Right, I'll put together an update for this sometime tonight. Sorry about the delay!
Also, this is very much a different genre, but I fully recommend you folks check out Gecko's SWAT 4 Let's Play. At bare minimum, it'll probably have a much more regular update schedule.
I'm looking forward to the end of the Lunar Empire campaign more than any aspect of it proper now. Conquering History's EAW LPs have made Griffonia much more interesting. He seems to mostly do a tag's autocratic routes the first time around, though.
Hey, do I look like the sort of person that would let a wee little suspension stop them? I'm not about to, say, ragequit and move to SB because I couldn't keep to my update schedule.
I'm looking forward to the end of the Lunar Empire campaign more than any aspect of it proper now. Conquering History's EAW LPs have made Griffonia much more interesting. He seems to mostly do a tag's autocratic routes the first time around, though.
Oh, I'm going to go check those out then. I took my little involuntary break as an opportunity to get back into Warframe, so I just haven't had the time lately to play HoI4 on my own.
Though I have been keeping up with the dev teasers.
Oh, I'm going to go check those out then. I took my little involuntary break as an opportunity to get back into Warframe, so I just haven't had the time lately to play HoI4 on my own.
The ones I've watched were only in the last few months, starting with Stalliongrad (Dark Wing) and Brodfeld (monarchist). The ones since have been Brodfeld (Masonic), Diamond Mountain (absolutist), Diamond Mountain (Clifford the Red, aborted early due to lack of expansion options), and currently Longsword (Dusktalon). He needed four takes to win that civil war as that faction.
He has a lot more that I haven't checked out yet, including a Changeling run.
The ones I've watched were only in the last few months, starting with Stalliongrad (Dark Wing) and Brodfeld (monarchist). The ones since have been Brodfeld (Masonic), Diamond Mountain (absolutist), Diamond Mountain (Clifford the Red, aborted early due to lack of expansion options), and currently Longsword (Dusktalon). He needed four takes to win that civil war as that faction.
He has a lot more that I haven't checked out yet, including a Changeling run.
With Our armies still saddled up for war, there was little need for the complicated process of demobilizing and remobilizing that We underwent between the civil war and the war with the Changelings. We would simply reorganize the chain of command, draw up battle plans, and prepare. The majority of Our forces would deploy in the south, with the remainder moving to garrison the northern border.
Although the so-called moderates had won out in the Confederation's troubled succession, they were still the same sort of ignorant racists that We had tried to deal with in the civil war. 'Frontier spirit' or not, the long leg of the law was long-overdue for these wild stallions.
Luckily enough for Us, the support being received by the CSS from the Griffons had dried up after Our defeat of the Changelings. With a lack of international recognition, the Confederates were isolated and along.
Unluckily for Us, they knew that was the case. And these were frontierponies We were talking about. 'Well-armed' was often an understatement, and their militias, although lacking in organization, were extremely well-motivated.
In the meantime, with the country's industry rebuilt, it was now time to rebuild its culture. Rarity had pointed out that despite enshrining equality into law, the only reason it was being obeyed was fear of Our retribution. This would not be a recipe for long term stability, especially whispers beginning to spread that We were only interested in flipping the hierarchy as opposed to removing it, with thestrals on top and ponies on the bottom. This was not Our intent, and it would be remiss of us to not dedicate some effort toward ensuring that fear.
Of course, even the eagerest of militias was no match for a dedicated and professional military, especially one that was properly equipped. Appleloosa fell within a week, and the Confederates were being driven back all across the front lines.
Meanwhile in the Crystal Empire, the support from Stalliongrad they had received during the Changeling War had buoyed into a massive upswing of leftist popularity. The RCWP's coalition with the Snowflake League was likely going to ensure their victory in the upcoming elections for the newly established parliament.
'A lack of international recognition' apparently does not mean isolated. Despite their rapid loss of territory, everyone and their uncle seemed to be sending volunteers to the CSS. Of course, this would not stop Our advance, but it might slow Us down somewhat.
Or not. Turns out if the only professional forces you have are foreign volunteers, said volunteers are vulnerable to being cut off and surrounded. Who knew?
As expected, the Confederates are collapsing outright against Our forces. A quick march to the sea should finish the job. Let our forces taste the salt on their lips, feel the breeze in their hair, and know their job is nearly finished.
Friendship, true friendship, cannot be forced or built. It can, however, be encouraged. Breaking down the unofficial barriers between thestrals and ponies will allow them to come together and realize they are not so different after all.
Oh, and We definitely need to change up Nightmare Night. Rumors of Us eating naughty little foals may frighten Our enemies, but Our subjects do not need such hogwash being forced down their throats every year.
And with that, the Confederates have been defeated. Another down, just two more to go until Our Empire is restored.
Oooorrrr maybe just one more. As expected, the RCWP won out in the elections, and the 'Crystal Empire' is now a communist state. It may be prudent to attack them before they ally with Stalliongrad, though taking both in one fell swoop might be a good plan.
However, there is another factor to consider.
Beakolini has seized total control over Wingbardy, and looks to expand outward. And given his rhetoric toward New Mareland, We will likely end up having to deal with him at some point if We were to leave him to his own devices.
However, We do not need to do that. Jet Set could be… pushed, shall we say, into allowing us to make a preemptive strike on the fascists. This would risk us getting involved on two fronts, but the risk is there either way.
[ ] Attack The CRP Immediately!
[ ] Attack Both Stalliongrad and the CRP As Soon As Possible
[ ] Hold Off For Now
[ ] Strike Wingbardy
[ ] Leave Beakolini To His Own Devices
[X] Attack The CRP Immediately
[X] Strike Wingbardy
If you can avoid fighting the CRP and Stalliongrad simultaneously, you might as well try for it. If the pony nations that refuse our magnificence are dumb enough to let us take them out one by one, then we should take advantage of such generosity.
[X] Attack The CRP Immediately!
[X] Strike Wingbardy
I feel like the resources of a unified Equestria should be enough to hold Wingbardy off around New Mareland while you crush the CRP, then Stalliongrad.
Ponypower for DAYS.
No update tonight, seeing as my trial version of the mod ran out and I need to scrounge up some Idols for the licensed version. Freakin' capitalistic griffons...
So, I really should have mentioned this earlier, but @Teen Spirit has been playing the Crystal Empire's Sombra route over on SB. With that in mind, and seeing as the other routes for the Crystal Empire are sort of... uninteresting, I'll be taking them off the voting list pending them getting reworked somehow.
In other news, I'm working on an update as I speak.
[X] Attack The CRP Immediately!
[X] Strike Wingbardy
The red tide could not be allowed to spread. If the CRP were to unite with Stalliongrad, Our forces would likely be outmatched. Desicive action would be needed.
Luckily for us, a large portion of the Royal Army, many of them former members of the Equestrian forces, had quit in protest following the election of the RCWP. The new government was left with the inexperienced native forces, a weakness which We would be glad to take advantage of.
Meanwhile, Jet Set had done an admirable job of transforming New Mareland into a luminescent example of social progress. We could not bear the possibility of his work being disrupted, and Beakolini seems particularly eager to test Our wrath. Although an immediate preemptive attack was out of the question, the Governor-General would be directed to focus his attention on the defense of New Mareland.
(So, guess who forgot to check how strong Wingbardy was before putting attacking them up to a vote? I'll retroactively consider it a question of priority as opposed to attacking them both at once, since I am nowhere near equipped to take them both on at once.)
Although the plans for a new Nightmare Night celebration had to be put on hold due to the war preparations, that did not mean we had to scrap Our preparations entirely! Taking inspiration from Jet Set's 'Love A Bat Day' program, a new holiday celebrating the newfound friendship between ponies and thestrals was declared. It went… surprisingly well, all things considered.
Ah, fiddlesticks. This is what I get for not checking the events beforehand.
Well, here we have a choice. Do you want to see if I can pull off fighting both Stalliongrad and the CPR while undermanned and undergunned, or should we say that Her Lunar Majesty decided her ponies had gone through enough and leave the north to its own devices. Call it a Colt Cold War, if you will? Since we'd have a couple more events to get through, I'd put together an epilogue of sorts covering any major events.
[ ] The Game Is Not Yet Lost!
[ ] Let Our Ponies Rest.