Unexpected Fellow Travelers
"To be clear," Emily said carefully, as she flipped through copies of the 'messages' Dr. Weaver had sent Calvert, "you've got the man terrified out of his mind. He's being forced to support my command. Finally, he's being babysat by a man notorious for executing colleagues for failing him. While the two have, collectively, enacted a viciously effective campaign against the Empire."

Dr. Weaver nodded with a smile. "I do make a point to periodically send him little reminders as well, just to keep him on his toes. I'm open to suggestions."

Emily made a note, then circled it, then underlined it.

"I believe that still leaves us with Lung, as well as whatever it is you have Calvert doing elsewhere."


Carol winced as she turned the page, to find more smiling photos of Victoria, with Amy as an afterthought at best. Oh, there were a few of Amy, mostly taken by Mark from the framing. Still, it suggested things about Carol that she wasn't terribly keen to examine.

Not that she had much choice in the matter, not now.

Sighing, Carol slipped out a particularly good photo of Amy grinning widely at some school event.

Sarah was right. They did have to work with the man. And sharing a few photos really was the least they could do.

Note: Was going to be "Strange Bedfellows", but I already used that for Nazi anti-master stuff.
"To be clear," Emily said carefully, as she flipped through copies of the 'messages' Dr. Weaver had sent Calvert, "you've got the man terrified out of his mind. He's being forced to support my command. Finally, he's being babysat by a man notorious for executing colleagues for failing him. While the two have, collectively, enacted a viciously effective campaign against the Empire."

Dr. Weaver nodded with a smile. "I do make a point to periodically send him little reminders as well, just to keep him on his toes. I'm open to suggestions."

Emily made a note, then circled it, then underlined it.
Emily: I'm now surprisingly okay with Calvert being alive and not in jail. In fact, despite how much shit I've discovered about his machinations and how he was undermining me, I'd even say I'm weirdly happy with his situation. Huh, I never thought I'd say that about Calvert except possibly at his funeral.
Healthy Hobbies
"Sorry," Amy said to totally not Alec. Across the lab, Cherish was nervously eying a cage of terrified mice. "I think your sister has a different sort of problem than my sister."

Alec sighed. "Worth a shot.

"What are they doing anyway?"

"Right, you were late." Not!Alec put on a serious face, which clashed with his garish tracksuit. "Big Blue had some idea to do tinkertech... something about tranquilizers? Or mood stabilizers? I don't know, drugs. They're trying to figure out if Sis can detect when someone's on them, and also whether she can do a sort of detox? Except its not a detox, since they're still high and shit, just they're not like, visibly tweaking, so that's better? I don't know."

"How do they come up with this shit?" Amy asked in morbid fascination.

Alec rolled his eyes. "Fuck if I know, it got worse since he started doing more Guild shit."

Amy's response was cut off by the unexpected appearance of one of those portals that the Fairy Queen's people used. A cat carrier was slowly lowered through. The bedraggled cat inside looked at her piteously. "Mrrrrw".

On the side was a note. "Can you help please? Kitty is sad and vet did not know what was wrong?"

Note: Science! Science everywhere! Also, kitty!
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'Worm' has a suspicious shortage of wise-ish members of older generations...
Perhaps more accurately:
'Worm' has a suspicious shortage of wise-ish members of any generation.
Some truth in that, but, part of the idea is that 'Worm' doesn't seem to permit learning from experience, and passing lessons learned on to a later gen?

Though, feline therapy is an... interesting partial substitute...
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Dr. Weaver blinked in confusion. "But Rachel isn't even in the program?"

Phil sighed. "I know, but we can't very well tell them to simply have their kids spend a few years living rough on the streets and in the bush."

Dr. Weaver rolled her eyes. "Fine. In that case, perhaps a bifurcated approach? Emphasize that Rachel is really more of a 'country girl', and see if we can't find some trooper with equally, hmmm, let's say robust kids or grandkids."

"It's a start," Phil said nodding. "Let's us also tailor to the specific locality."

Dr. Weaver nodded in agreement. "Separately, slot in some additional escape and evasion training. If anyone asks, we can point out that Rachel spent most of that engagement on roofs, in trees, and in other such places."

Phil consulted his notes. "One final note, which Emily felt you were best able to deal with…"


"It's so cool!" Dinah exclaimed. "Make it fold again!"

"I know!" Missy replied. "One of the firefighters helped me get it!"

"What's it called?"

"An entrenching tool!"

Note: It doesn't fit in my backpack. I'm gonna see if I can get a new one.
'Worm' has a suspicious shortage of wise-ish members of older/any generations... Maybe their existence isn't compatible with it's conceptual logic?
[...] part of the idea is that 'Worm' doesn't seem to permit learning from experience, and passing lessons learned on to a later gen?
FWIW, my interpretation has mostly been a mix of (most) parahumans having their WIS and common sense somewhat crippled by the shards, as part of the conflict drive, and most of them not living to retirement, let alone a ripe old age.

I'd go so far as to argue that shards almost have to be stiffling their victims' wisdom, because capes would otherwise realise that nobody is getting what they want out of the recurring conflict(s)... except those who want conflict itself, i.e. shards, Cauldron, and battle-junkies.

The PRT and Brockton Bay's civilian population (incl. its civic organisations, etc.) are also affected by the heightened mortality rates, and losing wisdom and institutional knowledge faster than they otherwise would, despite not being directly affected by the parahuman conflict drive.

It also brings a take on the DWU I find quite interesting: it's so tight-knit in part because they are literally keeping each-other and their families alive, and this has let them retain a certain level of importance despite the lack of dock work; their niche is retaining institutional knowledge, from servicing ancient equipment and manufacturing spare parts, to knowing how to efficiently navigate the city's bureaucracies to get something done, etc.
I recall some of @mp3.1415player's fics going somewhat in that direction (like TV or Papa Schimmelhorn's ? IDK, it's too hot in here for my brain to function normally) but I wish more fics had the DWU be more than a throaway background element.

Though, feline therapy is an... interesting partial substitute...
Never not pet/hug/worship kitty... except when they decide they do not want you to.
Aren't you grateful to the feline overmeowrs, for giving you purpose? 😹

"An entrenching tool!"
I am legitimately fearful (and excited) at the prospects of what exactly Vista is going to do now she has both an entranching tool and appropriate levels of enthusiasm about it.
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now she has both an entranching tool
It's probably still an entrenching tool.

It won't be an entranching* tool until she gets her hand on a 400 grit** stone and instruction in its use.

* tranche = slice
** finer stones are only important if you have very fancy knives, 400 grit is plenty to put a decent edge on commonplace things
It's probably still an entrenching tool.
Thanks! My English is usually decent, but I'm struggling with that sort of subtle spelling issue due to overheating.

Amusingly I could have realised the issue, since tranche is borrowed as-is from French, my native language.

PS: leaving the typo, since you made it quite funny now :D
Do you think you can case-harden the edge of an entrenching tool?

If Vista swings it, then distorts space, can she achieve a massive leverage advantage?

Issue might be, how much force can she apply without leaving it a buckled mess? Experiments with ballistic gel wearing various sorts of armor might be desirable? Wouldn't want to wreck the thing, first time used...

(Will point out here, no concern for how much the targets get wrecked. Their fault for becoming targets in the first place!)

((While at it, could Missy get someone to make her a set of knuckle-dusters in her size? Which could be disguised as something she might reasonably carry? Best to be prepared...))
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Junket Junket Junket
"Wow, Aisha," Brian said, paging through the packet. "This is... wow."

Aisha nodded nervously. "I tried to think of everything. Taylor and Lisa helped. Taylor with ideas and Lisa with figuring out the forms and stuff."

Brian turned a page. "I didn't even know the Protectorate had any of this..."

"Yep! It's really cool. Lisa said that Velocity said that there's even a budget for it, and everything! Team building and shit. And 'fraternization', which from the way she said it and laughed I think means 'hook ups', but I'm not sure, it might just be Lisa being Lisa."

"Huh," Brian said absently, turning another page.

"Lisa also helped me get some information on which heroes are where, 'cause I figured you might feel more comfortable going somewhere with more people who look like us and aren't all old and boring. That's why there's information in there about boring-sounding places like Detroit and Atlanta."

Note: Taylor also had some recommendations for places where there was Protectorate stuff at the same time as a concert, but I didn't give you that 'cause her music tastes are weird.
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What Missy needs now is to show her new tool to any retired Infantry troop; they have all the tricks with them, how to open it in one move, the best sharpening tips, how to throw it for max damage...

Oh yeah, and how to dig a hasty fighting position in thirty minutes or less.

Plus how to maintain it properly. Very important stuff there, since a rusty etool won't open for anyone, not even Scion.
Working It Wrong
Taylor looked around the gym (both with her own eyes and all her other eyes), but Brian was nowhere to be found. Shrugging, she approached where Aisha and Lisa were heading for the weights.

"Hey," Taylor said as she approached.

"Taylor!" Aisha called out, as Lisa started setting up a weight machine.

"Hey, do you know where your brother is?"

"He just texted," Aisha said seriously, "has a thing at work so he's running a little late."

"Ok," Taylor replied. "I'll workout some on the punching bag until he gets here, then--what is she doing?" Taylor gestured at Lisa's straining at the machine.

Aisha shrugged.

"No, no, no," Taylor said, approaching Lisa. "You're going to pull--why am I telling you this, you should know better, you need to..."


"Hey, Aisha," Brian said as he approached. "Sorry I'm late."

"No worries," Aisha said, snapping another photo.

"What are they doing?" Brian gestured to Taylor and Lisa.

"Lisa tried to troll Taylor by intentionally doing it wrong, but got more than she bargained for. Taylor has been personal trainering her for like 20 minutes now."
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