Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

BTW since the month isn't over once we get this all squared away we are going to have some votes about what to do with leftover time. I had other more time-consuming plans for you guys if you actually fought the ancient cannibal spirit instead of socializing with it, but as is you can finally take a bit of time to unwind, see what Daniel is up to etc... Any other ideas you may have in the matter are also welcome.

That said good night guys, see you tomorrow with... explaining how this is the good hell. :V
Gonna make several notes:
1) Now that Molly has the Hells, and actual sorcerer/alchemists on tap?
Fixing Rosie's derangement is no longer bottlenecked by Molly's personal skill; the Brass Courts has access to medical sorcerers and alchemists. At most we're waiting for her to give birth in January, just out of an excess of caution.

2)This also applies to the other two living victims of the Splattercon thing who were parts of Molly's circle:
-Nelson Lockhart
-Drea(probably Andrea) Becton.

Nelson's derangment was from Molly's magic.
Drea was the third victim who was attacked by fetches along with Rosie and Ken; Rosie was injured, Ken was killed and Drea was driven catatonic from psychic injuries from the fetch attack.

Both should be fixable with Brass Court resources; we should know Nelson's whereabouts from Father Forthill because thats where he was directed to, and Drea is either still in the hospital, or a care home.
Molly can either bring someone to them, or bring them to the Hells. Her choice.

Might need to travel to find Drea if her family moved out of Chicago after the incident.
Doing something about Ken's family can wait until after the lottery plan.

3)As an aside, Dresden's left hand that he wears a glove over, which hasnt finished healing from Mavra's minion's flamethrower attack, and which he's still doing PT for? Regeneration potion, in order to hurry wizard regen along.
Though that might wait until Molly can make one personally.

4) Daniel's promised car which Molly mentioned back in September(Arc 6 Post 2); he should have gotten that license by now.

Buy him one and put a cyberdevil in it as a safety measure and to reassure Charity he's not going to be racing.
Rosie needs a car as well for that matter, and some shopping time; with the baby two months out, there's probably room to look into baby supplies and stuff like prams and baby car seats. Drag Daniel along to help move stuff, and as

Also a nice(by which I mean expensive) car probably goes some way to helping with matters at home; Molly putting her money where her mouth is both makes it clear to Mrs Wilson that you are serious, and goes some way with Jared Wilson, who appears to respond positively to certain types of social signalling that imply wealth and status.

5) Have that talk with Porter about our change in circumstances.
We still havent gotten him that ride train he requested, but we do have the access to either order one, or build it ourselves.
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Something relevant to the war might be a better use. Something to the effect of "what plans did the occupants of this plane have to advance the red court's position relative to the white council and its allies?"
Oh, yeah, that's a much better idea.
BTW since the month isn't over once we get this all squared away we are going to have some votes about what to do with leftover time. I had other more time-consuming plans for you guys if you actually fought the ancient cannibal spirit instead of socializing with it, but as is you can finally take a bit of time to unwind, see what Daniel is up to etc... Any other ideas you may have in the matter are also welcome.
Catching Daniel would be important.
1) Now that Molly has the Hells, and actual sorcerer/alchemists on tap?
Fixing Rosie's derangement is no longer bottlenecked by Molly's personal skill; the Brass Courts has access to medical sorcerers and alchemists. At most we're waiting for her to give birth in January, just out of an excess of caution.
The cure for drug addiction is lethal overdose. Court treatment methods might be... unconventional.
5) Have that talk with Porter about our change in circumstances.
We still havent gotten him that ride train he requested, but we do have the access to either order one, or build it ourselves.
Yeah, that's important too, especially because we need to renegotiate our lease on his lair (a reminder, he's technically our landlord, not a vassal).
The cure for drug addiction is lethal overdose. Court treatment methods might be... unconventional.
That sounds insane, even in a world with recursive immortality.
More permissive error margins is one thing, euthanasia for curable diseases is quite another.
Based on that sort of reasoning, we'd have no hospitals or doctors.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 24, 2023 at 2:56 AM, finished with 87 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Bring everyone, except Broken Seeker into the Fivefold Courts, strip everything useful or valuable from the plane, then have it crash into the ocean
    [X] Between Auspicious Wings of Spite's piloting skills, your telekinesis and Broken Seeker's air magic you're sure you can land the jet on a stretch of highway in the desert, take it apart and burry it. Maybe you will have a use for it later.
    -[X] Rig some explosives to make sure Auspicious Wings of Spite is not trapped in the sinking hull, and as little evidence as possible remains
    [X] Bring everyone, except Broken Seeker into the Fivefold Courts. Land the plane and strip everything of value, bodies engines, cockpit, computer components. Grab some explosives from the FCFF to remove the remains.
That sounds insane, even in a world with recursive immortality.
More permissive error margins is one thing, euthanasia for curable diseases is quite another.
Based on that sort of reasoning, we'd have no hospitals or doctors.
This is most likely a radical treatment, but it is a treatment. The turning of the Wheel cures the affliction that led to the death and repairs the damage done by it. So, for drug addiction, at least physiological signs can be cured by inducing a lethal overdose (likely while in a medically induced coma). Molly has come to this conclusion IC in one of the previous updates.

@DragonParadox speaking of, would a spell of "increase the rate of biological aging" be something our medical professionals have? To deal with, well, aging.
This is most likely a radical treatment, but it is a treatment. The turning of the Wheel cures the affliction that led to the death and repairs the damage done by it. So, for drug addiction, at least physiological signs can be cured by inducing a lethal overdose (likely while in a medically induced coma). Molly has come to this conclusion IC in one of the previous updates.

@DragonParadox speaking of, would a spell of "increase the rate of biological aging" be something our medical professionals have? To deal with, well, aging.
As a last option, maybe.
As the only, or preferred option, or even as a routine procedure? Thats as terrible an idea as euthanasia for traumatic amputation. Or for cancer.
So, here is the final Sorcery document. I added an index to make it much, MUCH more easier to navigate.

ExWoD Sorcery Homebrew

Based on a number of use and advice, it is about as balanced as it is going to be, based primarily on the paths.

The link can also be found here, the old threadmarked post, which I have also updated.

Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files) Crossover - Fantasy

My homebrew Sorcery system. Now 100% more user friendly.
Means and being Solariod stack pretty extremely?
I mean, -3 Difficulty per means, or minus 3 successes needed once you reach minimum difficulty is heavy stuff.

I can't quite imagine how the rolls play out yet, but I think you would easily triple successes compared to Terrestrials, which seems like a far larger difference than the power in Charms and Excellencies and such that normally exists between them.
Means and being Solariod stack pretty extremely?
I mean, -3 Difficulty per means, or minus 3 successes needed once you reach minimum difficulty is heavy stuff.
All means are capped by Essence. So both Solars and DBs at E3 get an aggregate of -3 difficulty.

Solars can get away with using only one Means while a DB will need 3.

Difficulty reductions is also capped at Essence to make early game harder. A E1 Solar will only have -1 regardless.

At E5 a Solar will need two means for -5 while a DB will need 5 means for the -5.

So Solars need less prep while DBs need more.
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That makes sense, I missed the cap and was a bit worried about Solars needing a bit of preptime and then two rounds of casting for the greatest of workings.:)
Arc 9 Post 32: Those Who Remain
Those Who Remain

21th of November 2006 A.D

Planes are cool, you like planes which is why you had halfway formulated a complex plan about landing it in the desert, cutting off the wings and burring it for later use before considering that 'later use' might not be worth it. You can get metal alloys in other places and there are better places to find design sketches for engineers of the City of Journeys to look over, chiefly in the files of companies that make planes. "I hate being responsible," you mutter under your breath.

Broken Seeker's newly grown batlike ears twitch towards you. "Then why trouble yourself with the fates of mortals? They crawl upon the earth like maggots and like maggots they blindly devour it. If some should die more will be born."

Right he's a monster, you had... well not forgotten, more put it out of mind for a moment. "I meant the plane, not the people, we are going to have to send it at the ocean after I get everyone out. Can you take a less creepy shape while I talk to people?"

As genuine as the waryness you had seen in him a moment ago there is no denying that the naagloshii does find what you are doing at the moment funny. "Best to reap souls with terror or temptation, mingling the two is like sweet and sour flavoring," he chuckles even as he shirks to about the size of a large fruit bat, natural seeming except for the eyes merging into a cyclopean visage.

"Not a fan of Chinese Food?" you ask matching his tone. "Sweet and sour souse goes great with chicken."

"I have not tried... Chinese in a while."

Instead of the shock or disgust he's obviously fishing for you roll your eyes. "You've had too many vampires. Next thing you know you'll be telling me you don't drink wine."

At that he chuckles, the sound startlingly deep coming from a three foot long bat.

"Don't you ever get bored of that? Trying to hurt people I mean?"

"Not should I dwell upon this earth for a thousand times a thousand years. There is but one righteous path, narrow and steep, but there are as many ways to transgress as there are stars in the night sky."

"Are there really?" you toss back idly as you start looking for wallets scattered among the remains of torn flesh suits, laptops that had been spared "Around the sun turn objects uncounted, astronomers discover more day by day and yet look though their works, trace the path of each and every body and you will find that, in simplest terms all of them are orbiting the sun. By it they are defined."

"So it's better to tumble into it, to become another speck in its blind and hollow radiance?" the Skinwalker snarls performativly unimpressed.

To that you offer an expansive shrug. "Either way it is probably best to stop staring into it, you will go blind."

"Blind you are already sister," he insists with the surety born of an age of ruin and detestation, but that he would even treat the words so seriously is a victory of its own, or so you like to tell yourself.

It takes about an hour to get all the stuff you want to take with you together, time enough for your prisoners to pull together their flesh-masks back together and fetch a change of clothes from their luggage. They are very eager to be helpful. The backpack full of hundred dollar bills is appreciated, the one filled with cocaine less so.

With one more weary look at Broken Seeker, perched atop the cabin door in bat shape you turn to the newly awoken and the very, very weary. "I will not lie to you everyone, this plane is going into the ocean, we have to leave another way or we will be traced. The Red King will not be impressed by those who have taken a chance to surrender and he will have little mercy for for the former servants of his daughter. We must leave another way, through the spirit world."

There is a rustle of unease. Most of these people do not know what the spirit world is much less the implications of the Ways but the vampires are more savvy.

"Winter is near," one of the vampires, Don Ricardo says, carefully not meeting your eyes. "They will not take well to our trespass."

"I know little of magic, but if we fly across the border la dona's kin would not chase us far," the woman Arianna had been about to eat, Sophia, says with the courage of one who has nothing left to loose. "There is much money on board, if you could spare a little we can make due.."

Several of the vampires have to catch themselves not to silence her, perhaps even to strike her.

"I wish I could," you sigh. "The Red King will thirst for vengeance against those who slew his daughter, he will thirst for answers, he will hunt any who possess them and he will tear them from you. More than that though, others will try to do the job for him to earn his favor, even those who were rivals of Arianna Ortega. After all they do not want to end up like she did. Does anyone here think they would hesitate to use torture and worse if there is even a chance of getting a scrap more information?"

As inspiring speeches go it is as blunt as hammer to the face and for many of the humans present it is just as painful, just as shocking, but none of them can truly deny it

"Please seniora I have family in Puerto Triunfo. I have to get back to them!" an older man says, nervously wiping his hands off on the wall beside him. He had been one of the most efficient at looking among the remains of the dead. He had even provided the passwords to some of the laptops, not that you need them.

That opens the flood-gates, about a third of the people here are from 'the families' hereditary blood serfs of the Red Court who know no other life than service to the vampires' whims, their loyalty twice assured by kin made hostage at birth. It hurts to see how desperate they are and it hurts more to point out that in returning to their families they would only put them in more danger, but in the end there is no denying it, not with the vampire prisoners backing up your words, bemused as they might be as to why you care what the 'bloodbags' think.

The two Infected, both personal assistants of dead vampires fall somewhere in the middle between the resignation to imprisonment and worry. They too have families, but as part of the process that selects for new blood they have been isolated from them, groomed effectively to join the ranks of the the blessed. As far as you can tell both Emanuel and Alexandra sincerely believe that Arianna was at least a semi-divine, which makes the fact that you killed her a mark of your own divinity, only strengthened when their own unnatural hunger guttered out as soon as they had proclaimed their fealty. That they will live up to those vows is not in doubt, but of the kind of services they have rendered in the past you have no need and hope you never shall.

What arrangements do you make for the vampires, the infected and the mortals in the Fivefold Court?

[] [VAMPIRES] Imprison
Keep them locked up, you will deal with them later

[] [VAMPIRES] Study
No doubt there are many organizations who would like to have a look at the denizens of the Worlds Beyond. You are not sure if these are the ambassadors you would choose for that, but then again an outside perspective is always useful

[] [VAMPIRES] Write in

[] [INFECTED] Imprison

While they may not be as guilty as their masters, they are still the knowing servants, worshipers of murderers and slavers

[] [INFECTED] Interrogate
They do not know as much as the vampires they are also a lot more likely to offer honest answers

[] [INFECTED] Free
Let them have their second chance in the Fivefold Courts, if Broken Seeker is worth the attempt they surely are worth their freedom

[] [INFECTED] Write in

[] [HUMANS] Free

Let them go where they will, they deserve as much freedom as you can give them

[] [HUMANS] Limited Access
Only pass them though a very limited portion of your world, give them a quick health check up so you can send back those any who still want to leave with as little information about the other side as you can

[] [HUMANS] Write in

OOC: Hopefully we can get though handing the aftermath in just one update so we can get back to Chicago for the rest of the month.
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[] [VAMPIRES] Study
No doubt there are many organizations who would like to have a look at the denizens of the Worlds Beyond. You are not sure if these are the ambassadors you would choose for that, but then again an outside perspective is always useful
What would this entail? Because I would think that "study" option would start with biological study and interrogation.
What would this entail? Because I would think that "study" option would start with biological study and interrogation.

Interrogation, blood samples, sticking them in a magical MRI etc... Some of it may be dangerous given that you are dealing with magical systems which have never met before and it is less secure than just sticking them in a cell and being done with, but the trade off is you learn things about the nature of the Red Court.
[X] Plan Investigation and investments
-[X] [VAMPIRES] Study
-[X] [INFECTED] Study, including searching for ways to cure the condition, including studies of how the turning of the Wheel interacts with the condition (volunteers only)
-[X] [HUMANS] Limited Access
--[X] Rehabilitation programs - they require those.
---[X] See if any of them are worth recruiting after they are better. As Earth natives they could be useful as agents