Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest)

[X] Becky
[X] Daphne Greengrass
I want to see if we can counteract some of the anti-Slytherin bias from James and Sirius. (Even if Daphne is butterflied into another house, her parents are presumably still Slytherins.)
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
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[X] Neville
[X] Bill Weasley
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.

Yeah, I really want to see Indiana Potter.
Come on, being bros with Neville is cool and all, but we already went with him in the last vote!

Give the other characters a chance to shine!
With Barty Crouch Jr. never outed as a Death Eater and Bellatrix at large, floating about Eastern Europe, things might potentially become very interesting.
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Y'all need to see that light. You see this Sirius mofo? rite now your all just a pretender. This guy is legit, he got SWAG. Let me show you where all y'all on the swag meter atm.

Left is Snape, at the End it Sirius and y'all in the middle. That's right y'all barely got more swag then greasey mc bitter drama queen rite now.
Bellatrix Lestrange fled Britain after Voldemort's fall and the murder of Neville's dad. She has been sighted numerous times in Eastern Europe, and is considered extremely dangerous.
Foreshadowing, perhaps?
Accusations appear in Daily Prophet amongst others that Potter & Black are being motivated solely by profit via their company and undoing legislation that's hampering their business interests.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
Haughty heiress of an old pureblood family. Makes Harry play teatime and other girly stuff.
[X] Bill Weasley
An employee of James and Sirius' company. He is cool.

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promisehimself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
[X] Neville
[X] Augusta Longbottom
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[X] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.

For the first two I'm only motivated by brotherhood and curiosity over what a friendly Augusta might be like. For magical talents, James' set is tempting for the guaranteed Duelling (eventually going to be a lifesaver) and the fact that the man is alive here to help cultivate that talent. For the journey, North America offers the chance to get to know Bill and to pick up more from the sensible Uncle.
[X] Bill Weasley
[X] Sirius

Sirius and Bill Weasley, the coolest character in canon, they would make Harry much more sociable, adventurous and well, cool.

[X] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited

The magical world is huuuge. Let's explore it.

[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

Let Harry choose his own path.

[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.

We will be the greatest wimgman in the history of wingmen. Plus, Beauxbatons and maybe Fleur.
[X] Neville
He's his bro.
[X] Susan Bones
For the politics.

[X] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited.
Because they're fun and means memories as happy as the family one without the worry of being crippled if it falls apat.

[X] His deceased mother, Lily Potter. Praised for great aptitude with casting Charms and brewing potions.
For the feels. Also because potions are useful.

[X] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.
US is bigger. More stuff to find, more cultures around.
[x] Ron Weasley
[x] Hannah Abbot

[x] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited.

[x] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

[x] North America where Remus and Bill Weasley are establishing closer ties to Re'em herders.

Darn it I was looking forward to seeing Hermione again, but now... well I hope she'll be okay without us...
[X] Neville
Harry's brother in all the ways that matter. The boy has a knack for potions.
[X] Becky
Harry's energetic and playful younger sister. She loves flying.

Harry the family man. Neville is already well on the way to being our best bro, keep at it and look out for little sis too.

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

This should be fucking obvious.

[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.

Dueling, dad and Albus Dumbledore.

[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.

Again, Harry the family man. We'll be Head of House Potter one day so we need to watch dad in action.
[x] Neville
[x] Bill Weasley
[x] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited.
[x] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.
[x] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Bill Weasley

Daphne and Bill simply because I think they'd be interesting and open some nice possibilities down the line. I considered Sirius but in the end I went with Bill and made up for not picking Sirius by picking France next.

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

Continue spec-ing Harry for magical awesomeness.

[X] His father, James Potter. Praised for his talent with transfiguration and a sure hand in duelling.

Transfiguration is horrifically powerful, and just as horrifically underused. I want this.

[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.

Because I picked Bill earlier...
[X] Sirius
Dudes cool and we missed him last vote.
[X] Ron Weasley
We already have Neville. I don't see why we need to go further.
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
Magic is magic.
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Hannah Abbot
Okay for a girl. Likes playing outside and is fiercely loyal.
[X] Terry Boot
Studious young boy. Likes magic as much as Harry does.

Nev's already our brother/first friend, there isn't much of a need to double down on him. Terry likes magic as much as we do, Hannah is extremely loyal and totally okay with playing with "the boys," and both of them are our age, considering all of that, it seems a little silly not to pick them.

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

I want Harry to love magic, I want him to adore it. I utterly reject the idea of us being anything less than a budding prodigy.

[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

I could make a pretty speech about us forging our own path, but to be honest, I just find the other options too limiting. Dueling is amazing and Transfiguration is great, but Charms is absolutely essential... only, Charms comes with Potions tacked on, and I hate potions. It's very hard for me to look at a discipline that takes so much time and effort, and yet still utterly reliant on ever-fickle resources and take it seriously.

I mean, what if one of your ingredients goes extinct? What if you don't have a suitable work area? What if you don't have the necessary supplies on hand? What if somebody messes with your ingredients? What if you really need a potion right now, but don't necessarily have the time to brew it? Do potions keep, and if so, for how long? There's just too many variables, too many questions and not enough answers. That said, Alchemy might be promising if it proves to be less reliant on the fickle whims of fate.

[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.

A: Let's us spend more time with Sirius.
B: We get to explore the culture of another major magical community.
C: The Delacours might be there, and maybe it's all the fanfiction I read, but I'm fond of the Delacours.
D: Beauxbatons is there, Voldemort isn't, and there are no provincial Death Eaters... we just might be able to swing a little extracurricular education, if you catch my drift.
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Thinking a little bit more what's in the mystery box. If we go by standard Hogwarts classes with James and Lily's specialties crossed off, what does this leave.

Arithmancy, Runes, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures.

Canon Harry had a lot of fate shenanigans going on with him, so would this version of Harry end up an actual seer? With the requisite side knowledge to take advantage of this. Boy would that be interesting to see if its the case.
[X] Ron Weasley
[X] Becky
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.
[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
[X] Augusta Longbottom
[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.
[X] His deceased mother, Lily Potter. Praised for great aptitude with casting Charms and brewing potions.
[X] Egypt where James has begun promoting the diversification of Potter & Black, Inc.
[X] Bill Weasley
[X] Daphne Greengrass

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
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[X] Sirius
[X] Ron Weasley

[X] The first time he was actually allowed to hold a wand and cast a spell all on his own during one of his tutoring sessions. The emotions running through him in that moment are something he'll never forget and just thinking about it is enough to bring a wistful smile to his lips.

[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.
[X] Daphne Greengrass
Haughty heiress of an old pureblood family. Makes Harry play teatime and other girly stuff.
Blanc Slate. Go wild!
[X] Sirius
James best friend, and a doting 'uncle' to Harry.

I'm biased. Sirius is one of my favorite characters in the series. Crusing along with him will a great time. Him being around to show us how to have a good time with people outside our family.

[X] Family trips to exotic locations around the world. Seeing all of the different cultures and wonders of both the magical and mundane world left a lasting impact. Whether it was a holiday in southern France, a safari in Africa, or tour of America he felt his wanderlust ignited.

As sorely tempted as I was to pick the Magic Option, I'm much more interested in exploring the largely uncharted world Rowling left us with. It can help us with growing more independant(TRIGGERED!) from our family. The way I see things, we're currently living a mostly secluded lifestyle with some social encounters sprinkled in.

[X] Neither. Harry's parents were praised for their magical prowess. Harry has exhibited great promise himself, however his talents may lie in different areas.

[X] France where Sirius is leading the effort to have the harsh import tariffs and taxes on their products lowered.