Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Again, these aren't supposed to be common or easy to use. The more limited prodigies fill that role, they even have a specific mechanic for paying more to allow them to be used that way in their base rules.
Of course they aren't. I mean, as written, they are basically useless:
1) You have to purchase a 5 dot charm
2) You have to hunt and kill a very strong enemy. Or destroy a unique resource (a Dragon Nest), with likely a severe negative consequence for local ecosphere. Or put your own soul into it. For anything above 3 dots, you have to do this multiple times.
3) You have to make it. That takes in-game time and effort, and a lot of it. At least an AP worth in quest terms. And if you botch, you lose everything.
4) You have to attune it. Meaning that you are limited to Essence Splendors + Prodigies in total.
5) You have to pay essence to manifest it and do this repeatedly.

For all that the effects splendors offer are... lackluster to be generous. Yes, there are some perfect effects in there which are nice, but for the same 20 XP you can almost have Enchantment 4 path, which is just plain better in most respects (enchantment 2 can give you, specifically, +2 to an attribute or ability magic item, and there's no limit on how many you can have, so yes, you can essentially have +2 to everything with enough effort spent).

Now, CCoP isn't useless, because Arcana are much less limited and don't permanently consume unique resources. But splendors have been nerfed into complete uselessness, if I am honest, if your version is correct. They are just not worth the opportunity cost. It's better (mechanically, at least) to buy enchantment path and apply exalted dicepools and difficulty adjusters to mortal magic.

Having a Form of Hero's Shadow require attunement for exalt who made it just means that we'll never make anything for anyone, because we can't afford to.
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Of course they aren't. I mean, as written, they are basically useless:
1) You have to purchase a 5 dot charm
2) You have to hunt and kill a very strong enemy. Or destroy a unique resource (a Dragon Nest), with likely a severe negative consequence for local ecosphere. Or put your own soul into it. For anything above 3 dots, you have to do this multiple times.
3) You have to make it. That takes in-game time and effort, and a lot of it. At least an AP worth in quest terms. And if you botch, you lose everything.
4) You have to attune it. Meaning that you are limited to Essence Splendors + Prodigies in total.
5) You have to pay essence to manifest it and do this repeatedly.

For all that the effects splendors offer are... lackluster to be generous. Yes, there are some perfect effects in there which are nice, but for the same 20 XP you can almost have Enchantment 4 path, which is just plain better in most respects (enchantment 2 can give you, specifically, +2 to an attribute or ability magic item, and there's no limit on how many you can have, so yes, you can essentially have +2 to everything with enough effort spent).

Now, CCoP isn't useless, because Arcana are much less limited and don't permanently consume unique resources. But splendors have been nerfed into complete uselessness, if I am honest, if your version is correct. They are just not worth the opportunity cost. It's better (mechanically, at least) to buy enchantment path and apply exalted dicepools and difficulty adjusters to mortal magic.

Having a Form of Hero's Shadow require attunement for exalt who made it just means that we'll never make anything for anyone, because we can't afford to.
I wouldn't call them useless, especially since they've got some Ancient Sorcery level juice behind them (assuming that part of the fluff applies anyway) and do some stuff that isn't readily available through other means.

Using a reasonable scaling for the different dots sacrifice wise starter splendors aren't too hard to make. We've killed multiple vampires who should qualify already.

Which gets you stuff like being immune to metal/stone or some other elemental source for considerable periods of time. Jumping to 3 dots could get you something that makes the user immune to unmixed damage for a week for 1 mote.

Much like how ancient sorcery shouldn't be used to get in a wizard's duel with the Merlin Splendors aren't supposed to be a replacement for making "regular" magic items.

They're each a big deal, and should be built around their ability to break the rules instead of to give the user +2 to everything.

You're also glossing over the fact that it's basically only flat mortals who're locked behind HS.

All vampires, any minor talent/wizard, fey, and demons can all wield a single splendor at a time in their own right as long as it isn't above 3 dots. Which again is the level of being immune to a number of elements, becoming unable to fail at up to 2 things or cursing another to always do so, returning from the dead, and all sorts of other stuff.

They can own multiple too, they just have to swap them while they're inactive.

Taking our high level white court mook and giving him an item that makes him immune to metal/stone weapons, fire, mind magic, and possession would instantly make him way more dangerous than he looks for example. Hell I'd give that to Lydia with possession swapped for air to gain immunity to wind, cold, and electricity before equipping that guy.

Have fun fighting a gimmick boss when learning the rules still leaves you in an unfair fight with an exalt.

For us an earth/fire/wind mix would cover some areas we don't have charms for and still leave us room for a mystic element that could be leveraged into a -2 difficulty modifier on any crafting that incorporates elements in those domains.

That's without getting into the high tier items we've been playing with.

Splendors are incredibly powerful and useful even without the ability to pass them out in arbitrary numbers to even the dullest of muggles.
This is pretty clear a continuation of Daniel's crisis of wanting to help in the good fight.
Like I said?
An illustration of why we need to actually spend time with family, not for family.

I am using willpower to minimize the chances of anima flair if we have to spend essence on various excellences. We spend 3 motes guaranteed here - Hellscy Chakra, Subterfuge Excellency, HMP. ATB pushes it to 4, which is on the border of uncontrollable anima flair, and if we need to use HMP twice for separate systems, we are out of luck.
Okay, that seems reasonable.
I dont like it, but it does seem reasonable.

It's an airport. There's no way we are getting into direct line of sight of air traffic controls posing as a tourist. I considered that. And we are obviously leaving the backpack somewhere before we enter the restricted area. It's an airport, paid luggage storage is a thing.

Molly can look janitors up using Clippy.
1) Janitors require ID for access. Janitors recognize other janitors. They recognize the security people. They speak the language.
They know what the cleaning schedule is.
Because just as we dont let janitors work in an operating room, there's a time when they are allowed around computers.

We dont even know where the equipment that airport janitors use is stored.

A tourist, especially an American one, might blunder their way into shit if the security fails. Not going to be the first time that a civilian found themselves somewhere they ought not to be.
A janitor is expected to know better.

We'll stand out like a sore thumb.

2) No, we are not leaving the backpack with speed and antivenom potions lying around in an airport locker.
Not given how essential they are to our operations here.
Not in a city where we know the Red Court wields outsize influence.

3) Demographic.
Is she the right age? Right complexion? Are all the cleaners here male? Female? Middle aged? We dont know.
We dont have anything like the beginnings of enough information to blend properly. IMO.

She's a blonde American with multicolored dyes in her hair, and who can barely manage high school Spanish.
She is not going to pass as a Mexican airport cleaner

4) Molly cant make janitor uniforms using Clippy. They arent exactly off the shelf as far as I can tell.
She cant make janitor IDs when she doesnt even know what Mexico City Airport janitor IDs look like.
She has a better chance of impersonating an FBI agent; at least she knows what their credentials look like.

There's only three or four reasonable options
  • Clueless American tourist that blundered their way into shit
  • American airline/airport or security official, using some of the data we have of Daedalus, asking to see a counterpart
  • American computer tech doing a quick check on the computers, and in that case you can literally tell them to direct you to the server room
  • Wait till dusk, then hover at the edge of the airport with a set of high-power binoculars + ATB aimed at the control tower's windows and HMP at range

All of these lean into Molly's strengths, and dont require her to impersonate a class of person she's never met before while trying to mumble her way through high school Spanish with an American accent.
There's only three or four reasonable options
  • Clueless American tourist that blundered their way into shit
  • American airline/airport or security official, using some of the data we have of Daedalus, asking to see a counterpart
  • American computer tech doing a quick check on the computers, and in that case you can literally tell them to direct you to the server room
  • Wait till dusk, then hover at the edge of the airport with a set of high-power binoculars + ATB aimed at the control tower's windows and HMP at range
We could also just play generic middle management/paper pusher type. Get a clipboard and middling businesswear, walk around with confidence. If we're already past security it'd take some pretty unusual behavior for someone to make us their problem.

Alternatively, do the same thing but play the role of clueless new hire barely keeping to together. In my experience people notice those guys, but actively pretend they don't most of the time because they don't want to have to get up and help them.
I was thinking about the ongoing argument I have been having with @uju32 about getting more dependents/minions. He is of the opinion that they are an unacceptable weakness that our enemies will target.

But thinking about things from the enemies point of view. We feel like an archdevil are most of our enemies going to count on us becoming helpless if they take hostages?

To give an example we know that Mab genuinely loves her daughters do you think that taking her daughters hostage is likely to be a winning move for anyone?
We feel like an archdevil are most of our enemies going to count on us becoming helpless if they take hostages?

To give an example we know that Mab genuinely loves her daughters do you think that taking her daughters hostage is likely to be a winning move for anyone?
We don't have Mab's reputation and history yet. Not to say attacking our people shouldn't be a scary af notion for most who know of our record but once again Broken Seerer shows that it will happen anyway. They'll just be more cautious.
We could also just play generic middle management/paper pusher type. Get a clipboard and middling businesswear, walk around with confidence. If we're already past security it'd take some pretty unusual behavior for someone to make us their problem.

Alternatively, do the same thing but play the role of clueless new hire barely keeping to together. In my experience people notice those guys, but actively pretend they don't most of the time because they don't want to have to get up and help them.

This was my thought with regards to the computer tech and American airline official; someone walking in with confidence and getting his way. Especially since the computer server room, and the air traffic control center, are the sorts of rooms that have locks on the doors, and you need a keycard to get in, or someone with a keycard to let you in.

Someone has to open that door to give us access since we dont have the magic hacking charm.
A random janitor has less chance of getting into somewhere like this than even a random civilian, because at least a random civilian will get the assumption of ignorance. A janitor wont.

I was thinking about the ongoing argument I have been having with @uju32 about getting more dependents/minions. He is of the opinion that they are an unacceptable weakness that our enemies will target.

But thinking about things from the enemies point of view. We feel like an archdevil are most of our enemies going to count on us becoming helpless if they take hostages?

To give an example we know that Mab genuinely loves her daughters do you think that taking her daughters hostage is likely to be a winning move for anyone?
At Dresden's first presentation to the Winter Court in Cold Days after his recovery, someone did take Lady Sarissa hostage and use her to blackmail Dresden into a duel. At a ball where Mab declared no blood be shed, so the miscreant threatened to either strangle her or break her neck, keeping within the letter of the rules. Cold Days, chapter 6-8.

And according to Sarissa, that wasnt the first time someone had tried to snipe at her while being technically within the rules.
So yes, people have tried this.

Im not against acquiring more minions; we literally just spawned a planet with five billion of them.
I do insist that we be careful about it, and that we have the forces and resources on hand to defend them and deter harassment before acquiring more minions.
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Gonna need some more votes, ya'll.

@Yog, I don't suppose you could change your plan so as to not burn Willpower quite yet? Even if that means we have to forego something to save Essence and not light up our anima banner, I think we should keep our Willpower as high as possible for now. It takes too long to recover and isn't the effectiveness of MHM directly related to our current Willpower? MHM is likely to get quite the workout in the coming mission.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Sep 9, 2023 at 9:59 PM, finished with 50 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Boogerman
    -[X] Mexico City
    --[X] Get into airport in a normal and mundane way
    ---[X] Wear a non-descript disrguise to prevent being recognized via camera recordings
    --[X] Get into controlled areas of the airport by going to the bathroom and then using RVD to move from a toilet in a public area to a toilet in an employee-only area
    ---[X] Only re-emerge when no one is the bathroom
    ---[X] Once inside activate ATB with willpower and Hellscry chakra to avoid detection
    --[X] Pose as a janitorial employee to get into the line of sight of flight controls, and use HMP if there are no supernatural observers
    ---[X] Use the janitorial disguise as an excuse for why your clothes are wet in order to trigger BSM
    ---[X] Have Clippy translate for you and give you prompts via obvious headphones in your ears.
    ---[X] Use Subterfuge excellency
    -[X] Stunt: Standing in front of a toilet in a Mexico City airport, a recently bought janitorial robe on your body, and earbuds with Clippy's helpful synchronous translation in your ears, you mentally prepare for the strangest part of your plan - imitating Boogerman, from a game you played in your childhood, of all things. You are just thankful you don't need to wait for anyone to flush you down - a bit of janitorial know-how with a fully mundane screwdriver to pop a back a bbit, and you are ready to go. Well, no other way now. For great justice!
    [X] Plan Boogerman
    -[X] Mexico City
    --[X] Get into airport in a normal and mundane way
    ---[X] Wear a non-descript disrguise to prevent being recognized via camera recordings
    ---[X] Look up how airport janitors look
    --[X] Get into controlled areas of the airport by going to the bathroom and then using RVD to move from a toilet in a public area to a toilet in an employee-only area
    ---[X] Leave your backpack in a lugggage storage before entering the restricted area
    ---[X] Only re-emerge when no one is the bathroom
    ---[X] Once inside activate ATB with willpower and Hellscry chakra to avoid detection
    --[X] Pose as a janitorial employee to get into the line of sight of flight controls, and use HMP if there are no supernatural observers
    ---[X] Use the janitorial disguise as an excuse for why your clothes are wet in order to trigger BSM
    ---[X] Have Clippy translate for you and give you prompts via obvious headphones in your ears.
    ---[X] Use Subterfuge excellency
    -[X] Stunt: Standing in front of a toilet in a Mexico City airport, a recently bought janitorial robe on your body, and earbuds with Clippy's helpful synchronous translation in your ears, you mentally prepare for the strangest part of your plan - imitating Boogerman, from a game you played in your childhood, of all things. You are just thankful you don't need to wait for anyone to flush you down - a bit of janitorial know-how with a fully mundane screwdriver to pop a back a bbit, and you are ready to go. Well, no other way now. For great justice!
Alternative plan.

[X] Plan Fake It
--[X]Mexico City
--[X] Get into airport in a normal and mundane way
--[X] Gain access to controlled areas of the airport by going to the bathroom,and then using RVD to move from a toilet in a public area to a toilet in an employee-only area
--[X] Re-emerge in employee bathroom, pull on business jacket and sunglasses from backpack, use different makeup, put up ponytail to alter look. Add clipboard, then go in search of access to airport computers
---[X] Activate ATB with willpower and Hellscry chakra to avoid detection
---[X] Subterfuge and social Excellencies as necessary
--[X]STUNT: You emerge from the bathroom stall, adjusting the sunglasses you have perched on your nose above your clipboard. The very Hollywood stereotype of American IT contractor business casual looks back at you from the bathroom mirror, from dark glasses all the way to the boots on your feet. A last deep breath, and then confidence settles on your shoulders like a cloak as you step out into the corridors like you have every right to be there, beckoning peremptorily to the first clerk you see.

-We dont speak high school Spanish very well, let alone Mexican Spanish.
So we shouldnt try to pose as people who speak good Mexican Spanish. Just pose as someone who has a right to be there; IT person, manager, something similar. Someone with enough apparent status to not get hassled by security or randoms.

-Access to computer rooms and the air traffic control room are restricted. As in, doors are generally locked with keycard access.
So we will need someone to open them for us.
Ergo, we need to look, or talk like someone who can demand access and get it.
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I kind of have to agree with Yogs interpretation of the splendor because otherwise it's literally just better to use Mortal enchantments and you can't actually Grant Boons and artifacts of ancient sorcery to any of your retainers or followers trusted or otherwise and something about that doesn't sit right. Literally by raw you could make a tree that could make similar things to kuei Jin but under bronze interpretation you couldn't give someone a good sword.
I kind of have to agree with Yogs interpretation of the splendor because otherwise it's literally just better to use Mortal enchantments and you can't actually Grant Boons and artifacts of ancient sorcery to any of your retainers or followers trusted or otherwise and something about that doesn't sit right. Literally by raw you could make a tree that could make similar things to kuei Jin but under bronze interpretation you couldn't give someone a good sword.
It's not a matter of interpretation, it's a matter of what it literally says.

1) you must attune a splendor to use it, though you can own as many un-attuned ones as you like

2) Using a splendor involves summoning it, paying the appropriate cost to do so at that time.

3) HS explicitly requires summoning the splendor and then designating a target in the same scene to be marked by it.

That isn't playing games with anything, I've quoted the exact passages where it stays this during this conversation.

Splendors aren't useless without HS breaking the attunement system, and mortal enchantment certainly isn't better either.

For one thing, show me a mortal enchantment that will do this for anything like comparable effort:

Sacred Protection (3 pt. Root Element)
This Splendor defines that which cannot threaten those within its influence, according to the Splendor's character as defined by appropriate Form Elements.
It provides immunity to damage from wind, cold, and electricity (air); being crushed, cut, or pierced by stone or metal (earth); being burned (fire); being drowned (water); being poisoned or struck by wooden objects (wood); disease (death); possession (spirit); or the twisting of the mind by supernatural powers (dreams). If its protection is bestowed by a Fascination, it lasts for a number of hours equal to the Splendor's rating, and may be set to persist indefinitely while within the Splendor's influence in the case of Forms such as Form of the Hearth.
If more than one characteristic is drawn upon when this Element grants its Protection, then instead of invincibility, damage is simply downgraded from aggravated to lethal, lethal to bashing, and bashing damage cut in half after soak (round down), while immunity to possession and thought alteration become the ability to make a Willpower roll at difficulty (10 – Splendor's rating) to immediately shake the effect off, and immunity to disease becomes the ability to make a Stamina roll at difficulty (10 – Splendor's rating) to immediately shake the infection off.

A 3 dot item can make the user immune to 4 elements, and this isn't the only good thing in there.

If you're trying to make rings of +2 soak it's inefficient, but that's not what they're for. The intended use case is to make weird and powerful effects that bend or break the norms of enchanted items.

It also bears repeating that the only people completely locked out of splendor use without HS are flat mortals.

Vampires, mages, sorcerers, enlightened martial artists, demons, fey - pretty much anyone who can work a magic like effect can attune a single splendor at a time. Anyone can own as many as they're able to acquire, so s swapping their plot device/ring of power is possible if necessary. We have gobs of qualifying minions already.

The only thing setting up HS as a slotless item but does is allow you to stack arbitrary numbers of splendors on anyone you like, directly removing nearly all of the use related balance elements worked into the items.

Being able to make a tree that produces super soldiers isn't the same as being able to produce those and hand them out in arbitrary numbers to anyone with a pulse*, and making one in the first place required homebrew shenanigans that weren't even explicitly approved** anyway.

* including yourself since HS works on the owner too. It would take comparatively little effort to add invincible assertion to all of an exalt's critical skills, make them immune to most forms of attack, carry more extra lives than Mario, and all sorts of other tricks.

** As far as I recall.

@Goldfish MHM doesn't do anything with willpower it is an occult intelligence roll.
[X] Yog
When using it to inflict damage directly the damage dice are based on current temp willpower:
With 3+ successes, the Infernal can "fly" by moving herself around telekinetically. She may also grapple or strike her opponents using telekinesis, using a dice pool of Intelligence + (lower of Occult and Brawl or Melee). These attacks inflict bashing damage, and the Infernal's Temporary Willpower acts as her effective Strength value.
It's not a matter of interpretation, it's a matter of what it literally says.

1) you must attune a splendor to use it, though you can own as many un-attuned ones as you like

2) Using a splendor involves summoning it, paying the appropriate cost to do so at that time.

3) HS explicitly requires summoning the splendor and then designating a target in the same scene to be marked by it.

That isn't playing games with anything, I've quoted the exact passages where it stays this during this conversation.

Splendors aren't useless without HS breaking the attunement system, and mortal enchantment certainly isn't better either.

For one thing, show me a mortal enchantment that will do this for anything like comparable effort:

A 3 dot item can make the user immune to 4 elements, and this isn't the only good thing in there.

If you're trying to make rings of +2 soak it's inefficient, but that's not what they're for. The intended use case is to make weird and powerful effects that bend or break the norms of enchanted items.

It also bears repeating that the only people completely locked out of splendor use without HS are flat mortals.

Vampires, mages, sorcerers, enlightened martial artists, demons, fey - pretty much anyone who can work a magic like effect can attune a single splendor at a time. Anyone can own as many as they're able to acquire, so s swapping their plot device/ring of power is possible if necessary. We have gobs of qualifying minions already.

The only thing setting up HS as a slotless item but does is allow you to stack arbitrary numbers of splendors on anyone you like, directly removing nearly all of the use related balance elements worked into the items.

Being able to make a tree that produces super soldiers isn't the same as being able to produce those and hand them out in arbitrary numbers to anyone with a pulse*, and making one in the first place required homebrew shenanigans that weren't even explicitly approved** anyway.

* including yourself since HS works on the owner too. It would take comparatively little effort to add invincible assertion to all of an exalt's critical skills, make them immune to most forms of attack, carry more extra lives than Mario, and all sorts of other tricks.

** As far as I recall.

When using it to inflict damage directly the damage dice are based on current temp willpower:
that splendor also makes you immune to bullets I believe well metal and stone bullets at least what else do people even use for bullets? offhand how much exp does it cost to get something like that?
that splendor also makes you immune to bullets I believe well metal and stone bullets at least what else do people even use for bullets? offhand how much exp does it cost to get something like that?
That's how it works as far as I'm aware. Exp wise there's no additional exp cost post CCoP, which is 15 exp with our various reductions. Instead you need to defeat variably strong monsters.

Just being bullet proof would be a 1 dot splendor, so the weakest thing that the charm accepts as an impressive monster.
That's how it works as far as I'm aware. Exp wise there's no additional exp cost post CCoP, which is 15 exp with our various reductions. Instead you need to defeat variably strong monsters.

Just being bullet proof would be a 1 dot splendor, so the weakest thing that the charm accepts as an impressive monster.
whats a 3-5 dot charm cost monster wise? Like is a skinwalker probably enough for 3 dots or more?
The Infernal visits a deep place between nightmare
and inspiration, and there she glimpses the dim shape
of a horror with which to shake the pillars of Heaven.
She casts her vision into the teeth of impossibility and
shatters them with her Essence, laying bare a path to
make the impossible real. Everything past that is just
putting in the work.
System: This Charm allows the character to create Talismans and Devices (see M20, starting on p.
651). The character first envisions a magical item or
product of impossible science of some kind, from a
suit of armor adorned with hellfire to a database which
catalogues and indexes the sins of all who come in
contact with it. The character then spends a period
of time working out the principles necessary to create
the Wonder. This is an extended Intelligence + (Occult, Science, Technology, or just possibly Computer)
roll against difficulty 9, made at one week intervals,
and needing to accumulate a total of three times the
Wonder's rating in successes.
The Exalt must spend 2
Essence each time she makes this roll. A botch at any
point forces the Infernal to start over and doubles the
necessary number of successes.
Once she designs the Wonder, the Exalt must
then create it herself – likely an extended Craft or
Technology roll. Some projects, it should be noted,
while technically within the scope of the Exalt's imagination, may be extremely difficult or even impossible
to actually create. Are orbital space bases that double
as giant city-killing lasers awesome? Yes. Can the Exalt
dream up the design for such a thing? Possibly. Can she
actually build all of the parts? It would take billions of
dollars, decades of solo labor, and then the Infernal
would have to solve the problem of actually getting all
those parts into space and assembled in zero gravity. It
might be better to stick to something like a gun that
shoots tiny, carnivorous demon worms that eat their
targets from the inside out.
At any rate, having crafted her Wonder, the Infernal must perform a rite to defile it and thereby charge
it with her Essence, activating its miraculous properties
online. This requires (Wonder's rating) hours of work or
ritual, and the expenditure of (Wonder's rating x 5) Essence. Because of the high Essence cost of this Charm, it is most easily performed within Dragon Nests
Oddly enough for all that they say it is hard an
orbital space bases that double as giant city-killing laser would be something we can make. We have the billons of dollars equivalent and the space lift capacity. Only question is if it has to be solo labor.

As for how long it takes us to design most wonders someone else can do that math.
The Infernal visits a deep place between nightmare
and inspiration, and there she glimpses the dim shape
of a horror with which to shake the pillars of Heaven.
She casts her vision into the teeth of impossibility and
shatters them with her Essence, laying bare a path to
make the impossible real. Everything past that is just
putting in the work.
System: This Charm allows the character to create Talismans and Devices (see M20, starting on p.
651). The character first envisions a magical item or
product of impossible science of some kind, from a
suit of armor adorned with hellfire to a database which
catalogues and indexes the sins of all who come in
contact with it. The character then spends a period
of time working out the principles necessary to create
the Wonder. This is an extended Intelligence + (Occult, Science, Technology, or just possibly Computer)
roll against difficulty 9, made at one week intervals,
and needing to accumulate a total of three times the
Wonder's rating in successes.
The Exalt must spend 2
Essence each time she makes this roll. A botch at any
point forces the Infernal to start over and doubles the
necessary number of successes.
Once she designs the Wonder, the Exalt must
then create it herself – likely an extended Craft or
Technology roll. Some projects, it should be noted,
while technically within the scope of the Exalt's imagination, may be extremely difficult or even impossible
to actually create. Are orbital space bases that double
as giant city-killing lasers awesome? Yes. Can the Exalt
dream up the design for such a thing? Possibly. Can she
actually build all of the parts? It would take billions of
dollars, decades of solo labor, and then the Infernal
would have to solve the problem of actually getting all
those parts into space and assembled in zero gravity. It
might be better to stick to something like a gun that
shoots tiny, carnivorous demon worms that eat their
targets from the inside out.
At any rate, having crafted her Wonder, the Infernal must perform a rite to defile it and thereby charge
it with her Essence, activating its miraculous properties
online. This requires (Wonder's rating) hours of work or
ritual, and the expenditure of (Wonder's rating x 5) Essence. Because of the high Essence cost of this Charm, it is most easily performed within Dragon Nests
Oddly enough for all that they say it is hard an
orbital space bases that double as giant city-killing laser would be something we can make. We have the billons of dollars equivalent and the space lift capacity. Only question is if it has to be solo labor.

As for how long it takes us to design most wonders someone else can do that math.
So we should probably be raising technology eventually then?
So we should probably be raising technology eventually then?
Well we can just make sure that our wonders are all on the fantasy side of the fantasy/science fiction divide so we always roll occult rather than technology, science or computer. But having a lower score doesn't make us unable to craft or make the end product worse it just takes longer.
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Well we can just make sure that our wonders are all on the fantasy side of the fantasy/science fiction divide so we always roll occult rather than technology, science or computer. But having a lower score doesn't make us unable to craft or make the end product worse it just takes longer.
It says on the design part yes but the creating part says craft or technology right?