When she finally does start fighting, will she start off at her Trainer's level?

I say yes, *and* Dr. Weaver has all the Gym Badges!

And it's obviously Gen 1 mechanics ("Psychic" being OP, just look at canon!trained-up!Tattletale, Dinah, and Contessa), so Taylor would get stat boosts for each one ... not to mention if someone boosts her, there's the badge boost glitch...

...sorry, that joke got away from me.
Implausible Deniability
"Aisha," Brian said slowly, as he reviewed the garbled text message. "What kind of list is this?"

"Clothes and shit? Come on, Bro!"

"Who is this even for? Four sets of identical 'creepy child' outfits? An 'awesome cloak'? 'Spiky murder heels'? 'Cheap knives for juggling'?"

"It's Alec! We know he has money, who cares what he wants! Plus, it'll be funny!"

Brian sighed. "This isn't a wardrobe, this is a costume collection. What, are they putting on a performance art thing?"

Aisha rolled her eyes. "Why do you ask so many questions? Do you really want answers?"

"I just don't want to be in a room with the bosses getting asked what I knew when."

Aisha scoffed. "Please, it's Alec. Whatever he's doing ain't complicated, and ain't going to get the Doc mad, what else matters?"

You realize Dr. Weaver doesn't actually rule the world? Brian almost said, before reconsidering. Sure, he didn't know that she rules the world, but he couldn't really say she didn't.

Note: Look, Bro, the awesome train is about to take flight, you gettin' on or not?
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You realize Dr. Weaver doesn't actually rule the world? Brian almost said, before reconsidering. Sure, he didn't know that she rules the world, but he couldn't really say she didn't.
Good. Brian is starting to understand Dr. Weaver.
(And, why some (OK, quite a few) people are so terrified of her...)
((Could she Rule The World? Well... Given a good enough reason...))
Could she Rule The World? Well... Given a good enough reason...
My impression so far, is that Dr. Weaver sees taking over the world (and subsequently ruling it) as far too more trouble and very little worth
... so yeah, she'd only do that if not taking over was somehow even more trouble in the end.
My impression so far, is that Dr. Weaver sees taking over the world (and subsequently ruling it) as far too more trouble and very little worth
... so yeah, she'd only do that if not taking over was somehow even more trouble in the end.
Yeah. If you take over the world, people demand solutions instead of just asking for them.
Yeah. If you take over the world, people demand solutions instead of just asking for them.
and they quickly occupy so much of one's time, one can't fix problems before they become large- and apparent-enough that people come complain about them, which of course is self-defeating 😓
Gold Star
"I was asked to give this to you," Marquis said, "by you know who." he passed Coil an elaborately wrapped box.

Coil sighed. Carefully opening the wrapping paper revealed a wooden box. Opening the wooden box revealed a robust quantity of packing material, surrounding an obviously tinkertech box. The box was decorated with various stickers featuring gold stars and smiley faces.

Marquis eyed it skeptically. "You sure that's safe?"

Coil laughed. "If she wants me dead, I'm dead." Finding the latches, he opened the box and began unpacking it. On top was an envelope, which he set to the side, as beneath it were a large container of clam chowder and an entire cream pie. Both were somehow at the perfect temperature, and smelled exquisite. Underneath were place settings, bowls, plates, and utensils.

"Is that...," Marquis began, "a tinkertech stasis box? Did they send you, what is this? The box alone, but why the food?"

"Presumably, it's meant as a welcome to Boston," Coil replied, retrieving a letter opener. "Have some, let Citrine and the others know as well."

Opening the envelope, Coil blanched as he skimmed the memo. "Fuck"

Marquis looked up sharply. Finishing the memo, Coil passed it over. "Internal announcement from Uppercrust. Lung's joined the Elite."

Splitting his timeline, Coil began cutting himself large slices of pie in both timelines.
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My impression so far, is that Dr. Weaver sees taking over the world (and subsequently ruling it) as far too more trouble and very little worth
... so yeah, she'd only do that if not taking over was somehow even more trouble in the end.

Yeah. If you take over the world, people demand solutions instead of just asking for them.

and they quickly occupy so much of one's time, one can't fix problems before they become large- and apparent-enough that people come complain about them, which of course is self-defeating 😓

Jaded!Taylor is the not the sort of person who wants to personally run the world. She just intends to make sure, personally, that the people who are running the world, DO THEIR FUCKING JOB DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE!
Aisha scoffed. "Please, it's Alec. Whatever he's doing ain't complicated, and ain't going to get the Doc mad, what else matters?"

Aisha's attitude is the correct one here though.

It's Alec. The answer is going to be weird, but at the end of the day he is only amusing himself and he is smart enough not to rock the boat too much. If he's not directly your responsibility, stressing out over it is a waste of effort.
Aisha's attitude is the correct one here though.

It's Alec. The answer is going to be weird, but at the end of the day he is only amusing himself and he is smart enough not to rock the boat too much. If he's not directly your responsibility, stressing out over it is a waste of effort.
This. Very this. Alec is irreverent, obnoxious, selfish, hedonistic and a troll. Alec is not stupid. Alec grew up in a situation where he had to be very, very aware of hard and especially soft power dynamics, and had to get very good, very young, at discerning the precise location of "the line". Like any teenager, he tests his limits. However, he has seen and felt the heavy stick of consequences.

I will point out that even if Dr. Weaver went home, Armsmaster is at least intrigued by Alec's power and what the boy can do. There is a backup plan.
Purr Therapy
"Amy?" Vicky's voice said, from somewhere near the door to Amy's room.

"Hmmm?" Amy replied without opening her eyes.

"Uh, why are you on the floor?"

"I was laying on the floor thinking," Amy said slowly. "'Mina came over, so I gave her pets and scritchies. Then she started purring and it was nice."

"Ok? Do you want to go see Rachel? I wanted to talk to her about a thing and see the dogs."

"Can't," Amy said, still keeping her eyes closed. "'Mina is sleeping."

"On you?"

Amy shrugged her shoulders minutely. "She climbed on my tummy to be in the sun better, then fell asleep."

"So… you're going to just lay there petting the cat while she sleeps?"

"Good point. Can you turn on my music player, at low volume, and put a thing over my eyes? I think 'Mina has the right idea."

"Oooookay then, sure."

Note: Sun be there, Amy has comfy tummy, cat go sit.
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Can confirm, several times I've had one of the cats come over and lie down on my lap or on my chest or on my stomach, the moment I start giving pets and scritches, it's purr town and a one way ticket to Napville.
Simple Tools
"So," Vicky asked as she held the cabinet in place. "Why a shovel?"

Rachel shrugged. "It's a shovel," she said in response to Vicky's question. "It's heavy. It has an edge. You can poke things with it, or hold them up. People leave them outside, so you can find one when you need one. If you're carrying a shovel, people don't stop you or get worried or care."

"Huh. Mmmm Vista said they were talking about doing an action figure or sponsored shovel line or something?"

"Eh," Rachel replied, carefully repositioning the cabinet. "Wafa can figure it out."


"Here, squirt," Lilac said, dropping an envelope in front of Insight.


Lilac rolled her eyes. "This should solve the Gremlin's paper-pusher problem."

"But I didn't ask any questions yet?"

"Of course you didn't, because that would be stupid. I hired a private eye."

"You can do that? I thought they only were in old movies." Insight looked at the envelope nervously. "Wouldn't he be suspicious?"

Lilac smirked. "He thinks I'm a trustafarian getting petty revenge on someone who I didn't like from school. Also means there is a solid, demonstrable non-parahuman chain of evidence, so no one can complain about assault with a parahuman power."

Note: Plus it's not the most petty thing I've hired him for.
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Can confirm, several times I've had one of the cats come over and lie down on my lap or on my chest or on my stomach, the moment I start giving pets and scritches, it's purr town and a one way ticket to Napville.

I've lost count of how often my dad has lost an entire day of productivity because one of the kitties climbed up onto his lap and fell asleep. In fact, there's a poem about the phenomena.
This. Very this. Alec is irreverent, obnoxious, selfish, hedonistic and a troll. Alec is not stupid. Alec grew up in a situation where he had to be very, very aware of hard and especially soft power dynamics, and had to get very good, very young, at discerning the precise location of "the line". Like any teenager, he tests his limits. However, he has seen and felt the heavy stick of consequences.

I will point out that even if Dr. Weaver went home, Armsmaster is at least intrigued by Alec's power and what the boy can do. There is a backup plan.

Yea, when your dad is Hearbreaker you learn to tread lightly. Or Else.

That's why he's so chill while his sister keeps freaking out. He knows that despite Weaver being the Scary Godmother, as long as he sticks with petty crime at most nobody's gonna do anything drastic like mindwipe him. The protectorate wanting him to play nice is easy comparatively.
extra close quote

other two names are 'Lilac', should this be 'Lilac' too?

She looked at the envelope nervously
Who is this? Vista/Misty? Only two named characters are Lilac/Lisa, and Impulse. Is there a third character present?

I'm assuming 'Gremlin' isn't present, and it's implied that is 'Aisha'.

Also, who is 'squirt'? Usually that's someone younger/smaller. Impulse/Alec is about Lisa's age and size, and isn't a habitual squirter-of-water, so ???


Fun bit, and I'm assuming Lisa has hired a private detective to investigate the (possibly racist) bigotted tester-of-Aisha. And, just dumped the results on a smaller, younger, female member of the plotters. But no one, yet. has used those results for anything?
extra close quote

other two names are 'Lilac', should this be 'Lilac' too?

Who is this? Vista/Misty? Only two named characters are Lilac/Lisa, and Impulse. Is there a third character present?

I'm assuming 'Gremlin' isn't present, and it's implied that is 'Aisha'.

Also, who is 'squirt'? Usually that's someone younger/smaller. Impulse/Alec is about Lisa's age and size, and isn't a habitual squirter-of-water, so ???


Fun bit, and I'm assuming Lisa has hired a private detective to investigate the (possibly racist) bigotted tester-of-Aisha. And, just dumped the results on a smaller, younger, female member of the plotters. But no one, yet. has used those results for anything?

Fixed the typos and clarified the reference to "she". No one has used the results yet
Who is this? Vista/Misty? Only two named characters are Lilac/Lisa, and Impulse. Is there a third character present?

I'm assuming 'Gremlin' isn't present, and it's implied that is 'Aisha'.

Also, who is 'squirt'? Usually that's someone younger/smaller. Impulse/Alec is about Lisa's age and size, and isn't a habitual squirter-of-water, so ???

From context, code name, and such I'd say "Insight" is probably Dinah, the pre-tean precog who's the Mayor's niece. Aisha doesn't have a codename (gremlin or otherwise), and probably isn't a parahuman right now. Lisa/Lilac was talking to a Ward code-named Insight (not Impulse, Imp, Gremlin, or anything like that) and handing over info she hired a PI to gather on a school faculty member.

Not sure how the confusion came about, since I thought it was pretty obvious even before edits.
From context, code name, and such I'd say "Insight" is probably Dinah, the pre-tean precog who's the Mayor's niece. Aisha doesn't have a codename (gremlin or otherwise), and probably isn't a parahuman right now. Lisa/Lilac was talking to a Ward code-named Insight (not Impulse, Imp, Gremlin, or anything like that) and handing over info she hired a PI to gather on a school faculty member.

Not sure how the confusion came about, since I thought it was pretty obvious even before edits.
People read almost all by pattern recognition, and rely an simple cues rather than reading all of every word. Particularly if hurried/tired/unwell. 'In' and 'Im' are similar enough that 'Insight' (Dinah) and 'Impulse' (Alec) can be mixed-up, particularly if the second cape name has been used a lot more than the first. So, people rely on redundancy, extra context, to avoid making mistakes.

Identifying who, how many, are in a scene is something that's needed to understand the interactions in that scene. Some might have vague mental images, of standing or sitting people, others a text script with names on each bit of speech. Others ???

Yeah. Cape powers make it all the more complex. Particularly 'Thinker' stuff.

This is why reading stories several times may mean new things keep getting noticed. Everyone's brain works differently, 'society' is the overlap of common enough, maybe learned compromise, bits. So, 'normal' - mayyybe there's one or two of those, out there, somewhere. :)
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