Heralds of Ruin (Wh40k Quest)

Is there any why to stop it or even kill it? I could think of some things but they are pure utter bullshit.
Nexus cannot be killed or destroyed, it existed when the ommniverse was created and it will exist even after it is gone.

Nexus is not a force nature, it has transcended that, it cannot be contained, destroyed or killed only stalled for a amount of time before it inevitably devours a multiverse.
Nexus cannot be killed or destroyed, it existed when the ommniverse was created and it will exist even after it is gone.

Nexus is not a force nature, it has transcended that, it cannot be contained, destroyed or killed only stalled for a amount of time before it inevitably devours a multiverse.
Well I think some somethings similar like Light and Darkness form destiny could stall it and MTG has eldrazi and old sparks and even Exalted with well the Exalted and well what they were made to kill and Dresden has the Outside and White God
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Well I think some somethings similar like Light and Darkness form destiny could stall it and MTG has eldrazi and old sparks and even Exalted with well the Exalted.
The thing with Nexus is not only really fucking old, it is also really smart, there were once realitys where it simply moved a few things let it unfold and them it eated those realities. It can manipulate entire civilizations and god-like entities and make so that they think all of their actions where their own choices (Hey Tzeentch has to come from somewhere)

And I sayed that he was there when the ommniverse was created I literally mean it, the multiverse of destiny is a 'adult' in terms of age, exalted just reached it.

Nexus more old than all of them combined.

On another note it actually visited once the exalted multiverse but it was focused on another multiverse at the time so it didn't devour it... yet anyway because it is aware of it and having Nexus aware of your multiverse is the worst thing that can happen.
On another note it actually visited once the exalted multiverse but it was focused on another multiverse at the time so it didn't devour it... yet anyway because it is aware of it and having Nexus aware of your multiverse is the worst thing that can happen.
That is horrifying. Are things that old as it they are just doing other things or are in other multiverses all to gather? Wait how does it get along with big A from Lovecraft and Narly?
That is horrifying. Are things that old as it they are just doing other things or are in other multiverses all to gather?
Nexus race are literally the devours of entire multiverses, they are so cruel they make the pre-fall eldar which were worse then the dark eldar look like mere children, and Nexus is not the only the literal worst of them but the most powerful as well.

They usually don't move bands but when they do, shit happens (sometimes literally).
Nexus race are literally the devours of entire multiverses, they are so cruel they make the pre-fall eldar which were worse then the dark eldar look like mere children, and Nexus is not the only the literal worst of them but the most powerful as well.

They usually don't move bands but when they do, shit happens (sometimes literally).
So no big good exist? and good is doomed if a Nexus races finds you?
So no big good exist? and good is doomed if a Nexus races finds you?
1. The creator of ommniverse could have been categorized, if he didn't create a race of multiverse devourers on purpose just to see how things would unfold. Also he doesn't interfere and just watches when everything goes to shit. After all who is going to say what he can do.

2. Yea, if Nexus or its race finds you, you are all already doomed also do not even try to commit suicide, it wouldn't work.
1. The creator of ommniverse could have been categorized, if he didn't create a race of multiverse devourers on purpose just to see how things would unfold. Also he doesn't interfere and just watches when everything goes to shit. After all who is going to say what he can do.

2. Yea, if Nexus or its race finds you, you are all already doomed also do not even try to commit suicide, it wouldn't work.
how does The Nuclear Chaos factor in to this and his counter part in a skirt?
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how does The nuclear Chaos factor in to this and his counter back in a skirt?
Azathoth, is actually a member of Nexus race he just doesn't act as much as the others, also he is really smart and is fully aware that his 'children' are talking shit of him he doesn't care thought, and the music is relaxing so he lets them be.
Azathoth, is actually a member of Nexus race he just doesn't act as much as the others, also he is really smart and is fully aware that his 'children' are talking shit of him he doesn't care thought, and the music is relaxing so he lets them be.
Wonder how Sailor moon works given she is Azathoth in a skirt? and is Narly just a grater daemon for Azathoth? why do I think Narly is daemon prince/princess?
Wonder how Sailor moon works given she is Azathoth in a skirt? and is Narly just a grater daemon for Azathoth? why do I think Narly is daemon prince/princess?
Some beings are part of Nexus and Azathot race, while others aren't, sailor moon is not part of their race thought she(?) meted them before, it wasn't a pleasant experience.

As for Narly it is... a very complicated being, but in a way it is a daemon prince(ss) of Azathoth.
Sooo...what I'm hearing is that we need to tunnel out of the multiverse and go to Doom...at least then we have the most smidgen of a chance at long term running the fuck away from this shit.

Seems the grim-darkness is every frickenwhere.
Year 2 Part II
[X] Plan Chaos Playthingz
- [x] send a couple of brothers to contact the cultists and better train, arm and organize them
- [x] send more brothers to look among the nobility of these kingdoms who could be swayed to our cause. Recruit the most bloodthirsty for Khorne, the most hedonistic for Slaanesh, the ambitious for Tzeentch and the diseased for Nurgle.
- [x] look for any sign of Imperial organizations and subvert or kill them. Start with the Ecclesiarchy
- [x] once the planet is more divided and chaotic, strike at the planetary governors seat and replace him with our pet. Then hide again in the shadows, with the greater imperium none the wiser.


In the dead of the night, stars blazed down upon the world, many of inhabitants both peasant and noble thought that this was a sign of something, and search parties would have been sent on the morning to investigate these 'sky rocks' as they named the phenomenon.

How right they were.

The Astartes moved quickly into the primitive cities of the planet, moving to shadow to shadow in a blink of an eye. The cults dedicated to the chaos gods were soon contacted and were 'gently persuaded' to follow their commands. The fact that they were fanatics and saw them as 'heralds of the true gods' helped in the 'convincing'.

Next they went towards the nobles of the various kingdoms that 'ruled' the planet, these Astartes started looking for nobles who fitted most with the aspects of the dark gods.

Those who hungered for conflict were converted to Khorne, those who schemed to better advance themselves were converted to Tzeentch, those who indulged in excess were converted to Slaanesh, and finally those who were suffering from diseases which the world healers did not know to cure and feared their death were converted to Nurgle.

Many were converted to the new faith, which included several kings of various, but not all, kingdoms which already saw the unholy signs of chaos in their day to day lives.

Soon after these revelations the only Imperial organization which resided in the planet the Adeptus Minostorum were started to suffer terrible and unfortunate 'accidents' with some being found with all their skin torn off.

The reason behind this is that many members of the warband still remember what the chamber militant of the Minostorum did to them when they participated in the war which nearly saw their destruction and picked these unfortunate men and women up for a fun ride which involved various levels of torture by the Chaos Space Marines.

The few kings which holded true to imperial ideals where, along with their entire families except a few who converted to the new faith, all quietly killed off and substituted with new kings who had seen the truth.

And the Imperium was none the wiser of the events that happened in the feudal world of Vocrion.


Casualties: None

Contacting The Cults: 1d100= 45 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Unorthodox Warfare Experts) = 85

'Convincing' The Cults: 1d100= 38 + 20 (Astartes) + 30 (Very Convincing) + 50 (Great Angels) = 138

Corrupting The Nobles: 1d100= 79 + 20 (Astartes) = 99 (Tzeentch Approves)

Killing off Imperial Organizations: 1d100= 88 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Unorthodox Warfare Experts) = 128

Replacing Kings: 1d100= 75 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Unorthodox Warfare Experts) = 115
Yeah, thinking of turning this world into a Argo world while our civilized world is a forge world...not to mention ruling from the capital...

As is, our raid target with two strike cruiser has one goal, kill as many as possible and sow the seeds of rebellion.

Specifically hit the star port and goveners place, and then seed our cults into the region to do what we did last time.

Gotta keep attention off of us as long as possible, andafter the initalcults are set in...the original cultists are to high tail off the planet and keep in spreading.
Year 2 Part III


The world of Luvutov resides within the Rosarius Sub-Sector known as Lockus, it is the model of an imperial planet, the population is not only utterly ignorant of the war that humanity fights for survival and believe that what the imperial organizations present in the world speak the absolute truth, and will follow any orders regardless of their personal wishes.

Being a Agri-World it feeds the Sub-Sector along with the other Agri-Worlds the majority of the food it produces going to the hive worlds of the Sub-Sector.

In all Luvutov isn't a important to grand scheme of things in the slightest, it is just one Agri-World amongst millions of others, which is why exactly it was decided by the leadership of the Shadow Guard that the world shall be raided, to this task two Strike Cruisers along with 3 squads of Astartes who were already more then necessary to raid a Agri-World.

The Astartes squads were selected to raid not to keep the slaves who crewed the vessels in line, for they had special organ which produced a chemical compound that left them completely loyal to any marine of the Shadow Guard no matter what, it is one of the augmentations any normal human must have if they either operate in the vessels of the warband or served as its armies.


Space: No Void Defenses.

Ground: No Ground Defenses. PDF has very little combat training, and its leadership are all sons and daughters of prestigious people who have no strategic skills, and knowledge who gained their positions because of the influence of their families and not because of any merit or talent.

- Cruisers: 2 Strike Cruisers
- Chaos Astartes: 30

[] Write-in Raid Plan
[X] Plan: The Seeds of Chaos Grows!
-[x] Space: 2 strike cruisers
--[x] Strike cruisers are to begin orbital bombardment procedures on high-populated areas, proceed with small raids by slave-serfs to round up more of the population to fuel the rituals to come.
-[x] Ground: 30 astartes
--[x] Begin the raid onto the governors palace, as well as any high-nobility of the planet. Spend the next day insuring that any and all astropathic communications are either jammed, crippled, and/or corrupted to our cause.
--[x] Once the "Military" and the higher ups are slain/converted, begin seeding ritual of the four corruption's onto the planets populace, begin small cults to start the corruption of the sector in advance of our forces. Pull out once the 48 hour mark is finished or we begin detection of imperial or enemy strike forces. We must ensure that this is considered a chaos-pirate raid and not a beginning of seeding of rebellion of the sector against the greater imperium.