This. Very this. Deus Ex had a hilarious take on this—when you shot someone with a tranq dart, they ran around screaming for a while before collapsing (presumably because a fuck off big dart just hit them). Of course, IIRC if you shot them in the head with the tranq dart it would just kill them, because you *shot them in the head* and the tranq darts on impact did the damage like a regular dart.KO drugs are almost entirely Hollywood.
There's a reason the person who's job it is to keep you knocked out in surgery is a dedicated role and a graduate degree. That shit is just this side of sorcery.
Turning somebody off, without turning them off forever is an art. The dose between 'still awake', 'out cold', and 'cold as in corpse' is shockingly thin, varies person to person, and even with how the person is behaving. Somebody really stressed out with a lot of Adrenalin can stay up from a dose that would have put them out while calm, and if you hit them with a dose strong enough to put them out, well then they're calm... and now its an overdose and you just crossed that 'out cold' to 'stone cold' line.
They mostly take a long time to kick in too, the movie would have you believe you can tag somebody with a tranq dart and they go down before they can swear about it. In reality it'd take minutes.
Whatever nonsense Dr. Weaver is referring to here is absolutely tinkertech, and may well be something made by Alice/Bakuda.