Plus knights like Mo could call anybody older than 'em "Old Man" and it wouldn't be a surprise. Without actually knowing the personalities of the Knights in actuality rather than in "King Arthur and the Knights" lore (where Arthur is a dude and Lancelot someone's French OC Donut Steel and Galahad some bright soul doing 'protectors of the plot continuum' fanfic nonsense where your OC dunks on someone else's OC), it would be hard to rule out personalities. Old Man certainly leans things one way, but it is far from definitive.
Re: no-one at Chaldea figuring out the HS half of Mash's Demi-Servant class

I'm more surprised that EMIYA hasn't bothered to check Mash's shield (a representation of the Round Table?) via Structural Grasping.

Yeah, he wouldn't be able to store it within his Reality Marble, nor would he be able to perform said Structural Grasping via mere eye contact (That shield is no sword, boy! Not a sword!!), but physical contact should suffice for the psychometry aspect to function, even without getting a degraded copy stored in UBW...

...then again, (piss-poor) fanon is fanon, and I haven't bothered to keep up with the precise limits of EMIYA's Structural Grasping, other than the most obvious errors in trying to make him and/or Shirou(s)-in-name-only fanfic counterparts as OP as their authors and/or their immediate followers desire to see.
yeah no, i completely missed that old man could have possibly been used in the way of 'he's my old man', cause in the context calling lancelot old as an insult sounds entirely reasonable for a pissed off heroic spirit. as for EMIYA and the shield, it's entirely possible he has scanned it but hasn't bothered thinking about it, it's doubtful he at all times thinks about and considers the history of every single tool in his reality marble, and to my understanding he has to actively look into somethings history or attempt to project it in order to actually get that knowledge. otherwise he'd be able to fight using the collective skill used for every single weapon in his repetoir, when we know he's limited to own skill and the skills of the wielder for the specific weapons he has manifested, not that he uses that for much but still.
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I'm more surprised that EMIYA hasn't bothered to check Mash's shield (a representation of the Round Table?) via Structural Grasping.
I think it'll just be one of this trolling moment. The "you didn't ask me about it" type. I can see him doing it.

Besides from the way he can tell who their first "enemy" Servant is just by looking at the spear? Unless he couldn't or didn't spend time looking at the shield, EMIYA should know who that belonged to. On the other hand it IS a shield, and the furthest thing from a Sword...

There is also the chance that Galahad would bash him for trying to reveal it, like he did with Lancelot.
Re: no-one at Chaldea figuring out the HS half of Mash's Demi-Servant class

I'm more surprised that EMIYA hasn't bothered to check Mash's shield (a representation of the Round Table?) via Structural Grasping.

Yeah, he wouldn't be able to store it within his Reality Marble, nor would he be able to perform said Structural Grasping via mere eye contact (That shield is no sword, boy! Not a sword!!), but physical contact should suffice for the psychometry aspect to function, even without getting a degraded copy stored in UBW...

...then again, (piss-poor) fanon is fanon, and I haven't bothered to keep up with the precise limits of EMIYA's Structural Grasping, other than the most obvious errors in trying to make him and/or Shirou(s)-in-name-only fanfic counterparts as OP as their authors and/or their immediate followers desire to see.
I think it'll just be one of this trolling moment. The "you didn't ask me about it" type. I can see him doing it.

Besides from the way he can tell who their first "enemy" Servant is just by looking at the spear? Unless he couldn't or didn't spend time looking at the shield, EMIYA should know who that belonged to. On the other hand it IS a shield, and the furthest thing from a Sword...

There is also the chance that Galahad would bash him for trying to reveal it, like he did with Lancelot.

He has Rho Ais stored in his reality marble, shields are on the table. Clearly any weapon that has a 'Back of the Blade' must be a sword, and only EMIYA has risen above our feeble human understanding of the universe to comprehend that truth.

That pun was punishment for you guys forgetting the NP that EMIYA and Shirou have pulled out more often than anything except Kanshou & Bakuya IIRC.
Rho Ais is one of those big mysteries that would likely never be answered, but i do know he can do shields. I was thinking that he would need more effort into finding out what it is for shields as oppose to just knowing by instinct when it comes to a blade.

I did say he was likely trolling people since there isn't really a need to tell them who that shield belonged to.
There's no way Emiya doesn't know. But then, Nasu said way back when that Rho Aias was the strongest defensive NP in his arsenal, and I'll eat my shorts if he can plausibly and satisfactorily explain why Emiya wouldn't have Lord Camelot.

Emiya is canonically a Servant of Chaldea. By the nature of how Heroic Spirits work, FSN Emiya therefore already has it.

This is a thing that happens in canon, too. Gilgamesh even lampshades it in one of his earlier interludes. He says something like, "Of course those of us with Clairvoyance already understand the true nature of the King of Mages. However, we won't spoil your journey, so we're keeping it secret." It stands to reason Emiya must have a thought like that, too: "Just as my Grail War was the trial by which I started on my own journey, if that guy hasn't revealed himself, then I have no place getting in the way of Mash's journey."

That's a big thing a lot of Servants say. "We're not here to make your future for you. We're just here to help you reach it." They've all had their shot, made their mark, and died, and now it's the time of those still living to decide the shape of the path forward.
There's no way Emiya doesn't know. But then, Nasu said way back when that Rho Aias was the strongest defensive NP in his arsenal, and I'll eat my shorts if he can plausibly and satisfactorily explain why Emiya wouldn't have Lord Camelot.
Same reason he doesn't just spam Gae Bolg or Excalibur (Image). Some things are just too hard for him to make in a reasonable timeframe and cost effective manner. Also, LC is only as strong as the user's will, and EMIYA's will might not be that strong. I mean yeah he has the force of will to always step up and fight a hopeless fight to the death, but he doubts his own self worth too. He's just a cleaner and he hates himself on some level because of it.
Rika's thought process: "Queen Boudica, Boudica, Boodi-ca... Queen Booty!"
Ah, I see. So Boo-di => Boo-ti => Booty. Checks out. Boobica makes better sense given the actual character design, but Rika obviously doesn't know that yet.

That being said, I expect Rika to realize the error of her ways when meeting Boudica in the spiritrons flesh. Her reaction shall be legendary :V
It also just be something he's bad at. Like, his synergy with the weapon actually matters, so it makes sense that a shield that requires putting yourself on the line would be something he could use much better than an impenetrable wall that protects you and everyone you care about. One of those is much closer to who he is than the other.
That and there's also the thing that Emyia is a limited slice of a Heroic Spirit that could perhaps literally contain and call upon an insane amount of weapons. So it makes some degree of sense as to why he wouldn't have everything on the table. As he most likely has a preferred pre-selected kit for each class he may manifest in that he can easily call up from Unlimited Blade Works. Not to forget that there are some weapons out their; tending to be divine constructs; that he can't outright create copies of, and Ea itself has some sort of DRM that prevents itself from being read. So that could be extended towards other weapons that Emyia could have seen thoughout time...

Although even without going into the realm of NPs there is also potential mystic codes he could have witnessed as well. Granted that assumes either A that it is part of the HGW he is somehow summoned into, B that the Counterforce summoned to handle a Magi/Magi-like being, or C that in life he had seen a large number of mystic codes. But typically they are unlikely to match the sheer power of an NP, and he's not an actual Caster that is supposed go into those details. Alongside him actively modifying them to suit him like how he turned Swords into Arrows.
You're all making Watsonian arguments to solve a Doylist problem. The simple reason why Emiya didn't have Lord Camelot in FSN is because Nasu hadn't come up with it yet.
Lord Camelot is a shield that represents a table and a wall.

Rho Aias is a shield-like thing that represents an actual shield, which is a weapon. And probably has sharp-ish edges.

One of those is more sword-like than the other.
You're all making Watsonian arguments to solve a Doylist problem. The simple reason why Emiya didn't have Lord Camelot in FSN is because Nasu hadn't come up with it yet.
I mean the issue is still there. Even going all the way back to FSN Archer's most optimal tactic is just to spawn a copy of Gae Bolg and death stab everybody with it. There's got to be a reason EMIYA doesn't do that. Nasu decided the reason is "He can't. Too time/resource inefficient to be practical." I think it was brought up in FGO in a conversation with Cu, Mash, Medea, and I think Edison was there too but I might be confusing that for a different conversation.
I mean the issue is still there. Even going all the way back to FSN Archer's most optimal tactic is just to spawn a copy of Gae Bolg and death stab everybody with it. There's got to be a reason EMIYA doesn't do that. Nasu decided the reason is "He can't. Too time/resource inefficient to be practical." I think it was brought up in FGO in a conversation with Cu, Mash, Medea, and I think Edison was there too but I might be confusing that for a different conversation.
Also, it's not like archer's trying to win the war there. He's half-assing it for a reason. He wants to try and divert Shirou from his path before killing him if it isn't feasible, and he is somewhat compelled to care about Rin via the subtler effects of command seals/her first seal. Winning the grail wouldn't do that much, like he says, he doesn't have a wish for it.

Additionally, Gae Bolg is a spear, and also, actually achieving a noble phantasm release is waaay harder than just projecting them, since he doesn't have a history of owning it. The only reason he can is probably because they're made of his mana, honestly. I mean, normally you can't just pick up an NP and use it, after all.
There's no way Emiya doesn't know. But then, Nasu said way back when that Rho Aias was the strongest defensive NP in his arsenal, and I'll eat my shorts if he can plausibly and satisfactorily explain why Emiya wouldn't have Lord Camelot
I think it is because LC uses the will of the user for the shield, and EMIYA has already failed to protect saber, rin, etc... so his shield would not be as strong.
Coupled with the rank down from it being a projection, EMIYA probably prefers Rho Aias
You're all making Watsonian arguments to solve a Doylist problem. The simple reason why Emiya didn't have Lord Camelot in FSN is because Nasu hadn't come up with it yet.

There's something fun about that.

See, even if you toss aside this truth of Nasu's causality, you can just as easily declare that The Throne Of Heroes itself hadn't come up with Lord Camelot yet, because there hadn't yet been a Shielder-class servant that would need to have that specific aspect of Camelot be cast into a Noble Phantasm.

An NP to summon Camelot itself, as a fully terrestrially-manifested Marble Phantasm? Absolutely already existed on the records, with its nigh impenetrable walls being a side note to the intended primary NP effects.

An NP to summon just the concept of Camelot's walls, with a fraction of the mana cost for just as much defensive power as the real Camelot? Well, there is a first time for everything, and Mash would be the first-timer to do it.

Make no mistake, Gawain: in life, or in death, or in legend, or as a servant; only had the needed authority to summon the concept of Camelot as relevant to his Class Container or as part of his real life skills, but as a subset of his skills in battle, an unnamed and unremarkable portion of the whole.
Tamamo: "I want to be a good wife so I can't be that for her, and she can't be one for me, but this is an easy solution. Everybody's happy, everybody wins!"
I am pretty sure that Tamamo CAN be a wife for another woman, and vice versa. Like, unless I'm remembering wrong, "husband" isn't a gender specific term to her and she'll happily apply to anyone who summons her unless they alienate her in some way.
Gilgamesh even lampshades it in one of his earlier interludes. He says something like, "Of course those of us with Clairvoyance already understand the true nature of the King of Mages. However, we won't spoil your journey, so we're keeping it secret."

Alternate theory:
Pretty much every Hero in the Throne were sent running around on useless busywork for something that they could've just been handed at the beginning, so now is their opportunity to do it themselves!
Basically they're all huge trolls.
I am pretty sure that Tamamo CAN be a wife for another woman, and vice versa. Like, unless I'm remembering wrong, "husband" isn't a gender specific term to her and she'll happily apply to anyone who summons her unless they alienate her in some way.
The issue being that because Tamamo wants to be a good wife she can't be a good husband is resolved because Tamamo can be a good wife?
Also, it kind of depends on what Arthurian myth you follow and how much you remember. I had completely forgotten that the knight in question was Lancelot's son prior to playing FGO again.
(Because Hakuno can be a female character)
Tamamo: "I want to be a good wife so I can't be that for her, and she can't be one for me, but this is an easy solution. Everybody's happy, everybody wins!"
I am pretty sure that Tamamo CAN be a wife for another woman, and vice versa. Like, unless I'm remembering wrong, "husband" isn't a gender specific term to her and she'll happily apply to anyone who summons her unless they alienate her in some way.
In Extra, where Tamamo first appears, one of the very first dialogue options you can select regarding her as a female Hakuno is to point out that you're a girl in rebuttal to her husband/wife thing.

Tamamo's response is that 'while that makes certain things more difficult, it's not really a concern'

It's also implied your servants have a 'mana transfer' with your, exclusively female, route ally for reasons during the story where Tamamo is heard to be fairly 'enthusiasticly dominant' through the door.

Tamamo is very solidly bi and 'good wife' is relationship dynamic goal for her, rather than anything related to gender.

She also kinda hates harems. To the point of creating the Polygamist Castration Fist (which is actually a series of kicks), a technique that becomes a Noble Phantasm.

Though Extella shows she's apparently willing to begrudgingly settle for one if she likes someone enough. But only after trying very hard to avoid it first. It'd basically never be her goal, first option, or even something she'd really consider a win or be terribly happy with.
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