Oh also not sure you just left it out
@uju32 but the queens aren't the only new things the mothers are too well relatively new and ladies.
Summer Knight chapter 10:
"Harry, I said it could have been one of the Queens."
I blinked up at the skull. "There are more than two?"
"Yeah, technically there are three."
"In each Court."
"Three Queens in each Court? Six?" That's just silly."
"Not if you think about it. Each Court has three Queens: The Queen Who Was, the Queen Who Is, and the Queen Who Is to Come."
"Great. Which one does the Knight work for?"
"All of them. It's kind of a group thing. He has different duties to each Queen."
I felt the headache start at the base of my neck and creep toward the crown of my head. "Okay, Bob. I need to know about these Queens."
"Which ones? The ones Who Are, Who Were, or Who Are to Come?"
I stared at the skull for a second, while the headache settled comfortably in. "There's got to be a simpler parlance than that."
"That's so typical. You won't steal a baby, but you're too lazy to conjugate."
"Hey," I said, "my sex life has nothing to do with—"
"Conjugate, Harry. Conju—oh, why do I even bother? The Queen is just the Queen. Queen Titania, Queen Mab. The Queen Who Was is called the Mother. The Queen Who Is to Come is known as the Lady. Right now, the Winter Lady is Maeve. The Summer Lady is Aurora."
Generally, when the term Queens is used in plural in the Dresdenverse, they are referring to all of them.
Not just Mab or Titania.
I understand what Yog is saying the fact that the white court the Jade court The red court What remains of the black Court ghouls Demons evil gods the faery at all And countless other people Eaters killers and enslavers. The idea that the chosen would go about deciding to destroy the entire world or otherwise jeopardized the world itself instead of trying to get rid of those things. First is an inherently misanthropic. Because in the end there will be Just as many twilights is there are Zeniths Eclipses. For Every dawn or daybreak that goes loud And Destructive, there will be Others to undo the damage . This of course ignores the fact that 2/3 of the lunars are also not violence oriented. All of the Sidereals Work to preserve and find The Secrets ends and ensure the Journey's of the world.
Pretty much all of the infernals would be drawn into lockcombat with their local Evil supernatural factions For the chance to be the one true king of that area wether that be The thousand Hells or material underworlds Is up to chance. Abbysals Follow the same pattern as solar's. Except they happened to look creepy and be slightly better at killing stuff flat out. They have no reason to throw themselves in with outsiders or enemies of humanity anymore than any other human does.
My dude. Canonically Abyssal Exalted are
supposed to destroy the world in Exalted 2E.
Thats what the Neverborn want them to do, corrupted their Exaltations to do. After their freedom from the Jade Vault, there were around 100 Abyssals, compared to roughly 150 Solars and 50 Infernals.
This is how the Abyssals are introduced in ExWoD:
ExWoD p26 said:
There came a day, perhaps the darkest day of the Age of Legends, when 100 of its greatest heroes fell into darkness and were forever transformed by the dead gods who dwelled there in silence and spite. They became death's bleak riders, journeying forth from the Underworld to perform the great and terrible works of the grave. When the Age of Legends thrashed and bled through its final days, theirs were the gauntleted fists that gripped Creation's hair and sought to draw a knife across its throat. They failed, in the end: though they grievously wounded the world, it limped on into a new and lesser epoch, and the deathknights were imprisoned where they could never again threaten the living.
Or at least, they should have been. Now the Black Vault is open and the great heroes of myth have returned... and the slayers of men and nations along with them.
They are literally called Agents of Extinction.
The fact that the Neverborn arent supposed to exist any longer to coerce them doesnt change the criteria used to choose them, or the goals programmed into their shards.
And thats before you look at the rest of the Exalts, who come from different walks of life and different nations.
Exalts span the breadth of human experience, some of them grievously wronged, and some just want to watch the world burn.
Do not assume altruism.
We don't know how physically big an Old One is. I am very worried about it.
Its magic. Physical size has nothing to do with this.
And like I have said previously, there's a lot of prisons on Earth for intruding entities, from the Sleeper in the Pacific to Demonreach in Lake Michigan.
What does this refer to then? I don't see an alternative explanation. It shouldn't carry over, yes, but the world has been broken and remade, and the rules are different than they were. It is the answer to how Dresden's magic is different from that of other White Council members (including Rashid's by the way).
At the very least this, coupled with the mention of Salinan working, establishes a strong enough basis to try and teach Harry Ancient Sorcery.
We have insufficient data to support this assertion.
Molly isnt learning Ancient Sorcery spells by looking at nature where its encoded; if she didnt have the Brigid's Heir Merit that gets shit from her Exaltation, she would have to track down physical records and read them.
Note that the Crown itself did not interpret any special significance to the words you bolded.
Furthermore, the example of Dragonblooded and Sidereal Martial Arts in Creation very much suggests that we dont fucking try shit unless we know what the fuck we're doing here. These are primordial energies, and there's risk not just to the user, but to everyone around him.
Everytime a DB tried to initiate a SMA charm in Exalted 2E, it blew up the DB, his dojo, and a couple square miles of adjacent Creation. Even in the Dresdenverse, soulfire explicitly required Uriel giving Dresden access to it; he couldnt just learn that shit, even though he was apparently powering it with his soul.
True Faith merit exists and can produce active effects. And I wasn't referring to whampire wizards, but to whampires in general using their disciplines. Or people like brother Devsimar, who can use their life energy for certain things without being able to use normal magic. Point is, ability to use Ancient Sorcery and ability to use mortal wizardry are separate things, this has good enough mechanical and narrative basis.
True Faith and Faith magic in this AU exists in a setting where there is an existent Heavenly infrastructure with a vigilant White God and activist loyal angels. Humans get to generate it, but they dont have any control over how it manifests.
The Knights dont actively manipulate it, and they actually carry Swords.
You kinda have to be both a wizard and a Believer to actively manipulate faith magic.
Whampires literally all have a magic demon inside their heads responsible for their superpowers.
Shih bridges I have no idea about the theoretical basis of how they work in this universe.
Could be Sponsored Magic.
Molly isnt learning it the same way mortals do, so she doesnt have any insight.