Harry And The Shipgirls: Prisoner of Shipping (A HP/KanColle Snippet Collection)

Let's be honest, no self-respecting speaker of the language would call it Castelobruxo.

It's like she just rammed it through google translate, then mangled the remains.
Hmm... Seems like Junyou spotted a Natural Born. But I wonder who is it?~
is the first utter necessary?
It's funny, because I was just thinking about the issue of Wizarding Schools and their catchment areas, and it's ridiculous that Europe, with a population of roughly 741 million, has Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Koldovstoretz; while Africa's Uagadou School of Magic serves a population of 1.2 billion and Mahoutokoro is the only named school of magic for a region with nearly 4 billion.

Rowling's named schools are:
  • Hogwarts (United Kingdom)
  • Beauxbatons (France)
  • Durmstrang (Northern Europe)
  • Koldovstoretz (Russia)
  • Castelobruxo (Central Brazil)
  • Ilvermorny (Eastern North America)
  • Mahoutokoro (Japan)
  • Uagadou (Uganda)
She's apparently stated that there are three other schools of this tier, but hasn't said anything about them. While admittedly this is just my headcanon, based on culture and demographics, my best guess is that one of the missing top-tier schools serves China, one covers India, and the last one draws students from Turkey, North Africa, & the Middle East (former Ottoman Empire/Abbasid Caliphate lands). It would make some sense if Durmstrang had once been located in Central Europe, more central to the lands of the old Holy Roman Empire (possibly Prague?), and relocated to Northern Europe during Grindlewald's War.

My personal headcanon is that Hogwarts gets students from the UK, Ireland, Man, and the Channel Islands; Beauxbatons gets students from France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Low Countries, and French and Italian speaking Swiss; while Durmstrang recruits from Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, the Balkans (including Romania), Poland, and German speaking Swiss.
Considering who we are talking about? I suspect that she will shove at least one of the other schools in Australia.
I made a big rant/worldbuilding thought experiment on the brazilian case in the previous thread. In short, Castelobruxo wouldn't exist (the entire thing is stupid, absolutely nothing is salvageable), we'd get small schools scattered through the country during the colonization period and finally a big school would be constructed in Rio de Janeiro when the Royal Family ran from Napoleon to Brazil, bringing all the government aparatus including the Portuguese Ministry of Magic.
Let's be honest, no self-respecting speaker of the language would call it Castelobruxo.

It's like she just rammed it through google translate, then mangled the remains.
There is also the whole "Looks like a Mayan pyramid", except the picture is more Aztec.

In Brazil...
Hmm... Seems like Junyou spotted a Natural Born. But I wonder who is it?~
Who indeed...
Snippet 96: Harry Leferts
Shaking off some of the wet snow, Akimi glanced around the small café not far off from the base itself in Yokosuka. Beside her, Miu also looked around and turned to her friend, "Is this the place?"

Not saying anything, her friend pulled out the card before reading it, "Hai, this is the place." Looking around, she frowned a little, "Not exactly the sort of place that I was expecting to meet Junyou..."

Both of them jumped as said Carrier suddenly spoke up behind them, "Well, I considered a bar, but Hiyou shot that down." When they twisted around, they were met with the sight of Junyou with a smirk on her face, "Good to see that you are here."

Glancing at each other, they just nodded before Akimi bowed some, "Thank you for inviting us, though..."

Rather than say anything, Junyou raised a hand, "Let's go inside, outside in early March weather is not the place to be discussing things after all." A smile still on her face, she gestured them inside, "Come on then, there's some booths in the back where we can talk."

Once more, the two Onmyouji glanced at each other before following the Light Carrier through the café. Soon enough, they were in the back and both of them sat on the opposite side of Junyou. Rather than be insulted, the shipgirl only nodded before making a few symbols in the air using her finger. Akimi could recognize privacy charms and the like being set up, including one that would blur their lips. It would also allow for them to see and hear outside the field, while allowing people to walk over and talk with them. Nodding, she made a hum, "Impressive."

Chuckling, Junyou nodded her head, "Thank you. Most people just think that because I drink a lot, that I am not all that good." A gleam entered her eye, "Something that they are quite wrong about, I assure you."

Simply making a sound of agreement, the Kitsune Hanyou chuckled, "I can see." Expression becoming serious, she narrowed her eyes and tilted her head, "May I assume that we are here to continue our talk?"

Junyou motioned at the waitress who began to walk over, "We are, but first let's place our orders so that we don't need to worry about them. And wait for them to be delivered so that we will not be disturbed while we talk."

After cups of coffee and some pastries were placed, Akimi took a deep breath before sipping her coffee with a hum, "While I normally drink tea, this is good coffee."

Bemused, the Carrier hummed as she sipped her own, "Hai, I enjoy the coffee here. Especially after a binge of drinking." Softly, she snickered a bit, "Hiyou complains about that for some odd reason that is currently beyond my ability to remember."

Not saying anything about that, the two shook their heads in amusement. Reaching into her purse, Akimi brought out a piece of paper that she pushed over to Junyou who took it in interest. Seeing the shipgirl glance at her, she nodded at the paper, "Those are my usual rates as we were talking about my skills as a tutor, Junyou-Sama. As such, I felt that you might well wish to see them."

Opening the paper, Junyou scanned it and nodded, "This is very well done, and the cost is actually quite affordable." Gaze going along the words, she frowned, "And you added your accreditation as well, which is quite impeccable."

Lightly blushing, Akimi smiled and bowed slightly, "I thank you for the compliment, though I would need to know more about the student in question before I can tell how much I can do for him."

Just continuing to read, Junyou made a sound of agreement. Finally, she folded up the paper and glanced at Akimi. Getting a nod, she slid it into her shirt, and thus into her hull for later. Leaning back, Junyou took a donut and bit into it, "As to the student? He is someone rather famous in the magical world as I assume that you know of Potter Harry, correct?"

Eyes widening, it was Miu who spoke up, "Potter Harry? As in the Boy-Who-Lived? That one?"

Gesturing with her partially eaten donut, the shipgirl nodded in amusement, "One and the very same as a matter of fact." Taking another bite, she chewed for a few moments before continuing, "Granted, he does not like the whole 'Boy-Who-Lived' stuff, not that I can really blame him all that much considering the background."

That only got her sounds of agreement and grimaces from the other two. After a few moments, Akimi frowned, "I think that the big thing is that Potter-San has been learning Onmyoudo in the first place. Not something that I would have expected."

Just spreading her hands, Junyou smiled, "Hai, but it is as it is. Harry-Chan, as I and some others call him, has been learning under myself, Ryuujou, and Hiyou for several years now. In fact, since he was around nine." She then pursed her lips some, "Though, as you can expect, it is somewhat patchwork. As one of his sensei though, I feel it necessary considering some possible events to help him get as complete an education as possible as he is also going to Hogwarts. His birth parents wished for him to go there after all."

Both of the other women nodded, though Miu gave voice to their thoughts, "And a parent's wishes in this case are especially important." Suddenly realizing something, she frowned and glanced at her friend, "I... do wish to know why I am here though? When it comes to Akimi-Chan, she is the one who would be teaching and such. Yet, you asked for me as well."

For several moments, Junyou was silent and just considered them. Taking a sip, she nodded slightly, "You are right that there is more to this than just choosing tutors. What is more than that though involves both of you."

Eyebrow raising in askance, Akimi frowned, "And that would be?"

Setting her coffee down, the Light Carrier seemed to examine her for several moments. However, before they could ask, she began to speak, "It is a very good reason as a matter of fact. I assume that you know quite a bit about shipgirls? In particular Natural Borns?"

It took only moments to connect the dots and Miu sucked in a breath, "You believe that we're Natural Borns..."

Only shaking her head, Junyou frowned, "No, I do not believe that you are Natural Borns. Rather, I know that the two of you are Natural Borns." Seeing them about to say something, she held up a hand, "Have you ever wondered how we can tell who is an unawoken shipgirl and who is not?"

Blinking, Akimi took a drink of her coffee and nodded, "I will admit that I did wonder about that. And thinking upon it, it is rather odd that you can find a shipgirl who is a human. It is also something that you did not mention at the presentation."

A frown on her face, Junyou nodded, "No, we did not and with a very good reason. In particular, what some there might think." With a slow nod, she took another drink of coffee, "Us shipgirls are spiritual beings at our most basic. While we are physical and can interact with the physical world, that does not mean that we cannot interact with the spiritual. Our sight, for instance, sees beyond the physical and into the spiritual at all times. That means, of course, we can see things not visible to those on the physical without a lot of work, except in our case it is that way all the time."

Suddenly, Akimi winced as she realized what she was hinting at, "You could easily see through Yokai disguises. Because they are magical or spiritual in nature." When she got a nod, she shook her head, "No, it is best that information does not get spread around. There are those who would try and use such a thing for their own purposes."

Grimacing, the shipgirl shook her head, "They would try and fail. But that leads to how we can tell if someone is a Natural Born." Using her hand, she gestured at the two, "One of the things that we can see is a... representation, if you will, of the shipgirl's original hull. It is not much mind you, even to our senses. It is more like a ghostly form overlaying them. It is that which we can see, and even identify them to an extent. We can also see the same for other shipgirls as well, awoken or summoned."

With a deep breath, Akimi swallowed, "I see... and you can see such around us?" Getting a nod, she continued, "Can you tell which sort of ships?"

Yet again, Junyou nodded, "Hai, I can tell which ships they are. In your case, Konohana-San, I can see a Carrier." A small chuckle escaped from her, "In fact, I can identify it as it looks like a slightly bigger version of Honshou-San's own hull. Not a whole lot bigger, but still noticeable."

Already knowing which ship that was, if only because being friends with Akimi meant knowing some about old magical warships, the crane Hanyou only frowned, "I see, that is... interesting."

To their confusion, Junyou seemed to be struggling with something. Finally, she sighed and turned to Akimi, "In your case... I can see the hull of a Battleship, a very small one."

For several moments, no one moved or said anything. Swallowing, and speaking in a small voice, Akimi looked at Junyou, "A... small Battleship, you say? Is it..." When the shipgirl nodded, she seemed to slump a bit, "Ah... I see..." No one spoke for several minutes as they digested that. Eventually, Akimi gave a sigh and shook her head, "Oddly, I feel like I should have expected this. The call of the sea, how I found myself more than once at the shore. It all makes some sense."

Hands folded in front of her Junyou gave her a sympathetic look, "If you have any issues, know that myself and the other shipgirls would answer. As well..." She slid a paper across to them, "At the moment, we are not worried about numbers. Especially in regards to shipgirls from the magical side of things as there has been some worries about the reactions. Thus, we have considered it best not to openly advertise such matters. If either of you wish to be awoken, it would not be openly publicized, I am afraid. But you would receive the pay any other shipgirl would receive. More than that, we would also allow for you to sortie from certain places, if only for practice and to gain experience."

Taking the paper, Akimi nodded, "Thank you... may... may we think this over for a time?"

Just smiling, the Light Carrier chuckled, "Like I said, we are not worried about that, so take your time. In fact, I have been told to inform you to take as much time as you may need for as long as you need. It is, ultimately, both of your decisions as to if you are awoken as a shipgirl."
With a glance to her friend, Miu nodded, "Thank you."

Soon, the conversation turned back to tutoring and the like for the next hour, though Akimi was distracted throughout it.

Finally though, they left the café and headed back to Akimi's home. Entering it, Miu turned to her silent, thoughtful friend, "Akimi-Chan? What do you think of this?"

Chewing her lip, the other woman shook her head, "I don't know, Miu-Chan. But it is something that I am going to need to think hard and long about before I come to a decision."

Gently, Miu placed her hand on her friend's shoulder and nodded, "Take as much time as you need. Just remember though, I am here and I have your back."

Softly smiling, Akimi nodded back while patting said hand, "Hai, I do know. And I appreciate it..."
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before or [/i]after[/i]
Minor fix needed.

Also to those on the fence about that person (not sure he deserves being called a man), that was a very big attack on his image which may cause some to take another look at their alliances

Edit: Hull of a battleship? Well this will be interesting. Perhaps a strike on the crew roster will be needed
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Well, someone's going to have a very interesting talk with their grandfather in fairy form upon awakening.
Snippet 17: Savato93
Carrie and Sherri had to admit—their new island home was quite pretty. Their old home, for all that they loved it, was a bit drab. Here, the shores were uncluttered, free of piers or boats... the waters were populated by majestic (but derpy) sea cows… tall, full trees dotting the landscape… and the forest that crept all the way up the heels of the dormant volcano.

The one downside had to be the lack of internet access.

Sherri paused and reached for her thigh, thinking she'd just felt her phone vibrate—before remembering that her phone was with Mom, left behind along with the rest of hers and Carrie's electronic devices. Everything here, from the iceboxes and cooking ranges, to even the plumbing, all worked on magic. That was all well and good… really, it was awesome... but there wasn't a wall socket to be found on the whole island, which made their devices almost useless. Not that they minded too much; they were connecting to all their other sisters, out here.

Shaking her head, the Ri-class turned her attention back to the task at hand. She watched as a handful of Abyssals used parts of their rigging as makeshift chisels, methodically carving into a trailer-sized boulder, breaking it down into blocks that were much easier to handle (although still pretty big). According to Ruadri, these blocks would be used to build a wall… or more accurately, a walled-in area, that they could then develop into a pen for the pigs they were capturing. It wasn't intended to be a long-term solution—eventually, she said, the blocks would be phased out in favor of proper chain-link fencing—but for now, as long as the pigs were still feral to some degree, a solid barrier was vital to prevent them from escaping.

Sherri was more than happy to help out her sisters in further developing their home off the grid… but she had to admit, it was kinda straining her arms, carrying the huge rocks around. She wondered if her twin was faring any better, out helping clear a path to the newly-uncovered hot spring...


Carrie's gaze slowly shifted between the splintered hunk of wood in her hand, and the shattered remains of the ax head embedded several inches deep into the tree in front of her.

Perhaps she should have gauged her strength before she began?


...oh well, she'd probably hear about it later.

Bending down, Sherri worked her hands underneath the block at her feet and hefted it up. With the stone in hand, she turned and ambled over to the nearby… sea-turtle-centaur, Marble. "Do you know how much more you can carry in there?" She asked.

The Oku-class bent over and took the block from Sherri, before twisting and stowing it away in her hold. "Um… they don't take up too much space… but they are heavy," Marble muttered to herself, counting her inventory. After a few seconds, she turned back to face the Ri-class. "I think... I can take another dozen, before it gets too heavy for me to move."

As Sherri stood back, flapping her hands to relieve the burning of her muscles, one of the others suddenly spoke up. "Hey, has anyone seen Rizzo around?"

Around her, several of her elder sisters started looking around. "I think she slept in again…" someone eventually said.

There was a sigh. "Could someone go get her, please? She signed on to help us carve blocks, and she's got to hold to her commitment!"

Well, this seemed like a good opportunity to take a break from the heavy lifting. Sherri raised her hand. "I'll go. Which cabin?"

"Should be the second row from the left, third in line… and thanks, Sherri." The Ri-class smiled and nodded, before turning and beginning to make for the cabins. Unlike in Unalaska, where she and Carrie were mistaken for one another on several occasions, now thanks to IFFs it was all but impossible for there to be a mix-up between the two. It was a small detail, but one she and her twin nonetheless enjoyed.

At a relaxed jog, it only took Sherri around ten minutes to head past the farmland, cross the old town square and reach the residential area on the other side. Stepping up to one of the three cabins reserved for the fleet's Ri-classes, sure enough, she felt her older sister's IFF within. But when she made her way up to the second floor, she didn't see anyone in any of the beds. Nobody was downstairs either. So where…?

Wait a minute. The sheets on that one cot looked a lot bumpier than the others. Sherri stopped beside the cot and prodded it with a finger… and jerked back when she realized whatever laid underneath was soft and squishy. "Mmn… give me back my top…" the lumpy mass mumbled. With an explosive sigh, Sherri grabbed the mattress and heaved, sending the bundled-up Abyssal on top of it tumbling off.

"Ack!" The bundle of sheets squirmed on the floor, until a heart-shaped face with short-cropped hair poked out. "Hey, what gives…?" Rizzo groaned. "I was in literally the best position~"

Sherri pulled the bedsheets off her older sibling, and arched an eyebrow at the tangled mess of limbs underneath. She had to applaud the cruiser's flexibility—not just anyone could get a leg behind their head, let alone in their sleep. "Really? You look like a freaking pretzel."

"What, have you never found an awkward pose to lie in that felt amazing?"

"...fair point." She bent over and helped her fellow Ri-class to her feet. "Sorry to throw you out of bed, big sis, but you slept in! Everyone's wondering where you are at the quarry!"

Rizzo perked up. "Oh… crap! I completely forgot!" With a shake of her shoulders, her rigging partially materialized. She rushed to the stairs. "I'm going to head over right away—I'll see you there. Thanks for the warning!"

Thus, Sherri was left alone in the cabin. "Alright, that's taken care of," she said to herself. "Now to head back, or…?" She paused, wondering if she could grab a drink before returning to the quarry. Shrugging, she stopped to tidy up Rizzo's bed, before going back downstairs for a cup of water. She couldn't help but tilt her head in befuddlement at the faucet as she filled her glass, wondering just where the water was coming from, and if the magic controlling it also made it drinkable. More questions she could ask her wizard uncle when she and Carrie finally got to meet him, she supposed…

As she was bringing the glass to her lips, Sherri paused—a couple of IFFs had come into range, one of them unlike any of the others she'd felt from her family. Was she a new type of ship? Curious, Sherri quickly downed her glass and made her way out of the cabin, wanting to learn who this newcomer was.


Millie quietly followed after her mother, taking in her surroundings with awe.

Now that she was out of the palace, everything was so much more bright and colorful—lush green trees, the distant blue ocean, puffy white clouds in the sky. She could make out numerous cabins laid out in rows just up ahead, with barns for the destroyers to either side. It was all arranged around a wide circular area filled with benches and lunch tables, for everyone in the fleet to sit together for meals, with more than enough empty space left over for children to play.

She could definitely get used to living here.

"That's the residential area," her mother explained. "This is where we all actually live—the palace is utilized primarily as a base of operations, and only a few Abyssals in the Fleet live in it." She smiled. "As you can see, plenty of open space. And if we ever need more, well, there's an entire island for us to expand."

"Wow…" Millie gasped. She glanced off in the direction of the shore. "uh, by the way… what was that big boat I saw when we were coming out of the palace? It looked terrible, even all the way from the entrance."

"I was wondering whether you'd noticed that," Nuri chuckled. "Long story short, some of my sisters claimed an abandoned leisure boat for themselves, and now we're restoring it. It's going to be your testing grounds for the next week or so."

Millie looked to her in confusion. "Huh?"

"Before we can start training you to be able to take care of all the different types of Abyssals, I want to make sure that all your equipment works properly, and that you understand how to use all of it. Since we're busy reconstructing that ship anyways, I thought it would be a good way to test your capabilities. Does that make sense?"

The Mi-class nodded. "Yeah. Sounds fun, actually."

Nuri smiled and patted her daughter's shoulder. "Glad to hear it." The pair looked back to the cabins ahead—just in time to spot another girl approaching them. "Oh, there's Sherri! She's one of Mother's youngest children."

As the Ri-class got closer and Millie got a good look at her, she tilted her head, baffled. Somehow—she assumed it was due to being a repair ship—she had a basic idea of what Ri-class were supposed to look like: slim but muscular, white skin and short hair, their arms encased in black gauntlets, and wearing a simple bikini. And yet, even though her hull was that of a Ri-class, she barely looked like one on the outside; her skin was flushed with color, her arms were bare, her shoulder-length hair was done up in a ponytail, and she wore a dusty beige shirt and rugged jeans.

"She… she looks so strange…" Millie said.

"Hey, big sis!" Sherri called out, waving to them. "Is this a new Abyssal? Why is she dressed like a nurse…?"

Sherri's questions were abruptly cut short when her foot caught on a stray root sticking out of the ground, causing her to stumble and fall forward. Almost unconsciously, Millie found herself lunging forward, clearing the remaining distance between the two. Both her hands and her tails were outstretched, trying to halt the Ri-class's descent…

But as Sherri fell into Millie's arms… as their skin made contact… there was a sudden flash of information in Millie's mind.


Sherri clung to the new Ayssal's arms, a bit shaken up, as she tried to find her footing again. "S-sorry…" she gasped. "I don't know what I just tripped on… but I think I'm okay." Slowly getting her feet back underneath her, the Ri-class eventually stood up and released her grip on the other Abyssal. "Are you alright?"

The Abyssal nurse stared at her with a shocked expression.

"What happened to you…?" She whispered.
But as Sherri fell into Millie's arms… as their skin made contact… there was a sudden flash of information in Millie's mind.

The Abyssal nurse stared at her with a shocked expression.

"What happened to you…?" She whispered.
And so Millie encounters her first voluntarily disarmed Abyssal. It will be interesting to see if she can work out a way to repair their rigging damage in a way that gives them functionality without having to recreate the standard weapon loadout. Come to think of it, if she can manage that, she'd have another trick in her manuals for other Abyssals wanting to take up civilian pastimes in the future. And being able to offer a way to swap between combat and peacetime profiles would certainly be something I can see Hoppou giving an okay to.
And so Millie encounters her first voluntarily disarmed Abyssal. It will be interesting to see if she can work out a way to repair their rigging damage in a way that gives them functionality without having to recreate the standard weapon loadout. Come to think of it, if she can manage that, she'd have another trick in her manuals for other Abyssals wanting to take up civilian pastimes in the future. And being able to offer a way to swap between combat and peacetime profiles would certainly be something I can see Hoppou giving an okay to.
Really isn't that difficult for the larger ships. Their turrets aren't mounted on TOP of the deck like smaller ships, but are quite literally dropped INTO & through multiple decks. If larger ships capsize, their turrets can & will slide right out of the hull.

So from that POV, larger ships potentially have 'plug&play' modularity.

Yank the turret assembly entirely, and drop in a crane, multiple cranes, or some other component(s) which mass the same, in the same cylindrical volume, so the hull stays stable while at sea.

This also would massively speed up turn around in case they have to 'beat their plowshares back into swords'.
Really isn't that difficult for the larger ships. Their turrets aren't mounted on TOP of the deck like smaller ships, but are quite literally dropped INTO & through multiple decks. If larger ships capsize, their turrets can & will slide right out of the hull.

So from that POV, larger ships potentially have 'plug&play' modularity.

Yank the turret assembly entirely, and drop in a crane, multiple cranes, or some other component(s) which mass the same, in the same cylindrical volume, so the hull stays stable while at sea.

This also would massively speed up turn around in case they have to 'beat their plowshares back into swords'.
This is close, but still not quite the core of the issue. Here's a diagram I found this morning, on the layout and configuration of Jersey's gun turrets.

See the bottom-mid area, where all the wiring is fed through a central column, up into the turret's electrical floor?

That's all a fixed structure. i.e., not part of the free-rolling turret itself.

Carrie and Sherri destroyed all of that, in the process of ripping out their rigging.

Edit: if you're interested in further reading from where I found this pic...
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See the bottom-mid area, where all the wiring is fed through a central column, up into the turret's electrical floor?

That's all a fixed structure. i.e., not part of the free-rolling turret itself.

Carrie and Sherri destroyed all of that, in the process of ripping out their rigging.
That's my point. Millie's faced with a massive bit of reconstructive surgery on the twins just to get their hulls in a condition to attempt something that would be seaworthy. From the description we got of the damage, right now they have what would amount to basic tarp sheeting slapped over the holes where exposed piping and sheared power cabling is littering the bottom and sides to the turret housing. And that doesn't even go into the broken hatches and watertight bulkheads that were ripped up when they did their extractions.

She's in the position of a surgeon having to deal with reconstructive surgery on the victim of an IED.
That's my point. Millie's faced with a massive bit of reconstructive surgery on the twins just to get their hulls in a condition to attempt something that would be seaworthy. From the description we got of the damage, right now they have what would amount to basic tarp sheeting slapped over the holes where exposed piping and sheared power cabling is littering the bottom and sides to the turret housing. And that doesn't even go into the broken hatches and watertight bulkheads that were ripped up when they did their extractions.

She's in the position of a surgeon having to deal with reconstructive surgery on the victim of an IED.
I imagine something closer to a situation like that hiker that had to amputate his own arm after it got pinned by a boulder.
That's my point. Millie's faced with a massive bit of reconstructive surgery on the twins just to get their hulls in a condition to attempt something that would be seaworthy. From the description we got of the damage, right now they have what would amount to basic tarp sheeting slapped over the holes where exposed piping and sheared power cabling is littering the bottom and sides to the turret housing. And that doesn't even go into the broken hatches and watertight bulkheads that were ripped up when they did their extractions.

She's in the position of a surgeon having to deal with reconstructive surgery on the victim of an IED.
The land and the king are one.

Same thing here.

The ship and the girl are one.

Ripping out the top halves of the turrets, where they spin on bearings/rollers, and held down by their own mass, I can see. Shouldn't affect them too much, as ships can & did made steam with turrets blown open or off, and got safely home.

Ripping out BELOW that however should outright be crippling to them. They shouldn't even be able to walk straight (and outright forget going to sea). Regina, when ripping through her decks to get to her boilers, left a massive cavity wound in her stomach that all but left her unable to move (and in agonizing pain). That was just one section punched into.

Ri-class appear to have at least four turrets. Their arms shouldn't be functional, and as mentioned above, their balance has to be wrecked.

Its that or something really really funky & reality-warping happened.
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Snippet 9: RCNAnon
Ron, Duke and Warspite 14

Ron groaned as he pulled out yet another seemingly useful piece of magical reagent, only for it to clearly have been infected by the item sitting next to it. Summer looked down from where she was reaching the top shelves for him and gave him a curious stare.

"Just another thing we're going to have to throw out." He held up what looked to have been a piece of a meteorite that had somehow fused with a piece of wood he couldn't identify.

Summer nodded somewhat sadly and then showed him what appeared to an impressionist sculpture made out of melted taffy. He had no idea what it had been originally and shook his head.

"Here, I'll go put it in the pile."

Summer nodded and handed it to him before going back to clearing the top shelves.

Ron sighed as he carried the objects out to The Pile as he thought of it. Originally a storehouse full of magical reagents and old equipment had seemed like a great boon to him. Surely there would be unique items and hard to find ingredients that he could use!

There weren't.

Instead it seemed like it was more a storehouse for old junk. Whoever had created the shelves had probably meant for them to be used as proper storage but between some of the dust and the age of the items it appeared that the had lain there for more than simply ten years. Some of them were WWI vintage! Even the magical items had mostly bled their essences together, ran out of power or simply rotted away.

It had taken him and Summer working off and on as much as they could for two weeks to get to the point they were at, which was the storage almost completely cleared out and the few items they could salvage stored up front where they could both reach it. They'd maybe saved one piece out of twenty and most of that was simple things like ore or a few magically preserved metals.

Tossing the two pieces into The Pile, which was actually a dumpster provided for the purpose by the Royal Engineers, Ron gave another sigh. Despite having the place nearly cleared out, he'd not managed any time on Dukes problems like he had hoped and likely wouldn't before he left for school. Yet there was good news.

Looking up Ron grinned as he saw all the activity going on around his house. There were a number of experts in old fashioned buildings doing minor repair to the main house. There were apparently laws about such things in the muggle world and after they'd brought down the muggle repelling charms and began fixing things, Dreadnought had called a few people she knew and got the best.

The repairs were going well, with the main house and the gatehouse getting the most attention at the moment. The lab building would be next, after he cleaned everything out and the Orangearium would be last, given the need for properly fitted glass and the fact it needed many of the old trees inside cut down and removed piece by piece.
Victoria was happy as a clam and was assisting where she was able, mostly by providing tea and biscuits. The story that they told everyone not in the know about magic was that she'd been hired on early and was simply eager to get started. It worked well enough, especially when the builders got refreshments during their breaks.

What really made Ron smile was the other activity. In preparation for their specific type of guests, the Royal Navy had authorized the building of a repair bath. It was of mostly standard design, large enough to hold numerous girls at the same time and having both a large main pool and smaller tubs for those who wanted to relax in private. There were plans to add a walkway from the back of the house to the front of the spa but with all the other construction it would go in close to last.

At that moment there were a number of Royal Engineers finishing up the main pool, which was open until the interior set properly and they could be sure it didn't leak. That was supposed to be today and Ron saw them bringing in a rather large hose to begin filling it. Nearby a small communications post was going up, which would allow the Royal Navy to contact anyone staying at the mansion without delay. All in all there was quite the hustle and bustle

Ron looked up as Summer came over with more items to dump in the pile, what looked to be an old Narwhal horn merged with a gearbox and something that was so old and rusted he couldn't tell what it was supposed to be that was sporting the upper half of a propeller blade.

"No good huh?"

Summer shook her head no.

"No. N-not even good f-for scrap."

Ron shrugged. At this point he was used to it and if Summer said it wasn't even good for scrap, he believed her. She'd pointed out a number of things that he would have simply tossed that she felt she could use and had pulled a couple items out that he'd thought were magically useless but were actually just covered up by others.

It seemed that both of them had decided to take a break at the moment, as they watched the Royal Engineers continue their work, a few antenna's going up as the repair pool began to fill towards the top.

"D-do you… do you really have… to go?" Summer spoke from out of the blue, causing Ron to look up at her. She looked quite sad and though she had asked him before, there were only a few days until he went off to school.

Smiling gently at her Ron reached up and took her hand.

"Yeah, I do." He kept his voice as light as he could, even though he would miss her, as well as everyone else. "School is up north and I can't take you with me."

Summer nodded sadly at that.

"I'll write you though, with the owl box. You can write me too. Duke and Warspite said they'd bring you up with them when I have the Hogsmeade weekends."

"O-ok..." Summer was still unhappy about it but at least she wasn't crying.

"And you'll have a nice room here, with Victoria to talk to. You're friends right?"

Summer nodded again, this time with a bit more enthusiasm. Victoria had taken to Summer like she had to everyone else, as over a decade of isolation had left her with more than a bit to catch up on. Which meant that she had no existing prejudices to get over in regards to Abyssals. Summer had eagerly welcomed a new friend and Ron had bee quite pleased that Summer would always have someone around if she needed them.

"I'll miss you." Summer spoke quietly, though only a little sadly.

"I'll miss you too Summer. I'll try to come back as much as I can ok?" Ron looked back up to her as the construction sounds around them began to swell.

Summer nodded, then very obviously froze as she looked up.

Following her gaze, Ron froze as well and his eyes went wide.

Something was happening with the repair bath pool as the Royal Engineers nearby finished filling it. The surface had taken on a light glow, which was visibly brightening by the second. The sounds of construction continued to rise, the saws seeming louder, the hammering more firm and the crackle of a nearby welder seeming to go on for much longer than it should.

A glance to the side saw Summer's eyes flaring a little brighter, along with a similar glow coming from The Pile.

A scream of metal as a beam was cut echoed through the air. The Pile began to disappear, flowing towards the repair pool.

The pool grew lighter and Ron saw the Royal Engineers staring as well but none of them seemed to stop working. It was like the motions were part of a trance.

Ron could recognize a summoning when he saw it and closed his eyes for a moment as he felt something fumbling at him in the back of his mind. Whatever it was caught and Ron felt Summer's hand stiffen in his and then his eyes popped open.

The summoning pool began to bubble and froth mightily, even as he could still hear the sounds of construction. It wasn't until there was one final "scccrrriiiinnnggggg!!!" of a saw cutting off that the summoned ship girl burst from the water.

The girl, whoever she was, was massive. She was easily taller than Duke or Warspite but she didn't seem to be as tall as Summer. At least not quite. She was similarly curved as well, though most of it was covered up in an oil stained workers coverall that was unzipped down to her stomach. Her hair was a dirty blonde that looked to have been bleached white by the sun, her richly tanned features matching the sun drenched look. A wrench hung in one hand, with a large sledge-hammer in the other.

There was a moment of silence and then the woman spoke, looking directly at Ron.

"Wo bin ich?" Her voice was deep for a woman, a true contralto and Ron somehow got the image of a hearty smile and beer from it despite never having actually had a beer.

"I'm sorry?" He spoke instinctively, thinking he'd misunderstood her.

"Ah, English." The woman spoke English with a distinctly German accent, which clued Ron in that he'd not misunderstood her and she'd been speaking a different language. "I asked where we are."

"Southern England." Ron proceeded to try and catch up with what was happening. Clearly they'd done a summoning but a German? "May I ask who you are?"

"Ach, excuse me. Admiralty Floating Dock Number 8, reporting for service." The woman raised her wrench to her forehead in a mild salute.

"Ron Weasley. I work for the Royal Navy sometimes." He paused and pointed to Summer. "This is Summer. She's a friend."

"It is good to meet the both of you. Could I ask for a tow?" The woman gestured down to the water. "No engine."

It was only the work of a minute to get an appropriate tow rope from the Royal Engineers watching everything, one of whom was on their radio back to base. Summer hauled AFD 8 back to shore with ease, the woman coming up to her chin when she was finally on land.

"Thank all of you." The woman had put away her tools somewhere and gave both Summer, Ron and several of the engineers a rather large hug, regardless of how tall they were.

Grinning slightly at the face some of the men made, Ron nodded to her. "You're welcome. Are you hungry? I think we've got something..."

"We have sandwiches Young Master and I can try to make something more substantial for her if she wishes."

Ron jumped as Victoria's voice came from right behind him and he turned to look at her.

"I told you not to do that." He'd already discovered that Victoria seemed to find it humorous to surprise people with her presence. Mostly him.

"Apologies Young Master. I did not mean to do so." A bow and the same tone she almost always used, as if she really had done it on accident.

"Well, anyway. I think..." He turned to look at their new summon. "I'm sure you're hungry but Admiralty Floating Dock Number 8 is a bit of a mouthful."

"Hmm. You may call me Angelica. Angie if you want." The woman nodded, her face seemingly constantly plastered with a smile.

"Then Victoria, I'm sure Angie is hungry so if you could get those sandwiches."

Victoria bowed and gestured back towards the house. "If you'll follow me then Ms. Angelica."

"Ja! Thank you Victoria. And call me Angie!"

Ron watched as the massive woman followed the new maid into the house and the engineers began to get back to work. Then he shook his head. As if he didn't already have enough to deal with before he went to school!


Toulon, France. A week later.

Jean-Bart sat on her bed, drying her long brown hair fresh from the repair baths. A week long cruise across various ports in the Mediterranean had been a nice distraction from her normal daily drudgery. Even if sailing alongside merchants was rather boring, it was better than sitting on the shore. She'd even fired her guns for once!

Granted the abyssals had immediately run away at the presence of a battleship midst what they'd thought would be easy prey but it was better than what she usually got. Unfortunately she wasn't allowed to pursue and the local Italian forces had been vectored in to deal with them.

Twas a strange world when you could call on those you'd been designed to defeat for assistance.

Finished with her grooming and freshly dressed, Jean-Bart once again logged on to SGO. With a weeks news to catch up on certainly there would be something…

"Again!" She couldn't help but exclaim to herself as she caught sight of the redheaded English boy in a highlighted article. This time a floating dry dock! There was even a picture of him between the Germanic looking woman and the Abyssal, where he looked absolutely tiny in comparison. She read the article several times to make sure she had everything straight and in the end there was only one thing that mattered.

He was clearly the best chance she had at fighting in this decade.

She dug through her desk and pulled out her cellphone, dialing her most frequent number. She only had to wait a few rings before it picked up.

"Hello Sister?" She hoped to make this short but she doubted it would be. "Yes it's me. Yes I'm fine, I only fired my guns once. No I did not meet a nice Italian boy. What? No, I didn't meet a nice Italian girl either!" It was clear Richelieu intended to keep asking about her, nonexistent, love life so she interrupted. "No no, I need your help. What? NO! No I mean..." She coughed, clearing her voice as Richelieu quieted, seeming to understand her seriousness. "I need you to ask Admiral Chirac to introduce me to the British Admiral of Warspite and Duke of York." There was a pause where Jean-Bart expected a comment about the man but it did not come. "I… their Ronald has proven himself a naval engineer of high caliber and… Yes. I think he might be able to help."


Richelieu's voice was loud enough that Jean-Bart had to pull the phone away from her ear.

"I… non sister. It is not so great yet but hopefully it will be yes. Mhmm. Yes, thank Admiral Chirac for me as well. Oui, I love you too."

Jean-Bart sighed and collapsed back on her bed, thoughts swirling in her head as her sister was likely running to her Admiral and lover with her request. There was much to do yet and she did not know what the English boy would need to do if she was to be repaired but it was the first hope she'd had in a long time.

It was perhaps not the beginning of the end, to steal a quote from an Englishman even she admired, but it was the end of the beginning.
AN: I apologize to anyone who uses the languages I hopefully didn't butcher but probably did with Google Translate.

Questions, comments etc. welcome as always.
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Interesting use of a repair bath as a makeshift summoning pool. And cue an update to that book that lists the locations of all the summoning pools on the planet.
The land and the king are one.

Same thing here.

The ship and the girl are one.

Ripping out the top halves of the turrets, where they spin on bearings/rollers, and held down by their own mass, I can see. Shouldn't affect them too much, as ships can & did made steam with turrets blown open or off, and got safely home.

Ripping out BELOW that however should outright be crippling to them. They shouldn't even be able to walk straight (and outright forget going to sea). Regina, when ripping through her decks to get to her boilers, left a massive cavity wound in her stomach that all but left her unable to move (and in agonizing pain). That was just one section punched into.

Ri-class appear to have at least four turrets. Their arms shouldn't be functional, and as mentioned above, their balance has to be wrecked.

Its that or something really really funky & reality-warping happened.
It's Regalia, not Regina.

But as to the damage... I'll try to cover some of this in my next snippet.
Snippet 81: SisterJeanne
Puppy Love X

"Thank you and come again!"

Hachiko and Moriko stepped out of A Piece of Heaven karaoke bar onto the darkening streets of Yokosuka as night began to fall.

He hefted the wolf plushy that he had won and looked up at the taller form of his girlfriend -his girlfriend!- as she rested one scarred fist on her hip and squeezed the dog plushy that she had won.

"So, um.." He adjusted his glasses and smiled happily, seeing her give a matching smile. "That was a lot of fun, let's do it again sometime."

"Agreed." She gave a happy smile, her battered face coming alight with joy. "I'd like that a lo---"

A roll of thunder cut her off and she looked up. "Shimatta! We better take cover!" With that she grabbed his hand and dragged him into a nearby convenience store as it began to rain.

"Right where is... Ok, there!" As rain fell outside, she grabbed a pair of 500 yen clear plastic umbrellas and took them to the clerk. Hachiko watched as she paid for them and then got a smirk on her face. "I'll walk you to the train station then so you can pick up Aki-kun, Hachiko-chan."

He nodded. "Sounds good. Why the second umbrella?"

She grinned and guided him close to her so they could share the first umbrella as she hooked the handle of the second umbrella over her free arm. "Well I don't want my boyfriend to catch a cold in this rainshower when he picks up his little brother."

He nodded, 'That makes sense and Moriko-chan... thank you. I would hate to have my plushy get damaged by the rain. Hm..." He made a thoughtful noise and squeezed her hand. "Can you make a left at the next turn?"


Behind the couple, Suzume and Shigure shared the bamboo and rice-paper umbrella that the destroyer had pulled from her hold when the rain started. "Shigure-san, where are they going? This isn't the way to the train station or the base."

The destroyer shrugged, "I don't know Suzume-san. I must say that this is almost a storybook romantic setting with the couple sharing an umbrella."

Suzume nodded her head. "And Big Sister Moriko is a romantic at heart under all the toughness. I just hope that it did not go to her head...but I'm sure that it did not."

The couple that they were spying on laughed and walked down the street. Then they turned into the driveway for Yokohama Momijizaka Apartments. Suzume and Shigure stopped dead and looked at each other.

"Um, it's a little soon for that, right, Suzume-san? I mean it's just a first date, right?" Shigure spoke hesitantly with a blush on her cheeks.

Suzume's own face turned scarlet, "Don't be silly, Shigure-san, Moriko-chan is not one of that kind of girls, so I'm sure that it is not what it seems... right??" Suzume's voice trailed off at the end.

They watched Hachiko unlock the gate to the apartment complex with his key and bow Moriko through like a samurai to his daimyo. The click of the gate behind them was like the peal of doom (for Moriko Ibuki's virginity) in the eyes of the furiously blushing spies.



"Thank you for walking me home so that I could put the plushy away, Moriko-chan, and thank you for the umbrella so Aki doesn't catch cold when I walk him home from his kyudo instruction."

"It was my pleasure. I'll see you day after tomorrow when I visit the library, Hachiko-chan?"

Any answer Hachiko planned to give to Moriko was drowned out as the security gate was rammed by the spirit of the second Shiratsuyu-class destroyer charging it at flank.

"Moriko-chan! Don't do it!!" Suzume burst through the remains of the gate hot on the heels of Shigure's takedown of the security gate (which was not rated to handle a 1635 ton displacement destroyer hitting it at 34 knots).

Suzume then skidded to a halt, and her blush went from embarrassed scarlet to mortified nuclear at the sight she saw. Her sister was leaning against the low balcony wall, well away from the door which Hachiko had just closed after putting his plushy away. In fact, her sister was clearly about to leave after bidding her boyfriend good night as they went their separate ways.

One eyebrow twitched over a scarred face as Moriko locked her fire control on her identical twin and growled out an angry challenge.


"um, oops?" Suzume whined as her invisible ears and tail dropped in submission and lights came on all over the apartment complex.

Hachiko stared with a befuddled bluescreen look at his girlfriend's twin sister. I thought that she was younger than Sachiko!


SGO General Forums/Ship Happens

Post #14013 by LongSufferingSecretary (Moderator) (JMSDF) (Secretary Boat) (大淀)

Re: "Cute Couple? Discuss!"

After getting off the phone with the Yokosuka Police Department to bail out your spies, plus having to budget for damage to the security gate at Hachiko's apartment complex, I merely have this to say about anyone else planning 'extracurricular intelligence operations' against Moriko and Hachiko.


"...and that's why I ran late picking up Aki. I had to explain to Mrs. Hasegawa that it wasn't a burglary but my girlfriend's twin sister and her shipgirl friend overreacting. She's sweet but a bit hard of hearing and it takes her a while to understand things. I'm sorry about the trouble."

Hachiko bowed to Tokunotakai, who was desperately stifling a gigglefit with a happy smile on her face. "Apology accepted. Ah... You said that your girlfriend filmed the mess with the landlady and the police on her phone, right?"

"Hai, Tokunotakai-sensei." Aki, meanwhile, was doubled over laughing with his ears and tail fully out at the funny story Tou-san was telling Toku-sensei.

"Can you do me a favor, and have her send me a copy of the photographs and videos? I have a... friend... who enjoys that kind of dumpster fire and I just picked up a new cell phone this morning. I will write down my number."

"I will ask her to when I see her Saturday, Toku-sensei."

Tokunotakai bowed back. "Saturday will be fine, Hachiko-kun."

Hachiko turned to the laughing Aki and scratched the Inugami boy behind the ears. "We need to go, Aki. Put your ears and tail away and I'll get you ice cream on the way home."

"YAY! Ice Cream!!"

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It's Regalia, not Regina.

But as to the damage... I'll try to cover some of this in my next snippet.
Yeah, I derped on their names

But still, I think this is a case of where you went a wee bit too far and past what Leferts and others (including yourself) have already previously shown us in chapters, where actual damage to the rigging is also directly proportional to how well the girl's physical capabilities are afterwards (Shinano's lost an arm, Sendai lost both legs iirc and had a spinal/keel injury that left her bedridden for weeks, and only due to constant repair baths + a repair ship on hand, was she ever going to walk again) and so on. Abyssals are just much more physically 'linked' to their Rigging (their 'Beast' as I believe Leferts has put it on occasion) than Shipgirls.

No question at all that they could yank the top 1/2 to 2/3s of their turrets out, then dump their magazines, flood the compartments + weld/seal the bulkheads shut. That won't even get me to blink, but instead nod about as totally acceptable & believable, while still leaving them more or less with 'flesh' wounds that would be recoverable from without much more than a lot of gauze and time. And thus explaining away why they healed up with 'human/shipgirl' colored tissue rather than Abyssal tissue - they 'peacebonded' themselves, which is against what Abyssals stand for (I note that, for all Millie is supposed to be a repair ship 'nurse'....she's still armed. ALL Abyssals are armed to some degree. I've yet to see any Abyssals in any of the canon chapters, written by any/all the authors, where an Abyssal was completely disarmed, down to even their Imp's arms lockers being emptied. There might be something to that. Leferts? Comments??).

The bottom 1/2-1/3 however getting gutted and then reaching in sideways to tear out their magazines? I flat out cringe to even contemplate what that would compare to (I think someone mentioned that the best comparison would be to that one climber who had to amputate his own arm after being trapped under a boulder, hours away from help), and would leave cripplingly permanent and constantly painful injuries.

Well, that is, before getting access to Hoppou, the other Installations, and now, Millie.
Hmm... I think that Jean Bart will be part of Ron's harem fleet sooner or later. Fingers crossed.