This sounds like "Looters get shot, no exceptions", because in a disaster there's little resources for anything else... Comes under the heading of justice depends on a society having the resources for it?
Little more nuanced than that. Not sure how much we will see on screen but someone on another alternate where things were calm thought the attack on Bet (whatever that is, are we sure it even exists) would be a good opportunity to assert local independence.
Although they had some initial success after the attack Valkyrie showed up and hammered the ringleaders. This leaves her with the "fun" problem of what to do with the followers. "Just following orders" very much *is* a defense for shards, because command codes, but very much *is not* for humans, because free will.
One of these things that is for most of Valkyrie's subjects going to be more significant than the actual EB attack, because it implicates so many interesting questions about how she intends her government to operate. But also very much not what this fic is focused on.