Faith and the Inner Devil
1)A little heavy handed with the sermon there, White God, dont you think?
Then again, it IS Molly; bless her soul, but she is a little thick
2)Namaste is how you are supposed to greet divinities according to Google.
We just had a monk who's never met Molly before peg her for either an Exalt or a Princess of Hell at first sight.
This has all sorts of implications about our ability to hide what we are from casual inspection by supernaturals ie not happening. Not unless we pick up a charm for it.
It also suggests that the East retains records of what an Infernal is, records that dont seem extant here if the Summer Lady's lack of recognition is correct. This is in line with Mouse, who originates from an Eastern monastery, also recognizing Molly on soght.
Which means that Molls needs contacts in the East.
See, Molly seemed kinda unhappy taking that look.
A Prince of the Earth should not be constrained by the whispers of mortals.
No matter, she will see in time.
Counterpoint: We just discovered that an eastern monk can zero in on us while we're wearing our Sunday Best and not doing a thing out of the ordinary. Thats worth whatever momentary discomfort wearing a summer dress entails.
Besides, Molly was unhappy due to some of the people she ran into at church.
The rest is identity crisis stuff.
Nothing to do with her clothes per se.
And thirdly, you cant really claim to be a Prince of Earth until you have a suitably chuuni appellation.
Something like Screaming Phoenix Killer, Bones of Creation or Seven Blasphemous Deaths

[X] Just go act normal (Charisma+Empathy; may use Excellency)
-[] Write in stunt
Im going to disagree with the consensus vote.
If Michael trusts these people enough to come at their request, then its probably safe to admit ignorance of what they are implying rather than attempting to bluff things through. Which means that we can try to tap them as a resource for occult knowledge.