Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Yeah. It shouldn't take over the quest, but I hope we have time to just explore a little. Take a walk in the wastes, try the food in various cities, pick up jars of horrible parasites to inflict on vampires that piss us off, that sort of thing.
Oh, exotic food tourism. Yeah, that could be interesting. The food should be quite exotic. Also probably clubbing, and visiting some museums. And I really, really want to get Harry to do an on-the-ground investigation. Rent an apartment for him, and leave him there for a week or so. I'm really curious about what he'll learn.
Or our Exaltation remembers the rules for exalted style summoning, which provided immortality to the summoned demons, and applies those to any new summons when letting out our non-human subjects.

Exalted demons are no more immortal when summoned than they are normally. If someone kills then and then uses a spirit killer they die. If they get killed and a spirit killer isn't used then if they're a second or third circle or a first circle with a Cult they can come back.
Oh, exotic food tourism. Yeah, that could be interesting. The food should be quite exotic. Also probably clubbing, and visiting some museums. And I really, really want to get Harry to do an on-the-ground investigation. Rent an apartment for him, and leave him there for a week or so. I'm really curious about what he'll learn.
Once Izzy and Alec are awake we could invite them to tag along on a pub crawl.

For the food stuff we should start popping in and out to grab food for the Carpenters a few meals a week. Both because it'd be fun and to help acclimate them to the idea in a mundane way. I want to see what the various cities have in terms of doughnuts. :V

Harry unfortunately has commitments so he probably can't pull that long term of job for us.

Not really they inflict mental damage not physical.
In a population of 5 billion there's someone with a fetish for everything, particularly when dying is more of an annoyance than a loss.

We should very carefully keep out of it to avoid adding our considerable social pressure to the situation, because we could easily cause the unwilling to feel compelled to participate entirely by accident, but if our vamps show up and are entirely open about what they're after I assume they'll find eager participants eventually.
Once Izzy and Alec are awake we could invite them to tag along on a pub crawl.

For the food stuff we should start popping in and out to grab food for the Carpenters a few meals a week. Both because it'd be fun and to help acclimate them to the idea in a mundane way. I want to see what the various cities have in terms of doughnuts. :V

Harry unfortunately has commitments so he probably can't pull that long term of job for us.

In a population of 5 billion there's someone with a fetish for everything, particularly when dying is more of an annoyance than a loss.

We should very carefully keep out of it to avoid adding our considerable social pressure to the situation, because we could easily cause the unwilling to feel compelled to participate entirely by accident, but if our vamps show up and are entirely open about what they're after I assume they'll find eager participants eventually.
its not like our society isn't acclimated to monstrous citizens and yog wrote them as having a lot of random variable biological differences even between the five races. Just that those were the 5 main types but freaks seem to exist all throughout.
Giving out our full name is uneccessary and risky. Also why is it that some people want to join the Accords now? Aren't we going to be attacking the Red Court soon?

I fail to see why it would matter for our people either when, unlike everyone else on the Accords, they don't have to coexist or even pretend to tolerate the other factions. In the future that may change but right now it seems people are jumping the gun.
[x] Yog
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Giving out our full name is uneccessary and risky. Also why is it that some people want to join the Accords now? Aren't we going to be attacking the Red Court soon?

I fail to see why it would matter for our people either when, unlike everyone else on the Accords, they don't have to coexist or even pretend to tolerate the other factions. In the future that may change but right now it seems people are jumping the gun.
[x] Yog
Accorded nations can fight each other just fine, the most it does in that case is set rules for any negotiations that do happen, mostly to the tune of punishing anyone who does things like shoot Accord recognized messengers or violates witnessed agreements.

As to the value, you're right that it mostly only matters to our people to the extent that they interact with reality, but it seems likely they'll be at least somewhat curious.

There's also the issue of the extent to which the world wants to interact with them though. Being an Accorded power affords you a certain respect from other factions, and even if it doesn't specifically stop them from raiding you for example it does give tools to facilitate making deals.

When people figure out how to poke our hell being able to leverage existing norms would fairly helpful.
The fact that Molly could get Accorded status has never been in question, it would be trivial. But personally I do not see her going for it for the same reason the Knights are not members.

It should only be relevant if we do something like sell access to combat summons to the WC.
If we were one of the Exalted types that can sanctify oaths we would render the Accords completely obsolete.
Aren't the Accords literally younger than Harry? They were signed in 1994, after all, which make them all of 12 years old. You'd think they were something ancient with centuries of tradition backing them, but they're actually really recent lol.

What with how much trust and reverence people put into them, you'd never realize Harry killing Bianca was the trigger for the first major war between Accorded Nations, which has never occurred before.
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Yeah. It shouldn't take over the quest, but I hope we have time to just explore a little. Take a walk in the wastes, try the food in various cities, pick up jars of horrible parasites to inflict on vampires that piss us off, that sort of thing.
I am no imagining a staple food crop in our hell that grows really well in frozen tundra. That would be a really big deal. When food croups of potato, corn and tomatoes were brought to Europe it was the population to explode. It's very likely that the industrial revolution never would have happened without those new crops or at least have delayed a century or 2.
Aren't the Accords literally younger than Harry? They were signed in 1994, after all, which make them all of 12 years old. You'd think they were something ancient with centuries of tradition backing them, but they're actually really recent lol.

What with how much trust and reverence people put into them, you'd never realize Harry killing Bianca was the trigger for the first major war between Accorded Nations, which has never occurred before.
There were precursors or it was a codification of established norms or something IIRC.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Aug 14, 2023 at 12:35 AM, finished with 258 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all
    -[X] ATB, Leadership excellency
    -[X] Stunt: Pausing for a moment between heartbeats, you catch your visage reflected in one of the numerous camera-eyes upon you. A being of terrible awe and glory perched imperiously upon her throne, clad in basalt and brass, her face hidden by the a war helmet. The next words you say are the most important words of your life so far, you realize. Who do you want to be? You shift your posture ever so slightly, making yourself look more approachable, less of a threat. Feeling the ever present ferocious storms of your realm sway in tach with your words, you speak: "Hello to all of you. I am Margret Carpenter, the one you have been waiting for, and from the throne at the center of this Creation I welcome you all to the first day of the rest of our lives. Our, because we are in this together. As you will learn in the fomral releases to come, I am not perfect, and I am not omniscient, and I am not even fully mature yet. I cannot say that I fully grasp the enormity and the depth of our world yet. I cannot promise that I won't make mistakes in the future. What I can state and vow is that I want to learn about all of you, and that I will do my best by you, and to the benefit of us all. It is with this in mind that I declare my first decree - for as long as I live, balefire cancer will no longer torment those under my aegis"
    [X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all
    -[X] ATB, Leadership excellency
    -[X] Stunt: Pausing for a moment between heartbeats, you catch your visage reflected in one of the numerous camera-eyes upon you. A being of terrible awe and glory perched imperiously upon her throne, clad in basalt and brass, her face hidden by the a war helmet. The next words you say are the most important words of your life so far, you realize. Who do you want to be? You shift your posture ever so slightly, making yourself look more approachable, less of a threat. Feeling the ever present ferocious storms of your realm sway in tune with your words, you speak: "Hello to all of you. I am Molly Carpenter, the one you have been waiting for, and from the throne at the center of this Creation I welcome you all to the first day of the rest of our lives. Our, because we are in this together. As you will learn in the formal releases to come, I am not perfect, nor omniscient. I cannot say that I fully grasp the enormity and the depth of our world yet. What I can state and vow is that I want to learn about all of you, and that I will do my best by you, and to the benefit of us all. It is with this in mind that I declare my first decree - for as long as I live, balefire cancer will no longer torment those under my aegis"
    [X] Welcome them to the wider cosmos, an era of change is at hand, but they should not be fearful for it will be a fair one, for those wishing a challenge of heroism and glory, for scholars of new lore, for all better richer lives
    -[X] ATB, Leadership excellency
    [X] Welcome them to the wider cosmos, an era of change is at hand, but they should not be fearful for it will be a fair one, for those wishing a challenge of heroism and glory, for scholars of new lore, for all better richer lives
    -[X]Leadership excellency
    [X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all
    -[X] ATB, Leadership excellency
    -[X] Stunt: Pausing for a moment between heartbeats, you catch your visage reflected in one of the numerous camera-eyes upon you. A being of terrible awe and glory perched imperiously upon her throne, clad in basalt and brass, her face hidden by the a war helmet. The next words you say are the most important words of your life so far, you realize. Who do you want to be? You shift your posture ever so slightly, making yourself look more approachable, less of a threat. Feeling the ever present ferocious storms of your realm sway in tune with your words, you speak: "Hello to all of you. I am Molly Carpenter, the one you have been waiting for an age, and also just a few second, and from the throne at the center of this Creation I welcome you all to the first day of the rest of our lives. Like you I am both ancient beyond reckoning, yet I am also newly born, as you are. Our path will be the one we forge into the unknown lands, of the future together. And together, we will dance in and out of ten billion years until the stars themselves grow cold and weary, and our thoughts turn again to the beginning.
    [X]Congratulate them on their accomplishment in creating a civilization unparalleled. Unfortunately many other worlds outside of this one are not so fortunate, but we are in a unique position of being able to help them.
    -[X]Leadership excellency
    -[X]Lord of the land to chill the air around us and moisture to wet us.
    -[X][Stunt] You beam "Congratulations and thank you! You all deserve my personal thanks for helping to make the 5-fold court of fate the great and thriving civilization it is today. Each and every one of you has played your own part and this realm would be poorer without you." You can feel the serenity in your words and know them to be true to the to the depth of your soul eh kingdom whatever. Your Expression turns sad as you look at your friends "Unfortunately many other worlds outside of this one are not so fortunate, but we are in a unique position of being able to help them. I look forward to your support in the future and know that you will excel all expectations like you always have."
    [X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all
If we were one of the Exalted types that can sanctify oaths we would render the Accords completely obsolete.
We can. We have several charms for that, even:
Subjected to the paltry manipulations of the sinners
around her, the Infernal unleashes the winds of Hell,
flensing any uncertainty from the words she hears and
blowing them back upon those who have spoken to her.
System: The Infernal reflexively spends 1 Essence in
response to being spoken to and rolls Wits + Alertness
against a difficulty of the target's (Manipulation + Subter-
fuge). If she succeeds, then the target realizes that he gen-
uinely believes whatever he has just said to the Infernal is
true. This certainty lasts for a number of days equal to the
Infernal's successes, at which point the target's thoughts
clear and he comes to his senses. Alternately, someone
else can try to make him see reason once per scene, grant-
ing a Willpower roll against difficulty 8 to break out of
this Charm's influence prematurely.
Concentrating her will upon one with the temer-
ity to speak to her, the Infernal flays away part of the
target's heart with the cutting edge of her Essence.
System: When someone else verbally communi-
cates with the Infernal, she may respond by spending
2 Essence and rolling Wits + Empathy (difficulty of
the target's Willpower). Success amputates a portion
of the target's soul, rendering him incapable of experi-
encing a certain sensation, thought, or emotion of the
Infernal's choosing. Examples might include removing
the ability to feel pain (granting the ability to ignore
two dice worth of wound penalties), joy, sorrow, fear
(granting immunity to certain supernatural powers
such as the Delirium), or anger (rendering vampires
and werewolves incapable of frenzy, and shapeshifters
without access to their Rage); or making one specific
thought impossible such as "I can't trust this woman"
or "I need to tell someone what I've seen here;" or even
removing an Exalt's access to one of her Intimacies.
The mutilation persists for a duration depending
on the successes rolled:
Result Duration
Botch Subject cannot be targeted by this Charm
for the rest of the story.
Failure Subject cannot be targeted by this Charm
again in the current scene.
1 One hour
2 One day
3 One week
4 One month
5 One year
The target can battle through the damage inflicted by
this Charm for a scene by spending a point of Willpower.
Each Willpower spent to resist this Charm negates one
success on the Infernal's roll, shortening its duration.
Signature Effect: When the Infernal dons her
Shintai form she automatically unleashes this Charm
at no cost as though she rolled two successes against
everyone who spoke to her during the scene prior to
the transformation. She must decide in advance what
she flays away during her Shintai activation; it is always
the same, every time.
As the Infernal collects the possessions of the sin-
ners around her, she liberates them from the burden
of desire for those things.
System: Whenever the Infernal successfully takes
an action to remove an item from someone else's pos-
session – such as by picking their pocket, convincing
them to hand the object to her, robbing their house,
disarming them in combat, or even destroying one of
their belongings outright – she may reflexively pay 1
Essence to activate this Charm. Her player rolls Wits +
Larceny against a difficulty of the owner's Willpower.
Success causes the target to forget he owns or indeed
ever owned the item, and any attempt to talk him into
believing otherwise is made against difficulty 9.

The combination of these three charms can be used to make oaths true and inviolate. We use Dissonant Lies Made True in order to make someone believe the oath they are making, then we use Heart-Carding wind to make them unable to change their mind in regards to the oath they made, thus extending the effect of Dissonant Lies Made True from several days to a year or possibly even more (if we roll 5+ successes), and finally we use Theft as Release to make Heart-Carving Wind's effect permanent(ish) by making the target unable to believe that they have or ever had the ability to change their mind on the subject (assuming @DragonParadox allows Theft as Release to affect thefts of non-material possessions, such as parts of target's soul / mind / self, which seems somewhat reasonable in light of ). Possibly you sprinkle
The Infernal blesses her enemies with futility, de-
nying them the ability to recover from whatever tor-
ments she chooses to inflict upon them.
System: The Infernal reflexively spends 1 Essence
upon inflicting damage to an enemy. For the rest of
the scene, the target is incapable of healing any damage
or removing any inflicted curses, mutilations, derange-
ments, or other such effects. For example, if afflicted
with Golden Years Tarnished Black, she could not
spend Willpower during the scene to reclaim the joy in
her memories. Anyone killed while under the effects of
this Charm finds their soul immediately banished to
suffer for all eternity in Kakuri. Condemning a super-
natural being in this fashion "rolls back" the number
of times the Infernal is considered to have attempted to
don her Shintai form during the current story by one,
reducing its cost or difficulty accordingly (to a minimum
of Essence 2, Willpower 2, and no roll requirement), so
long as that being isn't a creature of darkness.
The Infernal may alternately pay 2 Essence when
activating this Charm to cause its effects to linger for
her Essence rating in days.
Signature Effect: The 1 Essence effect of Life-De-
nying Curse drops to a cost of 0 Essence while the In-
fernal wears her Shintai form.
on top of the situation. Or at least parts of the effect. Or, once we have the charms in question, it's a heretical charm time that is an outgrowth of the ones I mentioned, with the effect of "target is unable to betray their oaths made in front of an Infernal".
We can. We have several charms for that, even:
Subjected to the paltry manipulations of the sinners
around her, the Infernal unleashes the winds of Hell,
flensing any uncertainty from the words she hears and
blowing them back upon those who have spoken to her.
System: The Infernal reflexively spends 1 Essence in
response to being spoken to and rolls Wits + Alertness
against a difficulty of the target's (Manipulation + Subter-
fuge). If she succeeds, then the target realizes that he gen-
uinely believes whatever he has just said to the Infernal is
true. This certainty lasts for a number of days equal to the
Infernal's successes, at which point the target's thoughts
clear and he comes to his senses. Alternately, someone
else can try to make him see reason once per scene, grant-
ing a Willpower roll against difficulty 8 to break out of
this Charm's influence prematurely.
Concentrating her will upon one with the temer-
ity to speak to her, the Infernal flays away part of the
target's heart with the cutting edge of her Essence.
System: When someone else verbally communi-
cates with the Infernal, she may respond by spending
2 Essence and rolling Wits + Empathy (difficulty of
the target's Willpower). Success amputates a portion
of the target's soul, rendering him incapable of experi-
encing a certain sensation, thought, or emotion of the
Infernal's choosing. Examples might include removing
the ability to feel pain (granting the ability to ignore
two dice worth of wound penalties), joy, sorrow, fear
(granting immunity to certain supernatural powers
such as the Delirium), or anger (rendering vampires
and werewolves incapable of frenzy, and shapeshifters
without access to their Rage); or making one specific
thought impossible such as "I can't trust this woman"
or "I need to tell someone what I've seen here;" or even
removing an Exalt's access to one of her Intimacies.
The mutilation persists for a duration depending
on the successes rolled:
Result Duration
Botch Subject cannot be targeted by this Charm
for the rest of the story.
Failure Subject cannot be targeted by this Charm
again in the current scene.
1 One hour
2 One day
3 One week
4 One month
5 One year
The target can battle through the damage inflicted by
this Charm for a scene by spending a point of Willpower.
Each Willpower spent to resist this Charm negates one
success on the Infernal's roll, shortening its duration.
Signature Effect: When the Infernal dons her
Shintai form she automatically unleashes this Charm
at no cost as though she rolled two successes against
everyone who spoke to her during the scene prior to
the transformation. She must decide in advance what
she flays away during her Shintai activation; it is always
the same, every time.
As the Infernal collects the possessions of the sin-
ners around her, she liberates them from the burden
of desire for those things.
System: Whenever the Infernal successfully takes
an action to remove an item from someone else's pos-
session – such as by picking their pocket, convincing
them to hand the object to her, robbing their house,
disarming them in combat, or even destroying one of
their belongings outright – she may reflexively pay 1
Essence to activate this Charm. Her player rolls Wits +
Larceny against a difficulty of the owner's Willpower.
Success causes the target to forget he owns or indeed
ever owned the item, and any attempt to talk him into
believing otherwise is made against difficulty 9.

The combination of these three charms can be used to make oaths true and inviolate. We use Dissonant Lies Made True in order to make someone believe the oath they are making, then we use Heart-Carding wind to make them unable to change their mind in regards to the oath they made, thus extending the effect of Dissonant Lies Made True from several days to a year or possibly even more (if we roll 5+ successes), and finally we use Theft as Release to make Heart-Carving Wind's effect permanent(ish) by making the target unable to believe that they have or ever had the ability to change their mind on the subject (assuming @DragonParadox allows Theft as Release to affect thefts of non-material possessions, such as parts of target's soul / mind / self, which seems somewhat reasonable in light of ). Possibly you sprinkle
The Infernal blesses her enemies with futility, de-
nying them the ability to recover from whatever tor-
ments she chooses to inflict upon them.
System: The Infernal reflexively spends 1 Essence
upon inflicting damage to an enemy. For the rest of
the scene, the target is incapable of healing any damage
or removing any inflicted curses, mutilations, derange-
ments, or other such effects. For example, if afflicted
with Golden Years Tarnished Black, she could not
spend Willpower during the scene to reclaim the joy in
her memories. Anyone killed while under the effects of
this Charm finds their soul immediately banished to
suffer for all eternity in Kakuri. Condemning a super-
natural being in this fashion "rolls back" the number
of times the Infernal is considered to have attempted to
don her Shintai form during the current story by one,
reducing its cost or difficulty accordingly (to a minimum
of Essence 2, Willpower 2, and no roll requirement), so
long as that being isn't a creature of darkness.
The Infernal may alternately pay 2 Essence when
activating this Charm to cause its effects to linger for
her Essence rating in days.
Signature Effect: The 1 Essence effect of Life-De-
nying Curse drops to a cost of 0 Essence while the In-
fernal wears her Shintai form.
on top of the situation. Or at least parts of the effect. Or, once we have the charms in question, it's a heretical charm time that is an outgrowth of the ones I mentioned, with the effect of "target is unable to betray their oaths made in front of an Infernal".
That is fairly cool shame none of those are in a favored hell and we are unlikely to get many of them individually.

Theft as Release 4 xp is super cool, but we don't have any larceny skill.

Dissonant Lies Made True 12 xp is also great considering all the traitorous fucks we keep dealing with. But we have a fairly regular problem of hitting our essence cap well talk already so it's going to be hard to use this without flaring.

Heart-Carving Wind 8 XP falls into same problem as the last 3 in that they are all fairly overt mind control which Molly has a special problem with. But this one is worse in is exactly the sort of mind control you would use to make someone unable to even think about taking drugs with the flavor text being unfortunate.

Still I take my hat off to you for finding a way to duplicate a crown ability just using charms.
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Still I take my hat off to you for finding a way to duplicate a crown ability just using charms.
I mean, the total XP expenditure is 36 XP, and that's assuming that we don't have to cap it all off with a heretical charm / effect to synergize the whole combination together for the intended effect. The process requires two separate rolls of different attribute+ability combinations, only one of which is favored (meaning that we need to buy an excellency for the other, and ability dots, raising the whole thing further). It costs 4 motes at minimum, and max cost upwards of seven motes. And for all that it's still not exactly a perfect permanent effect.

But if we were to have to sanctify new Accords at some point, we might want to spend XP here. Also probably make some manner of splendor to further help.
We can. We have several charms for that, even:
Subjected to the paltry manipulations of the sinners
around her, the Infernal unleashes the winds of Hell,
flensing any uncertainty from the words she hears and
blowing them back upon those who have spoken to her.
System: The Infernal reflexively spends 1 Essence in
response to being spoken to and rolls Wits + Alertness
against a difficulty of the target's (Manipulation + Subter-
fuge). If she succeeds, then the target realizes that he gen-
uinely believes whatever he has just said to the Infernal is
true. This certainty lasts for a number of days equal to the
Infernal's successes, at which point the target's thoughts
clear and he comes to his senses. Alternately, someone
else can try to make him see reason once per scene, grant-
ing a Willpower roll against difficulty 8 to break out of
this Charm's influence prematurely.
Concentrating her will upon one with the temer-
ity to speak to her, the Infernal flays away part of the
target's heart with the cutting edge of her Essence.
System: When someone else verbally communi-
cates with the Infernal, she may respond by spending
2 Essence and rolling Wits + Empathy (difficulty of
the target's Willpower). Success amputates a portion
of the target's soul, rendering him incapable of experi-
encing a certain sensation, thought, or emotion of the
Infernal's choosing. Examples might include removing
the ability to feel pain (granting the ability to ignore
two dice worth of wound penalties), joy, sorrow, fear
(granting immunity to certain supernatural powers
such as the Delirium), or anger (rendering vampires
and werewolves incapable of frenzy, and shapeshifters
without access to their Rage); or making one specific
thought impossible such as "I can't trust this woman"
or "I need to tell someone what I've seen here;" or even
removing an Exalt's access to one of her Intimacies.
The mutilation persists for a duration depending
on the successes rolled:
Result Duration
Botch Subject cannot be targeted by this Charm
for the rest of the story.
Failure Subject cannot be targeted by this Charm
again in the current scene.
1 One hour
2 One day
3 One week
4 One month
5 One year
The target can battle through the damage inflicted by
this Charm for a scene by spending a point of Willpower.
Each Willpower spent to resist this Charm negates one
success on the Infernal's roll, shortening its duration.
Signature Effect: When the Infernal dons her
Shintai form she automatically unleashes this Charm
at no cost as though she rolled two successes against
everyone who spoke to her during the scene prior to
the transformation. She must decide in advance what
she flays away during her Shintai activation; it is always
the same, every time.
As the Infernal collects the possessions of the sin-
ners around her, she liberates them from the burden
of desire for those things.
System: Whenever the Infernal successfully takes
an action to remove an item from someone else's pos-
session – such as by picking their pocket, convincing
them to hand the object to her, robbing their house,
disarming them in combat, or even destroying one of
their belongings outright – she may reflexively pay 1
Essence to activate this Charm. Her player rolls Wits +
Larceny against a difficulty of the owner's Willpower.
Success causes the target to forget he owns or indeed
ever owned the item, and any attempt to talk him into
believing otherwise is made against difficulty 9.

The combination of these three charms can be used to make oaths true and inviolate. We use Dissonant Lies Made True in order to make someone believe the oath they are making, then we use Heart-Carding wind to make them unable to change their mind in regards to the oath they made, thus extending the effect of Dissonant Lies Made True from several days to a year or possibly even more (if we roll 5+ successes), and finally we use Theft as Release to make Heart-Carving Wind's effect permanent(ish) by making the target unable to believe that they have or ever had the ability to change their mind on the subject (assuming @DragonParadox allows Theft as Release to affect thefts of non-material possessions, such as parts of target's soul / mind / self, which seems somewhat reasonable in light of ). Possibly you sprinkle
The Infernal blesses her enemies with futility, de-
nying them the ability to recover from whatever tor-
ments she chooses to inflict upon them.
System: The Infernal reflexively spends 1 Essence
upon inflicting damage to an enemy. For the rest of
the scene, the target is incapable of healing any damage
or removing any inflicted curses, mutilations, derange-
ments, or other such effects. For example, if afflicted
with Golden Years Tarnished Black, she could not
spend Willpower during the scene to reclaim the joy in
her memories. Anyone killed while under the effects of
this Charm finds their soul immediately banished to
suffer for all eternity in Kakuri. Condemning a super-
natural being in this fashion "rolls back" the number
of times the Infernal is considered to have attempted to
don her Shintai form during the current story by one,
reducing its cost or difficulty accordingly (to a minimum
of Essence 2, Willpower 2, and no roll requirement), so
long as that being isn't a creature of darkness.
The Infernal may alternately pay 2 Essence when
activating this Charm to cause its effects to linger for
her Essence rating in days.
Signature Effect: The 1 Essence effect of Life-De-
nying Curse drops to a cost of 0 Essence while the In-
fernal wears her Shintai form.
on top of the situation. Or at least parts of the effect. Or, once we have the charms in question, it's a heretical charm time that is an outgrowth of the ones I mentioned, with the effect of "target is unable to betray their oaths made in front of an Infernal".

Non-material theft is perfectly in theme for an infernal, you are fine to try to pull that. That said the use if Heart-Carving Wind to make it so the target cannot betray their oaths comes uncomfortably close to Molly's issues with mind controlling people, it is something she can work though, but work though it she will have to do.
Non-material theft is perfectly in theme for an infernal, you are fine to try to pull that. That said the use if Heart-Carving Wind to make it so the target cannot betray their oaths comes uncomfortably close to Molly's issues with mind controlling people, it is something she can work though, but work though it she will have to do.
I mean, this was mostly an intellectual exercise, not something I actually intended to be used. Speaking of Theft as Release applying to non-material things, I am guessing (hoping) that exaltation doesn't consider digital piracy theft, as that doesn't deprive the target of their possession, but creates copies of it. There's also a potential very funny / strong use if non-material things are allowed: declassifying secrets. As long as someone has a secret, and we learn it, with Theft as Release we can make them forget it was a secret.