Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

...I really am dubious on the whole idea to begin with, selling it to the people who enforce the Laws that we can lessen the problems people have in breaking them is definitely gonna take some fast-talking.
Which option is the legend forging?? A item??

But the spirit one is the one that feels the most mass produceable. It needs to be scalable with population.
[X] Offer to use False Spring Beckon on one of them for something trivial
-[X][Stunt]"Do any of you happen to have any physical or mental faults that I can use as a demonstration. Coffee or Sugar addiction maybe a old wound which aches?"
Ok... I know I am sounding like a broken record, but seeing the description and the image... Is Gatekeeper a straight up Elder Sidereal here? Of Endings specifically, given the coloration.
Ok... I know I am sounding like a broken record, but seeing the description and the image... Is Gatekeeper a straight up Elder Sidereal here? Of Endings specifically, given the coloration.
If he was a Sidereal he wouldn't have a position depending on personal reputation. Dynamic larping only goes so far.
I… honestly have no clue how to open this really?
Personally I like the familiar pigeons, but that's probably my biased opinion that proper necromancy isn't Evil, it's simply the other half of life magic.

Edit: plus it leans into Molly's "useful but really creepy" theme, and I love that
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[X] Plan Complex Solution
-[X] Outline the possibilities based and how they work both on their own and as a complex multi-prong solution
--[X] Start with False Springs Beckon as a temporary measure while more permanent solutions, either through all warlocks going through the Doom of Damocles or something else is found. The way to alleviate the immediate pressure and stop deterioration
---[X] Empathy excellency
--[X] Continue with your ability to forge wonders, and the range of possibilities those open, from stripping someone of their magic as alternative to murder to making someone literally unable to break the Laws at all. Explain the costs involved and how you'll need the council's help to gather supplies
---[X] Explain the Books of Laws in detail. Such books will both prevent anyone from slipping further into Lawbreaking, and prevent appearance of new unwilling warlocks, allowing for complex and time consuming healing to take place.
---[X] Occult Excellency to explain better, and Source Code Compliance Protocol if everyone present consents to its use
--[X] Finish with the familiars, as a way to prevent lawbreaking from affecting the unwitting, as an alternative to strict solution of Books of Laws, as a more flexible solution, one that is alive, self-propagating and isn't reliant on centralized subvertable infrastructure
--[X] TTC + excellency + DC reducers and other tricks + Clippy's help to have prepared a detailed presentation, with statistics, projected costs, effects, times to implement various parts, risks, etc.
-[X] STUNT: "While I am very proud of the help I was able to provide Olivia", you gesture to your Circlemate and a bowl of stroganina in front of her, "this would actually be a terrible idea for this particular issue. What I offered to her required strength of will and internal self-discipline. It's not for those already afflicted with mental issue". You smile just a bit, trying to lighten the mood. "No, my proposal is rather more complex than this. Here, I have prepared some slides" you say, pulling out a portable holographic projector.

Powerpoint is truly the bane of all proposals, and a demonic tool. Which is why TTC should be ideal for the job. More seriously though - these are ancient archmages, and effective leaders of wizardkind. A combination of scientists, politicians, engineers and warriors. The more detailed and prepared we are, the better. They can appreciate that. We are betting on talking to rulers of gerontocratic technocracy. So, approach this as a policy proposal. As worked out as possible. Details, technicalities, etc.
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So, the way I see the complex solution we can offer is:
1) FSB as a temporary solution. It can't be a permanent one as it creates dependency on Molly on an institutional level. This needs to be acknowledged. Wizards can work on finding their own solution that's not murder if they don't accept anything else. Like Doom of Damocles, only better. Should be doable at least for some.
2) Exalted craft. Both as specific solution (Books of Law), and as a general "come up with an idea, I will most likely be able to make it a reality if you bring me enough dead bodies of ancient monsters". Speaking of, making a dedicated spirit to handle healing might work.
3) Pigeon familiars. They act as a buffer against corruption, and are self-perpetuating. It's a solution that doesn't require the council to rule through tyranny, which is important.

A combination of all those should be mentioned. Our proposed plan should offer options, should be flexible. From "you trust me unconditionally and get me all the resources I ask for" to "there's no trust, and you are opposing me". Because realistically the council cannot really afford to stop pigeons from being resurrected.
You would need one of these for each of the Laws since it covers Attribute+Ability (Specialty). Black Magic is not all one specialty, but each law falls under a different kind of magic. Otherwise yes it will work as designed and while a skilled enough mage could counters-spell themselves out of it no one without the ability to use Ancient Sorcery could trick the book into not marking them for it.

The issue is, since Dresden can now teach Essence, that opens up the possibility that someone could learn Ancient Sorcery and evade the Book of Law's detection of their break the Laws.
The issue is, since Dresden can now teach Essence, that opens up the possibility that someone could learn Ancient Sorcery and evade the Book of Law's detection of their break the Laws.
There are three rebukes to this:
1) The solution does not need to be Exalted-grade perfect to be an improvement on the current situation or even an acceptable solution
2) While the Essence Enlightenment grants the ability to learn Ancient Sorcery to mortals, it's only to terrestrial level, and they actually have to learn said sorcery. We get visions from First Age, possibly because we have Brigid's exaltation. Harry and other wizards don't get that benefit. Harry might have something like that if he awakens past lives, and a dedicated warlock might get something from outsiders (if they are the type of warlock to deal with outsiders), but in general the probability of a lawbreaker with relevant ancient sorcery is negligible
3) The books are only a part of a complex series of measures intended to reduce lawbreaking and consequences of lawbreaking.

Basically, it's still a good idea.
The issue is, since Dresden can now teach Essence, that opens up the possibility that someone could learn Ancient Sorcery and evade the Book of Law's detection of their break the Laws.
But wouldn't, by its nature, ancient sorcery not count as breaking the law? It's an entirely different system than will working isn't it?

That aside:

[X] Plan Complex Solution
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I swear it's safe bro I swear no permanent damage bro it's all good nothing to worry about no soul selling or anything here no sir I swear you just have to do whatever I say or the pain returns what I didn't say anything don't worry it's perfectly safe bro just gimme your wizards I promise I won't take eat any human souls I swear I'm a vegan-