Harry And The Shipgirls: Prisoner of Shipping (A HP/KanColle Snippet Collection)

Minor question.

What was Niiyodo's hair color again?

I know she has the same meganekko thing going on as her sister, but I vaguely recall her having a slightly reddish tint to her hair as the big noticeable visible difference.
Minor question.

What was Niiyodo's hair color again?

I know she has the same meganekko thing going on as her sister, but I vaguely recall her having a slightly reddish tint to her hair as the big noticeable visible difference.
Black hair I believe. Give me a moment to Google fu to make sure.Yeah she's black haired .:


Edit: No my mistake I misread that as Ooyodo. Ignore my post.
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See, Brandon is not the only muggleborn who hates both the Purebloods and the non-magicals. Heck, there's a number out there who despise both because, when they started showing magic or got their letter, their situations became either abusive or they were just kicked out. It's uncommon, but does happen, and often causes a lot of resentment that can turn into hate and anger easily enough.

And Brandon has made use of that, as there are a group of Muggleborn who operate as Death Eaters under him, low level ones, but still there.
Great. So if Brandon survives Tom's eventual demise, he has a ready made force to either continue the disruption the Death Eaters caused or to join up with a new like minded group to start all over again.

May Brandon annoy some of Porta's subjects; they can use the target practice...
Warspite being a big sis bote towards Valiant.

Shinyou, this was not what the admiral meant when he said you were being transferred via strategic air lift.

May Brandon annoy some of Porta's subjects; they can use the target practice...
Brandon will count as a terrorist. Assuming that he survived the encounter, and if she chooses not to go with the execution by Oubliet like the last time someone decided to play terrorist, back when she was playing Lord of the Azores, Brandon and his followers are going to get some reprogramming before they see the sun again.
There was the bare hint of the lightening on the horizon which signaled dawn's approach as Natsumi looked out the door and took a deep breath of the air. Her nose was tickled with the scent of not just the sea, but also the various tropical flowers alongside things as the recent rain. There was a very small hint of ozone from the lightening and thunder from the night before. A happy hum escaping from her, the Kitsune stretched as she could hear the sounds of the rest who were getting ready for the day in the hut behind her, 'Well, the past few days have been nice.'

Lightly snorting, the ancient vixen within gave her the impression that she was now rolling her eyes, '{Yes, I will admit to enjoying the past few days, but please do not say anything, even mentally, which could attract the attention of the Irony Gods.}'

Quirking her eyebrow some, Natsumi hummed a bit, 'Do they actually exist?'

Moments later, she blinked as Tamamo answered back, '{While I cannot say if every pantheon had them, the Celestial Bureaucracy did, indeed, have a number assigned to cause ironic situations and to act as, what I believe you would call, Murphy's Agents, as it were.}'

Completely gobsmacked, the younger of the two Kitsunes stared for a moment or two, 'You cannot be serious…'

Dry tone to her voice, Tamamo once more snorted, '{Very serious as a matter of fact, Child.}'

Odd look still on her face, Natsumi furrowed her eyebrows, 'But… why?'

If anything, the older of the two's tone became even more dry, '{Because it is the Celestial Bureaucracy, Child. They'd come up with such if it did not exist before.}'

Very slowly shaking her head, Natsumi sighed, 'That… should not explain anything… and yet, it does. Why…?'

Yet again, Tamamo spoke in that dry tone, '{Because the Celestial Bureaucracy, Child.}'

At that, the teen shook her head before deciding that it was best to simply leave the conversation at that. Ignoring the amused feeling she got from her previous incarnation, Natsumi looked around until her gaze fell onto Harry. Said young man was on the porch with a steaming cup of tea at his side as he was reading through a rather thin book. Ear flicking a bit, she walked over behind him, making sure that he knew she was doing so, and then sat down behind him before hugging him, "Hmm?"

Turning his head, Harry smiled a bit even as there was a slight hint of a blush on his face from how it felt to have her press up against him, "Natsumi-Chan?"

Just kissing his cheek, Natsumi then leaned her head against his as she rubbed their cheeks together, "What are you reading, Harry-Chan?"

Lips twitching some as he glanced at her from the corner of his eye, the wizard shook his head and held up the book so that she could see, "Here."

Reading the title, Natsumi raised an eyebrow, "'Giving it a Twirl, How to Apparate'?"

Upon getting an intrigued glance, Harry shook his head some, "Remember what I told you? About one of the things that I am doing while I have the opportunity to do so?"

It took a moment, but the Kitsune's eyebrows shot upwards before she nodded as she murmured a little bit, "I remember… you made mention of your Godfather teaching you how to Apparate, right?"

Bright smile on his face as he gave her cheek a kiss, Harry then nodded some, "Hai, Sirius is going to be teaching me how to Apparate… well, him and Remus, anyways." He then motioned a bit with the book, "But, they've been having me prepare myself with various books about Apparation and the like." Lips twitching some, the green-eyed teen plucked a leaflet from where it was being used as a bookmark in his book, "This doesn't have that much information on it after all."

Very slowly blinking, Natsumi took said leaflet and unfolded it before staring for several moments. Then, she raised her head to look at the amused boy next to her, "… There's barely anything here."

Snort escaping from him, the wizard shook his head some, "Nope, just the common mistakes done when apparating and how to avoid them, hence the name." Then, he held up the book in his hand and shook his head some, "Meanwhile, this book goes more into the mechanics of it as well as how to go about it. Got two more that also goes over it and notes that my Mum… birth Mum, that is, made in preparation to actually teach me."

Gaze softening, Natsumi reached over and grasped his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, one that he fully returned. Neither of them really said anything, but then she spoke up, "How often have you been reading it?"

Bemused look on his face, Harry chuckled slightly, "Actually, this is the fourth time that I've read this book. The rest, I've read five or six times, or a lot more." Giving a small shrug, he shook his head, "Sirius said that next week, he's going to start me on actually practicing the whole thing. Professor Dumbledore is going to let us use the old dueling classroom for it."

Interested, the fox spirit raised an eyebrow, "Any particular reason for that, Harry-Chan?"

Motioning with his finger, Harry hummed a little bit, "Well… he's going to cancel the Anti-Apparation charms in that one room to let us practice. If I misjudge things and accidently apparate in a way that would have me outside the room, I'll smack into the Anti-Apparation spells around the room and bounce back. Will give me one heck of a headache, but… better that than, say, accidentally having me share space with a wall."

At that, Natsumi cringed and looked down at the leaflet, one of the images being an unfortunate wizard that had apparated partway through a window much too small for him. Only good thing was that he was still alive, somewhat at least, judging by how he was motioning with his arms. Beneath him, there was a broken bottle showing exactly why the Apparition had gone so horribly wrong, "… Are you sure that you even want to learn how to do this, Harry-Chan?"

Only shaking his head, the green-eyed fourteen-year-old sighed a bit, "Honestly? I doubt that I'll be using it that often. But… better to have it and not need it, than to need the skill and not have it."

Considering that for several long moments, Natsumi slowly nodded a little bit, "That's… true enough, I suppose." Frown on her face, she then furrowed her eyebrows some, "Though, still a bit confused. Since I'm guessing that you're learning it so that you have a trump card against that creature… wouldn't he set up spells to prevent its usage?"

With a slow nod, Harry rubbed the back of his head, "Hai, you'd be right about that, Natsumi-Chan." Then, he tilted his head to the side some, "That doesn't mean that it wouldn't be useful in other ways. When I'm part of the JMSDF and need to boot it somewhere, I could just apparate nearby for example.

Finger tapping against her cheek, the Kitsune slowly nodded, "That… is a good point." A small blush rose in her cheeks at her next thought, '… And that could mean that if Harry-Chan has even a little bit of free time while in the Academy, he could just apparate back into Yokosuka…'

Moments later, Tamamo then spoke up, '{Our Harry is quite smart in this, however. While it is not useful in a situation such as against the Creature after him, he could use it in other situations.}' Suddenly, Natsumi's blush intensified at her next words, '{Such as, say, teleporting when hearing about one of his wives giving birth.}'

Quickly shaking her head, Natsumi cleared her throat, '… Good point.' A thought then struck her and she frowned, '… Now I wonder if I could learn it?'

At that, chuckles escaped from her previous incarnation, '{I do not see a reason why you may not be able to do so, my Child. And I do agree, it would also be extremely useful for us as well.}'

Dry tone to her thoughts, Natsumi cocked an eyebrow, 'Such as avoiding traffic on the way to work.' A thought then struck her and she frowned, '… I wonder how that is going to be handled? Someone who knows it could use it to break into places that don't have the countermeasures in place after all…'

That only got a hum from the other fox spirit, but no comment.

Harry, for his part, meanwhile had turned back to his book and shook his head a little bit, 'Dry… but still a better read than that one book.'

Not even a few seconds later, Natsue spoke up from the depths of his own mind, '{Hmm? Which book?}'

Rolling his eyes mentally, the wizard sighed, 'That "I'm going to put some dirt in your eye" by someone named Bully Maguire.'

Upon hearing that, Natsue gave him a small nod, '{Ah, that one. Hai, I remember it now… you scoffed at what was in it from what I remember.}'

Yet again lightly snorting, Harry once more mentally rolled his eyes, 'And with good reason.'

Lightly laughing, his previous incarnation only nodded, '{True since, after all… you're a Rizzard, Harry-Kun.}'

About to nod, Harry paused and blinked, '… I'm a what now?'

Giggles escaping from her, which he did find rather nice sounding, Natsue gave him the mental equivalent of a grin, '{I wonder now…}'

Despite him asking again, he got no further answers and only shrugged some as he went back to reading his book.

Soon afterwards, the rest of the group were gathered around the area with the cooking fire as the Sun began to slowly peak above the horizon in the east, the sky blazing with reds and pinks as it did so. Happily taking one of the plates of cooked food, Shioi looked around with a thoughtful look, "Any idea what is planned for today? Or are we just winging it?"

With a hum, Harry leaned back his head in thought before glancing at Niiyodo, who shook her head slightly. Turning back to the tanned Submarine, he gave her a small smile, "Honestly? Today is our last day here since I'm going to be using the time turner to turn back time to get on the Hogwarts Express back to Hogwarts."

Just taking a sip of juice, Verniy gave a small nod, "Da, so today is a day to simply have fun and relax."

Leaning back some, the teenage wizard nodded at that with a small smile on his face, "Da, that's what I think would be best to do."

It was then that Ren spoke up a little bit as she glanced at the rising Sun and rubbed her chin in thought, "Hmm… A bit of a shame that we cannot practice a little bit, Harry-Kun, and have to wait until our… um… date… is done tomorrow before we can do so in your female form."

Even as Harry nodded, Shinano perked up a little bit, "You're going on a date tomorrow with Harry-Chan?"

Ducking her head slightly with a blush visible on her tan skin, the Huli-Jing/Kitsune nodded, "Hai, myself and Harry-Kun will be going tomorrow on a date with each other to Hogsmeade with him making use of his female form to do so."

Confused and somewhat lost, Ayase frowned and looked between them, "Why would you need to be in your female form, Harry-Kun?"

Only releasing a breath, Harry shook his head with a small grimace, "Well… the issue is that right now, most people know of Ren-Chan as being my sensei, my teacher. While, personally, I do not care and wish that the two of us could be open about being together…"

Realization on their faces, the group of shipgirls and one Abyssals nodded with Hamakaze deeply frowning, "It could cause issues for Ren-Chan if it was found out."

Grimace growing on his face, the green-eyed teen nodded with a grumble, "Hai." Sigh escaping from him, Harry then shook his head, "I have little doubt that if it was found out that the two of us are together, that it would cause backlash, especially against Ren-Chan." A rare look of anger crossed his face, "Remember when it got out that I was dating some of you?"

Nearly as one, a similar grimace to his appeared on all of their faces as they gave understanding nods. Being as popular as shipgirls were, there were protocols and the like regarding them and things that they received, as well as what loved ones might from their more extreme "Fans". It would not be the first time after all.

Thankfully, Dumbledore set aside a small room specifically for said packages sent to them after Rita Skeeter had printed an article about it back in the fall. And even better, they had Haru and several other experienced magical users go over said packages and envelopes. No one wanted injuries and the like, and Aurors were notified about a few of the nastier ones.

Sumiko herself had commented that her mother would have been slightly impressed with how nasty some of the spellwork on a few packages were, which knowing said Kitsune, said some things…

Only shaking her head free of such thoughts, Niiyodo adjusted her glasses slightly, "So, you're getting around that by using your female form instead to go on a date with Ren-Chan tomorrow?"

With a nod and a shrug, Harry smiled a little bit, "Hai… though I am going to be using my time turner first to turn back time so that we can have all day after my classes and such." Then, he grinned a little bit and laughed as he placed his hands behind his head, "Though, it does serve another purpose as well as a matter of fact."

Eyebrow raised, Hachi hummed a little bit, "Another purpose, Harry-Chan? What sort of purpose would that be?"

Chuckles escaping from him, the fourteen-year-old wizard shook his head, "Mainly, I am going to be known to be inside of the castle at the time. People are going to be seeing me in class and the like, going back and forth. Meanwhile, they're also going to be seeing my female self in Hogsmeade at the same time. Doing things like shopping and the like while on a date with Ren-Chan…"

It took a few moments, but Iku's eyes widened alongside the other shipgirls and lone Abyssal. Then, a thoughtful look crossed her face as she leaned forward slightly, "Which means that they're going to assume that the two of you are different people. Especially with how it is known that transforming from one sex to another is impossible for a human."

Large grin on his face, Harry snapped his fingers toward her, "Hai, exactly what I am expecting to happen, Iku-Chan. And that also helps me a lot in other ways as well, as my female form will be a trump card against anyone who might cause me issues. For example, some of the other students in Slytherin as well as the other two schools. At most, they'll consider me a young woman who might know Harry Potter through his sensei, Ren. They won't realize that we're both the same people."

Upon Imuya's face was a grin of her own as she shook her head back and forth, "That… is a very clever plan, Harry-Chan. And one that will probably work out great for you, especially as it is simple."

Very slowly shaking his head, the wizard sighed a bit, "Well, at the least that is what I am hoping for anyways. And I already got a potion brewed that will make me look a few years older as well, which should help out a lot as well." Then, he gave a small shrug and snorted some with an amused look on his face, "Besides which? I kind of need to go shopping anyways, especially for clothes."

Odd looks on their faces, most of the females there shared confused glances. Until that was, Hatsuzuki spoke up with a frown on her face, "Um, why would you need to go shopping for clothes, Harry-Chan? Did something happen with your own clothes?"

Shaking his head, Harry smiled a little bit before transforming once more into "Harriet" in front of them. Part of her was amused at how they gave her a once over before clearing her throat and gesturing at herself with one hand, "Well, as you can see pretty easily? I… can't honestly wear my usual clothes as a guy while in this form. And the crossplay clothes that I have won't really fit that easily to be honest."

Amused quirk to her lips, Natsumi looked her up and down before licking her lips a little bit, "Well… I think that you wearing Hestia's outfit from Danmachi would be quite nice to see…"

That made the transformed teen blink some, especially as blushes appeared on the various other girls' faces before she looked down at herself in thought, "Huh… I'd probably make that work now that you mention it. Maybe something to keep in mind next time that I go cosplay."

Not having expected that response, Natsumi blushed a little bit as she could fully imagine her boyfriend, currently girlfriend, in just such an outfit, '… Can't wait.'

For a brief moment, RO narrowed her eyes in thought and leaned forward. But then, she was back to normal and hummed a bit as she raised an eyebrow, "How much are you going to be buying, Harry-Chan? And where are you going to be putting them once you're done?"

Caught off guard, Harry frowned and looked up at the sky in thought as she hummed, "Well, I am mainly going to be going for the basics that any girl would have, I guess? The essentials basically. As for where I am going to be putting them? I'm going to be using one of the trunks with expanded insides, already set it up and such." Then, she turned back to RO with a frown, "Why?"

Smirk on her face, the tanned Uboat shrugged some, "No particular reason, Harry-Chan…" Despite the suspicious look she got from Harry, RO said nothing more… to her, anyways. Over the airwaves, she spoke up to the others, {Do you all remember the recent gift that Harry-Chan got for us to use for our own clothes…?}

Grins appearing on some faces and smiles on the others, she got nods, even as Harry narrowed her eyes more, 'What are they up to…?'
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Lightly snorting, the ancient vixen within gave her the impression that she was now rolling her eyes, '{Yes, I will admit to enjoying the past few days, but please do not say anything, even mentally, which could attract the attention of the Irony Gods.}'

Quirking her eyebrow some, Natsumi hummed a bit, 'Do they actually exist?'

Moments later, she blinked as Tamamo answered back, '{While I cannot say if every pantheon had them, the Celestial Bureaucracy did, indeed, have a number assigned to cause ironic situations and to act as, what I believe you would call, Murphy's Agents, as it were.}'

Completely gobsmacked, the younger of the two Kitsunes stared for a moment or two, 'You cannot be serious…'
Consider me as gobsmacked as Natsumi.😅
Dry tone to her voice, Tamamo once more snorted, '{Very serious as a matter of fact, Child.}'

Odd look still on her face, Natsumi furrowed her eyebrows, 'But… why?'

If anything, the older of the two's tone became even more dry, '{Because it is the Celestial Bureaucracy, Child. They'd come up with such if it did not exist before.}'

Very slowly shaking her head, Natsumi sighed, 'That… should not explain anything… and yet, it does. Why…?'

Yet again, Tamamo spoke in that dry tone, '{Because the Celestial Bureaucracy, Child.}'
And that's all the answer you need Natsumi just like how MSSB is all the answer one needs when it comes to shipgirl weirdness.:D
Bemused look on his face, Harry chuckled slightly, "Actually, this is the fourth time that I've read this book. The rest, I've read five or six times, or a lot more." Giving a small shrug, he shook his head, "Sirius said that next week, he's going to start me on actually practicing the whole thing. Professor Dumbledore is going to let us use the old dueling classroom for it."
Hey! It will be good to see the Dogfather again. It's been way too long since he showed up.
Only shaking his head, the green-eyed fourteen-year-old sighed a bit, "Honestly? I doubt that I'll be using it that often. But… better to have it and not need it, than to need the skill and not have it."
A sentiment I always agree with.
Rolling his eyes mentally, the wizard sighed, 'That "I'm going to put some dirt in your eye" by someone named Bully Maguire.'
*Falls over laughing*
Lightly laughing, his previous incarnation only nodded, '{True since, after all… you're a Rizzard, Harry-Kun.}'
*Spittakes and falls over laughing again.* Best part? It's so true. Harry truly is a Rizzard.🤣
Only shaking her head free of such thoughts, Niiyodo adjusted her glasses slightly, "So, you're getting around that by using your female form instead to go on a date with Ren-Chan tomorrow?"
Clever Harry. Yeah no need to cause unnecessary gossip.
It took a few moments, but Iku's eyes widened alongside the other shipgirls and lone Abyssal. Then, a thoughtful look crossed her face as she leaned forward slightly, "Which means that they're going to assume that the two of you are different people. Especially with how it is known that transforming from one sex to another is impossible for a human."
It's also a very useful ace in the hole as long as no one else outside of Harry's group knows about it.
Odd looks on their faces, most of the females there shared confused glances. Until that was, Hatsuzuki spoke up with a frown on her face, "Um, why would you need to go shopping for clothes, Harry-Chan? Did something happen with your own clothes?"
He's got 2 tracts of land now that need much needed.... support. That's why Hatsuzuki. 😋
Amused quirk to her lips, Natsumi looked her up and down before licking her lips a little bit, "Well… I think that you wearing Hestia's outfit from Danmachi would be quite nice to see…"
Natsumi is a kitsune of culture. Hestia is Bestia!
That made the transformed teen blink some, especially as blushes appeared on the various other girls' faces before she looked down at herself in thought, "Huh… I'd probably make that work now that you mention it. Maybe something to keep in mind next time that I go cosplay."
So many guys are going to be walking into walls when that happens.,😏
Smirk on her face, the tanned Uboat shrugged some, "No particular reason, Harry-Chan…" Despite the suspicious look she got from Harry, RO said nothing more… to her, anyways. Over the airwaves, she spoke up to the others, {Do you all remember the recent gift that Harry-Chan got for us to use for our own clothes…?}

Grins appearing on some faces and smiles on the others, she got nods, even as Harry narrowed her eyes more, 'What are they up to…?'
Oh you'll find out soon enough Harry.
Sun Wukong: "Those guys in the Irony department were very annoyed when Murphy elevated to deific status. Except for one, he's still trapped in the riddle of a job to be ironic is in fact ironic in and of itself and has trapped himself in analysis paralysis."
The room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. On one side, in his hospital bed the beatifically smiling giant of a priest, on the other, at the entrance, the small family of human, shipgirl and abyssal.

New Jersey turned to her boyfriend. "Arthur, did I just hear him correctly? He knows Sinestra? Your fairy godmother?" A snort from both the man in the bed and the man next to her, as well as a giggle from the little pale child.

Arthur blinked, then he nodded. "She's... her projection is hugging him."

"Know her?" the lying colossus broke into laughter. "She is one of my dearest friends! We fought side by side against men, machines, dragons, demons, devils and everything else that life could throw at us! We wandered far and wide together, I officiated her wedding... I even know her real name!"

Once more silence.

A small smile from the priest. "What, did you really think her name is Sinestra? That's just a nickname she's quite fond of. She has a mundane name, a normal name, a human name..."

"So, what is it?" Nessa asked.

Johnathan just shook his head. "I don't dare to say it. She... intensely dislikes anyone but her husband speaking it out loud. She says it reminds her of a time when she was weak."

New Jersey cocked her head, nodded. "Arthur?"

"She's glaring at him, but it's a playful glare. I don't think he's lying to us."

"So... a priest built like a fridge who's taller than me, knows a once-human and her husband, a guy who can forge weapons straight out of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. That priest came out of the Abyss, through a summoning pool." she took a breath. "Sound plenty weird to me. And I say that as the soul of a United States Battleship embodied as an amazon."

"Don't forget to add utterly gorgeous to that, NJ. There is also your adoptive daughter, a battleship born from the Abyss." Crowning added without missing a beat. Once again, Nessa giggled and Pagoo chittered.

"A question remains on my mind. Why were you in the Abyss? Some kind of research? Trying to save the souls of the abyssals?" The taller battleship added after a moment of thought.

The priest shook his head. "Trust me, that's not it. I was in Japan, sealing a rift between that plane and ours. I succeeded but trapped myself there, to the horror of my companions. After a day of fighting off the wildlife, I found a weak spot, whereI could use an Item in my possession to return to this world."

"The summoning pool," New Jersey summarized. The priest just nodded. "And the MBT?" the other man in the room added after a second.

Once again, a smile. "I slew it."

The elder battleship nodded. "I didn't see a Javelin, or anything else along those lines when I investigated the building. How did you do it?"

Johnathan reached out. With a flash, golden light shaped itself into a long, gleaming cross spear. "As much as I would prefer to be a simple priest, I am a trained warrior of my order, educated in many forms of self-defense, physical or spiritual. When I said I fought on Sinestra's side, I wasn't boasting, I was stating a fact."

"So there is a reason you are so huge!" Nessa cheerfully observed. The holy man nodded, a beatific smile on his face.

"Wait for just a moment..." her mother figure interrupted. "From what Sinestra told us, 'a priest' they are friends with helped create that paladin sword, Archon."

"That was also me, correct. You are sharp indeed, Miss New Jersey."

"And what about Noontide?" Crowning asked.

Now the priest shrugged helplessly. "With that, I have no idea. Val just... disappeared one day and returned the next, with that sword in hand."

New Jersey, Arthur and Nessa nodded, while Pagoo chittered once more. Silence filled the room.

"What are your plans once you are healthy again, Mister Cross?" Nessa asked, breaking the small lull in conservation.

Once again, a small smile bloomed on Johnathan's face. "Well, I need to return to Japan. I'm certain my comrades are worried about me."

"No kidding. You sealed yourself in the Abyss and fought your way out. Talk about hardcore..." at the looks she received, she raised her hands defensively. "What? That's something that belongs in a video game or a comic. He...ck" she shot the smiling abyssal a look. "If that's in a manga, I might even read it."

Chuckles all around. "There is, however, the question of how to return to Japan. The abyssal war makes travel difficult up to impossible... I also lack identification. I mean, I could sneak onto a cargo vessel bound for Japan."

At that, New Jersey broke into laughter. "No need for that cloak and dagger. I'm New ffffreaking Jersey. I simply write a request for the use of a vanishing cabinet bound for Yokohama."

"You would do that for me?" Johnathan asked. The elder battleship just nodded, a kind smile on her face.

"Then I'll have to invite you to come meet the Oni of Mighty Shepherd." He shot Nessa a look. "And I think they would love to meet you three."

A/N: I hoped for more feedback regarding my last snippet, but here is the next.
Please tell me what you think, regarding the piece. Tell my if it is any good, or if it's crap and I should just stop writing.
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Rolling his eyes mentally, the wizard sighed, 'That "I'm going to put some dirt in your eye" by someone named Bully Maguire.'
Bully Maguire could easily solo the Death Eaters.
Happily taking one of the plates of cooked food, Shioi looked around with a thoughtful look, "Any idea what is gotten planned for today?
Kenshō snuck a word in.
Amused quirk to her lips, Natsumi looked her up and down before licking her lips a little bit, "Well… I think that you wearing Hestia's outfit from Danmachi would be quite nice to see…"
I think The Dapper One might be a Danmachi fan. Just a hunch.

I just re-read all of your snippets featuring Arthur Crowning (frankly, that name overlaps with too many things when searching through the forum search) and found that I missed quite a bit of your snippets, including a few of the Star Wars Con arc.

The twist in the last snippet now makes more sense now to me, and there are probably references in HideYoshi arc that I missed.
Consider me as gobsmacked as Natsumi.😅
I mean... it does make a certain amount of sense.
And that's all the answer you need Natsumi just like how MSSB is all the answer one needs when it comes to shipgirl weirdness.:D
It really is all the answer that one would honestly need.
Hey! It will be good to see the Dogfather again. It's been way too long since he showed up.
I got a few plans to be frank for that. Though part of it is that Sirius is a bit busy running around as well.,
A sentiment I always agree with.
As Harry stated, he fully believes that he is not able to beat Voldemort in a straight up fight. Hence, shoving as many trump cards as he can under his sleeves to cheat the fuck with.
*Falls over laughing*
You likely recognized exactly where said book and such came from, didn't you?
*Spittakes and falls over laughing again.* Best part? It's so true. Harry truly is a Rizzard.🤣
I mean, you're not wrong...
Clever Harry. Yeah no need to cause unnecessary gossip.
Pretty much, yeah. Harry has far too much experience knowing how things could go really bad at this point.
It's also a very useful ace in the hole as long as no one else outside of Harry's group knows about it.
Ironically, Harry is not so worried about things in Japan, but Britain on the other hand, well, it is a useful ace in the hole.
He's got 2 tracts of land now that need much needed.... support. That's why Hatsuzuki. 😋
Considering things, I think that she knows that...
Natsumi is a kitsune of culture. Hestia is Bestia!

Let's face it, the girls would love to see Harriet in said cosplay...
So many guys are going to be walking into walls when that happens.,😏
You're not wrong, alongside some girls as well.
Oh you'll find out soon enough Harry.
Yes, yes he shall.
Turn about is fair play Harry!
It very much is, and all of them have fun with it.
I mean, it's not like Tamamo might have opinions about the Celestial Bureaucracy, could she?
You're not wrong of course, but...
Sun Wukong: "Those guys in the Irony department were very annoyed when Murphy elevated to deific status. Except for one, he's still trapped in the riddle of a job to be ironic is in fact ironic in and of itself and has trapped himself in analysis paralysis."
This? This is hilarious to me, especially as I can see it.
Bully Maguire could easily solo the Death Eaters.
You're not wrong...
Kenshō snuck a word in.
I think The Dapper One might be a Danmachi fan. Just a hunch.
Nah, though I do like how it looks on her.
Which is why she wouuld find a video of Sun Wukong drunkenly thrashing the place to be absolutely hilarious
You got absolutely no idea...
Which is why she wouuld find a video of Sun Wukong drunkenly thrashing the place to be absolutely hilarious
Considering it is the Office of Irony, that also means that there will be a follow up video with Wukong dressed as a janitor cleaning up the mess he made. Without the benefit of his tricks, talents, or powers. Only leeway he has is... that he's wearing a Sexy Janitor costume.
'{While I cannot say if every pantheon had them, the Celestial Bureaucracy did, indeed, have a number assigned to cause ironic situations and to act as, what I believe you would call, Murphy's Agents, as it were.}'
'{Because it is the Celestial Bureaucracy, Child. They'd come up with such if it did not exist before.}'
As someone actually under said pantheon, this is news to me.

To my knowledge, there weren't any specific deities with such a job but deities do and have handed out ironic punishments to teach people humility (as it tends to happen to arrogant bullies in folklore). 🤷‍♂️

(While I understand that Tamamo is probably not the most unbiased source but this kind of caught me rather offguard.)
As someone actually under said pantheon, this is news to me.

To my knowledge, there weren't any specific deities with such a job but deities do and have handed out ironic punishments to teach people humility (as it tends to happen to arrogant bullies in folklore). 🤷‍♂️

(While I understand that Tamamo is probably not the most unbiased source but this kind of caught me rather offguard.)
Tamamo is mostly talking about those in the Celestial Bureaucracy who hear someone going "Well, it can't get any worse" and start rubbing their hands together with "Oh, do I have a surprise for you…" "Dammit, hopefully no one noticed that…" and up in the CB, you get snickers followed by a "Heheh, guess what~". Basically, there's a section of the CB whose whole job revolves around that sort of thing staffed by immortals.

She just calls them "Irony Gods" because someone likely at some point tried to make offerings to them to get them to not cause issues.
Considering it is the Office of Irony, that also means that there will be a follow up video with Wukong dressed as a janitor cleaning up the mess he made. Without the benefit of his tricks, talents, or powers. Only leeway he has is... that he's wearing a Sexy Janitor costume.
Humor aside there's all of like 2 being who could feasibly get him to do anything (Guanyin (due to the whole-ass thing with Red Boy and the throne of swords) and the Buddha himself) and I'm pretty sure that both of them wouldn't mind the place getting smashed up a bit especially with how I view Buddha's reaction to Sun's original rampage as either the Jade Emperor gets deposed and Sun gets humblled by the responsibilities or the Jade Emperor swallows his pride and begs him for help which leads to the Longer-Term plan to tame Sun Wukong's impulses
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I think this Harry has more than proven he has what it takes. He has acquired enough knowledge and skills that he can survive this encounter with ol' Tom Riddle.

I am hesitant on going to the next stuff with Lombard and HMMCS Canada as that will definitely be set during the summer after 4th year. Kind want to wait till we reach that point in time

My suggestion is that we progress to the Third Task, and have Harry use the skills and knowledge he has now to overcome the Death Eaters and escape.
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