Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Arc 15 Post 43: The Priest and the Puppeteer
The Priest and the Puppeteer

13th of March 2007 A.D.

Those who would delve the Labyrinth are ever ready to step into the fray to find the secrets of forgotten places and thereby grow in learning, in stature and in power, but even they cannot arrive before a sliver of the day had passed, two hours as the clock tells, thirty degrees as the far sun marks the sky, as important to you today as its passage was to the Egyptians long ago. Still Lydia had not wasted the time, considering how she might address those whose bones lie in the dust. Softly at first then brighter and brighter, she begins to glow driving back the shadows into the depths of the temple casting all that was left of the ill timed expedition into sharp relief, bones and buttons and there an old crucifix. Her words ring out with clarity but not command, nor are they spoken in the English of Chicago, Sidney, New Delhi or Singapore, no tongue of present day at all, but verse borrowed from another age:

"Nor you, ye proud, impute to these the fault,
If Mem'ry o'er their tomb no trophies raise,
Where thro' the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault
The pealing anthem swells the note of praise."

As if touched by some secret wind or moved by the coils of an unseen serpent the bones begin to rattle. Without conscious thought your fingers begin to creep around the familiar weight of brass not yet alight. But Lydia's not done, not by far as she continues to cajole:

"Can storied urn or animated bust
Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?
Can Honour's voice provoke the silent dust,
Or Flatt'ry soothe the dull cold ear of Death?"

The green translucence of old glass begins to take take form at the edge where silver meets black, though it reveals nothing further than itself, an old and weary light if ever you had seen one. And such it is recognized by one long in the company of death:

"Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid
Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire;
Hands, that the rod of empire might have sway'd,
Or wak'd to ecstasy the living lyre."

No sooner had she spoken the word 'fire' that the light took shape, if shape so ephemeral a thing could be called, a priest in black robes of his calling, his bloodless face under chalk-white wig twisted in confusion: "Pray tell, what doth compel thee to intrude upon my solitude? Wherefore dost thou extend false illumination?"

"No false light, not liar's hope I proffer onto thee, speak of thine sorrows and avenged thou shall be!" Lydia answers simply. "Declare now thine name, that we may discern the proper place for thy hallowed interment, no more than answers shall we need of thee."

A sigh without breath parts his lips: "Should this be the Devil's wile, it would seem he hath grown weary of his jest. What I know I shall convey onto the ruin of Him that ruined me, witch-child."

Letting go of the sword, now that it's clear Lydia had worked her magic you focus on the specter, the words, the moment-in-time: What are the reactions to this?

HE knows, He is listening... spirit strings pulled taunt.
You briefly glimpse a withered hand moving over a bleached white knuckle bone and know it is the priest's. The poor wraith speaks truth, for now as the old monster observes though his eyes, but at any moment he could usurp the ghost's lips and feed you lies.

But now you know and he does not know you do.

Lydia Essence 6/7
Molly Essence 18/18 (Urge Used)

What do you do?

[] Let things play out, look for sings that the vampire has usurped control and try to read him through the lies he told his puppet

[] Try to break the necromantic connection by bringing the wraith to Sanctuary

[] Write in

OOC: Good thought on the question. The verses Lydia used are from Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Grey if anyone's wondering. They are from the time he was alive and relevant to the circumstances.
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Maybe just speak directly to the puppeteer and avoid the middle man entirely?
With the ghost as the focus: "Where is the puppetmaster?"

Do the spiritcallers of our soul have a method to send a spirit, or curse, or something along the connection?

Idea for a plan:

-ask silentöy where he is.
-send hiddenly instructions:
->to get a group to hunt him down
->to get a curse through the connection

-then stall for time
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Would Lydia's Command the Dead charm be easier? It is intended to counter necromancy.

Unfortunately that does not work on ghosts, it's too brute force.

Command the Dead (•)
Exerting the combined pressure of Essence and will, the Exigent may order the bodies of the fallen to stand and do her bidding.
System: The player spends 1 Essence and rolls Charisma + Leadership. If attempting to usurp control of a zombie or similar mindless corpse-servant from another necromancer, the difficulty is the controlling character's Willpower. If attempting to exhort a corpse to stand up and serve her, the difficulty is 6. A zombie created or commandeered with this Charm will obey the Exigent's commands to the best of its very limited abilities. Zombies animated by Command the Dead lose their animation after one cycle of the moon unless stationed within a Dragon Nest, whose power may sustain them indefinitely.

Her Ghost-facing powers are socials which is already used on him.
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What does Molly roll to counter spell, if you don't mind me asking? Sorry I don't remember.
Intelligence + Occult

[X] Plan: Severance
-[X] Use the crown on the scene, Where is the vampire behind this Spirits strings? 1 Essence
-[X] Unravel the vampiric magic with Counterspell
--[X] Boiling Sea Mastery
--[X] Occult Excellency 1 Essence
--[X] Stunt: Pouring your canteen down the back of your shirt and with the knowledge of the black vampires location securely in your mind. You raise your arm and with a slow dismissive wave of your hand as shadows coalesce nearly a liquid around your fingers you unravel the foul necromancy that binds the spirit to the defiled corpse.
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How does Counterspell work here? Does it target a specific instance of Vampiric magic, the power being used to puppet the ghost in this case, or does it seek to extinguish all of the Vampire's magic in the chamber?
Does it target a specific instance of Vampiric magic, the power being used to puppet the ghost in this case
This is exactly how counter spells work targets a specific instance or one person using a magic unraveling a room of a type of magic would be something like a prime sphere spell rather than something that can be done with sorcery maybe you could do it with Mana manipulation and counterspell but not with just counter spell as a sorcerer.
This is exactly how counter spells work targets a specific instance or one person using a magic unraveling a room of a type of magic would be something like a prime sphere spell rather than something that can be done with sorcery maybe you could do it with Mana manipulation and counterspell but not with just counter spell as a sorcerer.
Do Molly or Lydia have the ability to sense whether there are other instances of the Vampire's power active in the chamber? Without using a Crown question, I mean.

Is that like a Perception + Occult roll or something similar?
Do Molly or Lydia have the ability to sense whether there are other instances of the Vampire's power active in the chamber? Without using a Crown question, I mean.

Is that like a Perception + Occult roll or something similar?
Neither of them at least to my knowledge have the ability to do that none of them have a general magic Vision like would be granted by Mana manipulation or the prime sphere nor do they have aura seeing charms of non-living things.

Though they could functionally grope around in the dark looking for magic using Perception + Awareness

Mage the Ascension 20th anniversary edition Pg. 276 said:
You've got uncanny perceptions. While alert folks spot everyday clues, your instincts cue in on the so-called supernatural side of life. Perhaps you've simply got that feeling about things some people do, even if they're not Awakened as such. More likely, you've spent enough time around the magical world to sense its effects in your presence.

At lower levels, this Talent grants a nebulous perception of uncanny phenomena; higher ratings in the Trait reveal auras, expose the secretive Night-Folk, and open your eyes to the spiritual Periphery. In game terms, you can use Perception + Awareness to spot paranormal effects, detect magick, recognize Resonance Echoes, and so forth, assuming they're within close proximity of you. The more successes you roll, the more detailed your impressions become.
For a reference chart of aura colors and textures, see Chapter Ten, (p.507).
• Novice: You possess a gift for spotting hidden truths.
•• Practiced: Magic exists, and you often sense its presence.
••• Skillful: You can see auras, and you understand what those colors mean.
•••• Expert: The supernatural world reveals itself to you in disturbing detail.
••••• Master: You're so attuned to the mystic realm that many folks consider you insane.
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none of them have a general magic Vision like would be granted by Mana manipulation or the prime sphere nor do they have or aura seeing charms of non-living things.
The Sight would also probably grant that. Which is something we could learn from Dresden.

Not going to vote till I get caught up, hands full lately. This snowstorm is crazy.
[X] Plan Queen's Rebuke
-[X] Activate By Rage Recast with essence if not already active
-[X] Activate Occult Excellency, and activate BSM
-[X] Use two actions (multiple actions, dice pool preserved with By Rage Recast)
--[X] Use Counterspelling
--[X] Use Shadow Spite Curse as an additional action
-[X] STUNT: In one swift move, you take out a flask of water from your pocket, uncork the stopper, and pour it over both your head, and the priest. The water is not holy, but it doesn't need to be - it establishes, or, rather, severs the connection well enough, the physical representation of your spiritual effort. You strike, and undo whatever the action the Vampire is doing, attacking from two fronts, the shadows come alive under your will undermining the very effort he is making before it starts, and the concentration of your will finishing the rest

Possibly one more essence spent (if Molly didn't activate By Rage Recast offscreen before the start of Lydia going dark), but should be much more efficient.
[X] Plan Queen's Rebuke
-[X] Activate By Rage Recast with essence if not already active
-[X] Activate Occult Excellency, and activate BSM
-[X] Use two actions (multiple actions, dice pool preserved with By Rage Recast)
--[X] Use Counterspelling
--[X] Use Shadow Spite Curse as an additional action
-[X] STUNT: In one swift move, you take out a flask of water from your pocket, uncork the stopper, and pour it over both your head, and the priest. The water is not holy, but it doesn't need to be - it establishes, or, rather, severs the connection well enough, the physical representation of your spiritual effort. You strike, and undo whatever the action the Vampire is doing, attacking from two fronts, the shadows come alive under your will undermining the very effort he is making before it starts, and the concentration of your will finishing the rest

Possibly one more essence spent (if Molly didn't activate By Rage Recast offscreen before the start of Lydia going dark), but should be much more efficient.
Is that allowed?
System: Concentrating fully upon her target, the Infernal's player makes a Willpower roll against difficulty 7. If in combat, this is her action for the current turn. For each success she rolls, her target loses one die from whatever action they're currently attempting.
Pretty sure SSC isn't something you can just throw in alongside other actions per turn.
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Is that allowed?

Pretty sure SSC isn't something you can just throw in alongside other actions per turn.
It's possible to do multiple actions. It works as follows (ExvsWoD revised, page 33 and 34):
Multiple Actions
Exalted vs World of Darkness uses the multiple ac-
tion rules from V20 Dark Ages. If you don't own that
book, they work like this:
When you want to perform more than one action
at a time, you must first declare how many actions
you're going to take. Then, the first suffers a –1 die
penalty, and also raises its difficulty by +1, with each ac-
tion afterward increasing the penalty and difficulty by
one additional point. If this would push the difficulty
higher than 9, then no more actions can be taken. Ad-
ditionally, when using multiple actions, no more than
one action may be an attack.
Design Note: This version of the 20 th Anniversary
multiple action rules was chosen chiefly because while
multiple actions can be exciting and useful in moder-
ation, watching characters roll out attack after attack
after attack slows play to a crawl when it happens every
turn. Many Exalts can trivially generate enormous dice
pools, and the "split up your dice pool between your
various actions" version of the multiple action rules
were a recipe for disaster in that respect.
You can't do multiple attacks per turn, but multiple actions are possible, with some very steep penalties for any additional action. Thanks to Extra Limbs feature of By Rage Recast, we don't suffer the decreases dice pool for bonus actions, and BSM adds a -1 DC counter, which negates the penalty for the first additional action.

So, yes, this should be allowed per the rules, and we did multiple actions at least once before in the game.
@Yog What.. Did you read the quote I gave on Shadow Spite Curse? It literally says that you can't.
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@Yog What.. Did you read the quote I gave on Shadow Spite Curse? It literally says that you can't.
Yes, I did. Shadow Spite Curse is an action. There are rules on taking multiple actions per turn, which I quoted:
When you want to perform more than one action
at a time
, you must first declare how many actions
you're going to take. Then, the first suffers a –1 die
penalty, and also raises its difficulty by +1, with each ac-
tion afterward increasing the penalty and difficulty by
one additional point. If this would push the difficulty
higher than 9, then no more actions can be taken. Ad-
ditionally, when using multiple actions, no more than
one action may be an attack.
We are taking two actions in a single turn. This normally results in the second action (Shadow Spite Curse) suffering from +1 DC and -1 dicepool penalty. By Rage Recast, reflexively activated by spending 1 essence, removes the dicepool penalty, and BSM counters the DC increase penalty.