Administrative lock. "Patreon" is apparently verboten on AO3, and I thought I took care of all of the problems, but I can't even have a "thanks to all of you who supported me through this project" at the end of Essence, it seems. As I understand it, they'll review them again in a week and the lock will get lifted if I fixed everything.

Dunno why it took the admins a whole fucking year to come down on me about it, but there you go.

Thanks for clarifying that. And...sorry for contacting you three different times with the same question, I was a bit hasty with that one.
I remember the fan reason that Nero could fight servants in Septim was she was a demi servant that the World created by having her channel her own heroic spirit.
Aldo note alternative Taylor doesn't even need to be a servant, she could be a monster or demon possesed.

In all fairness, the shard dickery could be liberally interpreted as low-key possession - like a DnD binder/vestige sort of thing, except uninvited and you only get one.

So uh, she kind of counts already?
I remember the fan reason that Nero could fight servants in Septim was she was a demi servant that the World created by having her channel her own heroic spirit.
That would logically make sense, especially since it seems like the Moon Cell successfully uploaded any character development it noticed to the Throne of Heroes. Though having Imperial Privilege while still ruling the empire it's an abstraction of seems like an op combination
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Considering we're talking about Roman rulers here, I'd give them 10 minutes before they start backstabbing each other.

Jetpack Lancer: "Oi, give me some credit, I'm literally Byzantine."

You know, I actually expected Aife to be a Taylor face because she was one of Tay's go to heroic spirits in your previous story. That would have been hilarious in all sorts of ways.

Would explain why Cu liked her so much...
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The alternate versions of the same servant being active at the same time thing.

Aldo note alternative Taylor doesn't even need to be a servant, she could be a monster or demon possesed.
I mean your post said 'so are we going to meet a Servant Taylor?' so that's clearly what you meant in that post. And at least Taylor appearing as a Servant would have an actual mechanism for how it could happen even if the author doesn't intend to use it. Where is this extra monstrous or demon possessed Taylor supposed to come from? I mean you could have Shakespeare create one for an event Singularity or Tiamat do something in Babylon, but it's really unlikely for it to happen any time soon. Do we need something like a thread banner to get people to stop bringing this up?
Moving on from this rather pointless discussion, since it's not going to happen, it's been stated by @James D. Fawkes, hell I think it's in the very first post of this thread or near enough, that we won't be seeing Taylor as a Servant in any form; a thought occurred to me in the shower regarding other parts of the Camelot Singularity.

It's that Taylor is either going to piss off Ozymandias to a point that is ridiculous, or he's going to love her. I'm thinking it's more likely the first, since shes a walking biblical plague and just in case you aren't as familiar with the Torah as you might want to be, or the Old Testament if you want to use the Christian title, Ozymandias is the Pharaoh that experienced the actual biblical plagues. On the other hand she was named Khepri and is best known by that name now and to a much larger degree than any of her previous Cape personas, which might just be enough to make her acceptable in his eyes.
That reminds me of an interesting point. The Lion King's weapon has some very interesting properties, notably that of being able to tether different Layers of the world to one another. I'm not sure if Shard shenanigans reaching across the barriers between different versions of a World would count as messing with Layers, but there is a potential for things there. Once we reach the Fifth Singularity, if the Lion King is still the same as in canon.
I also just like the Lion King's weapon; It's arguably more BS than Excalibur in some ways.
Isn't Chaldea all that remains of human history right now? Because if that so, how Servants behave is influenced by a hundred people tops, all with modern beliefs.

... And now I just thought about what Servants' personalities would be if humanity's only frame of reference was memetic!Gudako. *Shudder*
I don't read to deeply in to FGO lore to much, makes it easier to enjoy stories that way and saves the headaches,

But how about an enemy that uses a NP to make a monster like being that is trying to mimic Taylor, kinda like Shakespeare's NP but for people? Making discount servents.

Just an idea, QA would not be very happy about it, trying to make a poor copy of the best host.
I don't read to deeply in to FGO lore to much, makes it easier to enjoy stories that way and saves the headaches,

But how about an enemy that uses a NP to make a monster like being that is trying to mimic Taylor, kinda like Shakespeare's NP but for people? Making discount servents.

Just an idea, QA would not be very happy about it, trying to make a poor copy of the best host.
I don't believe there's a servant that's like that from my knowledge, but there could probably be something like the Doctor Frankenstein which could have that NP, i.e creating a monster that tries to resemble humanity.
"What Cú did to Aífe," Ritsuka clarified, still just as quiet. "You said he forced her to bear him a son in exchange for sparing her life. He raped her."

Emiya sighed. An oppressive silence fell, blanketing all of us. None of the Servants tried to deny it, not Emiya, not Arash, and not Connla, and even Mash's mouth remained firmly shut as she refused to meet either of the twins' eyes.

"But… He was so cool," Rika mumbled.

"I hate to tell you this, you two," I said, "but you're not going to find too many Heroic Spirits without something like that in their closet. It's just the way things were for a lot of them."
Man when I found out that Drake was a slaver or how much a piece of shit Christopher Columbus turned out to be that really hit hard. Like you grow up hearing about how badass and amazing these historical figures are without being told about any of the F'ed up things about them.
"The value system of the ancient Celts was far different than the modern day," said Emiya. "Life and death were far more closely intertwined. I'm not going to excuse what happened. But it should tell you something that Queen Medb was far more aggrieved that Cúchulainn didn't take her to his bed after he captured her in battle than she would have been if he had."
Can't help but think of how Lancelot was seen during the numerous era's

Like when Lancelot first came about (in what was basically King Arthur Fanfiction as a Mary Sue OC) courtly love was apparently super popular in France so the love Affair was seen as something entirely in the right but when the Vulgate Cycle was released said love affair was seen as entirely bad.

Then the rest is history
Strawberry blonde hair flashed in the sun as she walked,
Huh and here I thought she was like an identical twin to Scathach or something
Trimmed in gold, his white armor fit the stereotype so completely that I almost wanted to laugh, and I couldn't help thinking that his handsome face and deep, blue eyes would send any girl swooning, no matter her orientation.
Waaaaaaait a fucking sec-
He stopped, staring at Mash, and Mash, too, was frozen,
Oh shit its Lancelot
with Romulus himself leading the Empire."
Lets all be so glad it isn't Grand Lancer- cause everyone would be ROLF Stomped so fast its not even funny
"Find Queen Boudica. I have a favor to ask of her."
Oh boy one of Histories most famous Female Icons hanging out with Taylor.....for some reason I'm scared
In other news, the Sessho-seki in Nasu, Japan, the "Killing Stone" said to imprison the spirit of Tamamo-no-mae, has been found broken in half with the rope formerly binding the stone torn down.

