Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Lord of the Land is great, it is interesting, it is neat narratively - it is pretty much a future Devil Tiger exercising control of their world body in some way. If possible, I would be getting it. If I can keep my fluff and potential for Gaols later via AP spending, I am willing to switch. I just don't want to drop lore I have made already.
The thing is it's much easier to go from has control of your world body to make a Gaol then to try and go from Gaol to getting control of your world body.
It seems like bringing Brother Dvisimar (sp?) along could get him unduly targeted by for murder? He's in the target demographic, after all. He might be more able to defend himself than most people, but that only goes so far.

[X] Detective Murphy, having the law on your side will be a nice change.
The thing is it's much easier to go from has control of your world body to make a Gaol then to try and go from Gaol to getting control of your world body.
I'll have to think about it very seriously. I am on the fence about it. I see three paths, if I was to revise the setting (for what is almost certainly going to be the final draft):
1) Keep everything as is. Pros are: we get gaols immediately and backed by charm power
2) Expand the size to Vast. I probably won't expand the size of the cities and the equatorial belt linearly, because at a thousand kilometers wide stretch you don't really have "pockets of safety" anymore, even if it ranges from deep arctic (but Earth-like arctic) at the edges to probably jungles at the center, but I'll have to think about it. Pros are: infinite population, the setting (in amount of people, and, thus, the story potential within) becomes bigger than Earth, we most likely start to significantly outnumber Winter and other factions
3) Get Lord of the Land. Pros are: narrativey awesome, cementing Molly as the god of the realm, signature charm boost. Also probably some story potential for how Molly explores the feelings of her World Body, because this probably comes with some sensory feedback.

In all times, I am keeping the Malfeas-inspired under-ice Great Prison, but the state of its functionality would differ, obviously.

I'll think hard about it, and I would very much appreciate opinions from other questers. Ultimately this is being made for you.
I'd go with Vast every time. We can build a lot of other infrastructure; but we can't make the power bigger.
A vast hell also makes it easier for it to be a place to evacuate Earth humanity to if we fail to avert the apocalypse.
It seems like a spectacular waste of resources that we know an expert in hunting Wan Kuei who survived a decades long career doing so, and we might completely ignore all his experience and knowledge and take someone who has no idea what a Wan Kuei even is.
[X] Detective Murphy, having the law on your side will be a nice change.

While we don't plan on attacking the Akuma right now, there's no reason to think they won't attack us.
Murphy and Dresden are already risking their lifes on this anyway, Divsimar has the option to stay out of it.
I have been thinking about the Kakkuri curse charms for awhile. Mostly they seem kind of useless, but I have been thinking about them for a long time to try and find some uses.
With but a touch and an injection of enervating
Essence, the Infernal severs an individual from her
place in the world.
System: The Infernal touches her target, spends 2
Essence, and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge against
a difficulty of the target's Willpower. Success curses
them for one day per success. The target is are alienated from his own identity, from his relationships, and
from the shape of his life within the world. It's difficult for him to gain the attention of strangers without
doing something to anger them – and everyone is now
a stranger. Friends, allies, and loved ones do not recognize him, and no mundane effort will convince them
of his true identity; even if he displays a driver's license
or other such identification, they are likely to think
that this stranger somehow stole their friend's ID. He
is not only nobody: he is an outsider to all and sundry.
If he wishes to use any sort of supernatural power to
impose his will on another (such as the vampire Discipline of Dominate), he must first spend a Willpower
point to do so. He likely loses access to several Backgrounds while the curse persists.
This is the least promising of them. First off it is explicitly touch range and generally if we can touch a enemy we are much better off just using green sun nimbus on them. Second it only has a duration of days and there is no point in using it unless you are going to let them go afterwards. So a few days latter they might have learned their lesson about crossing us, but more likely they just learn not to let us touch them. And third and most damming it doesn't make other people forget about them so any followers they have are still a problem. The only use case I can think of is if there are people we don't want to kill who are only threating because of their followers and we only need them gone for a few days. Not promising at all. If someone else can come up with some use cases please let me know.
The Infernal blows into the mouth or ear of another, befouling his dreams with the horrors of the Night Realm. When he awakens from restless nightmares of Kakuri, it will be to discover his torment has only begun. System: The Infernal spends 1 Essence or 1 Willpower and rolls Manipulation + Survival against a difficulty of the target's Willpower to inflict a curse upon her victim. When he lays down and attempts to rest, whatever surface he lays upon feels like the frozen earth and razor-sharp stones of Kakuri, and his flesh is chilled by the knife-edged winds of the Night Realm. Sleep is utterly impossible, and seeking it a literally Hellish misery. For every 24 hours the target is denied sleep in this fashion, he loses one die from all dice pools. This Charm's effects persist for a number of days equal to the Infernal's successes. If she uses this Charm upon an already-sleeping victim, it has no Essence or Willpower cost. The target dreams of being trapped in Kakuri, the Night Realm, and regains no Willpower upon awakening. Afterwards, the rest of the Charm takes its course normally. Vampires still enter their deathlike sleep each day as normal while under the effects of this Charm, but that sleep is tormented by dreams of Kakuri; they regain no Willpower upon awakening, and progressively lose dice as though denied rest altogether. The Infernal can revoke her curse at any time prior to its natural conclusion by reaching into the victim's mouth and drawing out a squirming black butterfly of absolute shadow, then setting it free.
First off this charm doesn't have any defined range limit in the system text. The flavor text could indicate being nearby, but that might only be talking about the already asleep use case and it is flavor text in any case. If this charm can be used at range then it becomes far more useful for example we could curse Broken Seeker. Even a skinwalker becomes far less scary with minus 5 or so to all of it's dice pools including soak. Another use case is after we get our own hell we can send people to it in dreams.

For those lost in the dark there is, at least, always
the refuge of happier times and brighter memories.
The Infernal can deny even this comfort, poisoning
such memories with the darkness of her dread Essence.
System: The Infernal reminds her target of a happy memory ("Do you remember your wedding day?"),
then rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge against a difficulty of the victim's Willpower. Success taints and tarnishes the memory; the good things about it become
harder to recall, while flaws, problems, and irritations
are magnified until the memory becomes a source
of pain and anger. If the victim spends a number of
points of Willpower equal to the Infernal's Essence
rating, they may reclaim the joy in a tainted memory,
but this also provides the Infernal with a perfect copy
of the memory in question.
At first glance this seemed like the worst by a long shot, but after carefully looking and thinking I have realized that it is clearly the best of the 3 by a long shot. Firstly there is no range limit all that is required is that we remined the person of a memory somehow. We could do it on the phone, write a note they read latter, show a picture, hum a few bars or maybe even have someone pass a message. All that we need is some way to transfer information which means that there isn't anyway to avoid it well still even potentially being a problem for Molly. Secondly it costs no essence to use so we can spam it all over the place as carefully targeted shotgun fire. Thirdly talking is generally a free action so we can just add this to every round of combat.

Ok now that I have convinced you of the ease of use let me tell you about why it's useful. The effects aren't really defined mechanically, but here a a few generally things we want to taint black. "Remember all the people you tortured to death?" "Remember when you learned to fight?" "Remember when you learned how to safely use magic?" Now I don't know what happens when someone's memories related to their skills are tainted black, but I doubt it does anything good for them at the they very least it would make using those skills feel unpleasant and irritating.

Even better the person we are doing this against might fight against it draining their willpower like water. And if we taint their lore and other useful knowledge then we learn it as well.
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I'd go with Vast every time. We can build a lot of other infrastructure; but we can't make the power bigger.
Yeah. My main problem with Yog's build and the reason I proposed mine was the lack of Vast.
What I am afraid of is the scale being too big. The saying "one person is a tragedy, a million is a statistic" also applies to settings, I feel. Settings like Warhammer 40k, with its EMpire of a million worlds can be emptier than one-planet, hell, one country settings. I am afraid that the scale would make the setting look empty.
While we don't plan on attacking the Akuma right now, there's no reason to think they won't attack us.
Murphy and Dresden are already risking their lifes on this anyway, Divsimar has the option to stay out of it.

Yes there is. They won't attack us before the meeting. We know they want our help to escape Emma-O.
What I am afraid of is the scale being too big. The saying "one person is a tragedy, a million is a statistic" also applies to settings, I feel. Settings like Warhammer 40k, with its EMpire of a million worlds can be emptier than one-planet, hell, one country settings. I am afraid that the scale would make the setting look empty.
I want Lord of the Land. I feel like the size of Australia is enough. Summoning people out is likely to be a bigger bottleneck. Also lord of the land opens possibility of settling the inhospitable part which makes the area bigger in effect.
Size is good, but I think we have an intuitive and clear way of making our realm bigger through either expansion and conquest, or terraforming.

IDK about that sort of stuff for Lord of the Land.
Not really, as far as Molly has seen with the crown all those who were targeted were Chinese-Americans, not Nepalese monster hunters.

What? You mean Worm lied to me and all Asians aren't interchangeable? They could even hate being taken for being taken as the same as some other Asians from countries they hate?* Say it ain't so!!!!

*(Try telling a Taiwanese he is the same as a Chinese, just try it, don't be surprised if you get hit though)
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