H+ Mayhem (Worm)

Not a Worm (canon material) reader but more of a few fanfics reader so I got a questions that needs answering.

Jack Slash. I know he is sort of the boogeyman and all but after checking the wiki his power doesnt protect him at all from anything. His main ability is, besides cutting or slashing stuff, talking to people like the Main character from shonen mangas.

Why has nobody ever put a bullet in his head? Sniper or other long range weapon. Is everyone in the Worm world going into a stupid mode when it comes to him or is he always using something to protect him from long range attacks?
He has a secondary thinker ability that essentially communicates with other parahumans' shards. It's what allows him to keep the S9 banded together, by playing them like fiddles. He also doesn't know that he has this ability, so he thinks he's just that good.

As to why a mundane hasn't killed him from afar... because Wildbow wanted him alive. Or from a Watsonian POV: He surrounds himself with powerful parahumans that can tank that kind of hit from him, and he's been enhanced by Bonesaw to essentially have a brute package. Also, he's being protected by Cauldron.
Not a Worm (canon material) reader but more of a few fanfics reader so I got a questions that needs answering.

Jack Slash. I know he is sort of the boogeyman and all but after checking the wiki his power doesnt protect him at all from anything. His main ability is, besides cutting or slashing stuff, talking to people like the Main character from shonen mangas.

Why has nobody ever put a bullet in his head? Sniper or other long range weapon. Is everyone in the Worm world going into a stupid mode when it comes to him or is he always using something to protect him from long range attacks?
I've read so many fanfics that my memory of canon is kind of sketchy, but I think he's got Cauldron (Contessa and or Number Man) looking out for him so that golden morning happens on their schedule. So that the Apocalypse happens with the least chance for human extinction.

Also I believe his power was a little more than that, getting a sense of what other parahumans shards are intending before they act... his shard talking to their's or something

being intelligent and lacking any hesitation he's pretty damn deadly even without that and is backed up by some pretty heavy hitters.

EDIT: Stranger danger :o
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Jack Slash. I know he is sort of the boogeyman and all but after checking the wiki his power doesnt protect him at all from anything. His main ability is, besides cutting or slashing stuff, talking to people like the Main character from shonen mangas.

Hmm, just thought I'd clarify this. Jack Slash is not just a Blaster, and a Thinker, with the ability to predict any attack made by a cape. He is also, very, very subtly, a Master. There is one scene in Worm where Imp is locked in a room with him. None of the Nine know that she's there, although other members of the Nine are nearby.

Imp has a knife, but doesn't use it to kill Jack Slash, because she's afraid that might give her away. Not a bad reason, and it might not have killed him anyway, given Bonesaw's modifications, but it's a change from Imps earlier recklessness, and according to word of Wildbow Jack's Broadcast shard is able to subtly manipulate other parahumans so that they don't kill him.

At another point in the story Jack stares down Purity, who doesn't have much power at the time. Probably still enough to roast him, but she chooses not to attack. That might also be the master power, or just common sense.

I'll see if I can find that quote.

Here it is.

Wildbow says that Jack is basically an anti-cape trump, even better than Hatchet Face, because he can manipulate capes either into either joining him, or into missing when they attack, or into hesitating at that crucial moment. He can be driven off, his Thinker power seems to warn him if enough capes are coming to overwhelm him, but defeat is very tricky without a non-cape in the mix.

And yeah, he's also protected by Cauldron.
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Not hard at all I imagine, and considering how many capes Jack kills, he'd probably be sniped through a portal if he wasn't needed. So his power had a reason to affect the Path.

Hrmm. It's an interesting little twist that actually makes canon a lot more sensible: it's not that supporting the S9 was actually in Cauldron's favour, it's that their precog was effectively being Mastered.

And now I want to read a fic where someone in Cauldron figures all this out...
Not hard a t all I imagine, and considering how many capes Jack kills, he'd probably be sniped through a portal if he wasn't needed. So his power had a reason to affect the Path.
he is. if you think about it he convinces scorn to give up the illusion of being a hero and that starts thegoldenmorning 20 years earllier then it sould have been when the cape forces and the world would have wittle away because endbringers and themselves making it likely they would have lost and the worlds destuction. It was a necesary evil at least in there eye. could they have found another way....doont know but then again maybe the path of victory was being master just enough tostay alive ...... not that it helphim inthe end.
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he is. if you think about it he convinces scorn to give up the illusion of being a hero and that starts thegoldenmorning 20 years earllier then it sould have been when the cape forces and the world would have wittle away because endbringers and themselves making it likely they would have lost and the worlds destuction. It was a necesary evil at least in there eye. could they have found another way....doont know but then again maybe the path of victory was being master just enough tostay alive ...... not that it helphim inthe end.

I'd argue that Scion's attack could have been triggered in another way. Kevin Norton could have been made to do it, or that woman who Kevin Norton told Scion to listen to.

Or Cauldron could have seen the dwindling cape numbers, but still held out hope for a Cape that could kill the Endbingers, or hope that Scion would kill more of them. He did kill Behemoth after all.

The whole 'Trigger the Apocalypse while we have as many capes as possible' thing doesn't make a lot of sense, considering that they have very few plans that might actually work against Scion. They could have waited, held out hope that more capes came along with the ability to hurt him. They could have tried to unify the world, so that it was one force fighting Scion, instead of five separate groups.
that make sense however id argue that if the path was mastered eve slightly then it wouldn't have matter because the shards promote conflct......how much conflict could the shard of jack slash promote. in short the "path" never had a chance. one shard pomomateing conflict and they may have had a chance to use those plans but two.....and while yes something else cold have set off scron that dosen't change he fact that cauldren could have wiped out the nine any time they wished yet didn't because it didn't fit into their "path"......
Not a Worm (canon material) reader but more of a few fanfics reader so I got a questions that needs answering.

Jack Slash. I know he is sort of the boogeyman and all but after checking the wiki his power doesnt protect him at all from anything. His main ability is, besides cutting or slashing stuff, talking to people like the Main character from shonen mangas.

Why has nobody ever put a bullet in his head? Sniper or other long range weapon. Is everyone in the Worm world going into a stupid mode when it comes to him or is he always using something to protect him from long range attacks?
That happened in one fic. :p It was glorious. Some hunting enthusiast took him out from two kilometers away. He was promptly hunted down by the others.
I made my way back to my lab, sore and bruised, but feeling much better emotionally. Not only had I manually equalized things, I was also taking steps in the right direction. I was even learning to cope with low levels of fear again, because that seemed to help me gain energy for my power more quickly.

My sparring had gone quite well. I'd managed my first unarmed win against an unpowered E88 gangster, and then fought several more with my scalpels, boots, tazer fingers and pulse weapons. I'd even fought Cricket again. It had been a little bit nerve wracking, but she hadn't mentioned what she said the first time, under the effects of morphine. She seemed as willing to forget about the whole thing as I was.

Although she was wearing a different shirt today, one that showed off her extremely well defined abs...

I checked that Stacy had fed Sveta, and then went to bed. I used to have trouble falling asleep unless I pushed myself to complete exhaustion, but my neural enhancement could send me off to sleep very quickly when I needed it to. I was still working on a way to stop the nightmares.

I was woken up by someone shaking me, and quickly put my mask on, so I could see who it was.

"Victor's on the phone. The ABB are attacking." Stacy said, helping me settle the mask, and then handing me a mobile and leaving the room. Presumably to prepare the clinic. I put it to my ear.

"Victor?" I said.

"Mayhem. We have a problem. Bakuda's going into a meltdown without Lee or Lung to control her. We have multiple bombs going off in our territory. She's blowing up schools, warehouses… it's a huge mess. Normally we'd go all unwritten rules on her, everyone in the city would gang up to put her down, but she's in public, we know where she is, and she has no backup. Kaiser's decided it's time to end the problem, once and for all."

I blinked, got out of bed, and started attaching the legs of my jetpack to my back.

"All right, what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Medical. You, Rune, Othala and Cricket are going to be helping victims in our territory as much as possible. You're also our defensive line if one of the other gangs tries to take a crack at us while we mop up the ABB. Rune will begin delivering wounded to you soon, I need you to set up the clinic for an influx of casualties."

"On it." I told him.

"Good. Have you managed to make any direct counters to Bakuda?"

"I didn't have the time. I wasn't expecting things to move this quickly!" I told him.

"All right. Keep the mobile phone on you, I'll keep you posted." Victor said, then he hung up.

They must be in a rush. I wasn't expecting things to move this quickly.

I'd have to be in costume for this.

My costume wasn't that impressive. Just my white blindfold mask. A white lab coat, and under that white jeans and a white shirt. The lab coat did have a lot of pockets though, which I used to store some basic medical gear, some tinkering tools, a few of my more commonly needed chemical compounds, and a few extra scalpels. The shirt and the lab coat had holes in the back which the legs of my jetpack could fit through.

I fumbled for a minute, figured out that I needed to put my costume on first, and then the jetpack legs, did things in the right order and then left my room. I'd need to brew another batch or so of my cell growth formula, get the surgery prepped in case it was… no, for when it was needed.

Victor hadn't been kidding about bombs going off. I heard one as I started to mix my formula. It rattled the building, startling Sveta in her container, and sending her tendrils hammering against the glass.

My first patients arrived only minutes later.

To my surprise I was mostly treating civilians. The E88 were racist, horrible dickwads, and I had to remind myself of that regularly, but they were well aware that if they didn't treat the one species that they did approve of…

Did I just think 'species?' Dear god I was going to have to leave this organization soon. Anyway, the E88 treated white people well, because if they didn't they alienated everyone, and turned the whole world into their enemies. The clinic would probably have to be moved after this, but people in E88 territory would be protected, as much as w… they were able to protect them.

There were a few skinheads and gang members who made it through the doors of the clinic, but Bakuda had obviously had a hard time attacking E88 warehouses or gatherings directly. Instead she'd just scattered her bombs near undefended, unwatched targets. I treated soccer mums, accountants, a janitor who had stayed to late at a school.

Othala arrived, and she was able to help quite a lot. Our powers complemented each other. Her ability to heal wasn't perfect, it wasn't instant regeneration, in fact it was rather slow unless everything was lined up, ready to heal quickly anyway, and she was able to use it for triage, to stabilize a patient while they waited for attention. It closed the cuts and bleeding wounds, helped people come out of shock, generally took the edge off my own work.

She wasn't much help for the exotic cases though. Some were fairly simple. The man who's arm was turned to crystal just needed a tourniquet, some cauterization, and a sedative.

Others were very tricky. How do you heal someone who's nervous system has been re-purposed into an overactive Christmas Tree? I think I actually killed that poor woman, shut down everything in her body, then got it started again before brain death set in, but I was too deep in a tinker fugue state to really pay attention.

Things went fairly well, most people who walked through the doors we were able to save. Some corpses were carried through, but there wasn't a lot Othala or I could do about that, and there was this one man who's blood vessels had turned to lead from the torso down, I couldn't really do a lot for him, but we saved a lot of lives.

Again I had to keep people out of the lab. Once I left the door open while I was brewing some coagulant, and someone saw Sveta and there was a bit of fuss because they seemed to think that I was the one who made her that way. Cricket quieted that down with a few waves of her kama.

It was a fairly neat setup. Rune scouted and brought us wounded on stretchers. Cricket was on guard duty, and Othala and I saved the ones who could be saved. Later they had vans as well, carting people in and out of the clinic. The place was designed for exclusive clients, nowhere near this sort of volume, but we made do.

I focused on the task at hand, not really retaining the surgery, the screams, and the carnage. There was one case where someone walked in with a bomb implanted in their body. A white male, visibly sweating. I don't know how Cricket picked up on it, but as soon as she saw him she threw one of her scythes through his face, grabbed his body, carried it across the street and ran back before he exploded into purplish mist. Again there was panic, but this time Cricket was able to calm it down with a few glares.

The worst thing to happen was the new trigger. A dark haired woman with a split lip and a child who was dead when she was bought to us. She showed me the small, green crystal body, and begged me to fix her daughter.

There is not a lot you can do when someone's been completely transmuted. No brain patterns, ontological inertia means that getting rid of the cause isn't going to fix the problem, being turned to crystal makes someone more dead than having their head cut off.

"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do." I told her. She fell to her knees, crying, and I was moving past her to help a man who'd suffered severe burns when I suddenly found myself on the floor, picking myself up slowly. Cricket had already leaped to her feet. Confusion on her face, and her head searching for an unseen attack.

My neural chip is designed to alert me when it senses the brain activity that coincides with a trigger, or I would probably have suspected an attack as well. I would have figured it out quickly anyway, it wasn't really a private trigger.

"No, no look!" The woman cried. "She's moving, see! She's moving!"

The corpse of the child was moving. Cracks were spreading through it's fingers, but the shards of crystal were staying together, making a sort of lattice that let the fingers twitch. Some sort of crystal kinesis, or telekinesis. Or some sort of illusion thing.

I didn't really know what to do. What do you do? Triggers were horrible things. You lost everything, and you were very likely to lash out. I reached for one of my scalpels. Sedate her and deal with the issue when I wasn't in a crowded room filled with wounded sounded like a good plan to me.

Othala beat me to it.

"She is moving, isn't she. Why don't we take her into the back room over there, and we'll see what we can do for you. You look like you ran all the way here, is there something I can get you? Some water maybe?"

I glanced at Othala, raised the scalpel questioningly as she hugged the distraught woman. The healer shook her head and gently lead the woman and her child out of the room. Not how I would have handled it, but I was more than willing to let someone else deal with that mess.

Guess I'd be operating without regeneration for a while.

Finally my mobile phone rang. I put it on speaker so I could finish wrapping the burn victim in treated bandages, which would hopefully help his skin grow back.

"Mayhem here. With a patient." Who I had just nicked with a scalpel. He'd be asleep in about seven seconds, given his current heart rate.

"Mayhem this is Victor. We captured Bakuda but she says she has a bomb hidden that could take out the whole city if she doesn't send it a regular signal."

I frowned. EMP? No, I couldn't make one big enough. Jammer? No, it was primed to detonate without a signal. Fleet of seeking drones? To long to build them, and I didn't have those sorts of schematics yet.

"How often does she need to send this signal out?" I asked, tying the last bandage.

"No idea. But from her wording she intends to hold the bomb over our heads for a long time. It should be a long enough interval for her to sleep. She isn't nervous about dying right now, my best guess is we have at least an hour."

I thought furiously, then sighed.

"Bring her here. I can force her to tell us how to find it and defuse it."

"How? Torture is unreliable, even for a bio-Tinker."

I thought back to the men and women I'd treated. I could do this. Wouldn't even make me feel bad.

"I'll Tinker with her brain. Make her compliant. It's not hard."

There was a pause from the other end, some muffled conversation, then Victor came back.

"Purity will be bringing her. I'll be there as soon as possible. I hope you know what you're doing."

So did I. Oh, I knew how to manipulate someone's brain. Neural Enhancements was the branch that I was currently most invested in. It was my highest tech at the moment, and I was confident that Bakuda would keep her memories, and loose her ability to say no or lie. Long term there would be problems, she'd probably end up a vegetable unless I put a chip in to regulate things properly, but I knew I could get answers from her.

What I wasn't so sure about was letting the E88 know that I could do this sort of thing. It was… hardly safe. Their recruitment policy was aggressive enough already.

I went to the back room, where Othala had taken the new trigger, knocked, and entered.

The woman was lying on the ground, shards of green crystal turning red with her blood as they pierced her body.

Othala looked up at me, stopped holding the hand of the corpse.

"I… I tried to stop her. As soon as she realized the girl wasn't alive…"

I nodded.

"They have Bakuda. She had a fail-safe, I need to prep for neurosurgery, can you keep healing?"

Othala grimaced, wiped a fine crystal dust from herself, and nodded.

"Yeah. I need a few seconds to collect myself, but I can do this."

I went to the surgery, started Tinkering with the equipment, made up a chemical that when injected correctly would inhibit certain higher thought functions.

I wasn't sure if I would make a neural chip. Bakuda becoming a vegetable was fine by me. On the other hand her bombs might actually hurt the Siberian, and the whole 'trapped behind your own eyes' thing made a good punishment as well.

Choices, choices.
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"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do." I told her. She fell to her knees, crying, and I was moving past her to help a man who'd suffered severe burns when I felt the wave of dizziness.

My neural chip is designed to alert me when it senses the brain activity that coincides with a trigger, or I would have dismissed it as tiredness. Well, I wouldn't have dismissed it for long, it wasn't really a private trigger.
Shouldn't he have blacked out, rather than just felt dizzy? The reason that Capes black out, when someone triggers nearby is because they're seeing the Trigger Vision again, IIRC.
kama. Karma is a concept, kama is a weapon.

nowhere near this sort of volume

Also, triggers knock out all nearby capes. It *seems* as if you wrote that the woman triggered then and there, with three nearby capes that had no issue with it.

Eh. It was another chapter that didn't land in my inbox, so I didn't point these things out beforehand. Not sure why, maybe because it's Easter and I shouldn't be bothered to work, or something. Dunno.
I'd argue that Scion's attack could have been triggered in another way. Kevin Norton could have been made to do it, or that woman who Kevin Norton told Scion to listen to.

Or Cauldron could have seen the dwindling cape numbers, but still held out hope for a Cape that could kill the Endbingers, or hope that Scion would kill more of them. He did kill Behemoth after all.

The whole 'Trigger the Apocalypse while we have as many capes as possible' thing doesn't make a lot of sense, considering that they have very few plans that might actually work against Scion. They could have waited, held out hope that more capes came along with the ability to hurt him. They could have tried to unify the world, so that it was one force fighting Scion, instead of five separate groups.

I've always assumed Contessa's power worked as a "Path to Victory (... that brings about the most conflict)" since its still a shard and is designed to cause conflict, even though it's one of Eden's and not Scion's. So Cauldron's plan wasn't ever going to be the best or the quickest plan to kill Scion, but it the most violent.

EDIT: finished reading 2.7 after I posted, didn't want to double up
The corpse of the child was moving. Cracks were spreading through it's fingers, but the shards of crystal were staying together, making a sort of lattice that let the fingers twitch. Some sort of crystal kinesis, or telekinesis. Or some sort of illusion thing.
possibly worst trigger I've seen, so sad :(
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Shouldn't he have blacked out, rather than just felt dizzy? The reason that Capes black out, when someone triggers nearby is because they're seeing the Trigger Vision again, IIRC.
The other parahumans should have, but Mayhem uses his implant to power through it.

If I had to speculate, it probably temporarily runs something like a stripped down version the Mayhem protocol to keep him doing what he was doing, then feeds him the data and his brain treats it like a bout of dizziness when he regains consciousness.
The other parahumans should have, but Mayhem uses his implant to power through it.

If I had to speculate, it probably temporarily runs something like a stripped down version the Mayhem protocol to keep him doing what he was doing, then feeds him the data and his brain treats it like a bout of dizziness when he regains consciousness.
If that was the case, wouldn't he have noted Othala and Cricket on the ground?
Shouldn't he have blacked out, rather than just felt dizzy? The reason that Capes black out, when someone triggers nearby is because they're seeing the Trigger Vision again, IIRC.

Thanks, fixed. I thought trigger events were a bit more subtle than that, but it's pretty easy to fix.

Thanks, fixed.

Eh. It was another chapter that didn't land in my inbox, so I didn't point these things out beforehand. Not sure why, maybe because it's Easter and I shouldn't be bothered to work, or something. Dunno.

I have goal of daily updates. When I have enough of a backlog to send things to a beta, I do so. Unfortunately I'm having trouble keeping up with that goal. Thank you for your support when I am able to avail myself of it.
I have goal of daily updates. When I have enough of a backlog to send things to a beta, I do so. Unfortunately I'm having trouble keeping up with that goal. Thank you for your support when I am able to avail myself of it.

Sure, no problem.

Well, looking on the bright side posting chapters before any corrections let's people point them out and they have something to talk about, inflating the page count :)

For a pretty good story this hasn't attracted that much attention. Very underrated.