Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Kind of yes, but practically no, it would snap automatically the first time you turned on your anti-shaping defenses.
Huh... I mean, we could make a splendor, but this runs into an issue that it was made by us to verify us being honest.

What about something like the divination Merlin made, only much more narrow, to check if we had broken the terms of our oath in the past?
[X] Unfettered access, they are utterly loyal to you (Full Truth)

Not always is a full disclosure the way to go, but lying here would probably be discovered at some point of time, and it could, and probably would, be incredibly damaging then.
Huh... I mean, we could make a splendor, but this runs into an issue that it was made by us to verify us being honest.

What about something like the divination Merlin made, only much more narrow, to check if we had broken the terms of our oath in the past?

A truth spell basically? That would work on you as long as you had all your defenses down and you waved your will save, but you would have to commit to putting yourself under a truth spell with some regularity.
Ok, there are two points here:
1) We initially talked about how this (distribution of mobile phones) should be delayed until traitors and leaks are purged from WC. In this respect, my analogy works.
2) The "WC is filthy rich". Yes, they are, it doesn't matter. Because they don't have the knowledge / resources / capability to mass-produce techbane resistant technology. We do. In this respect, White Council doesn't have resources appropriate for the soultion, be they money and technology to produce the phones, or man-hours to enchant them.

2) The White Council has always been able to make magical communications devices.
We see it onscreen in Changes, where Dresden and McCoy hold whats apparently a telepathic transatlantic video call on the move.
I quote:
And then Ebenezar's voice said, quite clearly and from no apparent source, "Damn your stubborn eyes, boy! Where have you been?"
I went rigid with surprise for a second. I looked around the interior of the limo, but no one had reacted, with the exception of my godmother. Lea sighed and rolled her eyes.
Right. The speaking stones. I'd stuck mine in the bag, but since I was holding it on my lap now, it was close enough to be warmed by the heat of my body to function. It was possible to send terse messages through the stones without first establishing a clear connection, as my mentor and I had done back toward the beginning of this mess.

"Damnation and hellfire, Hoss!" growled Ebenezar's voice. "Answer me!"
I looked from Sanya to my godmother. "Uh. I kind of have to take this call."
Sanya blinked at me. Thomas and Murphy exchanged a significant glance.
"Oh, shut up," I said crossly. "It's magic, okay?"
I closed my eyes and fumbled through the bag until I found the stone. I didn't really need to show up in my outlandish costume for this conversation, so I thought about my own physical body for a moment, concentrating on an image of my limbs and flesh and normal clothing forming around my thoughts.

"So help me, boy, if you don't—"
Ebenezar appeared in my mind's eye, wearing his usual clothing. He broke off suddenly as he looked at me and his face went pale. "Hoss? Are you all right?"
"Not really," I said. "I'm kind of in the middle of something here. What do you want?"
"Your absence from the conclave did not go over well," he responded, his voice sharp. "There are people in the Grey Council who think you aren't to be trusted. They're very, very wary of you. By missing the meeting, you told them that either you don't respect our work enough to bother showing up, or else that you don't have the wisdom and the fortitude to commit to the cause."
"I never saw the appeal of peer pressure," I said. "Sir, I'm finding a little girl. I'll come play Council politics after I get her home safe, if you want."
"We need you here."
"The kid needs me more. It's not as noble as trying to save the whole White Council from its own stupidity, I know. But by God, I will bring that child out safe."
Ebenezar's mostly bald pate flushed red. "Despite my orders to the contrary."
"We aren't an army. You aren't my superior officer. Sir."
"You arrogant child," he snapped. "Get your head out of your ass and get your eyes on the world around you or you're going to get yourself killed."
"With all due respect, sir, you can go to hell," I snarled. "You think I don't know how dangerous the world is? Me?"
"I think you're doing everything in your power to isolate yourself from the only people who can support you," he said. "You feel guilty about something. I get that, Hoss. You think you ain't fit for company because of what you've done." His scowl darkened still more. "In my time, I've done things that would curl your hair. Get over it. Think."
"After I get the girl out."
"Do you even know where she is?" Ebenezar demanded.
"Chichén Itzá," I said. "She's scheduled to be the centerpiece of one of the Red King's shindigs in the next couple of hours."
Ebenezar took a sharp breath, as if I'd poked him in the stomach with the end of a quarterstaff. "Chichén Itzá . . . That's a confluence. One of the biggest in the world. The Reds haven't used it in . . . Not since Cortés was there."
"Confluence, yeah," I said. "The Duchess Arianna is going to kill her and use the power to lay a curse on her bloodline—Susan and me."
Ebenezar began to speak and then blinked several times, as if the sun had just come out of a cloud and into his eyes. "Susan and . . ." He paused and asked, "Hoss?"
"I meant to tell you the last time we spoke," I said quietly. "But . . . the conversation wasn't exactly . . ." I took a deep breath. "She's my daughter by Susan Rodriguez."
"Oh," he said very quietly. His face looked grey. "Oh, Hoss."
"Her name's Maggie. She's eight. They took her a few days ago."
He bowed his head and shook it several times, saying nothing. Then he said, "You're sure?"
"H-how long have you known?"
"Since a day or so after she was taken," I said. "Surprised the hell out of me."
Ebenezar nodded without looking up. Then he said, "You're her father and she needs you. And you want to be there for her."
"Not want to be there," I said quietly. "Going to be."
"Aye-aye," he said. "Don't go back to the Edinburgh facility. We think Arianna laced it with some kind of disease while she was there. So far there are sixty wizards down with it, and we're expecting more. No deaths yet, but whatever this bug is, it's putting them flat on their backs—including Injun Joe, so our best healer isn't able to work on the problem."
"Hell's bells," I said. "They aren't just starting back in on the war again. They're going to try to decapitate the Council in one blow."
Ebenezar grunted. "Aye. And without the Way nexus around Edinburgh, we're going to have a hell of a time with that counterstroke." He sighed. "Hoss, you got a damned big talent. Not real refined, but you've matured a lot in the past few years. Handle yourself better in a fight than most with a couple of centuries behind them. Wish you could be with us."
I wasn't sure how to feel about that. Ebenezar was generally considered the heavyweight champion of the wizarding world when it came to direct, face-to-face mayhem. And I was one of the relatively few people who knew he was also the Blackstaff—the White Council's officially nonexistent hit man, authorized to ignore the Laws of Magic when he deemed it necessary. The old man had fought pretty much everything that put up a fight at one point or another, and he didn't make a habit of complimenting anyone's skills.
"I can't go with you," I said.
"Aye," he said with a firm nod. "You do whatever you have to do, boy. Whatever you have to do to keep your little girl safe. You hear?"
"Yeah," I said. "Thank you, sir."
"Godspeed, son," Ebenezar said. Then he cut the connection.
I released my focus slowly until I was once more in my body in the back of the limo.
No wires, no radiowaves, no satellites, no bandwith issues.
Whatever the issue is, its not money or technology or even resources; if they had the time and resources to build golems for security in Edinburgh, they could have turned out hundreds of these things.

For all we know, they did.
I don't see where you are getting "there's magic here" from. That's a pretty normal switchboard. And what's strange about reaching it from random payphones? You set up a normal phone number leading to a switchboard, and you can reach it from anywhere in the world. I honestly don't get what you find so strange / impressive here.
Its 2006. Phone lines and phone technology has rather changed since whenever they adopted that switchboard.
Im pretty sure that Edinburgh had gone from analog to digital phone processing by the early 1990s, and that obsoletes that entire system in total.

Its like finding an operating NTSC TV in the US in 2023, and being told that its receiving transmissions(the very, very last NTSC stations went off the air in 2021).
You know something is hinky.
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Kind of yes, but practically no, it would snap automatically the first time you turned on your anti-shaping defenses.

Can we have Molly a homebrew charm that is further modified to fit he exalted vs world of darkness setting? It would be the charm "Ancient and Firstborn" of the Oramus Infernal Exalted charmset. It is particularly relevant to this situation as it would allow Molly to provide a convincing guarantee that she will keep a promise.

Cost: 0m (1-5wp, 1ahl); Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: None

Oramus was self-birthed into a shapeless world. Only he could confine himself to form, and so it hasbeen ever since.

The warlock may use this Charm whenever he makes a promise or oath. His words carve into theworld, binding him along with it. While the Charm is active, anyone who hears the oath spokenautomatically understands that the Infernal is absolutely and undeniably sincere. The Infernal isunable to willingly break the oath while he maintains this Charm, and treats all mental influence thatwould make him do so as an unacceptable order.

Alternatively, the Infernal may use this Charm to sanctify an absolute statement he believes to be true.Rather than breaking the oath, this use of the Charm guards against any behaviour that treats thestatement as false. Either way, this Charm only cares for the letter of the Infernal's words, not anyperceived "spirit".

Ending this Charm before an oath is fulfilled is far more painful than activating it, and requires thatthe warlock pay (Essence) Willpower (maximum 5) and suffer one unsoakable aggravated health levelof damage as he cracks the self-made cage of his ego.

The warlock may purchase this Charm up to (Essence) times, each further purchase allowing him tomaintain one additional oath or truth.

PS: Kudos to Earthscorpion for the original 2e Oramus charms
[X] Unfettered access, they are utterly loyal to you (Full Truth)

It might put them off for now, but honesty is best with this. If we start out lying about something like this, then they'd be both right not to trust us, and difficult to the extreme, not impossible because exalt, to ever win the trust of. With a policy of honesty though, trust can be won and increased over time.

OOC: Good thing Molly's generation has so much experience explaining tech to old people.
And now the Merlin has an internet presence.
Whatever the issue is, its not money or technology or even resources; if they had the time and resources to build golems for security in Edinburgh, they could have turned out hundreds of these things.
This is an unsupported supposition. Just because we can make trains by the thousands, doesn't mean we can make space stations or x-ray lasers by the same amount. We don't know what sort of materials, and skills go into making lognng range communicators, or what limitations they have (like only being able to connect to each other in a pair). WC can't even mass produce warden swords after the loss of one craftsman.
Its 2006. Phone lines and phone technology has rather changed since whenever they adopted that switchboard.
Im pretty sure that Edinburgh had gone from analog to digital phone processing by the early 1990s, and that obsoletes that entire system in total.
Backwards compatibility is a thing, and it's not hard to set up a digital to analog translator offsite.
Can we have Molly a homebrew charm that is further modified to fit he exalted vs world of darkness setting? It would be the charm "Ancient and Firstborn" of the Oramus Infernal Exalted charmset. It is particularly relevant to this situation as it would allow Molly to provide a convincing guarantee that she will keep a promise.

Cost: 0m (1-5wp, 1ahl); Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: None

Oramus was self-birthed into a shapeless world. Only he could confine himself to form, and so it hasbeen ever since.

The warlock may use this Charm whenever he makes a promise or oath. His words carve into theworld, binding him along with it. While the Charm is active, anyone who hears the oath spokenautomatically understands that the Infernal is absolutely and undeniably sincere. The Infernal isunable to willingly break the oath while he maintains this Charm, and treats all mental influence thatwould make him do so as an unacceptable order.

Alternatively, the Infernal may use this Charm to sanctify an absolute statement he believes to be true.Rather than breaking the oath, this use of the Charm guards against any behaviour that treats thestatement as false. Either way, this Charm only cares for the letter of the Infernal's words, not anyperceived "spirit".

Ending this Charm before an oath is fulfilled is far more painful than activating it, and requires thatthe warlock pay (Essence) Willpower (maximum 5) and suffer one unsoakable aggravated health levelof damage as he cracks the self-made cage of his ego.

The warlock may purchase this Charm up to (Essence) times, each further purchase allowing him tomaintain one additional oath or truth.

PS: Kudos to Earthscorpion for the original 2e Oramus charms

Molly could technically do that to herself yes.
If they're willing to take some as a panic button option for when the situation is fucked enough that you don't care that we could eavesdrop, then that could still save some lives.

I'm okay with that for now. It's a start, and we can build from there. Part of them being willing to accept them is likely to be personal relationships forming between wizards and their personal spirit assistants. It's not just about the White Council trusting us, but also wizards trusting the spirits that they work with. A sincere and friendly desire to help can go a long way toward winning someone over.

Let the spirits grow into being a part of wizard culture through their actions as well as ours.
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[X] Unfettered access, they are utterly loyal to you (Full Truth)

This was something we didnt have to reveal.
But we put ourselves in this situation.

This is an unsupported supposition. Just because we can make trains by the thousands, doesn't mean we can make space stations or x-ray lasers by the same amount. We don't know what sort of materials, and skills go into making lognng range communicators, or what limitations they have (like only being able to connect to each other in a pair). WC can't even mass produce warden swords after the loss of one craftsman.
Its made of obsidian. Fire-rounded obsidian, to be exact.
Dresden kept his in a cigar box with a bunch of other stones as camoflage.
He says its delicate magic, but he does not call it difficult magic, or unique magic.

The Doylist reason of course, is that Butcher didnt want Dresden to be able to call in backup easily from Edinburgh, which would abort at least half of the story plots we see in the books given how quickly people can travel through the NeverNever.
So he had to find a reason to keep them offscreen.

Backwards compatibility is a thing, and it's not hard to set up a digital to analog translator offsite.
It is when you are dealing with magic and magic users on both sides of the line.
And these are the Hidden Halls.
Former home of the Daoine Sidhe, and with magical protections worked into the very rock.

I guarantee noone, not a wizard or the phone company, dug a tunnel through rock and hundreds of years of layered wards to get a telephone cable down to the switchboard room.
No sense in lying at this point. The truth would probably come out sooner rather than later, and when it did the revelation would permanently sour any relationship we manage to build with the WC. If that means they choose not to use our services, I'm okay with that.

[X] Unfettered access, they are utterly loyal to you (Full Truth)
So, based on what we've seen and gathered, how hard of a sell would it be to the White Council on a scale of one to ten to turn the Hidden Halls in Edinburgh into a genius loci? DragonParadox?
15 on a scale of 1 to 10. The amount of power that would give you over them is hard to even put into words.
I wasn't thinking of us having power over them. I was thinking involving them, designing one loyal to and supportive of the White Council, and then having nothing more to do with it. Was I missing something that would inherently give us continued control or influence?

I guess if we lied, then we could steal control of the place out from under them.
I wasn't thinking of us having power over them. I was thinking involving them, designing one loyal to and supportive of the White Council, and then having nothing more to do with it. Was I missing something that would inherently give us continued control or influence?

I guess if we lied, then we could steal control of the place out from under them.
I mean they'd have to trust us.