"No, I'm sorry, but I can't. I promised my uncle I'd stay at the hotel." Harry said, after a moment of consideration. While he'd have loved to explore Paris, Sirius had been unusually solemn when he told Harry to not leave the hotel without him.
"Oh," the french witch looked rather dejected at hearing that.
"But perhaps you could tell me what life in wizarding France is like in the meanwhile?" Harry cut in. Realizing he needed to find something to talk about fast before he'd lose his conversation partner.
"Oh! It's quite wonderful. We haven't had any real unpleasantness in France since Grindelwald." Marie answered, and then glanced down at her watch. "Ah, but excuse me, Harry. I had thought to bring you along, but I must get going. One of my classmates promised to show me this wonderful new shop at the rue de Soleil, and she isn't known for her patience. I think it's because she's part-veela. Renowned for their quick tempers, they are."
At that Marie gave Harry a quick wink. Harry smiled knowingly. His books had gone into great detail about the avian Veela native to France, and the fact that they interbred with humans. All Veela were known for stunning good looks when in their human guise and a magical allure that attracted the opposite sex. However when angered, they could take on more bird-like features, making them look more like the Harpies of Greek myth and capable of launching balls of fire from their hands.
Could Marie's friend transform, too?
"Well, you definitely don't want to keep her waiting then." Harry joked half-heartedly, but he couldn't keep the look of disappointment off his face. It had been nice talking to a girl close to his age that spoke so openly. Daphne was a good friend, but she tended to be a bit too forceful at times. The elaborate tea parties she used to throw… Harry shuddered.
"You can always write me." Marie said with a placating smile. "I'd very much like to hear more about Wizarding Britain and your family."
Harry nodded vigorously. "I'd like that very much."
"Then it looks like we're penpals." As she said that, she took out a pen from one of her pockets, picked up a napkin from a nearby table and wrote something on it. "Here is my address."
Harry pocketed the napkin, and then wrote the location where he received owls. Normal post owls couldn't find Potter Manor, so to receive letters they had to be sent indirectly.
Harry and Marie said good-byes, and the french girl left the lobby with a smile. Once she was gone, Harry went back to studying the arcane nature of the fountain.
"Alright, what's next on the schedule, my wonderfully skilled and unpaid intern?" Sirius asked.
"A meeting at 3 pm with Lord Julien Ancar at the La Mirabelle restaurant, oh great and wonderful master." Harry answered dully.
After Marie left, and Sirius finished his business with Seraphine, the trip turned into a revolving door of meetings with French Ministry members and dignitaries. The places where the conversations took place could vary wildly: glittering dining rooms, well ordered work offices, comfortable personal studies, expensive restaurants, and there was even one that took place during a hunting expedition.
Uncle Remus ran the day to day operations of the business. Harry's father was the visionary, but schmoozing and charming people was what Sirius did best. Though most of the meetings had been conducted in french, Sirius' assurances and the amount of drinking and backslapping said the trip had been an overall success.
It would be the last meeting of the day, and then Sirius had promised to finally show Harry around the Rue du Soleil.
"No time to waste. Let's go." Sirius said, and the older wizard shuffled Harry out of their hotel room.
The wizards made excellent time in their enchanted car. Harry had been there when the older wizard purchased and the vehicle's price had made Harry's jaw drop. It sped through the streets, jumping and dodging out of the way of muggle traffic.
Before Harry knew it, he and Sirius were seated in a fine restaurant, and across the table sat a wizard in his mid-fifties. The man was large, beefy would be one way of describing him. His hair was short-cropped - a black wavy mess on top of him. He had hazy, blue eyes which seemed to be narrowed in a perpetual mask of displeasure.
He wasn't silent when Harry and Sirius took their seats; as soon as they had neared the table he had loudly proclaimed something to Sirius, which the man answered in some rapid-fire french too fast for Harry to follow.
The talks seemed to be well underway before they had even ordered meals; the large man moving in his seat and wildly gesturing with meaty hands as he kept speaking in a boisterous voice. Sirius was undaunted, but Harry could see the tell-tale signs of annoyance - the slight stiffening of his lips and the easy smile he usually wore not quite reaching his eyes. Those signs would have been invisible to anyone who didn't know Sirius, but Harry could read the older wizard like a book.
The discussion continued in much the same vein, only interrupted by the occasional arrival of food and desserts, and the growing annoyance of the british wizard, while Lord Ancar seemed to slowly grow even more boisterous in his voice. What was said went over Harry's head, but he guessed the conversation wasn't going the way Sirius wanted.
Then after a remark from Sirius, the meeting shifted, and was soon concluded.
"Come my tireless minion, I think it's time for some celebratory ice cream. There might yet be a future for Potter and Black in France!"
"Went that well?" Harry asked.
"Julien is a very powerful man in french politics, and he agreed to favorable terms, even if the bloated arsehole gouged us for everything he could." Sirius explained with a half-grimace.
"Mum's gonna want your head for cursing around her innocent, impressionable son; for corrupting her little angel." Harry said in the sweetest tone of voice he could manage.
Sirius stopped mid-stride, and went a bit pale.
"You wouldn't."
"I would," Harry assured his godfather. "If you make me sit through another one of those meetings, my little eleven year old tongue might slip and say something it wasn't meant to."
"No more meetings. Got it." Sirius agreed.
Well, since he is in such an agreeable mood…
"And I want any kind of ice cream on the menu, or she'll hear about you abandoning your 'adorable godson' to spend time with Seraphine."
Sirius looked at Harry for a moment, and then a grin split his features.
"Done," Sirius said proudly. "I see all these meetings weren't wasted on you after all!"
An hour later you were eating the biggest sundae at the best ice cream parlor in Rue du Soleil. Witches and wizards strolled by happily, and children led their families in buying school supplies for the coming year at Beauxbatons. Harry focused on the behemoth sundae before him, and his godfather's grin hadn't abated since they left the restaurant.
The restful atmosphere was interrupted by a figure moving hurriedly in their direction. The figure was familiar, Harry recognized him as one of the underlings of the company. Ignius Finch. While Harry played at secretary, Ignius was the real deal - meaning he ran the actual errands around the city while Sirius and Harry were meeting with people.
The young man slowed his half-jog to a fast stride as he reached the ice cream parlour, and as he reached Sirius' side, he quickly leaned over to whisper something in his ear while handing him a note.
As soon as Sirius finished reading the note, his face turned hard, and he abruptly stood up.
"Sorry, Harry, something has come up." Sirius said briskly. "Ignius will take you back to the hotel. I have business to attend to. I'll make it up to you later."
Without waiting for a response, the wizard strode away towards the nearest apparition point.
What do you do?
[] Obey Sirius. Let Ignius take you back to the hotel. Wait for Sirius to return.
[] Filch the note off Ignius, and try to follow Sirius using your invisibility cloak.
[] Try to convince Ignius to go help Sirius. The more wands the better. You could help too.
[] Ask Ignius what that was all about.
[] Write-in.