Huh, what the Hell was Lydia doing down here? I doubt she was playing tourist or looking for a quiet place to make out with our brother. Gonna assume she's not just another potential victim, but rather a co-conspirator working with Katrina until proven otherwise.
Her father might have conscripted her into helping him with her work, or she might have read something in his files and interfered unilaterally. Especially if he's missing.
She could have the Corpsetaker's ghost riding in her body like it tried to do to Mortimer Lindqvist in Ghost Story; if she's the Elder Ankou's kid, her magical potential is going to be significant, whether or not she enters the family business. She could be working for Kattrin under duress, or willingly a coconspirator in a patricide.
It might even be a coincidence, if she became aware of the supernatural recently, and is pursuing other stuff here.
Okay. So, probably Lydia's shoes. Probably Lydia's body as well. Molly doesnt have the knowledge to determine if she's carrying anyone from the depth of her footprints.
Sole footsteps means she's either unescorted, or her escorts dont need to walk.
Three hundred dollar fashionable boots means she hasnt been here before, else she would wear something more appropriate for mud and bat guano. Or someone else is driving the body.
She likely doesnt have a drivers license yet at 15ish, so either someone else drove her or she took public transport.
And there are no expensive cars out front in the business mall's parking lot.
Following her tracks is out of the question of course; Molly has Survival 0, no survival charms for tracking, no tracking spells, and there are no maps of Undertown for Clippy to access.
Plus, we called EMTs. We're on a six to thirty minutes timer before emergency services show up.
That said, we could burn a Crown of Eyes question on this.
Specifically, not on Lydia herself, but her shoes.