Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

We would want the united exalted host for that. At the very least I would want all 50 infernals fully awakened as Primordials and acting in concert before we bash open the Outer Gates and dare Old Ones to approach.
That's basically impossible, or at least a really bad idea. Remember the ruling we got that Molly's ability to go full heresy was inherited due to the actions of past wielders, and was absurdly rare even among exalts?

For the vast majority of them the only ascension path that might be available is becoming the rebirth of a Yozi. Which is a solid little old lady who swallowed a fly moment if there ever was one.

That's discounting the fact that the resulting wars from 10 exalts running around, much less 50, would probably kill reality way before that point.

Totally agree. At this point us going to school is mostly cost sunk fallacy.
Only from the perspective of min-maxing. It's something that at minimum matters to Molly's parents and to her social health even if it doesn't have an obvious mechanical benefit.

We also know that it has benefited us narratively at least one other time from Marcone's interlude. It's one of the early pieces of evidence Gard picked up on to determine Molly was still in the driver's seat. Which has likely had a significant impact on how friendly Odin was with us.
@DragonParadox : There obviously isn't anything in the crafting rules about this, but can we make something so Lydia sends souls to our hell?
Even if we can make a soul teleporter or something, there are always essence containers.

They come with the ability to just dump souls and be reused, so she could catch ghosts like Pokemon and release them in the FCF once a week or so.
That and they can soak lethal damage with full stamina since they no longer have to worry about minor stuff like 'internal organs'. It would also suspend the need for food and rest as well as other biological processes, you could say keep someone from bleeding out with this.
Hmm, might be counter-productive then. Since, I assume, the weapon is not going to do aggravated damage against them (that was the second part of why I chose ghost transformation initially, since the weapon deals aggravated damage against them).

Ok, testing alternative approach: if we take Soul Snare instead:
The Splendor captures souls. It may hold a number of souls equal to its rating. Captured soul of
potent supernatural beings may later be fashioned into Prodigies or used in Splendor-crafting.
Lesser souls might be bartered to beings interested in them, or used as display pieces.
To use Soul Snare as an Adornment, the Splendor must also have Form of Imminent Violence.
The soul of anyone slain by the Splendor is drawn into it.
As a Fascination, Soul Snare either indiscriminately absorbs the soul of anyone who dies in its
vicinity, or may be designed to exercise discretion and only capture certain departing souls. If
combined with the Form of Dust and Ash, anyone who dies while interacting with the Splendor
whose soul is not trapped by it is guaranteed to linger in the Underworld as a wraith. Coupled
with Form of Dust and Ash and a location-type Form such as Form of the Hearth, this fate
befalls anyone who dies in the Splendor's area of effect.
Would Lydia be able to release captured souls via Rest Granting Strike and regain essence that way?
That's basically impossible, or at least a really bad idea. Remember the ruling we got that Molly's ability to go full heresy was inherited due to the actions of past wielders, and was absurdly rare even among exalts?

For the vast majority of them the only ascension path that might be available is becoming the rebirth of a Yozi. Which is a solid little old lady who swallowed a fly moment if there ever was one.

That's discounting the fact that the resulting wars from 10 exalts running around, much less 50, would probably kill reality way before that point.
I am fairly sure that wasn't the conclusion regarding the possible development. It was something about Molly having an easy time due to her previous life possibly going Devil Tiger, but the ability to develop their kingdom is at the very core of what Infernals are in ExvsWoD, the future potential Jade Emperors vying to take the reigns of the world in the next age. I don't think it was removed.

And I fundamentally disagree that the only way to deal with exalted is not to have exalted. That is a defeatist approach.
[X] Yog
So, since we're on the topic of Outsiders... Do they map directly to anything in Exalted? They seem to be old enough to remember "ages past" so they were probably around when Creation was a thing. But I can't seem to place them. They don't fit as either demons or underworld spirits and they don't fit as Rakhsa either, despite those being the closest Creation had to "Outsiders". Furthermore, we've met a Rakhsa and it was distinctly different from an Outsider.
Tl;dr: Wtf are Outsiders in the context of Exalted?

Is there anywhere I can read more about this?
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Creation survived 300 Solar-tier Exalted, and much more in other kinds.

Sure, the current world will massively change, but not end.
It survived 300 focused exalts brought up on one team with an existing structure capable of keeping them together and war they had no choice but to fight to hold their attention.

Let's play this game on earth. 5 people exalt in the balkans, each from a different ethnic, religious, and/or political group. Maybe a few on either side of the DMZ, and in random spots in Myanmar.

How about someone dying in a drone strike and getting back up as an Abyssal in the Middle East?

Now what?

Exaltations go to classical heroes doing something noteworthy. Which you'll see more in conflict than peace. The idea that anything like a realistic mix of people given that power out of the blue would manage to accord trying to kill each other, much less cooperate effectively, is ridiculous.
I am fairly sure that wasn't the conclusion regarding the possible development. It was something about Molly having an easy time due to her previous life possibly going Devil Tiger, but the ability to develop their kingdom is at the very core of what Infernals are in ExvsWoD, the future potential Jade Emperors vying to take the reigns of the world in the next age. I don't think it was removed.
They just need to do things that rely on knowledge that isn't available any more and they have no guide to knowing they must acquire. Exalts do the impossible, but this is one of those things that even they struggled with so much it was basically unheard of.
And I fundamentally disagree that the only way to deal with exalted is not to have exalted. That is a defeatist approach.

I've heard nothing but blind hope and ridiculously impractical plans for how we'd make this work. I have no more faith in handing exaltations on a first come first serve basis working out than I do in playing the same game with assault rifles or nuclear weapons.

Two nations with nukes only avoided ending civilization by accident on more than one occasion. This is the same thing but with more players and less accountability.

People can be amazingly good and kind, but equally they can be horrific monsters with the tiniest opportunity. Exaltations do not search for morality and some of them are specifically biased against sanity. Even the best reasonable case has multiple exalts in the wind, stomping around the playground to toy with their shiny new firearms.
o, since we're on the topic of Outsiders... Do they map directly to anything in Exalted? They seem to be old enough to remember "ages past" so they were probably around when Creation was a thing. But I can't seem to place them. They don't fit as either demons or underworld spirits and they don't fit as Rakhsa either, despite those being the closest Creation had to "Outsiders". Furthermore, we've met a Rakhsa and it was distinctly different from an Outsider.
Tl;dr: Wtf are Outsiders in the context of Exalted?
My guess would be Raksha, but after several ages of events we know little about.

Clearly some Raksha have gone up into Creation, being the foundation of today's Fey.
And some have hidden away like Iku-Turkso, still being mostly what they were in Exalted.

But there is an infinite amount of Raksha outside of Creation, with some of them still being close enough to have been affected by it, to hate it like the invading Raksha of old did.
I suspect the Outsiders are at least partially those old Unshaped or Shaped Raksha who are still offended by physics and static reality and the imposition of cause and effect and all that nonsense.
Nemesis in particular might fit that.

Another option would be that they have something to do with Oblivion and the Neverborn.
Maybe those have been thrown our of Creation and now linger Outside of it, but still want to destroy it?

And the last option I can think of would be forces of evil like the Nephandi that exist in WoD.
Molly called Vittorio Malvora's master Ashraaah, which is a name for a Nephandus in Mage, that has ascended beyond mortality, but has also become so impossible by human perception that he has to stay mostly outside of reality.

And last but not least, some chapter I can't quite remember implied that the Outsiders aren't all the same thing, but an alliance of like-minded entities outside reality, bound mostly by a shared desire to destroy the world and or the WG and his work.
t survived 300 focused exalts brought up on one team with an existing structure capable of keeping them together and war they had no choice but to fight to hold their attention.

Let's play this game on earth. 5 people exalt in the balkans, each from a different ethnic, religious, and/or political group. Maybe a few on either side of the DMZ, and in random spots in Myanmar.

How about someone dying in a drone strike and getting back up as an Abyssal in the Middle East?

Now what?

Exaltations go to classical heroes doing something noteworthy. Which you'll see more in conflict than peace. The idea that anything like a realistic mix of people given that power out of the blue would manage to accord trying to kill each other, much less cooperate effectively, is ridiculous.
Creation also survived millennia of Exalted plopping up randomly.
Sure, they'll try and kill each other and also fight against existing states and supernatural factions.
It will be chaos.

But fun.
And in the end it will find some kind of new balance, more likely than not.
Two nations with nukes only avoided ending civilization by accident on more than one occasion. This is the same thing but with more players and less accountability.
Eh, only civilization as we know it, not life or humanity in general.
Maybe posadism will have its time to shine.
So, since we're on the topic of Outsiders... Do they map directly to anything in Exalted? They seem to be old enough to remember "ages past" so they were probably around when Creation was a thing. But I can't seem to place them. They don't fit as either demons or underworld spirits and they don't fit as Rakhsa either, despite those being the closest Creation had to "Outsiders". Furthermore, we've met a Rakhsa and it was distinctly different from an Outsider.
Tl;dr: Wtf are Outsiders in the context of Exalted?
So far Outsiders seem to be Raksha and at least one Neverborn. Plus a large variety of other sorts of monsters from ages past.
Ok, so this then:

These elegant war gloves are seemingly made of impossibly black obsidian, polished to a mirror finish, and unnaturally flowing over the hands of its wearer. veins of pure elemental iron the likes of which hasn't been seen in the material world for an age flow through it, converging into the spiked knuckles. Despite the elegant design, when swung by the scion of Death, each strike of the gloves carries behind them the weight of Oblivion itself, ready to claim all within its reach.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of death. It might be a funeral
garment, or an old bone, or decorated with skulls. It might be smeared with crematory ash. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is
aligned with the power of death. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor can be summoned directly into the Underworld when made to manifest, if its
owner desires. As the basis for an Adornment, it grants its user the ability to see and interact with

ghosts on the other side of the Shroud. As the basis for a Fascination, it can interact with both the
land of the living and the Underworld.

The Splendor takes the form of a weapon. It has the traits of a Melee weapon such as a sword or
mace, or an archaic ranged weapon such as a bow. The Splendor must also have a one-point
Form Element with some sort of character to it.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of air, this weapon produces a great
thunderclap and burst of air when swung. Anyone struck by it who suffers more levels of damage
than their Dexterity rating is knocked prone.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of Earth, this weapon is one which inflicts
bashing damage. It inflicts one die of bashing damage more than would be normal for a weapon
of its type.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of fire, this weapon burns red-hot when swung
and its damage is considered to be fire damage.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of water, this weapon is always something
flexible and graceful, like a whip or thin-bladed sword. The difficulty to parry or dodge its attacks
increases by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of wood, this weapon is always something with
a substantial amount of wood in its construction. The difficulty to parry attacks with it decreases
by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the feral, primitive, and bestial, this increases the difficulty of rolls
to attack with it by one, but lowers the difficulty of damage rolls made with it by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of death, this weapon inflicts aggravated damage to
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of the Dreaming, this weapon may, at its user's discretion,
inflict chimerical rather than real damage (see C20).
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of the Spirit World, this weapon inflicts aggravated
damage to spirits.
The Splendor captures souls. It may hold a number of souls equal to its rating. Captured soul of
potent supernatural beings may later be fashioned into Prodigies or used in Splendor-crafting.
Lesser souls might be bartered to beings interested in them, or used as display pieces.
To use Soul Snare as an Adornment, the Splendor must also have Form of Imminent Violence.
The soul of anyone slain by the Splendor is drawn into it.
As a Fascination, Soul Snare either indiscriminately absorbs the soul of anyone who dies in its
vicinity, or may be designed to exercise discretion and only capture certain departing souls. If
combined with the Form of Dust and Ash, anyone who dies while interacting with the Splendor
whose soul is not trapped by it is guaranteed to linger in the Underworld as a wraith. Coupled
with Form of Dust and Ash and a location-type Form such as Form of the Hearth, this fate
befalls anyone who dies in the Splendor's area of effect.
The Splendor's power is flawed, and its curses and blessings cannot maintain their hold for long.
Select one Element of the Splendor whose effects last for a limited time. That Element's maximum duration is decreased by one category (from one month to one week, one week to to
one day, and so on). If the duration is already "one day," the Element is reduced to one hour.
Taking this Element grants one additional Element point, which must be spent on a Mystic Element.
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
The Splendor afflicts those it targets with a deadly poison. Poisoned individuals must make a
Stamina roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable
lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll three times in a row, the poison has run
its course.
This Element is normally part of a Fascination. It may only be incorporated into an Adornment if
that Adornment has the Form of Imminent Violence, in which case the weapon is envenomed
and delivers this Element upon inflicting lethal damage.
The Splendor is shrouded in a psychic ward that makes it unthinkable to even consider harming
it in any way. Anyone attempting to do so must succeed at a Willpower roll against difficulty (4
+ Splendor's rating) and then spend a Willpower point on each turn in which they attempt to do
harm to the Splendor.
Unthinkable Ward is removed
This Element can only be part of an Adornment.
The Splendor allows the Exalt to use one particular Ability, such as Larceny or Brawl, from
much farther away than she really ought to be able. The Exalt can act from (Splendor's rating) x
5 yards past her normal limits.
This Splendor defines a rigid certainty and imposes it upon existence.
When used in an Adornment, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that
it falls under. When the user makes such a roll, she cannot botch and cannot fail regardless of the
difficulty. No matter what, she always generates at least one success. If this roll is opposed by
another character, Invincible Assertion instead adds two bonus successes.
When used in a Fascination, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that it
falls under. Under circumstances defined by the Splendor, such rolls cannot fail in its presence,
and always generate at least one success. If such a roll is opposed, it adds two bonus successes.
This Element may be incorporated into a Splendor more than once.
  1. Rolls Dexterity + Brawl for attack rolls. Attack rolls are done at -2 DC
  2. Damage dicepool: STR+2 lethal damage (normal spiked gloves from C20 table deal STR+1, I think it's reasonable that we can do a little better)
  3. Can interact with ghosts
  4. Deals aggravated damage to ghosts
  5. Souls of targets killed with this weapon get trapped inside it. Up to 2 souls can be trapped at a time. Exigent of Death can use Rest-Granting Strike on the trapped souls to regain essence
  1. Upon dealing lethal or aggravated damage the target is poisoned.Poisoned individuals must make a Stamina roll against difficulty 7 each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll three times in a row, the poison has run its course.
  2. The gloves are protected by a psychic shield. Anyone attempting to damage them (such as in case of Lydia blocking someone's strike with them) must succeed at a Willpower roll against difficulty 7 and then spend a Willpower point on each turn in which they attempt to do harm to the Splendor.
  3. Up to 3 trapped souls
  1. Poison resistance roll is upgraded to DC8
  2. Unthinkable Ward effect is removed.
  3. Lydia can brawl with these from 20 yards away
  4. Up to 4 trapped souls
  1. Poison resistance roll is upgraded to DC9
  2. Lydia can brawl from 25 yards away
  3. Attack roll now can't botch, the gloves automatically add 1 success to all attacks , unless the opponent attempts a defensive maneuver (block, dodge, parry), in which case 2 successes are added
  4. Up to 5 trapped souls
They just need to do things that rely on knowledge that isn't available any more and they have no guide to knowing they must acquire. Exalts do the impossible, but this is one of those things that even they struggled with so much it was basically unheard of.
1) Any infernal to come after us would have us as an example
2) Charm development seems mostly instinctual in-story. I would expect a given exalt's Kingdom to be a reflection of who they are in most ways. Molly didn't consciously develop her kingdom.
Creation also survived millennia of Exalted plopping up randomly.
Sure, they'll try and kill each other and also fight against existing states and supernatural factions.
It will be chaos.

But fun.
And in the end it will find some kind of new balance, more likely than not.
Creation had the deliberative and empire with enough force to meaningfully keep them in line and still it eventually went off the rails.

Creation was dramatically more unified at the times exalts were common than earth ever has been.

1) Any infernal to come after us would have us as an example
2) Charm development seems mostly instinctual in-story. I would expect a given exalt's Kingdom to be a reflection of who they are in most ways. Molly didn't consciously develop her kingdom.
1) We don't know how we did it, what the rituals required to get started are, or how to perform them if we did.

2) Molly flipped a big switch in her soul and became something more, but that doesn't equate to knowing everything about how her exaltation was changed to allow it.

Guys... not all Infernals have heretical charms unlocked, World-Souls did not come automatically. Someone in the past of this Exaltation had to unlock them.
Not quite, what Broken Winged Crane says is that all of them have the potential, but you actually have to build towards them with insight, meditation and sorcery. Molly did not have to do those first steps, her soul naturally unfolded into an inner world when she called out for one.

We're talking about making permanent changes to an exaltation, which was something done by primordials, the most important gods using cheats left by primordials, and the most knowledgeable infernals of the age of legends.

The latter of whom never actually managed to get the full thing, only pass on the potential to a new generation from their first attempt till the end of the world.

It might still be possible, but we have no idea how to teach it and even another infernal with the crown of eyes couldn't just ask for it any more than we can ask for the dramatically less advanced ancient sorcery spells.
Creation had the deliberative and empire with enough force to meaningfully keep them in line and still it eventually went off the rails.

Creation was dramatically more unified at the times exalts were common than earth ever has been.

1) We don't know how we did it, what the rituals required to get started are, or how to perform them if we did.

2) Molly flipped a big switch in her soul and became something more, but that doesn't equate to knowing everything about how her exaltation was changed to allow it.

We're talking about making permanent changes to an exaltation, which was something done by primordials, the most important gods using cheats left by primordials, and the most knowledgeable infernals of the age of legends.

The latter of whom never actually managed to get the full thing, only pass on the potential to a new generation from their first attempt till the end of the world.

It might still be possible, but we have no idea how to teach it and even another infernal with the crown of eyes couldn't just ask for it any more than we can ask for the dramatically less advanced ancient sorcery spells.
At most this means that for most of the infernals, the Kingdom charm is not available for purchase. Not that they have it replaced with "Yozi resurrection" charm.
Ok, sure, done (edits in the original vote). At this rate we are going to know who are traitors in all organizations we interact with are, won't we? I wonder when we'll start getting overlaps.
Molly ended up in this shit because Sandra was an undercover opp who manipulated her into a situation where she injured people she cared about, and then another Nemesis agent abducted her to Arctis Tor.
Makes IC sense that every significant organization she runs into gets a sweep for undercover agents.

I expect that Molly will probably have a room in Sanctuary with a conspiracy board like this

So, I think I nailed the first proper exalted panoply item for Lydia.

First, let's consider, what does Lydia need? More firepower and a way to expand her essence pool is my answer.
She doesnt need firepower; there's enough options in her charmset for it.
What she needs is, in order of necessity
  • Antishaping defense; she has a perfect defense against mental influence, but nothing against physical transformation
  • Armor
  • A faster way to regenerate her Essence at rest; we want a benchmark of around 1 Essence/15 minutes, which is what Molly does when she's using Charred Sinner Renewal or in a Dragons Nest
What you want is something like this:
Reaper's Aegis /Reapers Panoply
5 dot-Adornment
12 points

0pt: Mystic Element: Sorcerous Imbuing: Outward appearance may be modified
1pt: Mystic Element: Unthinkable Ward: Increases difficulty to destroy it
1pt: Mystic Element: Mystic Fortification: Tag on Essence Stoking Spirit
1pt: Form Element: Form of Graceful Winds: Immunity to damage by cold, wind or electricity, +(Splendor rating)yards/turn to basic movement speed before Charms or any other powers.
3pt: Root Element: Sacred Protection: Immunity to twisting by supernatural powers
3pt: Root Element: Essence Stoking Spirit: Refill Essence whenever fulfill Nature
3pt: Root Element: Twisted Horror Curse: 1x cosmetic transformation + (Splendor's) Rating number of Infernal or Lunar Aspects. 5x Aspects: Demon Armor x2, Swift Stride, Flight, Extra Limbs
If Im correct? That gives her:
  • Armor 4 (Infernal Aspect: Demon Armor x2)
  • Extra speed: (Base speed + Splendor rating yards)x2 (Infernal Aspect: Swift Stride + Form Element: Graceful Winds)
  • Immunity to shaping (Sacred Protection)
  • Flight (Aspect: Flight)
  • Multi-action penalty negator(Infernal Aspect: Extra Limbs)
  • Cosmetic Transformation: True jade nails
  • The ability to rest/meditate to recover Essence at the same rate as being in a Dragons Nest (Essence Stoking Spirit + Mystic Fortification)
  • The ability to change the appearance and manifestation of the Adornment (Sorcerous Imbuing): Flight could come with or without wings, Demon Armor could look like a suit of armor, or a business suit, or really fancy dress, hair could glow or not etc. Allow her to do the whole angel of death thematic if she wants.

Potentially, you could drop Aspect: Extra Limbs for either Aspect: Bonesmasher to increase her ability to deal brawl damage, or Aspect: Transcendent Anathema to give her attacks the Agg tag.
But I dont think its necessary; she has charms for that, or magic.
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What you want is something like this:
Twisted Horror Curse was banned for ease of abuse (you can easily mass-produce people with like 16 Hardened Devil Bodies stacked on top of each other with it), sorry.

The weapon design I made allows for combat essence regeneration - that was the main point. I agree on the armor, and will think of it, but I think that it can be handled via a custom transport, not a splendor.

EDIT: For armor, I support making a second set of Molly's 3 dot armor for Lydia.

EDIT2: And you need form of Dreams and Nightmares for the splendor to be aligned with the element of Dreams, and for Sacred Protection to grant protection against twisting of the mind by supernatural forces (it doesn't provide general shaping defense).
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At most this means that for most of the infernals, the Kingdom charm is not available for purchase. Not that they have it replaced with "Yozi resurrection" charm.
We're getting into homebrew either way here, but we're talking about primordial ascension.

My understanding is that there are two routes available for that. The first is the one intended by the Yozi; the infernal becomes a graft on their patron, allowing them to escape and making the resulting creature a primordial+ grade abomination. The second is heresy, where the exalt becomes a primordial+ entity influenced by their patrons, but fundamentally distinct from them.

They don't have to actually do either, but if we have 50 infernals looking for essence 6+ and turning to us for inspiration that would be the path that looks most similar and readily available to them. It's not like they'd know what they're risking since they wouldn't know about the source of their powers.
Twisted Horror Curse was banned for ease of abuse (you can easily mass-produce people with like 16 Hardened Devil Bodies stacked on top of each other with it), sorry.
Can I please get a cite?
Im pretty sure I missed that discussion.

Not that it matters, since non-Exalts cant attune to Splendors with a Rating higher than 3, which caps your Hardened Devil Body at ~9. Thats just a common sense/QM approval thing.
Which is why there's no HDB in that build.
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Can I please get a cite?
Im pretty sure I missed that discussion.

Not that it matters, since non-Exalts cant attune to Splendors with a Rating higher than 3, which caps your Hardened Devil Body at ~9. Thats just a common sense/QM approval thing.
Which is why there's no HDB in that build.
Oh, you don't need to attune it to be its target. I made it as a Fascination. It's way more broken as a fascination. I did say that it was to mass-produce super soldiers, didn't I? Here are the design and the reaction:
Stealth skills are arguable, and in any case, I still hope to get her divine ancestor to cough up some blessings and maybe wargear when presented a chance to get a grateful descendant as a celestial exalt's circlemate. We'll figure what to give her after that. Not that I am opposed to giving her a ring.

Rosie would only be an option after the baby is born, and we got a reliable nanny, and the living situation is sorted out. Murphy is a very interesting option in that it moves her squarely into "met out her own justice" agent, where she gets enough personal power to actually sit at the big boy table. If we further cobble up a lantern (with Private Idaho Root to make it a prison realm) she could act as a prison warden, and get an option to imprison, instead of execute. That said she's not going to become a circle mate even so.

Also... Please someone tell me that I'm wrong and this doesn't work:
3-5 dot fascination splendor
The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of the fantastic. It might be a child's
toy, a brightly-decorated banner, a monster or carnival mask, or a treasure chest. It might be a
kaleidoscope, or a bundle of bright balloons. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form
and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the power of the Dreaming. Other
Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor stands out as a powerful work of magic when seen with chimerical eyes or mystic
scrutiny, but it seems nigh-impossible to credit it with any specific significance if observed with
purely mundane senses. Even when presented with compelling evidence that there's something
weird about the object, anyone who hasn't made a magical survey of the Splendor must make a
Willpower roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) to accept such a conclusion.
As an Adornment, it raises the difficulty to affect the user with hostile works of Glamour by one.
As the basis for a Fascination, it may have one minor impossible feature such as floating in
defiance of gravity, reflecting people's true selves when looked into, or aging backwards in time.
The Splendor twists its targets into monsters. Roll Intelligence + Intimidation against difficulty
(10 – Splendor's rating) when this curse strikes at a valid individual. They suffer a cosmetic
transformation and gain one Aspect per success, which may be chosen freely from among Lunar,
Infernal, or Nightmare Aspects.
As an Adornment, Twisted Horror Curse's target is its user. She always gains a number of
Aspects equal to the Splendor's rating, and they are always the same Aspects.
As a Fascination, the Splendor's owner may set a priority order for Aspects, may impose a
general theme and leave the details up to chance, or may permit those transformed to do so
according to their own desires. The maximum duration of the transformation (assuming it isn't
cut short earlier by fulfilling some criteria built into the Splendor) is one day for a 1-2 dot
Splendor, one week for a 3-dot Splendor, one month for a 4-dot Splendor, and one year for a 5-
dot Splendor. Alternately, the transformation may be permanent, but in this case the Splendor
can only unleash this Element against a maximum of (Splendor's rating) individuals per story.
During extended downtime, assume it can create no more than that number of monsters per
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
This Splendor defines a rigid certainty and imposes it upon existence.
When used in an Adornment, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that
it falls under. When the user makes such a roll, she cannot botch and cannot fail regardless of the
difficulty. No matter what, she always generates at least one success. If this roll is opposed by
another character, Invincible Assertion instead adds two bonus successes.
When used in a Fascination, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that it
falls under. Under circumstances defined by the Splendor, such rolls cannot fail in its presence,
and always generate at least one success. If such a roll is opposed, it adds two bonus successes.
This Element may be incorporated into a Splendor more than once.
The Splendor creates a mundane object which resonates with one or more of its characters, as
defined by Form Elements such as Form of Crackling Fire or Form of Ash and Dust. Conjured
objects can have a Resources value no higher than the Splendor's rating.
Incorporated into an Adornment, this Element allows the Exalt to spend a turn and to make a
Wits + Craft roll against difficulty (4 + object's Resources value) to summon whatever object
she likes to hand, so long as it resonates with the Splendor's character in some way, such as a
shovel for an earth-affiliated (or death-affiliated…) Splendor. Objects can be created no more
than once per scene.
Incorporated into a Fascination, this Element allows the Splendor to create particular objects in
response to certain stimuli and conditions which are in accord with its character — often, this
trigger is "when someone is cursed by the Splendor's Root Element." No more than (Splendor's
rating) objects can be created per scene.
The Splendor manipulates and reshapes that which resonates with its character, as defined by
Form Elements such as Form of Crackling Fire and Form of Ash and Dust. The benefits
provided depend on whether the Splendor is an Adornment or Fascination, and on which Form or
Forms it has incorporated.
Incorporated into an Adornment, this Element allows the Exalt to use Craft actions to sculpt
wind, water, and fire as though they were clay, creating impossible works of art or short-lived
elemental tools. Living wood can be induced to grow into patterns the Exalt desires in the same
fashion, while the difficulty to work with stone or metal is reduced by two. The difficulty to craft
dead flesh into Arcana may be reduced by two as well. The Exalt can raise or lower the Gauntlet
by one degree per success on a Crafts roll to modify it, and can rework the chimerical identity of
Incorporated into a Fascination, this Element allows the Splendor to rewrite the details of
landscapes and objects, rerouting the paths of a graveyard, changing the appearance of a corpse,
repairing a rundown wooden shack, or making a barren landscape green and verdant.
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
The Splendor is loathe to relinquish its hold on those it claims. Select one Element of the
Splendor whose effects last for a limited time. That Element's maximum duration is increased by
one category (from one scene to one day, one day to one week, etc). If the duration is already
"one year," the Element can be rendered permanent.
Taking a form that is both arcane and technological, ancient and cutting-edge, the Infernal Hero's crucible at the first glance looks like a vertical sarcophagus on a dais surrounded by monitoring equipment (think this, but with infernal themes, i.e. runes, fallen idol imagery, technorganic stuff, etc). From it, cables that are like veins snake towards operator's throne-chair. The whole assembly is covered in thin glazing of never-melting ice, with mist obscuring some of the features, as if in a dream. When a mortal volunteer enters it, they do so with the understanding that what exits won't be them, but something more. In it, they are reborn in an echo of Infernal's own Chrysalis Grotesque, guided by Infernal operator's memories, will and spite towards uncaring destiny.

When the splendor is perfected, they emerge clad in legendary gear, designed and conjured specifically for them in the process of their rebirth.
So... If I am reading right, Twisted Horror Curse is an utterly broken and hilarious mess that @DragonParadox will probably either disallow, or everyone will love this, because it solves the "how to make companions" issue. It lets us roll Intelligence + Intimidation against difficulty (10 – Splendor's rating), and target someone. The target gets the number of successes of "Lunar, Infernal or Nightmare aspects, freely chosen by us". What are aspects? That's... A big f*cking question. Because the word is not defined in the books. Lunar and Infernal aspects are easy to understand. Lunar aspects are their warform aspects (Exalted vs. World of Darkness revised, page 111), and Infernal aspects are Shintai aspects. What the hell Nightmare Aspects are, I have no idea.

There's also a mention of aspects in V20 book (466):

Aspects are also used as a substitute for casts for werewolves in W20, and for Dragonblooded and Liminal exalted. But I assume that's not it. I wasn't able to find the word aspect in any meaningful way in M20 or in C20 (where I expected to get the nightmare aspects from).

Molly's Intelligence+Intimidation is 8 base dice. That's 16 dice with excellency. 18 with WHWH. The rolls is made at DC 4 for a 3 dot version (7 - 2 from Mystic Fortification - 1 from BSM). On average, that's 15.8 successes. That's 15 aspects. Discarding, for the moment, aspects from V20 pending @DrafonParadox approval (Strength of the Bear for 2 strength, Falcon's Eye, Ears of the Hare at least), at 15 Shintai and Lunar aspects, a build something like this can be made:
Demon Armor / Rugged Hide for +2 soak
Flight (telekinetic shintai version)
Swift Stride
Camouflage (to cover subdermal demon armor and make any changes unnoticeable)
Demon Weapons (a weapon that does Strength +2 damage)
Extra Limbs (telekinetic shintai version)
Transcendent Anathema - ability to do aggravated damage
Hardiness (protection against environment)
Hardened Devil Body x6 = 18 additional bruised health level

That's a supersoldier. Like, no ifs and no buts, that is a supersoldier right there. Capable of flight, super fast, extremely tough and with deadly weapons.

The perfected forge (5 dot one) can mass produce them, and also equip them with 5 dot resource background equipment. Basically? We can make WH40K spacemarines, or Captain Americas. At lower levels we are limited to 3/4 per story (i.e. probably per month), but at higher level essence and sky are the limit.

And then we can equip them with splendors of their own.
Wait you can give people infernal and Lunar aspects.... so about that balance? *sigh*

I am going to have to disallow that because they are just too powerful, especially if you mix and match. I mean for god's sake Infernal aspects are only usable a limited number of time per arc for the Exalt. Being able to hand that to random mortals is just broken as all hell. Sorry to disappoint @Yog but that is just too powerful to be handing out to random mortals with only a bit of crafting.
Molly ended up in this shit because Sandra was an undercover opp who manipulated her into a situation where she injured people she cared about, and then another Nemesis agent abducted her to Arctis Tor.
Makes IC sense that every significant organization she runs into gets a sweep for undercover agents.

I expect that Molly will probably have a room in Sanctuary with a conspiracy board like this

She doesnt need firepower; there's enough options in her charmset for it.
What she needs is, in order of necessity
  • Antishaping defense; she has a perfect defense against mental influence, but nothing against physical transformation
  • Armor
  • A faster way to regenerate her Essence at rest; we want a benchmark of around 1 Essence/15 minutes, which is what Molly does when she's using Charred Sinner Renewal or in a Dragons Nest
What you want is something like this:

If Im correct? That gives her:
  • Armor 4 (Infernal Aspect: Demon Armor x2)
  • Extra speed: (Base speed + Splendor rating yards)x2 (Infernal Aspect: Swift Stride + Form Element: Graceful Winds)
  • Immunity to shaping (Sacred Protection)
  • Flight (Aspect: Flight)
  • Multi-action penalty negator(Infernal Aspect: Extra Limbs)
  • Cosmetic Transformation: True jade nails
  • The ability to rest/meditate to recover Essence at the same rate as being in a Dragons Nest (Essence Stoking Spirit + Mystic Fortification)
  • The ability to change the appearance and manifestation of the Adornment (Sorcerous Imbuing): Flight could come with or without wings, Demon Armor could look like a suit of armor, or a business suit, or really fancy dress, hair could glow or not etc. Allow her to do the whole angel of death thematic if she wants.

Potentially, you could drop Aspect: Extra Limbs for either Aspect: Bonesmasher to increase her ability to deal brawl damage, or Aspect: Transcendent Anathema to give her attacks the Agg tag.
But I dont think its necessary; she has charms for that, or magic.
For essence recovery it's probably more efficient to get the dragon nest ancient sorcery so we can give her passive regen. Essence stoking is worth getting, but the activation conditions make it less convenient.

I also think we should look at making our own Jade talismans. Filling her equipment slots with additional mote storage is one of the best uses of them for an exalt and she can fill them at our dragon nest whenever she's had to dip into them.

The weapon design I made allows for combat essence regeneration - that was the main point. I agree on the armor, and will think of it, but I think that it can be handled via a custom transport, not a splendor.
Since the ghost thing was nixed, what about soul stealing? She'd probably be upset about keeping them, but if it's just a step in a process it might be acceptable.

Mechanically her spirit killer is about immortals, but the fluff is about putting souls to rest. If she's got a soul in a box, then behold she has a soul denied it's rest to send onward. That she put it there is just details.
Since the ghost thing was nixed, what about soul stealing? She'd probably be upset about keeping them, but if it's just a step in a process it might be acceptable.

Mechanically her spirit killer is about immortals, but the fluff is about putting souls to rest. If she's got a soul in a box, then behold she has a soul denied it's rest to send onward. That she put it there is just details.
Actually, two version of the design got approved:
1) Same as ghosts, but the transfromation is into zombies. Still works to trigger Rest-Granting strike, but allows the targets to soak lethal with stamina:
Hmm... Gervane and company did use the souls of the dead to make better zombies. Yeah, that would work thinking about it.
Ok, so, I am guessing the target's stats are preserved, they get creature of darkness, and undead tags?
That and they can soak lethal damage with full stamina since they no longer have to worry about minor stuff like 'internal organs'. It would also suspend the need for food and rest as well as other biological processes, you could say keep someone from bleeding out with this.
2) Soul snare version:

Ok, testing alternative approach: if we take Soul Snare instead:
The Splendor captures souls. It may hold a number of souls equal to its rating. Captured soul of
potent supernatural beings may later be fashioned into Prodigies or used in Splendor-crafting.
Lesser souls might be bartered to beings interested in them, or used as display pieces.
To use Soul Snare as an Adornment, the Splendor must also have Form of Imminent Violence.
The soul of anyone slain by the Splendor is drawn into it.
As a Fascination, Soul Snare either indiscriminately absorbs the soul of anyone who dies in its
vicinity, or may be designed to exercise discretion and only capture certain departing souls. If
combined with the Form of Dust and Ash, anyone who dies while interacting with the Splendor
whose soul is not trapped by it is guaranteed to linger in the Underworld as a wraith. Coupled
with Form of Dust and Ash and a location-type Form such as Form of the Hearth, this fate
befalls anyone who dies in the Splendor's area of effect. Would Lydia be able to release captured souls via Rest Granting Strike and regain essence that way?
Ok, so this then:

These elegant war gloves are seemingly made of impossibly black obsidian, polished to a mirror finish, and unnaturally flowing over the hands of its wearer. veins of pure elemental iron the likes of which hasn't been seen in the material world for an age flow through it, converging into the spiked knuckles. Despite the elegant design, when swung by the scion of Death, each strike of the gloves carries behind them the weight of Oblivion itself, ready to claim all within its reach.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of death. It might be a funeral
garment, or an old bone, or decorated with skulls. It might be smeared with crematory ash. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is
aligned with the power of death. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor can be summoned directly into the Underworld when made to manifest, if its
owner desires. As the basis for an Adornment, it grants its user the ability to see and interact with

ghosts on the other side of the Shroud. As the basis for a Fascination, it can interact with both the
land of the living and the Underworld.

The Splendor takes the form of a weapon. It has the traits of a Melee weapon such as a sword or
mace, or an archaic ranged weapon such as a bow. The Splendor must also have a one-point
Form Element with some sort of character to it.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of air, this weapon produces a great
thunderclap and burst of air when swung. Anyone struck by it who suffers more levels of damage
than their Dexterity rating is knocked prone.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of Earth, this weapon is one which inflicts
bashing damage. It inflicts one die of bashing damage more than would be normal for a weapon
of its type.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of fire, this weapon burns red-hot when swung
and its damage is considered to be fire damage.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of water, this weapon is always something
flexible and graceful, like a whip or thin-bladed sword. The difficulty to parry or dodge its attacks
increases by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of wood, this weapon is always something with
a substantial amount of wood in its construction. The difficulty to parry attacks with it decreases
by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the feral, primitive, and bestial, this increases the difficulty of rolls
to attack with it by one, but lowers the difficulty of damage rolls made with it by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of death, this weapon inflicts aggravated damage to
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of the Dreaming, this weapon may, at its user's discretion,
inflict chimerical rather than real damage (see C20).
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of the Spirit World, this weapon inflicts aggravated
damage to spirits.
The Splendor captures souls. It may hold a number of souls equal to its rating. Captured soul of
potent supernatural beings may later be fashioned into Prodigies or used in Splendor-crafting.
Lesser souls might be bartered to beings interested in them, or used as display pieces.
To use Soul Snare as an Adornment, the Splendor must also have Form of Imminent Violence.
The soul of anyone slain by the Splendor is drawn into it.
As a Fascination, Soul Snare either indiscriminately absorbs the soul of anyone who dies in its
vicinity, or may be designed to exercise discretion and only capture certain departing souls. If
combined with the Form of Dust and Ash, anyone who dies while interacting with the Splendor
whose soul is not trapped by it is guaranteed to linger in the Underworld as a wraith. Coupled
with Form of Dust and Ash and a location-type Form such as Form of the Hearth, this fate
befalls anyone who dies in the Splendor's area of effect.
The Splendor's power is flawed, and its curses and blessings cannot maintain their hold for long.
Select one Element of the Splendor whose effects last for a limited time. That Element's maximum duration is decreased by one category (from one month to one week, one week to to
one day, and so on). If the duration is already "one day," the Element is reduced to one hour.
Taking this Element grants one additional Element point, which must be spent on a Mystic Element.
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
The Splendor afflicts those it targets with a deadly poison. Poisoned individuals must make a
Stamina roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable
lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll three times in a row, the poison has run
its course.
This Element is normally part of a Fascination. It may only be incorporated into an Adornment if
that Adornment has the Form of Imminent Violence, in which case the weapon is envenomed
and delivers this Element upon inflicting lethal damage.
The Splendor is shrouded in a psychic ward that makes it unthinkable to even consider harming
it in any way. Anyone attempting to do so must succeed at a Willpower roll against difficulty (4
+ Splendor's rating) and then spend a Willpower point on each turn in which they attempt to do
harm to the Splendor.
Unthinkable Ward is removed
This Element can only be part of an Adornment.
The Splendor allows the Exalt to use one particular Ability, such as Larceny or Brawl, from
much farther away than she really ought to be able. The Exalt can act from (Splendor's rating) x
5 yards past her normal limits.
This Splendor defines a rigid certainty and imposes it upon existence.
When used in an Adornment, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that
it falls under. When the user makes such a roll, she cannot botch and cannot fail regardless of the
difficulty. No matter what, she always generates at least one success. If this roll is opposed by
another character, Invincible Assertion instead adds two bonus successes.
When used in a Fascination, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that it
falls under. Under circumstances defined by the Splendor, such rolls cannot fail in its presence,
and always generate at least one success. If such a roll is opposed, it adds two bonus successes.
This Element may be incorporated into a Splendor more than once.
  1. Rolls Dexterity + Brawl for attack rolls. Attack rolls are done at -2 DC
  2. Damage dicepool: STR+2 lethal damage (normal spiked gloves from C20 table deal STR+1, I think it's reasonable that we can do a little better)
  3. Can interact with ghosts
  4. Deals aggravated damage to ghosts
  5. Souls of targets killed with this weapon get trapped inside it. Up to 2 souls can be trapped at a time. Exigent of Death can use Rest-Granting Strike on the trapped souls to regain essence
  1. Upon dealing lethal or aggravated damage the target is poisoned.Poisoned individuals must make a Stamina roll against difficulty 7 each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll three times in a row, the poison has run its course.
  2. The gloves are protected by a psychic shield. Anyone attempting to damage them (such as in case of Lydia blocking someone's strike with them) must succeed at a Willpower roll against difficulty 7 and then spend a Willpower point on each turn in which they attempt to do harm to the Splendor.
  3. Up to 3 trapped souls
  1. Poison resistance roll is upgraded to DC8
  2. Unthinkable Ward effect is removed.
  3. Lydia can brawl with these from 20 yards away
  4. Up to 4 trapped souls
  1. Poison resistance roll is upgraded to DC9
  2. Lydia can brawl from 25 yards away
  3. Attack roll now can't botch, the gloves automatically add 1 success to all attacks , unless the opponent attempts a defensive maneuver (block, dodge, parry), in which case 2 successes are added
  4. Up to 5 trapped souls
I was pretty sure what you guys would vote for and it is unanimous so vote closed, lets see what Lash knows about the Oblivion War.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Nov 25, 2023 at 1:44 PM, finished with 58 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan Following the Urge
    -[X] Yes you want to know the secret Lash knows, though not in a Starbucks
    --[X] If certain forces are listening, let the words be spoken where they cannot be easily heard. Hear the revelation inside your kingdom
    --[X] And you want to be prepared to receive the knowledge. Use occult excellency, BSM, and, if you can, CCC to process the words Lash speaks
    -[X] Crown uses
    --[X] Use current Starbucks scene as a focus to learn membership list of the organization that Lash is speaking about
    --[X] Use the recording of what Lash speaks about inside our kingdom as a crown focus to learn the list of all traitors to the organization she speaks about.
    --[X] Then destroy the recordings beyond any hope of reconstruction
    [X] Yes you want to know the secret Lash knows, though not in a Starbucks
    [X] No, you don't have to tell me
    -[X] Use the crown on the situation to get the answer so it won't be Lash's fault.
    -[X] Occult excellency as necessary
Oh, you don't need to attune it to be its target. I made it as a Fascination. It's way more broken as a fascination. I did say that it was to mass-produce super soldiers, didn't I? Here are the design and the reaction:
Thank you.

See the QM disallowed that particular Fascination.
They didnt disallow the feature itself in total; you just need to not try to break the thing over one knee.
We can just ask the QM:

How does this look to you as an Adornment for Lydia:
She doesnt need firepower; there's enough options in her charmset for it.
What she needs is, in order of necessity
  • Antishaping defense; she has a perfect defense against mental influence, but nothing against physical transformation
  • Armor
  • A faster way to regenerate her Essence at rest; we want a benchmark of around 1 Essence/15 minutes, which is what Molly does when she's using Charred Sinner Renewal or in a Dragons Nest
What you want is something like this:
Reaper's Aegis / Reapers Panoply
5 dot-Adornment
12 points

0pt: Mystic Element: Sorcerous Imbuing: Outward appearance may be modified
1pt: Mystic Element: Unthinkable Ward: Increases difficulty to destroy it
1pt: Mystic Element: Mystic Fortification: Tag on Essence Stoking Spirit
1pt: Form Element: Form of Graceful Winds: Immunity to damage by cold, wind or electricity, +(Splendor rating)yards/turn to basic movement speed before Charms or any other powers.
3pt: Root Element: Sacred Protection: Immunity to twisting by supernatural powers
3pt: Root Element: Essence Stoking Spirit: Refill Essence whenever fulfill Nature
3pt: Root Element: Twisted Horror Curse: 1x cosmetic transformation + (Splendor's) Rating number of Infernal or Lunar Aspects. 5x Aspects: Demon Armor x2, Swift Stride, Flight, Extra Limbs

If Im correct? That gives her:
  • Armor 4 (Infernal Aspect: Demon Armor x2)
  • Extra speed: (Base speed + Splendor rating yards)x2 (Infernal Aspect: Swift Stride + Form Element: Graceful Winds)
  • Immunity to shaping (Sacred Protection)
  • Flight (Aspect: Flight)
  • Multi-action penalty negator(Infernal Aspect: Extra Limbs)
  • Cosmetic Transformation: True jade nails
  • The ability to rest/meditate to recover Essence at the same rate as being in a Dragons Nest (Essence Stoking Spirit + Mystic Fortification)
  • The ability to change the appearance and manifestation of the Adornment (Sorcerous Imbuing): Flight could come with or without wings, Demon Armor could look like a suit of armor, or a business suit, or really fancy dress, hair could glow or not etc. Allow her to do the whole angel of death thematic if she wants.

Potentially, you could drop Aspect: Extra Limbs for either Aspect: Bonesmasher to increase her ability to deal brawl damage, or Aspect: Transcendent Anathema to give her attacks the Agg tag.
But I dont think its necessary; she has charms for that, or magic.