Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

What can Molly even tell the Merlin about herself that isn't known already after this long night? It's not like she knows for certain what she is either…?
What can Molly even tell the Merlin about herself that isn't known already after this long night? It's not like she knows for certain what she is either…?

The larger concern isn't what you are, but what you just did. Someone might well suspect you knew a lot more about the traitors than you let on and for a lot longer. Rolls will be made but given the Merlin's merits and inclinations expect him to draw some conclusions Molly might find uncomfortable.
Makes in-universe sense that this effect requires in part that you help do it to yourself.
If we'd brought Morgan, we'd have needed to keep shintai up.
Molly has Boiling Sea Mastery active, I believe, so that Int + Occult roll should have been DC5.
Which would have made it 8 successes. Legendary, but not double Legendary.

I now wonder what would have happened if Molly remembered to have her sorcerers just cast a Fortune effect on him.
No time for it, Im guessing.
He probably can still spend Willpower anyway.

McCoy is certainly getting an eyeful.
I wonder which he finds more jarring: Lydia's trying hard to be Taken Seriously mixed with genuine arcane authority, or Molly's almost schizophrenic switches between normal American teenager and knowledgeable hellqueen.

And noone's even tried to explain Sophia to any of the Senior Council. :V
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The larger concern isn't what you are, but what you just did. Someone might well suspect you knew a lot more about the traitors than you let on and for a lot longer. Rolls will be made but given the Merlin's merits and inclinations expect him to draw some conclusions Molly might find uncomfortable.
About their existence? Yeah. Thats hardly a secret.

Its been evident to anyone with a brain that the Council had an internal security problem at a senior level.
At least, to anyone who heard the reports of the results of the attack on Archangel at the beginning of the war and then what happened during Dead Beat.

The Red/Outsider hitsquad chasing McCoy on Molly's first night out strongly suggested that the Reds had human spellcaster support; the Nazi sorcerer Gorfels only confirmed it, and formally put Molly on notice that there was Council involvement.
And there's precedent; Im pretty sure Kemmler, Grevane and Corpsetaker were all White Council members originally.

The lack of any reports of arrests or APBs would have suggested the perpetrators were still at large, and to move carefully.

It is however, worth noting that Molly has only been active for around 8 months now.
Its impossible for her to have known about the traitors for longer than that, unless we're positing atemporal fuckery.

Also worth noting that
1) The Council does have Divination experts, and Im pretty sure Rashid's....everything hasnt escaped notice
2) Molly has demonstrated she has a deep corps of magical experts to fall back on
3) As wizards get older, the Sight acquires a degree of precognition. The Council arent exactly going to be blindsided by the idea that a powerful supernatural who turns their attention to something might have insights that arent mundanely explicable
At some point we are going to have to come clean about just how powerful our ability to divine information is and I want to suggest a line...

Molly - "Of all the powers in and out of this world, I know of only one who found a way to stop me divining their secrets - The White God."

Merlin - "How?"

Molly - "He asked nicely for me to refrain from looking."
I like the White Council and I trust them a lot more now that they aren't full of traitors, but there's no need to reveal the Crown currently. We aren't a subordinate, we're a helpful ally that just played a crucial part in saving the entire White Council.

Explain enough to make it clear we didn't purposely arrange things to come out on top, and that's all we need to do. Info-sec is paramount when we're talking about a secret like the Crown. We can be nicer about shutting down the Merlin then we did Odin, but shut him down we still should.
The next post will be an interlude from Harry's PoV. In the meantime you guys might want to consider how you are going to explain your... everything to the Merlin if you find him alive, he is the most likely to ask detailed questions because that is the kind of person he is and Molly has that sense of him.
Well I am going to vote to tell him to pound sand. Well maybe we can say "I knew Peabody was a rat the first instance I saw him, but also knew that convincing anyone of that with no evidence would be a uphill battle."
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I like the White Council and I trust them a lot more now that they aren't full of traitors, but there's no need to reveal the Crown currently. We aren't a subordinate, we're a helpful ally that just played a crucial part in saving the entire White Council.

Explain enough to make it clear we didn't purposely arrange things to come out on top, and that's all we need to do. Info-sec is paramount when we're talking about a secret like the Crown. We can be nicer about shutting down the Merlin then we did Odin, but shut him down we still should.
Its not about revealing the Crown; I dont think anyone is suggesting that, and Id vote against it.
Its about shaping the perceptions and impressions of Senior Council leadership on how Molly gets information.

Sure, we can tell them to pound sand.
But then they will come to their own conclusions without our influence, and those conclusions can be varying forms of harmless to misleading to actually dangerous.

Nuh uh.
Also we should use the Crown on our conversation with Odin to ask what insight he gained from the phone call.
Of course we are.
Eventually. At some point.
There are advantages to being known as a source of reliable information.

The trick there is to actually invest in actual Divination Path sorcery, and eventually the Sight, and maybe even a Prodigy/Splendor, to help obscure our possession of the Crown.
Allowing us to launder information and insights.

Definitely expanding the Cyberdevil network as well.
Same with Lydia and her Spies(Ghosts) Background.
Of course we are.
Eventually. At some point.
There are advantages to being known as a source of reliable information.
That's different from telling them of the Crown though which is what he was referring to. Molly doesn't have other ways of divination herself right now.
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I like the White Council and I trust them a lot more now that they aren't full of traitors, but there's no need to reveal the Crown currently. We aren't a subordinate, we're a helpful ally that just played a crucial part in saving the entire White Council.

Explain enough to make it clear we didn't purposely arrange things to come out on top, and that's all we need to do. Info-sec is paramount when we're talking about a secret like the Crown. We can be nicer about shutting down the Merlin then we did Odin, but shut him down we still should.
I don't see why we have to be any nicer when we shut him down than when we do the same with Odin. Molly hasn't been around long enough to get involved in any of this and all supernatural powers have more information than they want to admit, and we don't have to answer to anyone when we act on our information, because we don't have a firm alliance with WC, being at best collaborators against the Reds, Molly was firmly established as an enemy from the outside, destroying so many of their plans during the less than a year she was active, etc.

He can be as suspicious as he wants, but he has no right to know our information, control our decisions regarding it, or even criticize us for not getting involved in the stupidity that WC himself caused by not being able to defend his own members. Not to mention that we just saved a lot of wizards, defeated a lot of strong enemies and come save him even when members of his own organization didn't care about him, just for politics (fuck Mai). He reprimands us after all this, with few people and political crisis happening? I dare him to do that.

Besides, it would be enough to say "we had incomplete information about high-level traitors in the Council and were considering how to proceed but both I and the other side ended up forcing each other's hand unintentionally". There is no technical truth truer than that.
The trick there is to actually invest in actual Divination Path sorcery, and eventually the Sight, and maybe even a Prodigy/Splendor, to help obscure our possession of the Crown.
Allowing us to launder information and insights.
No one really cares about the mechanism of the crown. Everyone cased about what the crown does. We can say anything from "Uriel is allowed to tell us secrets" to "the universe is actually in a time loop and we know what happened in the previous iterations", and it wouldn't really matter. As long as we demonstrate the capability, we'll be considered dangerous.
No one really cares about the mechanism of the crown. Everyone cased about what the crown does. We can say anything from "Uriel is allowed to tell us secrets" to "the universe is actually in a time loop and we know what happened in the previous iterations", and it wouldn't really matter. As long as we demonstrate the capability, we'll be considered dangerous.
The problem is that we also want to be considered too useful to ignore and the venn diagram of "Too useful to ignore" and "dangerous" is just a circle.
We were toeing the line of being too useful to not cooperate with when we unveiled our own Inner World and set up an arms deal with the White Council.

We definitely became too useful to not help, when we saved Las Vegas from the Apocalpyse.

Now? After killing a Lord of Outer Night to openly support the Wardens, and nigh-singlehandedly changing the Black Council's betrayal from a killing blow to just a painful and debilitating one? The White Council owes us, big-time, and is very much well-inclined to helping us out, since it also needs us.

Sad as it is, Molly is now the closest and most powerful ally the White Council has. The Fae are definitionally untrustworthy and the Church simply can't support the White Council the way it needs against the Red Court, at least as long as the Masquerade is up.
A very good speech, which also reflects well the tactics of the forces of entropy in such situations. Although I sometimes cringe with the words to stop being human, but in the context of the setting it can be forgiven.
We were toeing the line of being too useful to not cooperate with when we unveiled our own Inner World and set up an arms deal with the White Council.

We definitely became too useful to not help, when we saved Las Vegas from the Apocalpyse.

Now? After killing a Lord of Outer Night to openly support the Wardens, and nigh-singlehandedly changing the Black Council's betrayal from a killing blow to just a painful and debilitating one? The White Council owes us, big-time, and is very much well-inclined to helping us out, since it also needs us.

Sad as it is, Molly is now the closest and most powerful ally the White Council has. The Fae are definitionally untrustworthy and the Church simply can't support the White Council the way it needs against the Red Court, at least as long as the Masquerade is up.
1) Actually I dont think the White Council knew Molly had disappeared Arianna Ortega before the unnamed Lord of Outer Night we just killed announced it to Morgan and his team.

She may not have even been on the list of potential suspects; see McCoy's assertions about Molly's lack of subtlety. The capability of disappearing a Duchess of the Red Court plus entourage plus plane in mid-air in the middle of Red Court-controlled territory was probably not something many wizards would expect of the girl you can detect from across the Atlantic.

Molly is so noisy most of the time that when she sneaks, its entirely unexpected.

2) Not the closest ally; that would be the Venatori Umborum, who they have worked hand in glove with for centuries.
Certainly not the most powerful; the Fae are not reliable, but the Summer Court have actually brought an army to the Council's aid in a major battle at least once, and Council logistics depend on Winter Court safe passage treaties.

Molly is just the most powerful that is free to act as she so pleases.
I said closest and most powerful. I sure don't see any other allies helping out in this, the White Council's greatest hour of need, no?