Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest)

[X] Ron Weasley
[X] Becky
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
Preliminary Tally

Vote Tally : Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest) | Page 3 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
No. of Votes: 22
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
No. of Votes: 19
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
No. of Votes: 13
[X] Neville
No. of Votes: 10
[X] Becky
No. of Votes: 9
[X] Daphne Greengrass
No. of Votes: 9
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
No. of Votes: 9
[X] Bill Weasley
No. of Votes: 9
[X] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Sirius
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited.
No. of Votes: 7
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Ron Weasley
No. of Votes: 6
[X] His deceased mother, Lily Potter. Praised for great aptitude with casting Charms and brewing potions.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Augusta Longbottom
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Hannah Abbot
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Ron
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Susan Bones
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Terry Boot
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 29
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Bill Weasley

[X] His deceased mother, Lily Potter. Praised for great aptitude with casting Charms and brewing potions.

[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
[X] Neville
[X] Sirius
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
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[X] Terry Boot
We need a bro with whom we can nerd out about the awesomenes of magic.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
The interactions sound like they will be fun to read about and some political connections are always nice.
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own duringone of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
Maximising the amount of love we have for magic.
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
I have no clue what Arithmancy and Runes do in this setting but their names spark my curiosity and they are some of the talents that are left.
[X] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.
First time I have heard of these reems but their description on wikipedia sounds awesome.
Both older wizards took seats.
Nitpicking, but Wizards can't be applied to females.

[X] Bill Weasley

[X] Neville
Neville, with a knack for potions? I had to reread that thrice. SUCH A WONDER MUST BE SEEN!

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

[X] His deceased mother, Lily Potter. Praised for great aptitude with casting Charms and brewing potions.
Guys. Guuuys. Charms are awesome. Seriously. Shields are charms, and it can set things on fire. Also, put the fire out again. But Charms are very, very nifty to be good at.

[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Sirius
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.

I missed the first vote but this looks pretty cool. A well written Harry Potter quest is something I've been interested in. I'm going Sirius because I just reread Black Comedy, James talent set because I just reread Lie I've Lived, and Egypt because Fleur.
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[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Bill Weasley

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Sirius
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Sirius
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[x] Bill Weasley
[x] Augusta Longbottom

I find the idea of a cross-generational Augusta, Bill, and Harry team-up to be hilarious. Seems like the shippers are already eyeing Daphne though, and Sirius is always a crowd favorite.

[x] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited.

A traveling Harry sounds fun. Also the chance for more AU world-building as we visit other parts of the world.

[x] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

We're such indecisive procrastinators.

[x] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.

Harry Potter Western arc? Corrupt officials, speculating profiteers, ambiguous loyalties...Pwease? :3
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Also giving a reasoning to my vote , late as it is, If there's one thing great about Mazrick stuff is how he writes Waifu's.

So vote for Daphe GreenGrass

Mazrick: Sirius smiled indulgently "You'll find out in a few years."

Interesting development in chat room. I know some of you guys wanna do waifus and shit. Just saying. This would probably be a quite the learning experience for harry's wooing abilities.
[X] Becky
[X] Sirius
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
[X] Ron Weasley
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
[X] Neville
[X] Becky

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

[X] His deceased mother, Lily Potter. Praised for great aptitude with casting Charms and brewing potions.

[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Daphne Greengrass

Because tea parties sounds hilarious

[X] Becky

Because sister

[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

Care of Magical Creatures obviously.

[X] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.

Because interactions with two people is better than interacting with just one.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Becky
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Sirius
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promisehimself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Neville
[X] Becky

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
Current Tally
##### NetTally 1.1.17

Lasting Bonds

[X] Daphne Greengrass
No. of Votes: 19

[X] Becky
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Neville
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Bill Weasley
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Sirius
No. of Votes: 13

[X] Ron Weasley
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Augusta Longbottom
No. of Votes: 3

[x] Hannah Abbot
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Terry Boot
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Susan Bones
No. of Votes: 1

Vivid Memory
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
No. of Votes: 33

[X] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited.
No. of Votes: 8

Parent Taken After
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
No. of Votes: 26

[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
No. of Votes: 13

[X] His deceased mother, Lily Potter. Praised for great aptitude with casting Charms and brewing potions.
No. of Votes: 6

Trip Destination
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
No. of Votes: 19

[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
No. of Votes: 17

[X] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.
No. of Votes: 9

Total No. of Voters: 45

So, pretty clear winners for the memory and which parent we take after. But...three way tie for second friend choice, with things just generally close in that and trip destination. Man.

Also, not picking Sirius? absolutelydisgusting.jpg, xP
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[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Sirius
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promisehimself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Sirius
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.

Switching from Bill to Sirius.

I still remain disgusted that we're passing up a talent in transfiguration. You should all be ashamed of yourselves...
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[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Sirius
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.