This is in addition to the normal amounts of time he already spends with friends and family. This is what he goes above and beyond to spend time on, sure you can pick more time with friends and family but it's nonsense to imply that not choosing them here would mean Harry is in any way anti-social.
Vote Tally : Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest) | Page 13 | Sufficient Velocity ##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] Plan Corvus No. of Votes: 5
Plan Cteatus takes the vote with a democratic 50% of the total vote.
[] The Mind Arts
[] Dueling
[] Focusing on Friends
are the winning options.
The final part of character generation & prologue will be concluded with one more quick vote option which should be up by tomorrow at latest. After that we'll reach actual canon territory and the Plot will start rolling.
Vote Tally : Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest) | Page 13 | Sufficient Velocity ##### NetTally 1.1.16
Note: Please refer to the 3rd post in thread for full explanation of mechanics and 2nd for the current character sheet.
XP Expenditure 2
Alright folks, it's that dreaded time where you have to spend some XP once again. This time I've taken the liberty of spending most of it already in accordance to what would make sense as a general education via tutors so far, with bonus to the winning options of the last vote.
The way XP expenditure works is still the same. Skill & Attribute XP Costs:
Up to 10: 10 XP per point
11 to 20: 20 XP per point
21 to 35: 30 XP per point
36 to 60: 40 XP per point
61 to 100: 50 XP per point
101 or higher: 60 XP per point
XP spending modifiers for available skills:
Transfiguration 1.2x
Charms 1.2x
DADA 1.2x
Potions 1.2x
History of Magic 1.2x
Astronomy 1.1x
Herbology 1.1x
Magical Theory 1.2x
Arithmancy 1x
Ancient Runes 1x
Muggle Studies 0.8x
Magical Creatures 1x
Dark Arts 0.8x
Divination 1.0x
Occlumency 0.3x
Legilimency 0.3x
The way this works, as an example: if you were to assign 50 XP to Transfiguration, you would increase the stat by 6 points. (5 x 1.2 = 6) Decimals will be kept track of. I suggest you use this Google docs spreadsheet to assist you. Specifically look at the 'Base Value' for skills and the Attributes listed at the top (Strength, Stamina etc.) You can copy+paste it to your own spreadsheet and edit the values to instantly see the end-result (it's all connected via formulas).
XP can also be used to upgrade your Spell Mastery level. This, for now, is a simple lump sum investment. Refer to the 3rd post for full explanation of Spell Mastery and your character sheet at 2nd post for list of current spells known.
Due to the time skip, there are many new spells added to your repertoire, which I'll list here:
Spells Known: Waddiwasi (Proficient)
Shoots a small and soft wad of whatever the caster desires at a target.
Diffindo (Proficient)
Rips, tears, shreds, or otherwise lightly damages the target.
Expelliarmus (Proficient)
The Disarming charm. Causes whatever the victim is holding to fly away.
Feather-light Charm (Proficient)
Makes something lightweight.
Leg-Locker Curse (Proficient)
Locks victims legs together.
Lumos & Nox (Proficient)
Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip, like a torch. Nox extinguishes it.
Tripping Jinx (Proficient)
A jinx to trip up or impede the target.
Wingardium Leviosa (Novice)
Levitates and moves the target.
Spells learned during time-skip: Accio (Proficient)
The Summoning charm. Summons an object to the caster.
Cheering Charm (Proficient)
Causes the person upon whom the spell was cast to become happy and contented, though heavy-handedness with the spell may cause the person to break into an uncontrollable laughing fit.
Alohomora (Proficient)
Used to open and/or unlock doors, but doors can be bewitched so that this spell has no effect.
Evanesco (Proficient)
Makes the target vanish.
Engorgio & Reducio (Proficient)
Causes objects to swell in size / Makes an enlarged object smaller.
Finite Incantatem (Proficient)
Negates many spells or the effects of many spells.
Flame-Freezing Charm (Proficient)
Causes fire to become harmless to those caught in it, creating only a gentle, tickling sensation instead of burns.
Incendio (Proficient)
Produces fire. Flames burst out flying.
Point Me (Proficient)
Causes the caster's wand tip to point to the north cardinal point, acting like a compass.
Protego (Proficient)
The Shield Charm causes minor to strong jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the attacker, or at least prevents them from having their full effect.
Stupefy & Rennervate (Proficient)
Puts the victim in an unconscious state.
Scourgify (Proficient)
Used to clean something.
Reparo (Proficient)
Used to repair broken or damaged objects.
Description: A spell used when fighting a Boggart, "Riddikulus" forces the Boggart to take the appearance of an object upon which the caster is concentrating. When used correctly, this will be a humorous form.
Petrificus Totalus (Proficient)
Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at attention; this spell does not restrict breathing or seeing, and the victim will usually fall to the ground.
There's also spells you may learn at this stage for extra XP, the full list of them is here:
Produces a fountain or jet of water from the wand tip.
Causes the victim to become confused, befuddled, overly forgetful and prone to follow simple orders without thinking about them.
Causes anything that the spell meets to explode in flames.
A very powerful wind that can loosen and/or soften a variety of things; it can also be used to detach objects.
Bubble-Head Charm
Puts a large bubble of air around the head of the user. Used as a magical equivalent of a scuba set or self-contained breathing apparatus.
Expecto Patronum
Conjures an incarnation of the caster's innermost positive feelings, such as joy or hope, known as a Patronus. A Patronus is conjured as a protector, and is a weapon rather than a predator of souls: Patronuses shield their conjurors from Dementors or Lethifolds, and can even drive them away.
This spell makes something repel (literally, become impervious to) substances and outside forces, including water.
Ties someone or something up with ropes.
Description: Enables the caster to explode solid objects.
Conjures a serpent from the spell caster's wand.
Adding a new spell from above list: 80 XP
Learning > Novice = 100 XP
Novice > Proficient = 160 XP
Proficient > Adept = 260 XP
Adept > Master = N/A at this stage
Your total XP to spend: 2000 + 150 = 2150
Important note: If your Combined Skill Value(the value composed of skill + attributes) is higher than your raw skill Base Value, then the value will be reduced to the average of the Bonus Stat Value and skill Base Value level.
Yeah, I just noticed. They'll be up momentary; meanwhile @Van Ropen, blessed be his soul, is working on a spreadsheet that should make the entire XP spending system much, much easier. It should be up soon, so probably wait until that before getting started on plans. (And there'll be a hefty XP reward for that!)
Yeah, I just noticed. They'll be up momentary; meanwhile @Van Ropen, blessed be his soul, is working on a spreadsheet that should make the entire XP spending system much, much easier. It should be up soon, so probably wait until that before getting started on plans. (And there'll be a hefty XP reward for that!)
I spent about 20 minutes creating an XP calculator as well. There is a new sheet at the bottom called "XP Calculator". You enter the XP you want to allocate into the green column and it will automatically calculate the new attribute/skill level. Once the new skill/attribute levels are calculated you still have to manually update the values in the "Skills and Attributes" sheet. But this is a lot easier than doing a bunch of math.
Current Stat is our current value in that category. Proposed Stat is what you plan on making it. This calculates and neatly displays the resulting change in ability and how much XP that will cost based on the given training modifiers, our current skill, blah blah blah. Off to the side there is a similar list for spells - they come in ranks 1-5 (Learning to Master), so same deal: current skill is what we have now, proposed skill is what we want, it churns out the cost. Bottom right has the total cost of the current plan, both stats and spells.
It's free to edit, I just ask that before starting whoever is working on a plan makes a copy of the "Base Sheet", and then renames it. That way the front page is always clear.
@Mazrick, @Sidhenlae I have a couple of questions before people start allocating XP.
1) You listed the spell proficiency of Wingardium Leviosa as "Novice" in the post. I'm guessing this is an oversight, since this is one of the first spells that students learn.
2) Do we know what electives Harry will take at Hogwarts or will this be a quest choice? The courses I'm talking about are the 3rd year electives (ie Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Divination, Muggle Studies, etc).
3) Canon and fanon generally have different interpretations of Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. Can you clarify how you will handle these subjects in this quest?
Canon: Study of Numerology (predicting the future with numbers)
Fanon: Study of understanding how spells work (spell creation, incantation, wand movement, etc)
Ancient Runes:
Canon: Study of ancient magical languages
Fanon: Study of Warding, Curse-Breaking, etc
@Mazrick, @Sidhenlae I have a couple of questions before people start allocating XP.
1) You listed the spell proficiency of Wingardium Leviosa as "Novice" in the post. I'm guessing this is an oversight, since this is one of the first spells that students learn.
2) Do we know what electives Harry will take at Hogwarts or will this be a quest choice? The courses I'm talking about are the 3rd year electives (ie Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Divination, Muggle Studies, etc).
3) Canon and fanon generally have different interpretations of Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. Can you clarify how you will handle these subjects in this quest?
Canon: Study of Numerology (predicting the future with numbers)
Fanon: Study of understanding how spells work (spell creation, incantation, wand movement, etc)
Ancient Runes:
Canon: Study of ancient magical languages
Fanon: Study of Warding, Curse-Breaking, etc
1) Wingardium Leviosa was an oversight; it should be proficient.
2) Electives will be decided in a vote option.
3) We will be blending the canon & fanon lines, in order to make things a bit more interesting. Arithmancy will still involve numbers, but it'll also incorporate some elements of spell creation/understanding.
Ancient Runes will still be primarily ancient magical languages, but that will naturally lead to some contact with older forms of magic/casting methods.
Note: If there's a conflict in information, assume VR's sheet has the correct information for now.
Also, for @Van Ropen and @Caversham efforts, we're awarding you guys with 600 extra XP. Remember kids, don't spend it all at one place! Use them wisely.
Spells: Alright, first order of business was deciding to focus on spells or raising base stats - and I figured we should do a split between the two. Snag some of the more critical spells before bringing our skills up to par. To that end, first thing I did was raised Protego to Adept. Because while Proficient (Wand motions and vocalization comes easily to you; the spell never straying far from your mind, but in situations of extreme duress you may slip up.) is good enough for most things, if there is one thing I want at Adept (You've grasped the spell to a point you can cast it by reflex alone.) it is casting shields. Beyond that, I wanted some actual offensive punch/environment manipulation to syngergize with Waddiwasi. Reducto fits the bill there, up to Proficient so its completely integrated with the rest of our repertoire. Impervius is super useful as a utility spell, up there with the Unbreakable Charm - but in the interest of saving XP, only brought it up to Novice. At that point we can cast it at will without risk of flubbing, and if we were in a fight for whatever reason its probably something we would want to have applied beforehand anyways, not cast off the cuff. That's what Protego 4 is for, for now at least.
Attributes: Bringing up Perception and Willpower to 25, so we have all our Mental Attributes there. Willpower is a given, I would have raised it more if I could - Harry Potter with 10 Willpower? Atrocious. But we need to work on other stuff too, so up to 25 will do for now. Bringing Perception up was important too, given it is "a measure of how perceptive and aware the character is at all times. A high stat here means the character is more adept at picking up hints and out of place details in both social encounters and the environment, and generally being more aware of one's surroundings". We want that. We want that a lot.
Skills: Both Evasion and Awareness were lacking - and more importantly, basically dirt cheap to raise given they are under 20. No reason not to bring them up to 20, where we can leave them for a bit unless we really need to focus on dueling. That leaves the four core subjects: Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Potions. These are the fundamentals of everything - our Harry is gonna be a magical badass, and that means having a rock solid foundation in the core magical arts. Raised all of them to 35, the high end of "Average Adult". That should set us up for basically anything we want to learn at this level, with the ability to go "Professional" (36+) in whatever field we decide to specialize in first when the time comes.
Spells: Alright, first order of business was deciding to focus on spells or raising base stats - and I figured we should do a split between the two. Snag some of the more critical spells before bringing our skills up to par. To that end, first thing I did was raised Protego to Adept. Because while Proficient (Wand motions and vocalization comes easily to you; the spell never straying far from your mind, but in situations of extreme duress you may slip up.) is good enough for most things, if there is one thing I want at Adept (You've grasped the spell to a point you can cast it by reflex alone.) it is casting shields. Beyond that, I wanted some actual offensive punch/environment manipulation to syngergize with Waddiwasi. Reducto fits the bill there, up to Proficient so its completely integrated with the rest of our repertoire. Impervius is super useful as a utility spell, up there with the Unbreakable Charm - but in the interest of saving XP, only brought it up to Novice. At that point we can cast it at will without risk of flubbing, and if we were in a fight for whatever reason its probably something we would want to have applied beforehand anyways, not cast off the cuff. That's what Protego 4 is for, for now at least.
Attributes: Bringing up Perception and Willpower to 25, so we have all our Mental Attributes there. Willpower is a given, I would have raised it more if I could - Harry Potter with 10 Willpower? Atrocious. But we need to work on other stuff too, so up to 25 will do for now. Bringing Perception up was important too, given it is "a measure of how perceptive and aware the character is at all times. A high stat here means the character is more adept at picking up hints and out of place details in both social encounters and the environment, and generally being more aware of one's surroundings". We want that. We want that a lot.
Skills: Both Evasion and Awareness were lacking - and more importantly, basically dirt cheap to raise given they are under 20. No reason not to bring them up to 20, where we can leave them for a bit unless we really need to focus on dueling. That leaves the four core subjects: Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Potions. These are the fundamentals of everything - our Harry is gonna be a magical badass, and that means having a rock solid foundation in the core magical arts. Raised all of them to 35, the high end of "Average Adult". That should set us up for basically anything we want to learn at this level, with the ability to go "Professional" (36+) in whatever field we decide to specialize in first when the time comes.
Harry will be a 4th year. This means that we should probably pick a couple of fields for Harry to begin specializing in. I have chosen Charms as his first specialization since this is the most utilitarian discipline. However, I have not neglected the other core subjects (DADA, Transfiguration, Potions). Since we do not know what elective subjects Harry will be taking, I have not allocated any XP into the elective subjects.
I have also tried to balance the attribute XP allocation towards both the Phyiscal and Mental attributes. These attributes indirectly affect a lot of the skills and also affect dueling (Health and Energy).
I have allocated XP for 4 spells. I upgraded Protego to Adept, shielding is one of the most important spells. I upgraded Confrigo, Aguamenti, and Incarcerous to Learning.