Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest)

@Mazrick Quick question: how are you characterising the Greengrass family in this quest, i.e. are they ex-Death Eaters? Secret Death Eaters? A neutral family?
@Mazrick Quick question: how are you characterising the Greengrass family in this quest, i.e. are they ex-Death Eaters? Secret Death Eaters? A neutral family?

I'm just speculating here, but Daphne Greengrass is obviously the 10 out of 10 ice queen of Slytherin who takes no shit from Malfoy because her family is 10x richer and so neutral that they told You-Know-Who to fuck off when he tried to recruit them (they'll join Harry though, don't worry).

'jk' added for security​
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I'm just speculating here, but Daphne Greengrass is obviously the 10 out of 10 ice queen of Slytherin who takes no shit from Malfoy because her family is 10x richer and so neutral that they told You-Know-Who to fuck off when he tried to recruit them (they'll join Harry though, don't worry).

They can't be that neutral, Astoria married the son of Voldemort's chief lackey.

...Ironic, considering how much her sister detested Draco. Hmm. Sisters really are complete bitches. :p
@Mazrick Quick question: how are you characterising the Greengrass family in this quest, i.e. are they ex-Death Eaters? Secret Death Eaters? A neutral family?
I won't give away OOC information, so I would hardly tell you if they were 'Secret Death Eaters'. However, consider:
  1. James and Alice are fine with Harry and Neville associating with her.
  2. Her family has fallen into the middle ground powerbloc that James and Sirius have cobbled together in the Wizengamot.
  3. And the only disparaging thing Sirius has to say is: 'They're not bad folks for Slythterins.'

Additionally, we will be trying our best to avoid the more trite cliches in most of the fandom. So, don't expect Ice Queen Daphne™.
I won't give away OOC information, so I would hardly tell you if they were 'Secret Death Eaters'. However, consider:
  1. James and Alice are fine with Harry and Neville associating with her.
  2. Her family has fallen into the middle ground powerbloc that James and Sirius have cobbled together in the Wizengamot.
  3. And the only disparaging thing Sirius has to say is: 'They're not bad folks for Slythterins.'

Additionally, we will be trying our best to avoid the more trite cliches in most of the fandom. So, don't expect Ice Queen Daphne™.

Neutral* it is. I look forward to neutral-but-not-an-ice-queen Daphne, good luck with that.

*That we know...​
I don't understand the fascination wiht Daphne, we don't know shit about her from the books.

She's just one of those characters fanon blew up and gave a default personality to. Mostly when they all realized that Blaise Zabini was a boy (he was the original 'ice queen of Slytherin' IIRC). I'm interested to see where this quest takes her without those fanon qualities.
[X] Becky
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
Haughty heiress of an old pureblood family. Makes Harry play teatime and other girly stuff.
[X] Bill Weasley
An employee of James and Sirius' company. He is cool.

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
Hour and a half left for last minute voting.

Vote Tally : Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest) | Page 3 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
No. of Votes: 36
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
No. of Votes: 28
[X] Daphne Greengrass
No. of Votes: 23
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
No. of Votes: 21
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
No. of Votes: 18
[X] Becky
No. of Votes: 15
[X] Sirius
No. of Votes: 15
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
No. of Votes: 14
[X] Neville
No. of Votes: 14
[X] Bill Weasley
No. of Votes: 13
[X] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.
No. of Votes: 9
[X] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited.
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Ron Weasley
No. of Votes: 7
[X] His deceased mother, Lily Potter. Praised for great aptitude with casting Charms and brewing potions.
No. of Votes: 6
[X] Augusta Longbottom
No. of Votes: 3
[x] Hannah Abbot
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Terry Boot
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Ron
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Susan Bones
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 48
[X] Becky
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Neville
[X] Sirius
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.

Changing my vote before the deadline. Getting rid of the sister and replacing with Sirius, so that's one less vote for Becky and one more for Sirius, and as it's winning anyway and we now get on really well with him let's go on holiday with Sirius.
[X] Neville
[X] Sirius
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
Vote closed. Next update will probably be on Thursday when Sid and I can get together to knock it out.
Vote Tally : Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest) | Page 3 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
No. of Votes: 38
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
No. of Votes: 29
[X] Daphne Greengrass
No. of Votes: 24
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
No. of Votes: 24
[X] Sirius
No. of Votes: 20
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
No. of Votes: 16
[X] Becky
No. of Votes: 15
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
No. of Votes: 14
[X] Neville
No. of Votes: 14
[X] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.
No. of Votes: 9
[X] Bill Weasley
No. of Votes: 9
[X] Ron Weasley
No. of Votes: 7
[X] His deceased mother, Lily Potter. Praised for great aptitude with casting Charms and brewing potions.
No. of Votes: 6
[X] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited.
No. of Votes: 6
[X] Augusta Longbottom
No. of Votes: 3
[x] Hannah Abbot
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Terry Boot
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Ron
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Susan Bones
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 49
XP Expenditure
Note: Please refer to the 3rd post in thread for full explanation of mechanics and 2nd for the current character sheet.

XP Expenditure

Alright folks, before the next story post (which will be up tomorrow!) I need you to assign your XP. This XP represents the time spent learning from the tutors as well as your parents, therefore you need to spend at least 50% of the XP across the first category titled 'Tutored'.

The way XP expenditure works here is fairly straightforward.

Skill & Attribute XP Costs:

Up to 10: 10 XP per point
11 to 20: 20 XP per point
21 to 35: 30 XP per point
36 to 60: 40 XP per point
61 to 100: 50 XP per point
101 or higher: 60 XP per point

XP spending modifiers for available skills:

Tutored Skills:
Transfiguration 1.2x
Charms 1.2x
DADA 1.3x
Potions 1.2x
History of Magic 1.2x
Astronomy 1.1x
Herbology 1.1x
Magical Theory 1.2x

Independent Study:
Arithmancy 0.4x
Ancient Runes 0.4x
Muggle Studies 0.2x
Magical Creatures 0.3x
Dark Arts 0.2x

Misc. Skills:
Awareness 1x
Evasion 1x
Stealth 1x
Athletics 1x
Flying 1.1x

XP spending modifiers for attributes:
Strength 1x
Stamina 1x
Agility 1x
Reflexes 1x
Intelligence 1x
Perception 1x
Willpower 1x
Improvisation 1x

The way this works, as an example: if you were to assign 50 XP to Transfiguration, you would increase the stat by 6 points. (5 x 1.2 = 6) Decimals will be kept track of. I suggest you use this Google docs spreadsheet to assist you. Specifically look at the 'Base Value' for skills and the Attributes listed at the top (Strength, Stamina etc.) You can copy+paste it to your own spreadsheet and edit the values to instantly see the end-result (it's all connected via formulas).

For this post I'll also list them here just in case:
Transfiguration 5
Charms 5
Dark Arts 0
Potions 5
History of Magic 15
Astronomy 5
Herbology 5
Flying 5
Arithmancy 0
Muggle Studies 0
Divination 0
Ancient Runes 0
Magical Creatures 0
Awareness 5
Evasion 5
Stealth 5
Athletics 5
Magical Theory 10

Strength 10
Stamina 10
Agility 15
Reflexes 10
Intelligence 15
Perception 10
Willpower 15
Improvisation 15

XP can also be used to upgrade your Spell Mastery level. This, for now, is a simple lump sum investment. Refer to the 3rd post for full explanation of Spell Mastery and your character sheet at 2nd post for list of current spells known.

Learning > Novice = 100 XP
Novice > Proficient = 180 XP

Your total XP to spend: 1000

Please use plan format to vote.

If you have questions, don't be shy to ask. I tried to make it as easy to understand as possible, but it's very likely I may have missed something.

Friendly QM note: If you completely dump everything into one stat, there might be Consequences.
I'm surprised we have Accio even under "learning". Canon!Harry found that enormously difficult in fourth year while he was mastering spells aimed at higher grades.
Friendly QM note: If you completely dump everything into one stat, there might be Consequences.

You mean stacking 1000 XP into improvisation would not be optimal?

On a more serious note, wow this is a lot to consider, I'm going to have to think about this. Also I'm fairly new to quests, plan format is:
[] "Plan name"
-[] Parts of the plan
Is that correct?
I'm surprised we have Accio even under "learning". Canon!Harry found that enormously difficult in fourth year while he was mastering spells aimed at higher grades.
That's a fair point and something I overlooked from canon when compiling the spell list. Removed Accio.

You mean stacking 1000 XP into improvisation would not be optimal?

On a more serious note, wow this is a lot to consider, I'm going to have to think about this. Also I'm fairly new to quests, plan format is:
[] "Plan name"
-[] Parts of the plan
Is that correct?

In this case just the [] Plan Example Expenditure is enough, seeing as we can always just look up your post. Might even make formatting better.
That's a fair point and something I overlooked from canon when compiling the spell list. Removed Accio.

In this case just the [] Plan Example Expenditure is enough, seeing as we can always just look up your post. Might even make formatting better.
Right. Don't give the QM ideas. Got it. :p