Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]

I can understand that.

But, at the same time... Well, you'll see next chapter what exactly this will even mean for her combat potential and such.
As others have said I don't really expect them to make her more directly dangerous to mythic beasts/servants/etc. More, I was really hoping that this story would spend some time really showing that the most dangerous thing about Taylor wasn't her bug powers, it was her mind. The bugs certainly helped but they weren't the thing that made Skitter so incredibly effective and able to punch miles above her supposed weightclass.
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And your missing the point I was trying to make.

It's not that what Taylor did prior to GM isn't impressive and worthy of legend. It's that compared to what she did during GM it's practically pointless. Yes, you could summon Assasin Skitter if she was in the throne.

But you would be summoning a girl with bug powers and a few fancy trinkets. Maybe Atlas if you were lucky.

Meanwhile as a Berserker, what Khepri is famous for across MULTIPLE WORLDS, not limited to just Bet, is kidnapping people, Nukes, and whatever the fuck she wanted and fighting Scion across multiple worlds all at the same time.

It's basically like summoning King Arthur as an Assasin instead of a Saber. Yes you can, but why aren't you going with the class that fits what they are known for the most?

People were so scared of her they tried to erase her existence in Ward (and succeeded, which is so fucking STUPID, but that's the least of Wards problems), but that terror is still there. And that's a fear people in multiple worlds have felt.

Just seems to me like Taylor is more known for being Khepri than anything she did as Skitter/Weaver.
It's basically like summoning King Arthur as an Assasin instead of a Saber. Yes you can, but why aren't you going with the class that fits what they are known for the most?
Little aside, but it's worth noting the King Arthur does in fact have two different weapons (and feats with one of them) that could make them a pretty terrifying Assassin. Secace, a short sword that "can only to be carried into mortal combat" is the one I know less about. It was mentioned in passing as something that Saber King Arthur could have, but Excalibur was more relevant. And then there's Carnwennan, a dagger that could cloak it's user in shadow to turn them invisible, potentially allow them to teleport between shadows, and might be the dagger they used to slay a Giant with a single thrown strike.

Otherwise, in more story relevant topics, Taylor has her bug control powers back. Interesting. Either Queen Administrator is able to make a connection with her, or the increased Mystery of that age is doing something weird that's manifesting via her powers from QA. I'm more inclined towards the former as likely, but the latter should not be ruled out. The twins complaining is understandable, and all of their reactions to just seeing a dragon is going to be fun. It would be pleasant if they can avoid fighting it until another Servant is summoned or the twins can summon a Shade of EMIYA, but it will remain to be seen how that turns out.
We don't know much about him so it's highly unlikely.
Considering Moses is the only one that can make Ozy stop in his tracks? And considering what happened the last time Ramses didnt listen to him.....ok he would be tugging his brother's heartstrings more than anything, but Ozy would listen, basically Moses is Ozymandias' Enkidu. Besides, he is a servant with an unexplored kit, completely unknow besides the fact he can qualify for Rider and Ruler. Could be fun, also you could use the old fanon bit in which Taylor is part Jew...and she suddenly meets Moses of all all around
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Basically, anyone from the Servant Universe could class as a Foreigner, simply due to the fact that they are aliens.

I believe they are all members of the Human Order and thus, while technically non-terrestrial, do not qualify for being Foreigners (except those who are Foreigners on their own merits I guess). But I could be wrong.
I believe they are all members of the Human Order and thus, while technically non-terrestrial, do not qualify for being Foreigners (except those who are Foreigners on their own merits I guess). But I could be wrong.
XX changes to foreigner due to her own alieness, making a few changes to her own graph...and Rhongomyniad. Their own civilization, Aka "Human Order", is completely different from ours, they may look human, act human, but their though patterns differ from that of a normal human's, all are half servant, have a caste system centered around the class system and all of them break the 4th wall without even noticing. Heck Mysterious Idol X (Alter) is a Foreigner because she is not only an alien, but also an alien to this current timeline....for some reason.
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All good points, but why would @James D. Fawkes make up new stuff when there's plenty of Canon Servants for him to use. This is already going to be a massive story as is, he doesn't need to create additional work when he can use a fully fleshed out Servant. Regardless I doubt Moses is her highest compatibility Servant, Tamamo no Mae is most likely the best in terms of overall compatibility for a Post-GM Taylor. I've covered the why of that in past posts in the thread, but we'll have to wait and see what James decides in regards to this. Only a few more chapters until it happens most likely.
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And Taylor really, still sucking up to the hero's.....summon Hercules and maybe get the drunk one who pees all over everything, or the one who kills people for no reason. Maybe you'll get a halfway decent version probably not.

And I'm glad Taylor got her powers back, never understand why people want to nerf what she legit worked hard to get.
She could be facing a fleet of Borg and someone would complain that she can count how many there are.

Best Host/Best Shard back together again and it feels so good.
and suddenly......she ends up with Koyanskaya of all tamamos.

Yeah no, I think Vitch would never answer Taylor's call. Remember that the Tamamo 9 are essentially distilled traits of the true Tamamo, Cat is essentially her happiness and positivity as an example; and with the exception of their mutual hatred for the true Tamamo, they don't tend to stray from these character traits. I haven't read up on Vitch's character profile from her release in Japan or gone beyond NA's content, but what we know from the latest NA content (LB4) shows that Vitch is pretty much Tamamo's hatred and cruelty. The only people I can think of that might potentially summon her would be Gilles Master from Zero or Kirei post Zero. And even they would be a stretch by an incredibly large margin.
Considering that in Worm there is a multi-verse with all different kinds of laws and rules, especially with the fact that the Space-Whales can reshape entire universes, made very explicit in Ward by one interlude, and how there are places where time can work differently, plus how the Temple of Time is outside of History. It's not so surprising that the Passenger is as well, doubly so given the Shardspace. Heck it may have been unable to connect all this time due to what Goteia did to prevent the Pillars and himself from watching the insides of Chaldea, intending to have used it as a Proxy to ensure the Pillars remained in line via the usage of Sheba.

"He sensed the wound to Gambol's back and he sensed it, feeling it in detail and in entirety, so real that he might as well have been the one to destroy his back in a freak fall.
He explored that sensation and found a catalogue of similar scenes. He could see other Gambols, including ones without powers, arranged so that some were close, others far away, and there was a pattern to them that distorted the perspective. Where they had powers, they stood in the shadow of great monoliths that were simultaneously existing in the plural and the singular, the images too indistinct to make out, too great in scale to ignore."

"The shape of their reality, for one thing. As the golden man had made his descent, he had sorted out the universe, taking something infinitely branching and viewing it through a lens. The Bet reality, which had been William's before he'd left it for Gimel, was the point at the peak of the lens, the most 'forward', for lack of a better word. In the eighties, the golden man had arrived. Bet had cleaved off from Aleph.

'Bet' was, within the umbrella of the lens, a collection of realities, all of the derivative realities flowing from that point of cleaving, with the more far-flung being further away from 'his', harder to reach and see. Accessible, despite common opinion, but only for power interactions, not for actual travel. The golden man had been careful to limit that. Careful enough that even after his death and the ruin of his insane designs, that separation was inviolable.

He'd (Willaim) joined the Fallen because all that selflessness and communication had amounted to nothing but whole universes of ruin- great golden beams that had cut through the lens, through the Earth Bet he knew and into the seemingly infinite Earths that were included in that package, that were used for predictions and simulations, for templates and data. It was too vast to comprehend, so people didn't bother comprehending. Nothing meaningful had changed since that point."
Honestly with how the initial stuff with her regaining the ability to sense bugs was described i'm not entirely convinced she has her OG powers, could always be something imitating it due to magical shenanigans.

Considering the fact she saved Olga there's a rather large butterfly flapping around right now after all, Beast VII/The Alien God still needs a host and having the first part of the 'alien god's' influence manifest in the form of her old 'alien powers' doesn't seem like a complete stretch. Especially as Taylors likely already metaphysically 'primed' to be compatible with hosting an alien consciousness after QA and the Khepri incident
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Honestly with how the initial stuff with her regaining the ability to sense bugs was described i'm not entirely convinced she has her OG powers, could always be something imitating it due to magical shenanigans.

Considering the fact she saved Olga there's a rather large butterfly flapping around right now after all, Beast VII/The Alien God still needs a host and having the first part of the 'alien god's' influence manifest in the form of her old 'alien powers' doesn't seem like a complete stretch. Especially as Taylors likely already metaphysically 'primed' to be compatible with hosting an alien consciousness after QA and the Khepri incident
Considering how little of how that whole situation works in canon has even been explained yet, I don't see James playing around with plot twists or deviations THAT big just yet.
Yeah no, I think Vitch would never answer Taylor's call. Remember that the Tamamo 9 are essentially distilled traits of the true Tamamo, Cat is essentially her happiness and positivity as an example; and with the exception of their mutual hatred for the true Tamamo, they don't tend to stray from these character traits. I haven't read up on Vitch's character profile from her release in Japan or gone beyond NA's content, but what we know from the latest NA content (LB4) shows that Vitch is pretty much Tamamo's hatred and cruelty. The only people I can think of that might potentially summon her would be Gilles Master from Zero or Kirei post Zero. And even they would be a stretch by an incredibly large margin.
And what will Tamamo Bug be like?

Yeah, I know. Dumb joke, but it wouldn't leave me alone.
You know, with how (in canon) Ritsuka always gets allied servants needed, one could call him an Envoy or the Counter Force.
Note: this is NOT the same as being an Agent of the Counter Force - an agent gets summoned by it, but one could say that an envoy summons it.
(The idea of getting help from the Counter Force was originally brought up in Rednai's Daily Chaldea comic strip…)

Honestly with how the initial stuff with her regaining the ability to sense bugs was described i'm not entirely convinced she has her OG powers, could always be something imitating it due to magical shenanigans.

Considering the fact she saved Olga there's a rather large butterfly flapping around right now after all, Beast VII/The Alien God still needs a host and having the first part of the 'alien god's' influence manifest in the form of her old 'alien powers' doesn't seem like a complete stretch. Especially as Taylors likely already metaphysically 'primed' to be compatible with hosting an alien consciousness after QA and the Khepri incident
I'd point out that it just needed her form/body, not her soul.
Which was the only part to survive, due to Rayshift.
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People were so scared of her they tried to erase her existence in Ward (and succeeded, which is so fucking STUPID, but that's the least of Wards problems), but that terror is still there. And that's a fear people in multiple worlds have felt.
They only succeded short-term. Victoria concedes in the very first arc of the story that in the long term Khepri's story will come out.
Alright, the fact that Taylor got her powers back makes me think of a certain idea.
Is Taylor becoming a Servant herself? Not summoning herself, but straight up Human -> Servant conversion?
If not, at the very least, the rayshifting is allowing her to be more in-tune with her legend and/or concept, so the bug control comes from "This is Taylor Hebert, She must have insect control" or "She must have insect control because she is Taylor Hebert"?
That is an explanation if QA isn't a plot relevant thing in this story.
"Our job is to correct history gone awry," I told her. "The form that takes isn't always going to be pretty or palatable."
You're probably aware, but the job of Chaldea isn't actually to restore history as it was.
That's more or less taken care of by the Corrective Force.

Rather, Chaldea can't really alter history all that much.
The rule enforced by the World is that actions of parties that don't qualify as "living humans of the era" cannot alter the era in any way that contradicts the explicitly defined contents of a Quantum Time-Lock, absent the caveat of installing a Grail the hard way like Goetia did — making use of agents who qualified as "living humans of the era."

Explicitly defined content isn't "all the history within this era." It's largely "the history that most every living human within the era observed / can agree upon."
This means that things aside from that can be changed without incurring the action of the Corrective Force — including killing or saving specific humans whose fates aren't specified by the QTL.
Comparatively, events explicitly defined by a QTL cannot be changed absent of the caveat named above. If changes are made to these events, the Corrective Force will act to revert them back to whatever the QTL defined.

The problem is, the Corrective Force can't do its job so long as a Grail is asserting an incorrect history across the entire spectrum of a Quantum Time-Lock, and the World / the Human Order doesn't have the ability to independently excise Grails.
Chaldea's job is really just to do what the World / the Human Order can't — to remove the Grails via rayshift.

Incidentally, rayshifting is largely restricted to predominantly spiritual existences such as human souls, Grails, and homunculi — and certain inanimate equipment modified by Chaldea in an unspecified manner. Other things, such as food and other provisions, can be transported, but this appears to be done via a special bag created by da Vinci.

Ergo, if there isn't a Chaldea-like group around to take care of the Grails, and there's someone who's actually interested in altering history — unlike Goetia, who only established his seven Singularities to dummy-content the Human Order with nonsense data — they can actually use Grails to thumb-tack history into a new shape.

Lostbelt 3 QSH planned to do so as a backup plan against the Alien God in the event that Chaldea got itself annihilated.
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(a bunch of points that make sense, but ultimately lead up to this)

Just seems to me like Taylor is more known for being Khepri than anything she did as Skitter/Weaver.
Which is fair, your first post made it seem like it's impossible to get a non berserker version tho, like arthur can also be summoned as a lancer, so could taylor be summoned as a an assassin or potentially a rider (though that last one is iffy cause atlas isn't well know), i think it's a case of most optimal class to be summoned in, like how cu is best as a lancer but can be summoned as a caster, and the same with artoria for saber and lancer, so is it for taylor with berserker (or whatever khepri is) and assassin. I don't think khepri outshines all taylors past deeds so much that any other class is nigh-impossible to summon her in, but probably enough to be a more frequent summon perhaps.
Is Taylor becoming a Servant herself? Not summoning herself, but straight up Human -> Servant conversion?

That shouldn't be possible? Servants aren't something you can naturally become, not in the transformative sense. They're summons, straight from the Throne of Heroes. It'd be like becoming your own portrait, or a biography.

Even if she were artificially modified to be more spirit-like through magecraft and Saint Graph shenanigans, it wouldn't connect her to her legend, I don't think. Not without a summoning.
That shouldn't be possible? Servants aren't something you can naturally become, not in the transformative sense. They're summons, straight from the Throne of Heroes. It'd be like becoming your own portrait, or a biography.

Even if she were artificially modified to be more spirit-like through magecraft and Saint Graph shenanigans, it wouldn't connect her to her legend, I don't think. Not without a summoning.
Actually that sounds allot like what happened to Nero in the (I think) Septum portion of FGO. She was fully alive, but had started to take on her Heroic Spirit's abilities. Not saying it's what happened to Taylor, but there is a precedent.