that fucking crit fail...holyshit…that really dun fucked them up, time to put investment into the planet.
as well as our own, better to start the clock ticking for chaos cults and make sure they are organized...until we reach 51% of a planets populace twisted to the cults of chaos (6% for slannesh, 7% for nurgle, 8% for Khorne, and 9% for tzeentch...the rest will be undivided/United.)
the idea for the next few turns is to slowly whittle down the sector by playing smart, use our advantages. get chaos marines to be teleported into under-hives or areas where they can set things up to slowly convert people to our side of things.
Excellent! Shadow Guard are victorious once again, though we might be relying too much on the chaos gods though...
got no choice for this matter, we don't have the numbers or tech to really start hitting the heavy hitters of the regions. So having to deal with daemons is part of the issue we have to go through, once were set up we can start lessening our dependence on chaos itself (only as a tool).
also though, what I did was throw the chaos cults into their favored fighting styles, as well as keeping them entertained and thus compliant with our wishes. next step is to hit the feudal world and maybe either the hive world or the forge world...unless our shipments get the cults going. Which case the cults need to target the astropaths and taint them to our side. Then once that's done we can begin subversion operations with everyone else none the wiser, as communication SUCKS for everyone in the setting...which case we need to begin operations to improve our defenses, improve agriculture so we don't immediately starve once a Argi world is gone (imperium learn a thing or two!)
Next up once we built up our supply and defensive base here in this sub-sector, we start moving into the other expanse, with more legionaries and ships and troops. Which case we then begin to throw in raids on everyone to distract them with "Pirates", all the while hitting the argi worlds again with half of what we got and do the same thing over...just with a little more twist and more corruption into the deal.
untill we manage to finally break into legion numbers and get full on battle-ships AND cruisers for our fleets...
also we use our light and escorts as they are raider groups and screens.
(and if we can create a full on carrier type ship I will LAUGH)
Anyway, if we find Tau operations we really should trade for their tech...would improve our ability to kill shit and get shit done with less reliance on chaos even when we use them (and get used in the process...we arent dumb like the word bearers.)