Fuuuuuh... Be nice if getting in on the Walmart+ Xbox Series X restock queue on time actually meant something, instead of being stuck at "Estimated wait time: 1min" for AN HOUR AND A FUCKING HALF, only to be booted and told they're out of stock. What do I have to sacrifice to which god, what voodoo, what black magic is necessary to secure a single video game console when even doing everything right only results in failure? Ugh. And this is the second time it's happened.
Was Tokiomi Toshaka a good parent? It depends. On Fuyuki? No. On Space? Yes!
Tokiomi wasn't a great parent. Tokiomi wasn't even a good parent, generally. He at least intended to give his children the chance to turn away from the life of a magus, which stopped being an option when both of his daughters were so exceptional.
But, like, Tokiomi's worst failing as a parent is generally that he trusted the wrong person in a situation without any good options. Sakura was in danger as long as she didn't have the protection of a proper magic crest and family line. The Einzbern would have made Sakura a handmaiden for Illya (if Tokiomi even could or even tried to contact them at all), which in this case is basically synonymous for "slave." Her options likely weren't that good with any other allies he might have had in the Mage's Association, either. Zouken was an old family ally who fell on hard times. He must have seemed like a godsend to Tokiomi. "What a fortuitous twist of fortune!" is probably what Tokiomi thought.
Marisbury...is not Tokiomi. Marisbury is an idealist, the worst kind of idealist, for whom every option had to be taken and every sacrifice deemed necessary to ensure that his vision of the future came to reality. In some ways, his abandoning Olga was the best thing that could have happened to her, and it's also what screwed her up so bad she's the neurotic, hypercritical mess she is when we're introduced to her in FGO's prologue.
On the scale of "worst parent ever," Tokiomi's probably a 3 or 4. Marisbury is solidly around 6. Zouken is obviously right around 8 or so, if only because he became less abusive and more neglectful as Sakura got older, with that elusive 10 reserved for the absolute monsters.
Like that couple in Michigan who thought giving a gun to their clinically depressed son who was caught looking up how to buy ammunition in class was a great idea. Sorry, what was I saying? Right. There are 10s out there on that scale. But I'm not even sure I'd put Gendo at a 10, and he used and manipulated his son for the sole purpose of causing the apocalypse. Ragyu? Maybe. The mindrape and the literal rape put her pretty far up there on the scale.
Anyway. Tokiomi isn't the greatest dad ever. But he's far from the worst that it seemed a lot of the fandom liked to paint him as in the aftermath of Zero.