Heralds of Ruin (Wh40k Quest)

Warband Creation III
[X] Plan Corruption
-[X] Librarian
-[X] The figure corrupted nearly an entire sector of planets, causing the populations of them to fall to Chaos. If your warband loathes Chaos, he instead managed to get entire sectors to violently rebel against Imperium rule, throwing them into total anarchy.
-[X] Fleet Based
-[X] Unorthodox Warfare - The marines prefer to gradually tear down their enemies from the shadows through various means and only engaging them in open combat when the time is absolutely perfect. Any battle the warband participates in is a game of wits for them and the enemy. Guerilla tactics, sabotage, key-target assassination, information warfare, infiltration, and the spread of anarchy and disorder, are all tools of their trade. If your warband's progenitor is the Raven Guard, Alpha Legion or Night Lords, this will be taken automatically if another option is not chosen.
-[X] Biological Experiments
-[X] Slightly Overstrength
-[X] The Warband has incorporated a Chapter or Imperial Guard regiment who recently turned traitor into their ranks.


Enter Password > 875.532.111.999.555
Enter Identification Code > Pantilir Umbra
Identifying… Access Granted
Select Sub File > History

The Shadow Guard Space Marine Chapter was created during the 26th founding on the year of 738.M41, the reasoning behind the founding of new Space Marine Chapters was to protect areas of Segmentum Obscurus and Pacificus against chaotic and xeno threats respectively.

The Shadow Guard was assigned the protection of the Alexus Sector, being comprised of 4 sub-sectors, together with the Dragon Sons and The Cosmic Centaurs successor chapters of the Salamanders and White Scars respectively.

While the Dragon Sons and Cosmic Centaurs settled into worlds of the sector, the Shadow Guard still maintained a Fleet Based system and never chose a homeworld. Initiatives were recruited in passing worlds thought many came from the sector.

The First Engagement of the chapter came in the form of the chaos warband belonging to the Word Bearers Traitor Legion upon the world of Xiollon.

The warband was defeated by the chapter though the world population would be euthanized by the inquisitors belonging to the ordo malleus after the chapter left to other places.

The chapter would soon face one of its most devastating challenges when the Dragon Sons and Cosmic Centaurs turned Renegade.

The reasons behind this is still unknown despite the investigation conducted by several inquisitors.

The war waged between the loyalists and the traitors was fierce lasting 80 years before both traitor chapters were finally defeated and exterminated, their gene seed was sent towards Mars for examination and preservation by the genetors of Mars.

The aftermath of the conflict was felt very rapidly felt by both the chapter and the sector, the chapter had lost hundreds of astartes along with their first chapter master and the sector has lost millions in manpower and materials. The Forge Worlds of the sector being the only reason it did not collapse economically.

The chapter would go to recover their numbers though it took decades. The Shadow Guard did not appeared to have any sort of traitorous intent until the year of 885.M41 where it was discovered that the astartes collaborated and worked with the previously unknown Xeno species: The Scrairkoik.

The Scrairkoik were a Xeno species residing on Segmentum Obscurus, the xenos lived in primitive vessels traveling across the void being nothing more than nomads, add the fact they present very little in terms of danger and is quite surprising that they managed to survive this long.

The exact point of time the Scrairkoik and the Shadow Guard met is unknown despite investigations.

When this betrayal of Imperial ideals was discovered a war was waged between the inquisition along with elements of the Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, Adeptus Sororitas and Space Marine Chapters against The Shadow Guard, Scrairkoik, and Planetary Defense Forces who joined the traitors.

The Loyalists were victorious on the year of 910.M41 but could not fully destroy the renegade chapter though they managed to exterminate the Scrairkoik and kill several members of the traitors including their chapter master.

The surviving members now in the leadership of the chief librarian of the chapter vowed to return to the sector and avenge their fallen xeno allies.

On 945.M41 there were sightings of the Shadow Guard and their ships across the Eva Sector but now bearing the mark of chaos.

The leader of the warband the Chief Librarian, now turned Sorcerer of chaos, Samael orchestrated the corruption of nearly the entire sector.

Entire worlds had to be destroyed as they were already very close on becoming daemon worlds, the warband corrupted large portions of the Imperial regiments sent to fight against the threat and then leaving immediately after.

This begs the question of what was their real objective.



GM Note: Ok so the actual updates will happen, the warband creation is now done.
Year 0


Osnaruta is a civilized world on the edge of Segmentum Obscurus while belonging to the Rosarius Sector it is not a important world and doesn't have much in the way of defenses.

Which is why the Shadow Guard chaos warband decided to invade them, wanting it to be step stone in their war of revenge against the foes who exterminated their allies, killed hundreds of their brothers and banished them from their home sector.

The coming of the forces of chaos saw a rise of chaos cults in the world, which can be used in the conquest of the world.

Before the exit of the chaos fleet of the warp plans were made for the conflict.


- Not Much in the way of defenses, though they still have them but not in great quantities.

- The world's landmass is united in a single massive supercontinent, the far reaches of the continent does not possess defenses, the middle and core parts hold the world planetary defense and leadership while the reaches hold the economy thanks to large deposits of minerals and promethium.
- Presence of Chaos Cults in the reaches of the continent.

- Battleships: 1 Battle Barge Fury of Samael (Flagship)
- Cruisers: 10 Strike Cruisers
- Escorts: 8 Gladius Escorts, 6 Nova Escorts

Transport Ships:
- Light Transport: 450

- Chaos Astartes: 150
- Chaos Imperial Regiments: 250,000
- Mutant Mobs: 100,000

[] Write-in Attack Plan
I'll come up with a plan later, but let's use our advantages to the max and the cults where they can shine.
[X] Distractions and Assassinations
- [x] since time is not of the essence, lets toy with these followers of the corpse god, use the cultists to nip at the outskirts of their defenses then send killteams to kill any officers and gather intelligence. Hack and Use the imperials communcation networks against them by giving false reports and creating propaganda. Make the common masses hate their rulers by making false claims and highlighting the moral bankruptcy within the imperium and their rulers. Find rebellious officers and turn them against the imperium. once the time is ripe attack everywhere at once and with a surgical strike against the planetary governor himself.
Year 0 Part I
[X] Distractions and Assassinations
- [x] since time is not of the essence, lets toy with these followers of the corpse god, use the cultists to nip at the outskirts of their defenses then send kill teams to kill any officers and gather intelligence. Hack and Use the imperials communication networks against them by giving false reports and creating propaganda. Make the common masses hate their rulers by making false claims and highlighting the moral bankruptcy within the imperium and their rulers. Find rebellious officers and turn them against the imperium. once the time is ripe attack everywhere at once and with a surgical strike against the planetary governor himself.

Gm note: Why do I keep putting images in here?


On the systems edge warp rifts started appearing and from them what appeared to be an invasion force exited it, a couple warships along with hundreds of transport vessels, this was noticed by the sensors of the world void defenses who send hails to the ships who exited the immaterial realm.

They received no answer, and so they waited and waited growing more anxious as the vessels came ever close but still not yet at weapons range.

No one spoke a word until the mysterious vessels suddenly started opening fire at them, macro shells, lances, and torpedoes hit the stations like the hammer of gods.

The stations were not idle and immediately returned fire, but they were faced against an enemy who not only outnumbered then but outgunned then as well. This combined with the enemy superior rate of fire, which was attributed to the experiments that leaders of the enemy did to the weapon teams, guaranteed the victory of the enemy.

The ships approached the planet, moving past the wreckage of the defense stations. On the planet order starting to breaking down as the planetary defense forces waited for enemy as they did not have weapons which could've attack them while they were in the void of space.

The forces stationed at the reaches of the supercontinent were attacked by a foe they did not foresee, the chaos cults of the world who had a heavy presence in the reaches and who were driven into a frenzy by the arrival of the chaos invasion, they wished to gain favour with their future overlords and so attacked the PDF regiments stationed there.

It was a couple of regiments which numbered 35,000 against cultists which numbered in the hundreds of thousands, the cultists had numbers but they were disorganized while the PDF regiments were not.

But this meant nothing in the face of sheer numbers, the PDF was overwhelmed in but a few hours, with the total force stationed at the reaches being completely annihilated by the cults. Chaos has gained its beachhead as the imperials lost the entirety of the reaches.

It did not take long for Thunderhawks and Dropods to enter the world's atmosphere, blazing stars fell towards the reaches and now the Astartes who have fallen to chaos walked upon Osnaruta.

It did not take long for the Chaos Space Marines to assume control of the cults, the transport ships of the Shadow Guard entered the world as well and the cargo they holded soon walked in the planet.

Traitor Imperial Guard Regiments along with various Mutant Mobs, though it would take a sharp eye to notice the difference. While the mutant mobs looked exactly how must mutants looked the same could not be said about the Traitor Imperial Guard.

After they had joined the warband, all of them were experimented upon by their new masters, bone protrusions, bird-like vision, serpentine tongues, bulging muscles which ripped skin apart, and various other types of abnormal experiments were enacted upon them, their masters wanting to see how far they could take the human body before it failed. They were the results.

The imperial defenders waited for the inevitable attack. They didn't had to wait long, as cultists who numbered in the millions – their numbers swelled by new members who were converted to the new faith – attacked them in the greatest battle for the world. Thousands died on both sides in minutes but the fighting carried on. Expanding kilometers and destroying much of the world ecosystem as bodies piled up in various battlefields.

Some of these battles were just minor skirmishes between the two sides while others were true battlefields were fighting was daily.

The Imperials were doing everything to stop them, but they couldn't, the forces of ruin were steadily gaining ground and momentum and they weren't stopping no matter what they did.

But the worst was yet to come.

Kill Teams composed of Chaos Astartes were sent forth to the frontlines in missions which ranged from 'search and destroy' and 'gather intelligence'.

Officers were killed in their bunkers and houses, and whatever information they hold stolen in fact it took days for the imperial defenders to notice the officers deaths as they all coordinated the PDF from the bunkers and never left them, the aftermath was immediately felt as new officers had to be selected from the middle and core reachers, and these officers had lost their touch of war, and applied tactics to cause more harm to defenders than the enemy.

The next thing the chaos forces did was to hack the communication networks of the imperials they then started spreading false reports to the soldiers who were fighting in the frontlines and spread propaganda to the civilians.

Normally this wouldn't have worked, but the civilians themselves were already start getting furious at their government as it had started conscripting thousands of men and women to fight the war, and already sick of hearing their sons, fathers, mothers, and siblings dying – and the fact that it was actually speaking the truth – they decided to act against their government in mass riots.

This propelled the government to brutally suppress these revolts, which only increased the resentment the population has for the imperial-ruled government.

This also affected the officers who were disgusted by the actions of their government, some were contacted by 'anonymous parties' and convinced to withdraw from the frontlines.

This allowed the chaotic forces to advance even more then before, with they gaining total control of the majority of middle sections of the supercontinent in mere months.

The imperials tried to launch multiple counter assaults but all were utterly destroyed or deserted and joined the enemy.

Once the time was right the forces of chaos launched a final assault at the imperial controlled sections of the planet. Imperial Traitor Guardsman, Mutant Mobs, Chaos Space Marines, and Cultists launched a titanic assault on the imperials who were outnumbered, and with the planetary governor having been killed mere moments before by a strike team of Chaos Space Marines, the leadership of world was thrown into chaos.

All Imperial resistence fell in mere hours, with the world pacified in minutes when the chaotic forces hunted down and sacrificed all officers and politicians of the world.

Dark days now lie ahead of Osnaruta, for it fell before the heralds of ruin, and may the Emperor have mercy upon their souls for the Shadow Guard and their Dark Gods will have none.


Casualties: None

Chaos Vessels: 1d100= 13 + 20 (Astartes) + 30 (Numbers) + 20 (Battleship) + 10 (Biological Experiments) = 93

Imperial Defenses: 1d100= 47 - 30 (Outnumbered) - 10 (Outgunned) = 7

Chaos Cults: 1d100= 72 + 30 (Numbers) - 10 (Disorganized) = 92

PDF: 1d100= 6 - 30 (Outnumbered) = -24

Chaos Assault: 1d100= 89 + 30 (Numbers) = 119

Imperial Defense: 1d100= 8 - 30 (Numbers) = -22

Kill Teams: 1d100= 36 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Unorthodox Warfare Experts) = 76

Officers Protection: 1d100= 59

Intelligence Security: 1d100= 69

Hacking Imperial Communications: 1d100= 29 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Unorthodox Warfare Experts) = 69

Propaganda: 1d100= 50 + 50 (Treatment) + 20 (True Facts) = 120

Converting Officers: 1d100= 88 + 30 (Attacking Their Own Civilians) = 118

Killing The Planetary Governor: 1d100= 45 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Unorthodox Warfare Experts) = 85

Final Chaos Assault: 1d100= 17 + 20 (Astartes) + 30 (Numbers) + 10 Biological Experiments + 20 (Enemy Leadership Disorganized) = 97

Imperial Defense: 1d100= 8 - 30 (Outnumbered) - 20 (Leadership Disorganized) = -42
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Wow we did so well
We recovered any true casualties and damage the imperium could have mustered on this planet...time to ransack the place and/or start our empire here...
Wow... that worked exactly as planned! Tzeench is that you? I propose building more ships, recruiting new astartes and making these cultists on par to the PDF at least, no need to turn this planet into a daemon world yet...

@Alucard Vampiry i love the pics, dont get rid of them
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Note how there is a bunch of six, eights, and sevens in the rolls

Wasn't planning on doing it.
Well, they better aid us, we did sacrifice a sector to them in our background! How is our geneseed by the way? Also is our chapter master-librarian the only sorcerer? According to the rpg games, sorcery is not a psyker-only thing hence i want to teach more of our brothers that as a force mutiplier due to their low numbers, then do more biological experimentaition on the cultists as their reward.
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How is our geneseed by the way?
The gene-seed while not at the level of corruption seem in the Astartes seem in the eye of terror or other warp storms, will definently reach that stage, fortunately the gene-slave project will allow to recruit en masse.

What is the gene-slave project? I only answer on Year 1 which the history and the objective of the project will be shown.
Also is our chapter master-librarian the only sorcerer?
No he is just the most powerful of them.
Wow, that worked way better than expected. I figured we would take some casualties. In hindsight, for harder targets we probably should make sure that the planet couldn't call for reinforcements and to increase in the upper ranks before our attack. Still, the Dark Gods were with us.
Year 1

Gm note: Will do warband status after this, which will compromise of several things like the number of planets and Units recruited per year.


The new rulers of Osnaruta were quick to assert their dominance upon the world and change it to their nefarious purposes.

The world was divided into five sections, each devoted to and ruled by followers of each chaos god:

For the followers of The Blood God, great arenas were built were blood spilled daily along with monuments made of skulls in the name of Khorne.

For the followers of The Great Deceiver, great buildings that seemed to be constantly changing, in this section betrayals and plots are not only common but encouraged as well.

For the followers of The Prince of Excess, palaces with unholy works of art were constructed all in the name of Slaanesh in these palaces the followers of the Prince indulged in the most extremes of pleasures.

For the followers of The Plague Father, the section which housed them had all diseases and plagues that the rulers knew and stored spread in it, not that they have a problem with that.

It was not uncommon for the followers to fight among themselves and the others, and the rulers did not try to stop it as they knew it to be impossible but ordered that the fight will not enter grand scales, to reminding that they controlled the world Astartes squads were present at all time.

The last section of the world, located at the center of the supercontinent, is where the fortress of The Shadow Guard is located a massive structure that encompasses thousands of square kilometers, its defenses ranging from various sniper and guns nests, sorcerers wards, and many other things. Fighting amongst the followers of the gods in this section is prohibited and any who break this rule will be hunted down, tortured, and then sacrificed.

But the true value of the fortress resided below it.

The Tech Forges of the warband resided below their fortress, here the Techmarines, now turned Warpsmiths, produce Astartes equipment and invent new pieces of technology or rediscover ones previously lost to the warband.

Below the Tech Forges gigantic labs reside. In these labs not only the Apothecaries, now Flesh-Masters, experimented upon normal humans to see how far they could push the body before the host died, the mortals who either wished to serve them or were forced to were also augmented in here by the hundreds with all the knowledge that the Shadow Guard possesses.

Below these labs resides not only the most protected section of the fortress, the gene-vaults which held not only the gene-seed if the Warband. But also its producer hundreds of 'Gene-Slaves'.

The gene-slave project, was an undertaking of the Warband which took decades to complete, using a combination of sorcery and technology either invented or stolen from various sources.

Mortals are augmented and then implanted with progenoid glands, and then put into tubes and through technology and sorcery start producing progenoid glands from the original. But this has drawbacks. Even augmented the host and its body can't handle the stress and will reach an 'Expiration Date' though it takes about twenty years before they reach it.

This allows the Warband to recruit en mass with the Flesh-Masters saying that they can recruit approximately 400 Astartes per year (As the new batch of Astartes show), and as the reserves of gene-seed grow and the gene vaults expand they will recruit even more.

Dark dies lies ahead of the sector and in the Imperium now that the Chaos Astartes not only have this nefarious source of technology but the numbers to sustain it.


Warband Actions


(Gm note: you can select the same action multiple times, like: Void Defenses X2)

Production Points Available: 780
Production Points Per Year: 780

[] Osnaruta:
-[] Minor Shipyards (10 PP) [Can Build, Repair, and Maintain Escorts]
-[] Void Defenses (15 PP)
-[] Hydroponics (20 PP)
-[] Ground Defenses (15 PP)
-[] Ritual Sites (21 PP)
-[] Manofactorums (24 PP)
-[] Daemon Engine Forges (50 PP)
-[] Army Training Camps (5 PP) [Yearly produces Chaos Imperial Regiments]
-[] Mutant Haven (5 PP) [Yearly produces Mutant Mobs]


(Gm note: you can divide your units and ships, and attack multiple targets if you wish so)

Rosarious Sector
- [] Forge World KN-78 (Titan Legion Present)
- [] Hive World Klein (Sector Capital)
- [] Feudal World Vocrion
- [] Agri World Viomia

Lockus Sub-Sector
- [] Agri World Luvutov
- [] Forge World LO-90
- [] Hive World Tuacary
- [] Feral World Nechulia (Strange Black Structures)
- [] Agri World Gion 6
- [] Hive World Lockus (Sub-Sector Capital)

- Battleships: 1 Battle Barge Fury of Samael (Flagship)
- Cruisers: 10 Strike Cruisers
- Escorts: 8 Gladius Escorts, 6 Nova Escorts

Transport Ships:
- Light Transport: 450 (Carrying Capacity of 350,000 units)

- Chaos Astartes: 450
- Chaos Imperial Guard Regiments: 250,000
- Mutant Mobs: 100,000
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[X] Plan Space Superiority and Starving thr enemy
[X] Osnaruta:
-[x] Minor Shipyards (10 PP) [Can Build, Repair, and Maintain Escorts]
-[x] Void Defenses (15 PP)

- [x] Agri World Viomia

@Alucard Vampiry is this plan correct? How many can we build per turn?
ookay, sorry I didn't make any plans last turn, so heres MY plan to make use of our resources!

-[X] Osnaruta:
--[X] Minor Shipyards [Can Build, Repair, and Maintain Escorts] x9
--[X] Void Defenses x7
--[X] Hydroponics x6
--[X] Ground Defenses x8
--[X] Ritual Sites x4
--[X] Manofactorums x5
--[X] Daemon Engine Forges x1
--[X] Army Training Camps (5 PP) [Yearly produces Chaos Imperial Regiments]x9
--[X] Mutant Haven (5 PP) [Yearly produces Mutant Mobs]x9
PP accounted for: 780
PP used: 779

-[x] Rosarious Sector
--[X] Agri World Viomia
---[x] Half our fleet elements led by our Battle Barge, and Half our current forces.

the battle plan when we get there is to hamper the astropaths with ritual strikes from our forces...aka 4 fold rituals with rewards on who does the best out of them.
Slannesh: Try to corrupt them
Nurgle: unleash rots and plagues upon them
Khorne: send the astropaths and their gaurds into blood frenzies to claim more skulls
Tzeentch: turn them to our side with either lies, betrayals, plots, or turn them into mutant flesh things...depends on what tzeentch rolls for his nerd dice.

ultimately, we need to hamper their ability to communicate with the sector, then we unleash the four cults into fighting styles...for Slannesh hit and run, nurgle to be the unending advance of filth and flesh, khorne to be our shock troops when we want to win a battle in the bloodiest way possible, tzeentch to hit their leadership with incomptence, curroption, and of course constant infighting.

Our astartes will do what we do best, do everything in our power to REALLY fuck up the chain of command as much as possible...capture of fleet elements of course in orbit is preferred, after all we have to make sure to keep...certain...parties from becoming interested in things going on in the sector.

Of course, our true goal is to subsume this world to feed our own, as well as corrupt the entire region. TO do that we need to establish ritual sits and corrupt the food supplies with each of the four chaos gods touch...

slannesh: For heightened senses and more and more extremes of pain and pleasure (think hot-sauces that taste VERY good but are extremely painful...and its side effect is that it keeps that up for awhile leading to addictions)
Nurgle: Infested with parasites and plauges, create more of nurgle little cults around
Khorne: KHORNE FLAKES!!! (heightening aggression, increase muscle mass and a desire to keep on fighting...a bit of subterfuge...but its war, and war is nasty in all its forms and glory...just reassure the cults with the thought of fighting such a wonderous blood-soaked battle between the two forces and promise it would be glorious to die for the blood god.)
Tzeentch: mutations, even minor ones that keep building up, as well as inducing paranoia, changes in moods, increases intellectual powerss but relies on a constant supply of the stuff...which case MORE CHANGE!

then of course we need to hit the other argi world, and as well as the feudal worlds...not to mention keep up the supplies and maintain a increased production value, even with slaves and daemon automation that requires a feeding every now and then.

also why did I say chaos united? Well...were going to make the fifth god sooner or later if we keep on going from the corpse emperor into the imperial tyrant, or get Hashut to rise from the deep primordial warp.
ookay, sorry I didn't make any plans last turn, so heres MY plan to make use of our resources!

-[X] Osnaruta:
--[X] Minor Shipyards [Can Build, Repair, and Maintain Escorts] x9
--[X] Void Defenses x7
--[X] Hydroponics x6
--[X] Ground Defenses x8
--[X] Ritual Sites x4
--[X] Manofactorums x5
--[X] Daemon Engine Forges x1
--[X] Army Training Camps (5 PP) [Yearly produces Chaos Imperial Regiments]x9
--[X] Mutant Haven (5 PP) [Yearly produces Mutant Mobs]x9
PP accounted for: 780
PP used: 779

-[x] Rosarious Sector
--[X] Agri World Viomia
---[x] Half our fleet elements led by our Battle Barge, and Half our current forces.

the battle plan when we get there is to hamper the astropaths with ritual strikes from our forces...aka 4 fold rituals with rewards on who does the best out of them.
Slannesh: Try to corrupt them
Nurgle: unleash rots and plagues upon them
Khorne: send the astropaths and their gaurds into blood frenzies to claim more skulls
Tzeentch: turn them to our side with either lies, betrayals, plots, or turn them into mutant flesh things...depends on what tzeentch rolls for his nerd dice.

ultimately, we need to hamper their ability to communicate with the sector, then we unleash the four cults into fighting styles...for Slannesh hit and run, nurgle to be the unending advance of filth and flesh, khorne to be our shock troops when we want to win a battle in the bloodiest way possible, tzeentch to hit their leadership with incomptence, curroption, and of course constant infighting.

Our astartes will do what we do best, do everything in our power to REALLY fuck up the chain of command as much as possible...capture of fleet elements of course in orbit is preferred, after all we have to make sure to keep...certain...parties from becoming interested in things going on in the sector.

Of course, our true goal is to subsume this world to feed our own, as well as corrupt the entire region. TO do that we need to establish ritual sits and corrupt the food supplies with each of the four chaos gods touch...

slannesh: For heightened senses and more and more extremes of pain and pleasure (think hot-sauces that taste VERY good but are extremely painful...and its side effect is that it keeps that up for awhile leading to addictions)
Nurgle: Infested with parasites and plauges, create more of nurgle little cults around
Khorne: KHORNE FLAKES!!! (heightening aggression, increase muscle mass and a desire to keep on fighting...a bit of subterfuge...but its war, and war is nasty in all its forms and glory...just reassure the cults with the thought of fighting such a wonderous blood-soaked battle between the two forces and promise it would be glorious to die for the blood god.)
Tzeentch: mutations, even minor ones that keep building up, as well as inducing paranoia, changes in moods, increases intellectual powerss but relies on a constant supply of the stuff...which case MORE CHANGE!

then of course we need to hit the other argi world, and as well as the feudal worlds...not to mention keep up the supplies and maintain a increased production value, even with slaves and daemon automation that requires a feeding every now and then.

also why did I say chaos united? Well...were going to make the fifth god sooner or later if we keep on going from the corpse emperor into the imperial tyrant, or get Hashut to rise from the deep primordial warp.
The invasion plans should only be made in the next update (Year 1 Part I), but since you clearly have worked for this plan if this plan wins I gonna make an exception and all of the invasion plan shall be applied on the next update, again if it wins.
The invasion plans should only be made in the next update (Year 1 Part I), but since you clearly have worked for this plan if this plan wins I gonna make an exception and all of the invasion plan shall be applied on the next update, again if it wins.

sorry, the idea was for me to explain the tactics and targets for the year, also I'm planning to eventually get 30X shipyards/void defenses, one sacred number set for each of the dark gods.

the idea of hitting argi worlds is to cut the imperium in the one thing that matters to its masses...


and with how nobles are, I want to undercut their authority when food riots happen, and then "Smugglers" begin their operations to bring the best foods possible, spiced food for the nobility, strange changing yet tastful foods for the more...enlightened peoples, strengthening and improvement rations for the military, and mashed and crushed "food" for the masses.

(idea is to hit each of the places the dark gods favor to hit, all at once and steadily build up cult's into their realms...also make sure the sector falls under our sway)

also thanks for this game, its going to be a pleasure to have...and also what's are Astarte's count now? were going to get a extra 400 this year at the end right? I intend for us to become a legion again, and this time not be fucked over by the so called primarch Guilliman...and also get revenge on the chapter that fucked our xeno's protectorates over...even if it means ripping everything the inquisition and those chapters/fleet elements care about from under them, and force them under the banner of chaos as either slaves (HILARIOUS), or ritual fuel.

what would be even better is if we curse that particular chapters gene-line with curses of each of the dark gods...one for slannesh, nurgle, khorne, and tzeentch. to affect the entire bloodlines and continue to make it easier and easier to corrupt the chapters/bloodlines of the primarchs.

very much excessive-revenge-plots right?
-[X] Osnaruta:
--[X] Minor Shipyards [Can Build, Repair, and Maintain Escorts] x9
--[X] Void Defenses x7
--[X] Hydroponics x6
--[X] Ground Defenses x8
--[X] Ritual Sites x4
--[X] Manofactorums x5
--[X] Daemon Engine Forges x1
--[X] Army Training Camps (5 PP) [Yearly produces Chaos Imperial Regiments]x9
--[X] Mutant Haven (5 PP) [Yearly produces Mutant Mobs]x9
PP accounted for: 780
PP used: 779

-[x] Rosarious Sector
--[X] Agri World Viomia
---[x] Half our fleet elements led by our Battle Barge, and Half our current forces.