Acceptance of the Black Exaltation afflicts the
Abyssal with certain expectations. Though few Abys-
sals have even begun to understand how their curse
works, or why, their Essence is tied to those grotesque
and chthonic spectres known as the Neverborn. Acting
against the will of the Neverborn disturbs the dreams
of these ancient, timeless horrors, and those primor-
dial nightmares are visited upon the wayward Abyssal.
These are the laws that the Black Exaltation de-
mands an Abyssal follow:
She must not say or acknowledge her lost name, or
any name she truly considers to be her own. Each time
she does so, she suffers the curse of the Neverborn.
She must not increase the numbers of the living. Sir-
ing or bearing a child is forbidden, and the moment of
the child's birth brings with it the curse of the Neverborn.
She must not save the lives of the living. Any scene in
which she does so provokes the curse of the Neverborn.
The curse of the Neverborn expresses itself as one of
a variety of temporary punishments, chosen by the Story-
teller. The curse is generally transitory, lasting for anywhere
from a scene to a few days. Common examples include:
The next time the Abyssal manifests her fangs, she
is unable to banish them for three days.
She gains the Nightmares flaw (see V20, page 485)
for a week.
She has great difficulty approaching some com-
mon stimulus such as the scent of garlic or roses, holy
ground, holy symbols, or the sound of churchbells,
and must roll Willpower (difficulty 7) to remain close
to the cursed object or sensation.
She gains the Beacon of the Unholy flaw (see V20,
page 494).
V20, page 495).
The Abyssal gains the Eerie Presence flaw (see
The character suffers the Lord of the Flies flaw (see
V20, page 495).
The Abyssal finds bright lights and direct sunlight
painful, increasing the difficulty of all actions by 1
while in such circumstances.
A terrible lethargy falls upon the Abyssal when the
sun rises, compelling her to sleep from sunrise until
sunset. If she remains awake and active anyway, she
suffers a –2 penalty to all actions.
Spectres detect the anger of the Neverborn echoing
through their hive-mind and become hostile to the Abyssal.