Harry And The Shipgirls: Prisoner of Shipping (A HP/KanColle Snippet Collection)

Kensho wouldn't have to do a thing. He's already destroyed any possibility of his memory outliving him and any who know him.
Better to be safe, then sorry.

So better to use a pancreas destroyingly cute kogatana, and not have needed to, then not using a pancreas destroyingly cute kogatana, and finding out you needed to.
This is one of the things, Kensho isn't actually needed to make Voldemort become forgotten in time. Heck, probably by the time that the century is out, he won't even be considered a footnote really. At most, he might be mentioned in British history classes as "Around this time, there was a group known as the Death Eaters led by a Dark Lord many called 'You-Know-Who' and was a terrorist, but ultimately failed against various forces. Just one of several groups that sprang up..."

And that is one of the things he fears, and which Grindelwald confirmed will happen to him in the end.

Grindelwald was a better Dark Lord and one who will be known for many centuries to come simply because he had something Tom never did: Control over himself. Even when his plans failed, Grindelwald didn't lash out destructively. Meanwhile, Tom on the other hand would, and did things like torture his followers for the smallest of failures and even kill them out of hand. This control meant that Grindelwald was able to slip himself into government and take over, while also helping those who he could use get into positions into other nations. He was able to make long term plans that would take years to come to fruitation.

Voldemort, on the other hand, was all about the immediate payoff and would sacrifice long term advantages for short term victories.

Basically, if you want to make an outright comparison? Grindelwald and his followers were Hitler and the Nazis, while Voldemort and the Death Eaters were basically the IRA. Nowadays, decades after the height of the IRA, can you walk up to someone on the street and have them name the leader of the IRA when it was at its most powerful? Not really, no... meanwhile, everyone knows about Hitler.

In the end, that is his fate, to be forgotten as only a footnote. Yes, he'll cause pain and the like before he finally goes down, but he will go down. And then, his methods and the like will simply cause him to fade from history until, two or more centuries from now, people aren't even going to be able to name him, while Grindelwald will still have left a mark and be remembered. Heck, chances are that at most, his name will be attached to Harry's as said boy defeated him, and will be a footnote even then.

And that is a far worst fate for him than anything.
I have to admit, as vile as Moldyshorts is here, I have a hard time seeing him as an actual danger. He's completely outclassed by most Abyssals, and didn't even seem to have noticed the fall of the Statute. I'm fairly certain that he's going to be more than he seems so far, I'm wondering how he's going to find the power to even be noticed, let alone be an active threat.
Babe. Wake up. Leferts just updated.
Kenshō switched the E and A...
...another first E for an I...
...and turned bear into bare.
And by making himself so feared that no one dares speak his name, he ensures that when he falls, he won't be history. Just geography.
Well... here's the thing... consider the IRA, does anyone know, off hand, who led it during its height?
Damn, the butterflies here are getting too widespread. Still, it seems like Voldemort's not paying too much attention on shipgirls, since this snippet doesn't indicate any plans. Whether out of ignorance or arrogance is immaterial. What matters is the lack of attention.
Voldemort knows about shipgirls and Abyssals... but, uh... sees them mostly as beasts. After all, they listen to orders from muggles for all their strength and power, thus they will easily fall in line before him.
To be honest, this snippet does give us a very interesting take on the inner workings of a madman's mind.
Which is why I took a shower.
Well, let's cause some fuzzy happy thoughts, because Leferts needs them now...

I love this so very much...
A. N. -- Well that was awesome but heavy, HL. So here's a light palate cleanser that I've been working on. Nimue's Adventures in High School continue. Prior snip in the arc here. Immediately prior snip here.
And it was a nice palate cleanser... though Flynn really should have known better. Especially as I am betting that he very likely did the exact same thing as a kid that Nimi did here.
Low-functioning sociopathy, right there.
Pretty much, yeah. He was barely able to put up a front to hide it, and never could hide it for very long.
slight mistake here

And I would have written a what between those two.
Talk about being an entitled asshole...
You got no idea at all...
Ah, that little event. I had to go pet my cats after reading that. I mean, I know that there are people like that out there but still...
And Tom is one of them. He is a petty little asshole to say the least.
What a twisted little freak Tom Riddle Junior was... and is.
You got no idea... this is why when people claim that as a child, he wasn't bad, I roll my eyes. And what makes it worse is that you can't blame the environment because the orphanage was one of the better ones where the staff actually cared about the children.
Sinestra: "Some say the place of the strong is to devour the weak. I say it is the duty of the strong to safeguard them until they, too, can be strong."
You can guess which one Voldemort sees as truth...
There is dark magic. And then, there is this...
There really is no depths he will not go to.
Yeah. No kidding. I felt dirty reading it. I can't imagine how it was writing it...
Trust me... it was not good.
*looks at plots for Porta assisting Dumbledore*

Oh this is going to be hilarious.
It will definitely be, and there's reasons why she looks at him and states that he reminds her greatly of her sisters.
And it slots in nicely with other theories about why he fears Albus.
I didn't know about this vid, but yeah, it fits pretty damn well.
Let's face it his death is gonna be proceeded by a Mahito Skyfall Meme* by way of Harry.
And it will be super cathartic to read.

To be honest, I got plans...

And it is not that it is going to end like JKK did.
Okay. I can see now why the Dapper Kaiju would be feeling dirty after reading today's update. Voldy being made aware of a special dark ritual that lets one transfer their old age onto ones blood child while taking said childs youth is it's own level of fucked up Evil.
Yeah, as mentioned before, there is no depths he will not go to.
I have to admit, as vile as Moldyshorts is here, I have a hard time seeing him as an actual danger. He's completely outclassed by most Abyssals, and didn't even seem to have noticed the fall of the Statute. I'm fairly certain that he's going to be more than he seems so far, I'm wondering how he's going to find the power to even be noticed, let alone be an active threat.
That's the thing... he can't be a global threat. Basically, the situation is if, during WWII, you also had the IRA at its height causing issues in Britain. And that is the main threat that he has.

Decades after the Abyssal War, the conflict with Voldemort might get a footnote in British history texts against the greater war, having been swallowed up with all the rest of the chaos and fighting happening.


Well... here's the thing... consider the IRA, does anyone know, off hand, who led it during its height?

Voldemort knows about shipgirls and Abyssals... but, uh... sees them mostly as beasts. After all, they listen to orders from muggles for all their strength and power, thus they will easily fall in line before him.

Which is why I took a shower.

I love this so very much...

And it was a nice palate cleanser... though Flynn really should have known better. Especially as I am betting that he very likely did the exact same thing as a kid that Nimi did here.

Pretty much, yeah. He was barely able to put up a front to hide it, and never could hide it for very long.


You got no idea at all...

And Tom is one of them. He is a petty little asshole to say the least.

You got no idea... this is why when people claim that as a child, he wasn't bad, I roll my eyes. And what makes it worse is that you can't blame the environment because the orphanage was one of the better ones where the staff actually cared about the children.

You can guess which one Voldemort sees as truth...

There really is no depths he will not go to.

Trust me... it was not good.

It will definitely be, and there's reasons why she looks at him and states that he reminds her greatly of her sisters.

I didn't know about this vid, but yeah, it fits pretty damn well.

To be honest, I got plans...

And it is not that it is going to end like JKK did.

Yeah, as mentioned before, there is no depths he will not go to.

That's the thing... he can't be a global threat. Basically, the situation is if, during WWII, you also had the IRA at its height causing issues in Britain. And that is the main threat that he has.

Decades after the Abyssal War, the conflict with Voldemort might get a footnote in British history texts against the greater war, having been swallowed up with all the rest of the chaos and fighting happening.
Ummm… Micheal Collins and Eamon DeValera if by height, you mean when they won
So a wild hair I just had as I've been rereading the first thread.

1. when are we getting Hibiki back? given how many other duel persona characters we've had so far it just seems obvious that she should come back as well.
So a wild hair I just had as I've been rereading the first thread.

1. when are we getting Hibiki back? given how many other duel persona characters we've had so far it just seems obvious that she should come back as well.

Insufficient split between Hibiki and Verniy.

and there was more between Yuu and Ro? Yukikaze and Tan Yang? Taigei and Ryuuhou?

Yes. The first two sets were psychological disconnects between the identities, while the third was a physical one, similar to the two Amagis, Akagis, Kagas, etc.
In order:

Yuu/RO: It mainly came down to the fact that the two looked a lot different from one another when looked at side by side. It was also their personalities with Yuu being somewhat reserved, while RO was very energetic.

Yukikaze/Tan Yang: It came about from their actual lines in the game where the two refer to the other as someone entirely different from themselves. For example, remodling Tan Yang into Yukikaze has her declare that Yukikaze has returned, as if she was no longer there when Tan Yang was.

Taigei/Ryuuhou: Becoming a Carrier from a Submarine Tender involved a massive amount of changes to her hull, enough to count as an entirely new ship. For example, her old engines were torn out and replaced.

And yes, this means that you could, conceivably, get a Battleship Shinano and a Carrier Shinano.

Meanwhile, with Hibiki and Verniy, there was no real difference. No real difference in looks outside of clothes, no considering each other as someone entirely separate, and you did not have the massive modifications that happened that would turn her from a Destroyer into something else.
No? I meant more the PIRA during the Troubles. If you were to go and ask the average person on the street now who their leader was then, most would look blankly at you.
Ah, guess that kinda proves it then. You ask anyone to name IRA leaders and those are the ones that'll come to mind, unless they go with Tone, Pearce, or Connelly.

Edit: I may be a bad example here. I actually took an interest in the matter when I was younger, even became a fan of the Wolfe Tones (band)
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That's the thing... he can't be a global threat. Basically, the situation is if, during WWII, you also had the IRA at its height causing issues in Britain.
Considering just how bad things got for Britain early on in WWII, adding the IRA as a distraction could easily have had massive carry on effects on a global scale. For instance, if Britain fell thanks to having split it's resources before December of 1941, then the Nazis would have had time to rebuild and reinforce their Western holdings while also focusing fully on the Eastern front once the invasion of the USSR began. This would have made all of the U.S. actions very much harder, if for no other reason then due to a lack of a staging ground to launch an invasion from.

So, depending on what else is going on, Tom and his not not so merry band of nutcases could conceivably cause some major issues in the near term. Not so much in the long term, but then again few living through the events will care that this is all a footnote in history a few decades down the line.
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Personally, the latest snippet raises the question as to what exactly Voldemort plans in lieu of the Third Task kidnapping/showdown between him and Harry. He got his body back, after all. But IIRC, some aspect of the canon graveyard ritual appears to be still in play. He's obsessed with eliminating Harry, after all. And being able to finally touch Harry without damage is something Voldemort will relish the most.

It is actually consistent with what Voldemort has done to those who angered him or challenged his view of the world, as portrayed in this snippet.
On the topic of the threat Flees from Death poses:
Personally, I think of him as an act boss, like in Diablo 2 or 3 or any other CRPG. He thinks he's the big bad and make no mistake, he is more than capable of being a headache for the good guys... But if the jorugumo with the gasha-dokuro whose name escapes me right now was the Act One boss, he's the Act Two boss who just happens to have a backstory with the Harry Potter class.

Sorry if this is confusing.
Considering just how bad things got for Britain early on in WWII, adding the IRA as a distraction could easily have had massive carry on effects on a global scale. For instance, if Britain fell thanks to having split it's resources before December of 1941, then the Nazis would have had time to rebuild and reinforce their Western holdings while also focusing fully on the Eastern front once the invasion of the USSR began. This would have made all of the U.S. actions very much harder, if for no other reason then due to a lack of a staging ground to launch an invasion from

There was a wargame postwar about what the result of Operation Sealion would have been. They wargamed out the Royal Navy stil existing, both the RAF and Royal Navy having been destroyed, and the UK being down to just the Home Guard.

In all three cases the most that was managed was two weeks from the landings to the surrender or destruction of the last Nazi units that landed in Britain.

That was with just the Home Guard, incidentally. No RAF, Royal Navy or British Army, and the assumptions were that no equipment from them remained.

Meaning that Britain actually falling would have been ridiculous no matter what the IRA tried.
To be honest, Tom isn't the real danger anymore.

It's Brandon that is the truly dangerous one.

Because not only does he have similar goals as Tom, but he also is a modern day muggleborn who KNOWS what modern day technology can provide and/or accomplish. And is keenly aware, unlike 90% of the remaining 'free' Death Eaters (excepting Lucius, whom has received a very personal visitation by Revina), is knowledgeable about just how overwhelming deadly the modern military is - even prior to shipgirls - and has a very good idea of the downright terrifying effectiveness of Scotland Yard, MI5/MI6, and Interpol. He even, in the quiet inside his head where nobody else can hear - he's a Legitimens, so Tom cannot read him - acknowledges there are things that muggles have created that surpass ANYTHING the magical world has come up with, and that such tech NEEDS to be included in all his future plans.

Tom still thinks magic beats nukes.

Brandon is exceedingly aware that is utter bullshit. And likely has heard about the 'nukefuda' charms by now. If anything, he'd use magic to STEAL a nuke, alter it so it simply cannot be disarmed (transfigure the casing into a solid shell, runes to jump the gaps where wiring used to be, etc, etc), and add some kind of very, very, dark magical effect to it (like say, briefly causes a sphere 20ft across of the air surrounding the nuke to change to Cobalt....which, should scare the shit out of you. Or briefly double the plutonium core's density. Or add a 'rot all AOE' effect powered by the energy release. And so on). Aka, he's knowledgeable about MagiTech.

Also, iirc, he's actually contacted URP peacefully, and has exchanged ideas.

Which also showcases another reason he's far deadlier: he's willing to not just make allies, but also more or less has Deadman Switches in place. If he cannot rule, then he'll make sure it all burn down when he falls.
And now, an idea for a gag.

After Flees From Death gets a harsh lesson in how ineffective magic is against shipgirls, he finds a package of little blue pills along with a note. "Looks like you're having performance issues."
And now, an idea for a gag.

After Flees From Death gets a harsh lesson in how ineffective magic is against shipgirls, he finds a package of little blue pills along with a note. "Looks like you're having performance issues."

Coyote: "You wouldn't believe the charity raffle we had amongst the various Trickster spirits and deities to be the one to deliver that."
It's Brandon that is the truly dangerous one.
I'd have to agree with this. He's loyal to Voldemort. Has an idea on how the real world works. And he hates the world so much, that he'd probably come up with ways to destroy everyone and everything around him if he gets taken down.

Reminds me of a quote from Alfred Pennyworth, in describing just how dangerous Joker is: "...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

Brandon? No, he isn't like Joker, true. But he is a blunt instrument who is happy to be used by Voldemort. And that's why I see him as a wildcard that can change the outcome of things to happen.

And while it's entirely possible that Voldemort will just be an annoying prick in Britain, he's still a prick. HatSG is still in the middle of an Abyssal War. A well-timed attack by Voldemort while the Abyss sends its grudges to the surface can cause catastrophic damage to a shipgirl battle line.

I'm thinking, if ever Voldemort gets to be smart, or decides to humor Brandon's strategies (if he's capable of it), then they'll attack Britain's supply lines (fuel, ammunition, food, medicine, etc.). Disrupt these while shipgirls and the armed forces are in a middle of a huge Abyssal battle? That'll be a nightmare for Admirals to solve.
Despite the dip in the mood due to the flareup of pain in his scar, Harry only felt relieved that said dip did not last as dinner was soon served. Not that he ate very much of it, but not due to his scar. Rather, he had already eaten quite a bit at the steakhouse and thus didn't feel that hungry to begin with, though the teen still ate some of it.

With dinner now done, and the Sun having fully sunken under the horizon, the wizard sat on the sands just relaxing as he looked up towards the slowly appearing stars in the sky. Off to one side, he could just see the gathering storm clouds on the horizon as well as the extremely distant flashes of lightning. It may have been technically the dry season, but Wanko used her powers to keep the temperature lower than it should have been. Something that, in the evenings, often caused lines of thunderstorms in the region, which she also directed towards Australia.

Amusingly, the Australians did not mind some rain during the dry season as by the time it reached them, it was mostly a light shower.

Turning to the other side, Harry found himself smiling a little bit as he could see Natsumi there quietly talking to Ren about something. Part of him did wonder what had happened on the walk with Shinano and Regina, as the Abyssal seemed happy about something. But he decided to simply leave it be for now as it wasn't something that he really needed to know all that much about except from curiosity. And, if they wanted to let him know, well… they would eventually.

Lips twitching a little bit at that, he continued to look around until his eyes fell on one person particular. Mainly, the form of Niiyodo who was leaned back against a tree as she looked out over the gentle waves of the lagoon. Getting up and brushing sand off of his legs, Harry made his way over until he was beside her, smile on his face, "Hey, Niiyodo-Chan."

Briefly blinking as she came out of her thoughts, Niiyodo turned towards him and gave him a small smile as well as she bumped her hips against his, "Hey yourself, Harry-Chan." She then tilted her head a little bit as her smile grew, "Enjoying the trip thus far?"

Unable to help himself, Harry lightly laughed as he gave a small nod, "Hai, I certainly am… outside of a few surprises."

Hum escaping from her, the Light Cruiser sipped her drink, which he could tell had a small bit of rum in the fruit juices that made it up, "I suppose that is one way of putting things, Harry-Chan. Though…" Gaining an expression of curiosity, she tilted her head a little bit, "How did things turn out there?"

Just waggling his hand from side to side, Harry shook his head a bit, "Pretty well… though I am mainly going to talk with everyone at once."

Slowly nodding, Niiyodo chuckled a bit, "Don't want to repeat yourself, Harry-Chan?"

With a shrug and a shake of his head, the fourteen-year-old returned the smile, "Hai, and that way everyone's questions get answered about what happened." Getting a small nod, he then leaned a bit against her, his arm coming up and wrapping around her waist, "Thank you."

At that, Niiyodo blinked and turned towards him, "Hmm?"

His lips twitching, Harry shook his head and gestured a bit at their surroundings, "For helping to set up this trip so that everyone is here. I can't imagine that it was very easy juggling everyone's schedules and such. So… thank you, for what you've done."

Much to his amusement, the shipgirl gained a tinge of red to her cheeks that had nothing to do with the alcohol that she was currently consuming. Stirring her straw a bit, she gave him a small, shy smile, "You're very welcome, Harry-Chan, though it isn't a big deal."

Yet again, Harry shook his head and fixed her with a look as he turned towards her, "No, it is a big deal, Niiyodo-Chan. You did great here helping set it up so that everyone could go and enjoy themselves on this trip. That is something that should be acknowledged. And…" A small sigh escaped him as he frowned slightly, "And I don't feel like it gets acknowledged enough."

Cheeks very much becoming red and knowing that her ears had some steam wafting from them, Niiyodo shook her head a bit, "Thank you… but you and the others, I do not mind the work put into it. And I know for a fact that you not just acknowledge it but are also thankful for it." Leaning towards him, she then kissed him for a few seconds before pulling back with a bright smile on her face, "And I am thankful for that in turn."

Not saying anything right away, the teen looked down for a few moments before raising his gaze to once more meet hers, slowly nodding, "You're welcome."

Then, Niiyodo shifted a bit so that she was fully facing him, one hand around her drink as her other drifted to his waist. Chewing her lip a little bit, she leaned towards him, smile on her face, "Well… if you want to thank me, I can think of something~"

It was now Harry's turn to blush as he could very easily guess exactly what sort of method she wanted him to use to "Thank her". Not that he really minded all that much, as it was enjoyable for him as well. And so, the wizard hummed a bit as he pulled her closer, "Hai, I think that I can guess…"

Giggles escaping from her, the Ooyodo-Class Cruiser then leaned down and kissed him. Unlike before, this time she began deepening the kiss right away. At the same time, Niiyodo reached for his hand with her free one and shifted it behind and down, happily humming before doing the same with her hand, 'This is definitely a nice reward for all my work… and hopefully, we can make this a yearly thing…'

Rain began to fall not long after as the line of storms began their march across the skies above with all of them heading inside to get out of the downpour.

Meanwhile, shortly after they had all gone inside of Regina's hut, Natsumi adjusted the last of the battery powered camping lanterns that were hung on the wall. All of which flooded the room with more than enough light for all of those there to see as they had exchanged their swimsuits for sleepwear. Granted, said sleepwear was rather light, such as tank tops or t-shirts and shorts at most. Even with the cooling effect of the rain currently beating against the roof and outside of the hut, it was just too warm and humid for anything else.

Slowly nodding as she looked around, the Kitsune made her way over to an air mattress set up where she sat down and looked towards Harry with an interested look, "So, how did things go with the Knights, Harry-Chan? Are we bringing some back?"

Very slowly, Harry shook his head a bit as he chuckled, "At the moment, no." Seeing the looks, he shook his head once more, "It was something of a shock for them, so they're still digesting what happened and everything that they learned. So, I told them to take their time to come to a decision about what they're going to do going forward. Especially as they need to discuss it among their group." Giving a small shrug, the teenager released a small sigh, "It isn't like we're in a particularly huge rush to get their agreement. So, letting them talk about it amongst themselves would be the best choice… or, at least, that is how I see it."

With a small nod, Regina gave him a smile from where she was seated, "Um, I agree with Harry, this is probably the best choice… though…" Upon being looked at, she blushed lightly and poked her fingers together, her smile growing a small bit, "I think that I already know what their choice will be when it comes to making it."

Giggling as she glanced at a slightly flustered Harry, Shinano chewed her hip, "Joining the rest of the Knights of the Abyss in being sworn to Harry-Chan?"

Hum escaping from her, the Re-Class gave a nod, "Yes."

Blush on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck, Harry shook his head at that, "I mean… I don't think that you're exactly wrong there, Regina. But… well, I am not about to count my chickens before they hatch in this case. Because, who knows how this might well turn out in the end."

Knee pulled up close to her, Yuu also shook her head at that, "Ja, Harry is right about that, we do know what happens when one assumes, correct?"

Dry tone to her voice, Natsumi cocked an eyebrow, "Hai, it makes an Ass out of You and Me."

A grin on her face as she gave a laugh, Huixing shook her head, "I like that, Master! Especially as it is very true, woof!"

Even as Natsumi lightly snorted at that, the teenage wizard shook his head with some amusement apparent on his face. Then, Harry gave a small shrug and sighed a bit, "Natsumi-Chan is right about that sort of thing though. I'm honestly hoping that they do take the offer, but… there is the possibility that they won't. It won't be determined one way or the other until they actually make a decision in the end." He then turned towards Niiyodo with a frown on his face, "Speaking off… chances are that Tsuzan and others might come here via the Vanishing Cabinets in order to talk with them and answer various questions. Do you think that there is going to be an issue with that?"

Not saying anything right away, Niiyodo leaned back slightly as she thought about the question that was just posed to her. After a few moments, however, she slowly shook her head some, "I don't think that there would be much issue, Harry-Chan. Due to their actions, the Knights of the Abyss do have quite a bit of positive views towards them. Not to mention, any such meetings will be happening in territory of a group allied to us. Add in that it would bring another group into full alliance with humanity, a powerful one at that from the sounds of things? I don't think that anyone at all will have much, if any problems with the Knights of the Abyss such as Tsuzan travelling back and forth for such meetings in the end."

When he turned towards her, understanding the unasked question, Regina shook her head some as she softly smiled, "Lady Wanko wouldn't have much issue either, Harry. I think that she might well be, well, glad about it." She then frowned a little bit and hummed as she tapped her chin in thought, "Actually, now that I think on the matter, I think that she might well have suspected the truth behind Rudi and the others. That they were remnants of the Knights of the Abyss and had been hoping to set up a meeting before now."

Eyebrow raised at that, Hanna frowned some, "If that is true… then why has she not set up a meeting before between Harry and them?"

Thought suddenly striking him, Harry leaned forward and placed his hands under his chin, "Actually… I have an idea as to that."

Her eyebrow raising, Hamakaze turned towards him now, "You do, Harry-Chan? What sort of idea?"

Briefly closing his eyes, the wizard then opened them with a frown on his face, "Until very recently, I only had the IFF for the Timor Sea Fleet as well as the Fleet of Laughter alongside Supprin's own fleet. It is only the past few weeks that Tsuzan and the others have added the IFF for the Knights of the Abyss to me, with it giving me the rank of Princess. And, up until that point, chances are they would have been somewhat suspicious. But, after I was gifted said IFF…"

Realization on her face, Regina gave a nod at that, "Afterwards, they were more than willing to trust you as you now had the same Fleet IFF as they did."

With a nod, Harry smiled and gestured towards her, "Exactly. Big Sister was very likely waiting until Tsuzan and the others trusted me enough to gift me the IFF in question as well as being able to do so. I would guess that she likely did not expect things to happen as they have… but I would also guess that she very likely is happy about that fact as well."

Various nods and thoughtful looks met him at that before the conversation soon shifted to other matters…

Unknown to him, a similar conversation was helping elsewhere in the barracks set up by Wanko for visiting Abyssal groups. Not that they were much to see, being long half-cylindrical buildings that resembled the old Nissen Huts and made from Abyssal metal. One difference was that they were larger, and alongside the normal door, there was one resembling that for a garage to allow for Destroyers to enter. Within them, the floors were made of concrete with beds along half the wall, and mats along the other half for Destroyers to sleep upon. In the back, there was also an area with chairs and a table for Abyssals to sit at. And while they did not have a shower unit, there was one of the buildings set up specifically for that, to allow for any visiting Abyssals to shower and the like.

Inside one of the barracks in question, one could find Rudi and the rest of the Knights of the Abyss there seated, or laying in the case of the Destroyers as they talked with one another. Her normal mirrored helm placed on the table, Tatiana had a soft, happy look on her face, "Our sisters… they yet live. This… this is excellent news."

Briefly reaching over and placing a hand on her shoulder, Wolfwrynn nodded with a happy look on her own face, "It truly is wonderful to hear that some of the others managed to escape that Bloodthirsty cur, that we are not alone any longer." She then tilted her head with a bemused look on her face, "Though, serving under a human is most unusual."

Rudi leaned forward with a bit of a hum, "I honestly wonder if it is in such a case."

Head tilted to the side, Tatiana cocked an eyebrow, "How so?"

Motioning with one hand, the Southern Ocean War Princess shook her head, "Lord Harry was apparently first given the rank of Flagship, and most recently War Demon, by both Lady Wanko's fleet and the Fleet of Laughter… Gifted by the Fleet Breaker herself. Outside of familial ties, there are also ones of respect there."

With a nod of her own, Natalia spoke up causing them to look at her, "I've spoken to some of them before and Lady Wanko's fleet has a great deal of respect for him and see him as being worthy of the title amongst the humans. Apparently, he has overcome foes that a normal human would not just quail against, but be killed by."

One of the Ka-Class then spoke up, voice soft with her bask hanging to the side, "I have actually asked around during your meeting with him and got much the same, that he is seen with much respect by those of Lady Wanko's fleet. In fact, one of them showed me video of him defeating a dragon with his fists, though enhanced with magic. Along with that, a water demon of some sort."

Slowly rubbing her chin, Rudi nodded some before gesturing with her hand, "I was shown much the same videos. Which is impressive considering the fact that he is human. Once, I did fight such a beast, and it would be difficult, to say the least, for a human to manage."

Cocking an eyebrow, the Ka-Class leaned back with her arms crossed, "And did you see the information about him slaying a legendary Basilisk when he was but twelve years old?"

Utter silence fell on them as all the Abyssals there turned to stare at her. Clearing her throat, Wolfwynn raised her own eyebrow, "A… basilisk? As in the monster that Mother and her Consort sometimes spoke of from legends? That could kill with but a look?"

Reaching into her hold, the Ka-Class pulled out some papers and spread them out, "I was stunned myself, and went to the library that Lady Wanko has set up. In one section, about newspapers and such, I found mention including pictures that I made copies of."

Just glancing at the others, Rudi reached for one of the copies and took it, reading through it before her eyes widened slightly at the sight of a picture of Harry beside the head of the dead creature, "My word… Well, if there was any doubt at all that he was deserving of the title of War Demon amongst humans, this puts paid to it." It was then that she noticed that the Ka-Class had narrowed her eyes and frowned, "There is more, Kathws?"

Very slowly nodding, Kathws took a breath, "Apparently, there is a brewing conflict between him and a dark lord, one who is as bloodthirsty as that cur, Subcontinental."

Rapidly blinking, one of the Ru-Class there frowned, "Why? He is still young." Furrowing her eyebrows, she shook her head, "There should be no reason for such."

Turning towards her, Kathws shook her head, "From what I gathered, this dark lord had slain his parents while they were protecting him as a babe. Yet, somehow, the spell which he used on the young Lord Harry bounced off due to his mother's sacrifice, and thus destroyed the dark lord's body… And now he wants revenge."

Not saying anything, Rudi leaned back and considered what she heard alongside the rest, "Hmm… our sisters very likely already know of this. Something to ask about when we meet them next, though if true…" She then narrowed her eyes a bit, "Well, defeating evil wizards is something that Knights do in the tales that our Mother spoke to us of…"
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