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The Dursleys, of 4 Privet Drive, live a perfectly normal life together until one grey Tuesday in November of 1981. On his way to work that day, Vernon Dursley notices a stern-looking cat watching his house. He also sees people in the streets, dressed in cloaks and whispering about the Potters. After watching the news and learning about sightings of shooting stars and owls, Vernon asks his wife Petunia about her sister Lily Potter. Afterward, Vernon goes to bed believing that, if the Potters are involved in the strange happenings, it won't affect him.

...Man, he has no idea.


An extensive AU of J. K. Rowling's, "Harry Potter." A number of changes are present in this version of the setting - all wizards/witches are capable of more concrete and powerful feats with practice, the magic system is somewhat more grounded and elaborate, the power level is higher, the mood is darker/gloomier. The setting and lore are considerably altered.
Possible Attainments #1
Also, here are some Attainments that you might be able to get in the future. Don't vote for them, obviously - it's a simple demonstration.

[ ] Everlasting Attainment

As towers rise,
As empires fall,
As seas bubble,
As winds shriek,
As mountains crack,
As valleys spade,
I shall never relent.

An Attainment that represents the irrepressible wellspring of one's heroism, rather than any inherent greatness or talent for special arts.

At the earliest available opportunity, the character will attract the attention of a phoenix that will bond to the character as a familiar, with mutual bonds of great and spirited loyalty. If the character already has a birdlike familiar, it shall instead perish in a blaze of magical fire and be reborn as a nascent phoenix within seven days. Aside from the obvious benefits of having a steadfast phoenix companion, the character's moral compass will be reinforced and rarely wither; they are capable of making terrible and necessary choices, still, but will never be overwhelmed by their vice or grief to such a degree they might turn into someone they'd have originally hated.

Any spells related to 'fire' cast by the character receive an overwhelming uplift in their effectiveness and control; a simple Incendio may now produce a conflagration of grand, building-consuming sizes, while more complicated spells may spawn hurricanes of fiery wind and infernos of dizzying dimensional complexity.

Also, the character receives +5 Willpower and +5 Mental Stability for as long as they remain on the righteous path.

[ ] Life and Death Transcendence

Allows the character to designate a single item of particular worth to themselves as a Horcrux. A brutal human death is usually required in order to accomplish this due to the spiritual interactions necessary to form such an artifact, but there are ways to cheat this requirement that Geist knows about and may partially divulge to you. Also, the prospective Dark wizard attempting this must permanently and irreversibly invest no less than a complete half of their current Magic Power into the Horcrux so as to ensure its form is properly stained by the practitioner's identity. The amount invested shapes the inchoate Horcrux's powers, as well as the prospective speed of resurrection.

Should the character ever die, their Horcrux will immediately capture their soul from across an effectively limitless range, denying any methods or attempts of soul-capturing magic, and resurrect its organothaumic blueprint, incarnating a new body for it, in a manner informed by the Horcrux's own form, concept, and magical capabilities.

As an example, a book might resurrect the character as a narrative trope which soon memetically spreads to every book in the nearest location containing the largest mass of books, such as an entire library, before their resurrection initiates, with a number of books slamming together, pages kneading into a golem of paper and parchment that attains humanoid shape, and then increasingly living and human characteristics. Horcrux resurrection typically takes a full month to complete but may take longer for some Horcruxes. Alternatively, may resurrect Geist via this method, should he desire it (it depends on his mood.)

Any Horcruxes that hold an incredibly large amount of Magical Power may begin to form identities separate from their owner. Although their loyalty is always to the 'originator' of the Horcrux, they may be able to eventually attempt to spawn their own bodies using various means. None of these resurrected beings possess the full soul of the original, however, and as such, aren't Wizards or Witches, often channeling their magic in idiosyncratic and mythopoeic manners that relate to their past history.

A Horcrux never fails to operate and has effectively unlimited uses. However, a Horcrux is not completely indestructible either, with multiple albeit exceedingly rare methods of destroying a Horcrux being available. As such, care must be taken to protect them.

Requires: An Equal in Truth.

[ ] Urdarbrunnr

A fated hole of the earth, in the many places,
Of the single times.
A great secret, that leaves no traces,
And conceals your wicked crimes.

Allows you to 'chart' a path to anywhere, and then promptly Apparate to the target location, in a manner that largely bypasses modern warding and Anti-Apparition protection methods. This method of Apparition, however, takes a significant amount of preparation to execute.

It takes about six hours of incessant preparation in order to go from London to Paris, and maybe some five minutes to travel between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Frequent travel into the same spots reduces this preparation time noticeably, at first in grand amounts, and then in small increments; after a year of daily and regular travel in between them, your most-frequented spots would see as much as a 50% charting reduction. The reduction can wear off given time; after a year of stopping any travel, the reduction would fall down to roughly 25%, and then after some five years of no travel between those spots, to as little as 10%.

However, the true use of this Charted Apparition method is to make your way through undiscovered places that exist in completely different layers and textures of reality. Using Astrology and complex runic rituals, you may access the Well of Urdr - a kind of earthly terminal built a long time ago, which grants passage to other realms entire by charting the 'other side' of the journey for you, while you handle your own side. However, this process can often take entire days of meticulous and painstaking preparation and work, if not weeks. After unlocking, capabilities aren't gained instantaneously; trained over time, but the character should master them to the description provided above in less than two years; a year with a lot of focus put into this Attainment's benefits. Discovering the Well of Udr comes instinctively to anyone using this method of Apparition.

Requires: Know how to Apparate, Astrology [Greatness], Ancient Runes [Greatness].
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