Look, it's in the paperwork. She's Apiary, therefore she has to work with bees. If these bees might be a bit different than your usual bees, then that's just being derivative! :D
Of course! And, Amy needs a project.

So, shape-shifting (giant) riding bee, that can regenerate. Why shape-shifting? How else could Apiary have the Bee Car, the Bee Bike, the Bee Boat? Probably best to leave the Bee Copter, and the Bee Rocket alone, for now?

Hmm. Riley, Dodge (for the dimensional storage, for cyborg components, spare biomass), might help to haul some of Blasto's kit, out of that storage warehouse... Modular... Maybe Kid Win could help???

'Project Bee-There' (tentative name) is Go!
And you wouldn't bee-lieve it, but Apiary can't use any of those vehicles OR the base "riding bee" form because she can't pass a driver license test, let alone pilot license tests.

(she keeps failing the tests because the instructors think she's already too creepy and don't WANT her on the road or flying through the air using bee based vehicles)
And you wouldn't bee-lieve it, but Apiary can't use any of those vehicles OR the base "riding bee" form because she can't pass a driver license test, let alone pilot license tests.

(she keeps failing the tests because the instructors think she's already too creepy and don't WANT her on the road or flying through the air using bee based vehicles)
By the time Dr. Weaver has finished with them...

"No, this is not a 'vehicle', this is an emotional support animal, so needs no licensing. We are doing the licensing to... simplify things. You've seen her hugging her bee-icle?

So. Still fining problems? Here is the full federal documentation for her support animal. And, a copy of the regulations explaining what that means. This is a federal officer, who will explain any of your queries.

Further issues? No. Good."
Good Idea Fairy
"Awesome!" Aisha said, making grabby hands.

Lisa rolled her eyes, and passed over the folders.

"He'll be so surprised and impressed I actually got you to help!"

Lisa laughed. "He'll think I'm just in it for the drama."

"Well, of course you are, but you still did it. Now," Aisha continued, opening the first folder. "Which junket opportunity goes on top of the pile."


"Sooooo," Cranial said to Alec, utterly failing at being inconspicuous.

"You suck at subtle," Alec said without looking up from his game. "You're just lucky the Kingsmen killjoy isn't around, just Big Blue who gets distracted chatting with his Canadian girlfriend."

"Fine," Cranial replied grumpily. "I need a cutout and Dodge is being a little shit."

"Winners don't do meth."

"Nah, nothing like that. More like, I hypothetically might have a genuine Nazi engram, high placed too. Consensually done even, then it, uh, hypothetically fell off the back of a truck..."

"Too much work for me, but I know a girl, this is just lulzy enough she might go for it…"

Note: If in doubt, add shenanigans...
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He copied Max Ander's brain, then lost it?!

Fell off a Truck is a euphemism for stolen goods. They didn't steal it, it fell off the truck, and since they didn't pay for it, you get a nice discount!

Crainial is basically saying "I'm not saying I have a bootleg copy of a nazi brain, but I totally have a bootleg copy of a nazi brain."

The "Lost" would come with bit fat airquotes. Sorta like how the last slice of pizza you left unguarded near Alec is "missing".
Consensually gone even


When I was a kid (3 or so?) I saw a truck skid on ice, out the window at home, and a big bag of potatoes fell off. Truck drove off, unaware. Told my mum, she went out, dragged the sack through ice and snow to safety. Reported it. It was collected. Family got a free reward bag of oranges for that...

So. IRL. Stuff can fall off a truck!

(BTW, Toybox, for Cranial and Dodge. I believe Cranial is supposed to be female - fanfic authors have taken her development in all sorts of directions.)


Alec has Lisa in mind, doesn't he? Among other things, because he thinks it would be funny. Lisa... might get Aisha involved, with the 'ghost Nazi' (maybe Theo?), if she thinks... there's utility (and, not just entertainment) in that?
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He copied Max Ander's brain, then lost it?!

There are many copies.

Fell off a Truck is a euphemism for stolen goods. They didn't steal it, it fell off the truck, and since they didn't pay for it, you get a nice discount!

Crainial is basically saying "I'm not saying I have a bootleg copy of a nazi brain, but I totally have a bootleg copy of a nazi brain."

The "Lost" would come with bit fat airquotes. Sorta like how the last slice of pizza you left unguarded near Alec is "missing".

Just ignore the big warning about being for testing purposes only.


(BTW, Toybox, for Cranial and Dodge. I believe Cranial is supposed to be female - fanfic authors have taken her development in all sorts of directions.)

Typo fixed in the text—thanks!

Shoot I thought I got all the Cranial pronouns female. Did I miss one?
Bespoke Tailoring
"Young Chris!" Chris looked up in surprise at hearing Alec's voice. The boy rarely showed up at base at all, and then almost never in the lab. Yet there he was, wearing sweats and smirking conspiratorially.

"Uh.... hi?" Chris responded.

"I am told you're the one to talk to about plug and play things?"

"Well, I did realize, well that doctor lady helped, but sort of?"

"So," Alec said, pulling a chair up to sit next to Chris. "How do you feel about bodies?"


"You See The Difficulty," the robotic voice said as the disembodied mannequin stumbled around the apartment."

"Ya," Aisha said, nodding. "Looks drunk."

"And that's the fancy mannequins too," Alec observed forlornly.

"I Think The Problem Might Be One Of Leverage? I Am Not Moving The Mannequin Parts The Way Humans Do Because The Points Of Leverage Differ?"

"Maybe also the no bones thing?" Aisha added.

"The joints also have problems," Alec observed. "The mannequins really aren't meant to move around easily."

"We Could Ask Someone To Make Something? I Think Kurt Knows Someone?"

"Maybe," Alec said nodding. "But just the name Kurt sounds like a killjoy or math teacher. Let me try someone at work first, less worried about rules and stuff."

Happy holidays everyone! Hard to believe I've been doing the daily thing for, like, a year! I don't think I've missed a day even!
Borging the Nazi. Evil, Evil I say! :)
("They Saved Kaiser's Brain!")

((Yes, yes, I know it was 'Hitler's Brain', and there's no actual (living, organic) brain involved, but, still...))
In Her Majesty's Service
"You will do well," Colin said, shaking Robin's hand.

"Thank you, sir," the other man replied. "I won't let you down."

"I know you won't." Colin knew his lines, at least for this. "You'll do us proud, not just the Bay, but all of Bet."


"Velocity," Emily said. "He'll appreciate the structure and purpose, and doesn't have local attachments."

Shawn waited a beat and, when Colin didn't speak up, voiced his own concerns. "Won't that leave us understaffed? Yes, the Empire has fallen, but that leaves a vacuum. As Boston showed, this sort of power vacuum can be even more dangerous..."

Emily sighed. "Normally, I would agree. However, this new initiative is drawing widely, not just from the Protectorate and other 'hero' organizations, but also from rogues and even villains."


Emily shrugged. "It's the foreign legion model, although with more of a rescue response mandate rather than combat. Complete with resettlement and even citizenship at the end. Some troublemakers will sign up, but by the time they realize Valkyrie's people don't play the usual games, they will be well and truly stuck."
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with more of a rescue response mandate
would that read better with a slash or a hyphen in there?
(I'm assuming that adding the text 'and/or' would be too clumsy)

"I know you won't." Colin knew his lines, at least for this. "You'll do us proud, not just the Bay, but all of Bet."
Now maybe he'll get the good kit, and the training to use it? His speed is, potentially, a highly effective scouting and delivery system, with the right 'bolt-on's...
In Her Majesty's Service, Part 2
"Moreover," Emily continued, "and this is still classified, that renovation project out by the docks isn't just a new intermodal logistics center. Valkyrie will be establishing portal connections. Pedestrian and light commercial downtown, yes, but also a major freight connection."

Shawn was shocked to see Colin start nodding slowly. "Doesn't that," Shawn said, "make it even more likely someone else will make a move?"

"Valkyrie," Colin said carefully, "does not play games. Those facilities will be guarded, well, and the guards won't be playing by our rules."

"More than that," Emily said, clearly irritated. "She already has clandestine assets in the city, who will be more proactive in combatting those sorts of foreign incursions. We also have quiet assurances from Lung's people that he and the Elite will support us in making the Bay into a safe, secure and prosperous center of commerce."

"Shouldn't we," Shawn offered, "do something about that? Isn't she a foreign power now, are we really OK with her running 'clandestine' operations in our territory?"

"In an earlier age," Emily said wearily, "we would express our displeasure forcefully. However, in the current political environment, it has been determined at the highest levels that we will accept her assistance, with thanks."

"Besides," Colin added, "it's not like there's anything we could do to stop her if she forced the issue."

"Yes," Emily said through clenched teeth. "That too."

Note: For some reason, our foreign allies seem entirely unsympathetic about our plight.
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"Moreover," Emily continued, "and this is still classified, that renovation project out by the docs isn't just a new intermodal logistics center. Valkyrie will be establishing portal connections. Pedestrian and light commercial downtown, yes, but also a major freight connection."
They're sure it's not a web of sinister connections run on behalf of Gregor the Snail (mail)? I'm telling you, it's all hyperlinked together, in one long set of Slides of scoundrels getting into bed with criminals in a mess of dirty Sheets. No two Waze about it. Just hop into an interdimensional web portal, YouTube through them to reach the Google Docs. Rumor has it that there's a new shipment of Androids coming in through the USB Port, but you didn't hear it from me.

But really, I think you mean 'docks' instead of 'docs,' here.

"In an earlier age," Emily said wearily, "we would express our displeasure forcefully. However, in the current political environment, it has been determined at the highest levels that we will accept her assistance, with thanks."
A more unscrupulous bureaucracy, from a less civilized age. We're glad it's gone now. The King Scion is dead, long live the Queen!

Note: For some reason, our foreign allies seem entirely unsympathetic about our plight.
I wonder how the US/Cauldron feel about the shoe being squarely on the other foot? Probably grateful it's not busy lodging itself up their rear end, but none too happy overall
But really, I think you mean 'docks' instead of 'docs,' here.

I wonder how the US/Cauldron feel about the shoe being squarely on the other foot? Probably grateful it's not busy lodging itself up their rear end, but none too happy overall
Typo fixed in the text! Thank you very much!

The US very much does not enjoy being on this side of the experience, all the more so because they don't even think there is malice about it.
The joke is that they don't want Taylor riding any creepy giant insects or insects turned into vehicles. So every single possible road block to prevent that from happening is being used.
who exactly is "they" though? like, you mentioned driving instructors but someone else - unclear who - had to have told her she needs a driver's license for it to have become their decision in the first place.

and whoever that is, why aren't they just saying 'no' instead of giving her the runaround?
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Good Idea Fairy, Part 2
"Why do you have so many reports?" Missy asked Taylor, eyeing skeptically the stack of binders Taylor was carrying.

"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail," Taylor recited, setting the binders down on the couch.

Both girls ignored the squawks of protest from Dennis and Trevor.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with—" Missy flipped through the binder that was now within convenient arms reach—"Endbringer shelters?"

"Not just Endbringers," Taylor corrected, "disaster shelters. Really it's an entry point into learning about the subsurface topography of the Bay. There are all sorts of interesting nooks and crannies, and when they were putting in the Endbringer shelters they started by looking at existing facilities. The ones they didn't turn into Endbringer shelters for the city were often—"

"Why," Dennis said, half turning to Trevor. "Just, why. They load us down with policies and procedures, who goes and gets more for fun?"

"--of course, if I can find a few abandoned ones, especially strategically located about the bay, it shouldn't be difficult to begin repurposing them as off-season accumulation points, such a shame to let so many useful insects just die when they could be preserved for---"

"—forfeit," Trevor said, handing his controller to Dennis. "Chris mid freak out is better than this."
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"Why do you have so many reports?" Missy asked Taylor, eyeing skeptically the stack of binders Taylor was carrying."
Extra quotation mark here.

"--of course, if I can find a few abandoned ones, especially strategically located about the bay, it shouldn't be difficult to begin repurposing them as off-season accumulation points, such a shame to let so many useful insects just die when they could be preserved for---"
A crowbar presses, shifts, combined with a grunt of exertion, and a lock snaps, door slamming open, the sound echoing loudly within the cavernous interior, compared to the relatively minor shriek of metal outside.

"-lling you, man, they're a gold mine. Like, the government has to keep them stockpiled with food, 'n water, and shit like that. But they're doing something different now. All those villains dying. The news about that last Endbringer fight, pretty soon, they won't even need these places anymore."

Footballs echo loudly in the antechamber as two pairs of boots make their way into the complex, following dusty signs towards storage. A second, less confident voice pipes up. "I dunno, man, what if there's, like, a hurricane or something. And do we really have to do this on Christmas? It's freezing!"

Another door opens, and they descend deeper. "Like any numbnuts cop wants to look into one of these places, when they could stay in their nice warm car. Besides, we yank a few computers, some copper wiring, we're in, we're out, easy peasy. 'Sides, that's what makes it perfect, people don't want to think about depressing stuff like what these shelters are fo- pffhtpt! What the hell?!"

The door opens, and flashlights pan into fog, which is surprising, because they're indoors, and a story or two underground at this point. They squint, focusing, and realize it's some manner of webbing. The first voice, leading the way through the door with his shoulder, had walked right into it, and was now busy working to pull himself free.

"What the hell, man, what the hell!" Flashlight beams dance wildly as they can vaguely make out indistinct masses of chitin stirring within the space, the webs diffusing and scattering the light to make the inhumanly dense concentrations of insects into something truly monstrous.

"Shit man, what is it, what is that thing?!"

Buzzing, echoing from a million, million sets of wings, combines with the medley of chirping, whistling, and screeches of a dozen other insects species into a spine chilling dirge of madness. One set of footsteps flee back the way they came, leaving their companion struggling, half free of the thicker of webs, designed to keep any insects from passing through the doorway if it were to be opened accidentally, now partway torn.

"Don't leave me, don't leave me, man!"

Screams echo up the stairwell, and the man flees into the night, breath misting in the air, running until he no longer can, until he finds the car, set out of sight to make off with their haul, and hastily hotwires it, the keys with his trapped companion, speeding off into the night. He doesn't go home, he doesn't stop until he runs out of gas, a state and a half away.

"Hey, Taylor...?"

"Yeah, Vicky?"

"Someone's posting these bananas rumors about aliens or mutants in the Endbringer Shelters, wanna go check it out with me?"

"Oh, uhm, about that..."
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