Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

The entire justification for the blackstaff position is to counter enemies who are using the laws against them*. In most cases killing those responsible is an effective response and it hard to see how the others might be needed.

*Human shields and the like.
Even if it could be done I suspect the council would react murderously to the idea regardless of where it came from.
Harry: "I know you've killed before. Have you broken any of the other laws."

Ebenezer: "I was raising an undead army for He Who Walks Behind one time, and I turned some guy into a frog when he interrupted. Then the Council had a fit, I saw in their minds that they weren't going to let it go, and so I went back in time to get them off my back. I did have to wipe the Gatekeeper's mind so he wouldn't say anything though."

Harry: "What?!?!"

Ebenezer: "No, Hoss. I've occasionally had to put down someone who needed to die, but I do care about using magic right. I meant what I taught you."
It's more than occasionally. Ebenezer has apparently killed so many people that one old vampire said that the only way that they might go about beating his kill count is if he somehow got access to nuclear codes.
It's more than occasionally. Ebenezer has apparently killed so many people that one old vampire said that the only way that they might go about beating his kill count is if he somehow got access to nuclear codes.
There's admitting to the shady shit that you've felt you had to do, and then there's rubbing the nose of the loved one you're reconnecting with in it.
Maybe you should include that in your vote then.
The QM generally defaults to the PC acting intelligently within the circumstances; I see no reason to assume they would start burning Essence on a conversation before a fight.
I dont feel strongly enough to argue about it though.

Question, as someone not entirely up to date with Dresden lore, why does the Blackstaff bypass the First Law?
Furthermore, could this capability be replicated? Might it then be possible to bypass the other Laws as well?
Its one of relatively few artifacts in the setting that we see.
Potent enough that the Titan Ethniu recognized it and singled it out.
The leading theory is that its Mother Winter's walking stick.

Replicated? Maybe. But why would we want to do it?
Word of Butcher is that the Blackstaff isnt healthy to use. It prevents black magic corruption, but using it is allegedly not without consequences to the wielder.

The Blackstaff is allowed to break all Seven Laws in defense of the Council in the event he finds it necessary.
Thats the point of the Blackstaff.
Presumably he can break the other laws as well, but McCoy hasn't done any time travel, necromancy, etc. that we know of.
Yes he can.
Even if it could be done I suspect the council would react murderously to the idea regardless of where it came from.
The laws of magic are an ideology to them as much as they are something with tangible consequences.
Edit: replicated I mean.
No, thats part of the job.
Blood Rites chapter 35:
Blood Rites chapter 35 Ebenezar explains the Blackstaff to Harry said:
Ebenezar's voice lashed out, harsh and cold. "You don't know what you're talking about, boy. You don't know what you're saying. Within my own lifetime, there have been times and places where even speaking those words could have been worth your life."
"Gosh, I'd hate to for my life to be in jeopardy. Why did he call you Blackstaff?" I asked, my voice hardening. An intuition hit me. "It's not a nickname," I said. "Is it. It's a title."
"A title," he said. "A solution. At times, the White Council found itself bound by its own laws while its enemies had no such constraints. So an office was created. A position within the Council. A mark of status. One wizard, and only one, was given the freedom to choose when the Laws had been perverted, and turned as weapons against us."

I stared at him for a moment and then said, "After all that you taught me about magic. That it came from life. That it was a force that came from the deepest desires of the heart. That we have a responsibility to use it wisely-hell, to be wise, and kind, and honorable, to make sure that the power gets used wisely. You taught me all of that. And now you're telling me that it doesn't mean anything. That the whole time you were standing there with a license to kill."

The lines in the old man's face looked hard and bitter. He nodded. "To kill. To enthrall. To invade the thoughts of another mortal. To seek knowledge and power from beyond the Outer Gates. To transform others. To reach beyond the borders of life. To swim against the currents of time."

"You're the White Council's wetworks man," I said. "For all their prattle about the just and wise use of magic, when the wisdom and justice of the Laws of Magic get inconvenient, they have an assassin. You do that for them."
He said nothing.
"You kill people."
"Yes." Ebenezar's face looked like something carved in stone, and his voice was quietly harsh. "When there is no choice. When lives are at stake. When the lack of action would mean-" He cut himself off, jaw working. "I didn't want it. I still don't. But when I have to, I act."

"Like at Casaverde," I said. "You hit Ortega's stronghold when he escaped our duel."
"Yes," he said, still remote. "Ortega killed more of the White Council than any enemy in our history during the attack at Archangel." His voice faltered for a moment. "He killed Simon. My friend. Then he came here and tried to kill you, Hoss. And he was coming back here to finish the job as soon as he recovered. So I hit Casaverde. Killed him and almost two hundred of his personal retainers. And I killed nearly a hundred people there in the house with them. Servants. Followers. Food."
I felt sick. "You told me it would be on the news. I thought maybe it was the Council. Or that you'd done it without killing anyone but vampires. I had time to think about it later, but… I wanted to believe you'd done what was right."
"There's what's right," the old man said, "and then there's what's necessary. They ain't always the same."
Its not something he is supposed to do trivially.
But the Blackstaff is explicitly allowed to break all seven Laws in the event that he judges it necessary.

We've done well against BS by hitting in areas he's not good in and leveraging our usual strengths, but that doesn't mean he's safe to engage with casually.

I'd say a fishing expedition needs essence than something more focused, because we don't know what we're going for and it won't necessarily stay in areas we can easily manipulate.

I don't see a specific thing giving us actual cause to believe we need to do this. If there's actually rumor level knowledge relevant to us we can probably get it from the Shen or something too.
1)Depends on the subject of your fishing expedition.Which is why my suggestion was listening to other people's gossip he was willing to share. Not to ask him what he thinks Molly is, or to actually probe him about his beliefs or attempt to challenge him on them. Nothing he actually cares about.

2) I dont agree with that assessment. We have seen him in social.
He has no Empathy, so his social Perception rolls are Perception 7 only, which is a mortal tier dicepool.
His Manipulation + Etiquette is 7. Also mortal.

Molly's social Perception is 8. Her Man + Etiquette is 8.
We have better base social stats than he does. And in engaging about stuff he doesnt really care about, he would have no incentive to burn power ahead of a fight.

3)Thats kinda the point of listening to gossip: you arent looking for specific stuff, just keeping an eye out for potential threats coming your way or situations that might involve you. Its gossip and intelligence reports that give you reason to investigate further.
Like I said, its happened to us before.

And its not like we're going to get to sit across from Seeker shooting the shit next week.
Maximize your opportunities.

4)Also worth noting that side objectives are bonus XP.
In not engaging, we're deliberately leaving XP on the table in whats a low-stakes social encounter.
Which is IMO suboptimal.
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Its not something he is supposed to do trivially.
But the Blackstaff is explicitly allowed to break all seven Laws in the event that he judges it necessary.
My post was about replicating the staff. The white council is okay with one senior council member doing it, but that doesn't necessarily make them enthusiastic about more running around.
1)Depends on the subject of your fishing expedition.Which is why my suggestion was listening to other people's gossip he was willing to share. Not to ask him what he thinks Molly is, or to actually probe him about his beliefs or attempt to challenge him on them. Nothing he actually cares about.

2) I dont agree with that assessment. We have seen him in social.
He has no Empathy, so his social Perception rolls are Perception 7 only, which is a mortal tier dicepool.
His Manipulation + Etiquette is 7. Also mortal.

Molly's social Perception is 8. Her Man + Etiquette is 8.
We have better base social stats than he does. And in engaging about stuff he doesnt really care about, he would have no incentive to burn power ahead of a fight.

3)Thats kinda the point of listening to gossip: you arent looking for specific stuff, just keeping an eye out for potential threats coming your way or situations that might involve you. Its gossip and intelligence reports that give you reason to investigate further.
Like I said, its happened to us before.

And its not like we're going to get to sit across from Seeker shooting the shit next week.
Maximize your opportunities.

4)Also worth noting that side objectives are bonus XP.
In not engaging, we're deliberately leaving XP on the table in whats a low-stakes social encounter.
Which is IMO suboptimal.
1) he's got control of the conversation in this context, and he's been trying to manipulate Molly this whole time. Say what you want about his social skills, but he's managed to do pretty well for what he is and we haven't seen all his tricks yet.

2) his goal here are only partially to kill Ortega, he also wants to help Molly 'wake up'. Which he probably thinks he's doing pretty well at considering what happened just after he left. Bringing this down to mortal levels makes it much more possible for him to handle us.

3) we don't need him for anything in particular though. Maybe it's interesting, but we can reach out to other dark spirits who probably know less but are plugged in more throughly to what we care about.

4) we should be prioritizing good decision making over exp. Trying to cram additional objectives into some as sensitive as this situation isn't worth the extra points.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 15, 2023 at 6:16 AM, finished with 58 posts and 17 votes.
Arc 9 Post 24: City of Light, City of Night
City of Light, City of Night

21th of November 2006 A.D.

Mexico City is the kind of place you can get lost in so many ways, as a mouse in a maze of tangled streets and little nooks of history hidden away yards away from the rumble of busy tragic, as a viewer set before the colorful canvas of a city that stretches out over the hills from the golden vaults of churches to the awnings of street carts, as one awoken to the voice of power that sings beneath these streets as it had done since the time when yet the waters flowed and before than when an eagle stood perched atop a cactus. Power flows like water, like blood under the feet of people uncounted, tourists here for a day and a few flashy photos, old and wizened grandmothers giving them a gimlet eye, kids on holiday and men in grey suits and flashing sunglasses, phones at their ears, the fate of the world on their lips, or so at least they think.

In cool air conditioned halls, the shadows broken up by buzzing white light, lighting caged by artifice, old stones lie bare of sacred pommp, hollow eyes staring glaring at the curious crowds, unblinking in the glare of furtive camera flashes.All that was holy had fled from here, all that was mighty and great and yet.. and yet... the darkness in the hollow eyes is deeper, the anger writ in the stern line of a king's jaw, perhaps a god's still makes the onlooker uneasy. You catch sight of one elderly woman clutching a rosary even while the pair of teens with her, perhaps her grandchildren roll their eyes at their nann's 'superstitions'. In this old eyes see truer.

You wonder at what those priests of old would have thought of what had become of their city, their land. As evening's grey fingers reach across the sky the lights spring into being. Maybe it's just you, maybe you're projecting, but as the lights spring forth, burning behind glass, advertising show and movies, cars and bars and energy drinks it almost feels fearful, as though the earth has had its glut of blood and the sky would turn away from what is done here by night. Where once the priest-kings of the Mexica ruled not only horrors feast and name themselves lords over those they feast upon. All it would take is wandering down the wrong street, speaking to the wrong beautiful stranger and things far, far worse than any mortal kidnapper or drug pusher would find you. Granted it would be the last thing they ever find, but you are not here to fish in murky waters, to catch one, two or a dozen darting trout. You are hunting bigger game...

Restored Willpower to 9/9 from Sightseeing
Restored Essence to 15/15 from
Charred Sinner Renewal

And as little as you might wish to think about it you have help. Perched next to the golden eagle there's another bird, a shadow among the city's bright lights, no doubt the wrecker of many a holiday photo. The visitors should count themselves lucky that this is all he's ruining. Broken Seeker is of the 'hiding in plain sight' school of deception.

This place, this crossroad of the land was once a Dragon's Nest and even with the lake dried, the old temples in ruins there's enough of a dip in the arcane tomography of the city that is it not the least bit strange for a bit of the old dark to gather here. Still that's a bit much... "A three winged bird? Why are you doing that?"

"Mortals see less the more light they cast into the night, it amuses me so" comes the croaking answer. "A simple pleasure yes, but one must enjoy to appreciate such things if one is to endure."

"Here," you shove a pair of headphones at him, not sanctuary-made, not even as small as you had made your own, certainly not containing any spirit, if he can veil having three wings, he can deal with hiding a pair of green headphones. "So we can keep in contact."

At this Broken Seeker rolls his eyes and then he rolls his whole head back with a sickening crack, revealing the stump of his avian neck from which blooms a flower of gore, a cocoon of flesh that then pulses and splits open into a human... humanoid at least form in a long fur trimmed coat and wide brimmed snake-skin hat.

You could have lived your whole life and been happy without knowing that those were all made of the same substance as his own flesh and blood, skinned and tanned by sorcery in the same smooth motion as changing shapes, without even dropping the veil , but no Usum just had to tell you.

The skinwalker snaps on the headphones and then just jabs the wearable mike into his sternum where it remains rooted like a strange plastic growth. Much to your annoyance he catches on how to use them all too easily as the pair of you jog towards the airport at a smooth even pace no entirely mundane human could have kept up with.

Is there anything you would like to tell Broken Seeker before you set off?

[] Yes
-[] Tell him not to hurt civilians
-[] Try to convince him to accept surrenders as well as not harming civilians
-[] Write in

[] No, you're sure he will go for Arianna first, after he has been sated by her death screams odds are good he will be much more amenable to rules of engagement

[] Write in

OOC: Sorry this took so long guys, my chair just broke and I tried way too long to fix it before giving up and using something else.
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Eyes on the prize, Broken Seeker.

[X] Eyes on the Prize
-[X] "She's going to be surrounded by guards, servants, and slaves. We're not here to save them, but neither are they our prey. If they get in our way, that's their ill fortune, otherwise, let's keep our eyes on the real prize, all right?"
[X] Eyes on the Prize
-[X] "She's going to be surrounded by guards, servants, and slaves. We're not here to save them, but neither are they our prey. If they get in our way, that's their ill fortune, otherwise, let's keep our eyes on the real prize, all right?"
[X] Eyes on the Prize
-[X] "She's going to be surrounded by guards, servants, and slaves. We're not here to save them, but neither are they our prey. If they get in our way, that's their ill fortune, otherwise, let's keep our eyes on the real prize, all right?"
[X] Eyes on the Prize
-[X] "She's going to be surrounded by guards, servants, and slaves. We're not here to save them, but neither are they our prey. If they get in our way, that's their ill fortune, otherwise, let's keep our eyes on the real prize, all right?"
[X] Eyes on the Prize
-[X] "She's going to be surrounded by guards, servants, and slaves. We're not here to save them, but neither are they our prey. If they get in our way, that's their ill fortune, otherwise, let's keep our eyes on the real prize, all right?"
I hope you guys like the go around Mexico City, I did not want to skip over it especially since you could have rolled much higher on that Occult roll , but also since I think a sense of scale and distance is important in a quest. Mexico City should not feel like it is just an extension of Chicago even if you are only here for a touch of air piracy

@DragonParadox I just had a hilarious thought: does Molly count as a Symbol of Faith when around denizens summoned from her inner world?

She is the vessel of said faith not a symbol of it, but even if you could word your way around that the Exaltation would get prissy if some mortal tried to shove pieces of their soul on it, even if the mortal was one it technically recognized
I hope you guys like the go around Mexico City, I did not want to skip over it especially since you could have rolled much higher on that Occult roll , but also since I think a sense of scale and distance is important in a quest. Mexico City should not feel like it is just an extension of Chicago even if you are only here for a touch of air piracy
I love that we took the effort to do a bit of tourism on the side, even if it was just scoping the place out to get the lay of the land. It's not all monsters and mayhem, after all. There's cool shit to see, too.

RVD makes for easy day trips. There must be so many places Molly would like to see, and now she can be at many of them in moments.
I also enjoyed the tourism. It was cool to see these sights...

Well see them in text. You know what I mean. Amd the travel photos.
She is the vessel of said faith not a symbol of it, but even if you could word your way around that the Exaltation would get prissy if some mortal tried to shove pieces of their soul on it, even if the mortal was one it technically recognized
I take it "shoving pieces of their soul onto it" is how the Red Court's symbol of faith issues are activated? Well that's a shame, it would have been hilarious.