Looking at some of the sorcery stuff, it seems like part of the reason it was bad was that counterspelling was so much easier than doing anything else with sorcery. DF doesn't have anything like that in normal use, so that's worth consideration.
Further, a lot of the effects offered in the rule book are really good and not readily available in charms and/or regular DF magic.
For example:
Cirrus sKiFF
The sorcerer calls down a small cloud from the heavens to ride upon.
System: Spend 3 Essence and make an extended Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 8). Once the player accumulates five successes, a cloud descends from the sky and waits patiently for her to climb upon it. The cloud can hold up to six people, and once the sorcerer signals it to depart, it flies up into the sky and car- ries her to a destination she decides upon while cast- ing the spell. The cloud travels at 200 miles per hour once it ascends high enough that obstacles like trees and office buildings are no longer a concern, and its enchantment prevents those riding upon it from being troubled by wind, cold, or thin air. Once the Cirrus Skiff departs, the sorcerer cannot prematurely cancel its journey, change its destination, or force a landing.
In the Dresden Files, it's effectively impossible to fly with magic. They also have a deleterious effect on any tech around them, the more advanced it is the faster they destroy it.
It's for this reason that wizards place so much value on securing safe passage through the nevernever. They can't take planes anywhere, so they have to travel by rail or ship to get anywhere. It's still dangerous as hell though, even with their maps and deals. So that offers some utility and possible trade opportunities with the White Council.
There's also an existing spell to base our anti-scrying stuff on.
inCantation oF spiritual disCretion
The sorcerer chants a sutra which resonates with the Essence of the Weaver, of patterns, and of blindness and silence, and thereby seals a chamber against obser- vation from the spirit world.
System: Spend 4 Essence and make an extended Intelligence + Occult roll against difficulty 7. Upon accumulating five successes, the spell takes effect, sanc- tifying whatever room the sorcerer stands in. Within that chamber, the Gauntlet rises to 9, and no creature in the Penumbra or Shadowlands can discern even the slightest feature of the room; it appears to be a colorless, featureless void, devoid of figures or sound. This spell's effects persist for the sorcerer's Essence rating in days.
If we assume that the nevernever basically subs in for the various spirit planes of Creation, then this would let us bar the door so that things can't easily pop in on us and block cross plane scrying. Harry needed a minor fort in the nevernever maintained by a high Sidhe noble to get that effect, and it's canon that it stopped several attempts on his life that he didn't even notice were made since they died at the door.
There's also a whole host of spells that let you bless a mundane item of any material with direct magical properties. DF has magic items, but they tend to be more expensive to make than ritual focuses and definitely more involved than the rituals offered by ancient sorcery
The effects range from adding damage, to gaining extra soak from armor, to stuff like having whatever you enchant change shapes. Like having a full suit of armor fold into a cube so you can carry it around discreetly.
Finally if we ever went mad with power this horrific thing is a possibility:
rain oF spiders
The sorcerer raises her hands to the sky and bids clouds to gather. A clicking, rustling noise falls over the steadily dimming day as she gathers her Essence and transmits it into the heavens. Finally, the sky opens and thousands upon thousands of spiders of a multi- tude of different species drift to earth in living waves, carried upon the wind and tiny nets of silk.
System: Spend 5 Essence and make an extended Intelligence + Occult roll against difficulty 9. Once the player accumulates fifteen successes, the rain of spiders begins. It covers about a mile around the sorcerer's po- sition, and lasts for ten to fifteen minutes. Everyone
caught outdoors suffers one die of bashing damage per turn of exposure. Getting under cover immediately is strongly recommended. The spiders do not vanish af- ter the spell ends, and local exterminators are likely to have more business than they can handle for some time afterwards.
A mile diameter rain of spiders is a hell of a way to express displeasure with someone.
Sorry about all the weirdness in those quotes by the way, that copy-pasting from the rule book apparently borks some of the text.
Hello new people!
Eh. If anybody would be understanding about weird magic stuff it would be the people in the Dresdenverse.
No they wouldn't. Most people don't know enough to be understanding in the first place, and those who do know are painfully aware of the fact that things with hostile demonic auras tend to eat humans.