmlessly against the bark, and then moved again
Don't gandr shots like blow holes in walls? I wouldn't exactly call that 'splash harmlessly', is this because it's a simulation and it's set to stun? or because rika and ritsuka just can't do good gandr shots? Like too little power or being bad at using the mystic code? I imagine an actual gandr shot would just blast a decent hole into the tree, so I can't really imagine it being anything else that causes the shot to just splash.


like at 1:57 here, a gandr shot blows the ground apart for example. Not critiquing, just a bit confused.
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Don't gandr shots like blow holes in walls? I wouldn't exactly call that 'splash harmlessly', is this because it's a simulation and it's set to stun? or because rika and ritsuka just can't do good gandr shots? Like too little power or being bad at using the mystic code? I imagine an actual gandr shot would just blast a decent hole into the tree, so I can't really imagine it being anything else that causes the shot to just splash.


like at 1:57 here, a gandr shot blows the ground apart for example. Not critiquing, just a bit confused.

VR environment might not have a fully destructible environment.
Don't gandr shots like blow holes in walls? I wouldn't exactly call that 'splash harmlessly', is this because it's a simulation and it's set to stun? or because rika and ritsuka just can't do good gandr shots? Like too little power or being bad at using the mystic code? I imagine an actual gandr shot would just blast a decent hole into the tree, so I can't really imagine it being anything else that causes the shot to just splash.


like at 1:57 here, a gandr shot blows the ground apart for example. Not critiquing, just a bit confused.

Rin's Gandr is already "something else." She's not using a Gandr so much as she's using the overpowered version, Finn Shot. And then she fires that overpowered version rapidly for a "Finn Gatling Gun."

Rin is not normal.
Gandr is more a kind of runic curse I believe? Been a while since I've looked up information about it, but ostensibly it is meant to gradually weaken and perhaps even kill a target over time. So it would work more on a target as a curse would, and it seems that curses (at least as how FGO presents them) build up over time from the ambiance of an environment. As even things like simple rage and anguish at another person can be considered a curse, and even the weakest effects of a curse (in Fate Strange Fake) can influence thoughts in a certain direction.
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Apropos of what I've been up to as I convalesce... Does anyone know anything about writing tables and scripts for Cheat Engine?
I've been replaying .Hack GU Last Recode, and the script I've found has an equipment editor for Vol 1 and 2, but not Vol 3, where all of the fun stuff really is. Way back when, I could have manually found the address for currently equipped items, but it's been too long so I don't remember, and I'd like to have a pointer that can do it automatically besides. I used to love messing around and putting impossible combinations on equipment that wasn't meant to hold them, then going out and using them in-game. I spent the entirety of Vol 2 with Rainbow Scale on Haseo, just because I could.

So how long until the Servants aren't just watching the Twins' training, but making bets on their success?
When they have something to bet, perhaps. As it is, without any of the usual stalker group, it's not like they can (or would be inclined to) bet nights in one of the twins' beds.
"That's what experience does for you," Arash said, but his smile took off any edge that the words might have had.
Given that everyone who is watching is a Heroic Spirit, they recognize that Taylor's fighting skill is result of real battlefield experience. Given that she still pretty yoiung even by heroic age standards, i wonder how much they can relate to having this kind of life, and how everyone human here can't.

Gandr is more a kind of runic curse I believe?

But Tohsaka's Gandr Shot is made with such dense magical energy that it looks like a bullet.
The problem is, its power is like that of a bullet as well.
IDK about Taylor being considered young by HS standards.

Cu Chulainn is a shonen protagonist with how old he was when he died, being less than a decade older than Taylor is at this point (she should now be 19).

She may just be considered in her prime by some.

Edit: I stand corrected, she should be 20ish
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But Tohsaka's Gandr Shot is made with such dense magical energy that it looks like a bullet.
The problem is, its power is like that of a bullet as well.
That's definitely how the spell has been treated in FGO though which is probably ultimately based on fanservice reasons. But if you want a no prize, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Chaldeas's version of Gandr was actually licensed by this timeline's versions of the Tohsaka since we heard earlier from Olga that they have a lot of patents.
"You know, doing all these missions on a shoestring, working with complete newbies, has reminded me of something."


"You're all jerks."
You take that back! Pepe and Wodime are total bros and you can't convince me otherwise!

Going back to the prior Heroic Spirit Taylor conversation... how do you think Taylor using several worlds' entire nuclear arsenals on Scion would fit into her Legend? Like people joke about Heroic Spirit Oppenheimer, but Taylor actually did it. Nuclear Armageddon, and it was just a one off attack for her.
It's not really functionally much different from any of the various flavors of offbrand excaliblast we've seen in Fate over the years tbh. Like, yes, beeg but like it wouldn't be an I Win F You button for every scenario or w/e.
It's not really functionally much different from any of the various flavors of offbrand excaliblast we've seen in Fate over the years tbh. Like, yes, beeg but like it wouldn't be an I Win F You button for every scenario or w/e.
Definitely not that, but it was one of the few attacks that reach the vaunted "Can scour the surface of the Earth of all life, and kill off any lucky/sheltered survivors with the fallout" status. That's rare even for Servants. It might not have the benefit of massive mystery or thousands of years of age, but it does have the advantage of it being a very widespread and very immediate concern for all of humanity.
Definitely not that, but it was one of the few attacks that reach the vaunted "Can scour the surface of the Earth of all life, and kill off any lucky/sheltered survivors with the fallout" status. That's rare even for Servants. It might not have the benefit of massive mystery or thousands of years of age, but it does have the advantage of it being a very widespread and very immediate concern for all of humanity.

Gil: "Pathetic. Ancient Babylonian nukes would have had the same effect with only a fraction of the number, mongrel."
dense magical energy that it looks like a bullet.
The problem is, its power is like that of a bullet as well.
Well, let's be fair to them. If the curse enhances already present pains, it being able to add to those present base pains through bullet holes makes it a definite plus.

So yeah. Maybe this really is licenced by the Tohsakas and spread to everyone because it is better than the old version.