was good practice of whatever
This doesn't read quite right, but I'm unsure what it might say... 'or'? 'for'? Dunno.


Aisha. Stop teasing Lisa, just because you can. Brian will tell you, 'It's like shooting fish in a barrel', and look at you sadly. And you don't want that.
This doesn't read quite right, but I'm unsure what it might say... 'or'? 'for'? Dunno.


Aisha. Stop teasing Lisa, just because you can. Brian will tell you, 'It's like shooting fish in a barrel', and look at you sadly. And you don't want that.
Typo fixed! Thanks!

Aisha isn't teasing Lisa to be mean! It's all, uh, anti-thinker stuff! Advaaaaanced. You wouldn't understand
I recall using just 'quote' myself, and being told off by a friend seriously into programming that 'one must always close quotes' (and brackets), because otherwise you are quoting (or bracketting) everything after. I swear they once sat down and just said 'close quote', repeatedly, for another friend, who never did that.
I... ressembled that remark, or at least I did as a child.
Not that I'm not hypervigilant about matching quotes, parentheses, etc. especially since I went and did a whole lot of programming, but I'm much better with not making others deal with my OCD at least. :3

Aisha. Stop teasing Lisa, just because you can. Brian will tell you, 'It's like shooting fish in a barrel', and look at you sadly. And you don't want that.
Aisha isn't teasing Lisa to be mean! It's all, uh, anti-thinker stuff! Advaaaaanced. You wouldn't understand
Brian not only has a little sister, he has Aisha as a little sister. He'd still look sadly, and comment that this is both unimaginative, not a credible lie, and not particularly funny either... which of course Aisha would take to mean she needs to work on her bullshit-fu. 😈
Remedial Intelligence Review
"So," Emily began. "Coil and Lung."

Technically, the group gathered in the secure room weren't here to discuss anything so momentous. Emily wasn't even sure what the official diary said, although she'd been assured it would be supremely uninteresting. Many of those gathered weren't even formally in Intelligence, however Emily had long ago learned the importance of listening to those out and about, among the locals, who'd learned to keep an ear to the ground.

Still, they were fewer in number than she would have in hindsight preferred. Recent events had drawn their attention predominantly to the Empire. There would have been even fewer, but for the worldwide purge of high-level threats, together with the local purge of smaller operators.

She should have known it was too good to be true.

She'd gotten hints of informal cooperation against the Empire, but even Dr. Weaver's brief asides had made clear that quite a lot had been going on that had escaped notice.

That said, she absolutely refused to willingly walk into a briefing with Dr. Weaver this blind, not on something as fraught as both having outside ties substantially more significant than had previously been appreciated.

It wasn't that she didn't trust Dr. Weaver. Rather, she'd learned that the woman simply operated in a different universe much of the time. Emily could sympathize, what she had learned about the woman's world line was horrific. Still, it did leave Dr. Weaver with some very odd ideas of was and was not worthy of note.

Note: Can we get adult supervision for our adult supervision? Or maybe a five-year-old child?
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Note: Can we get adult supervision for our adult supervision? Or maybe a five-year-old child?
Maybe when Dragon is up for making child AIs, she should be asked for one that's a five-yr-old child?

I forget if Dr. Weaver has slain the Dragonslayers... Andrew Richter being a natural Eden-shard cape (as Leet is) might explain a few things...
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Maybe when Dragon is up for making child AIs, she should be asked for one that's a five-yr-old child?

I forget if Dr. Weaver has slain the Dragonslayers...

Don't remember if it was on-screen or not, but yeah, she unchained Dragon and IIRC dealt with the Dragonslayers. This would have been when PRT temporarily lost visibility into the Birdcage and Valkyrie did a bit of clean-up.

Originally, Dragon was going to be a recurring character, but there were already too many "grown-ups".
Don't remember if it was on-screen or not, but yeah, she unchained Dragon and IIRC dealt with the Dragonslayers. This would have been when PRT temporarily lost visibility into the Birdcage and Valkyrie did a bit of clean-up.

Originally, Dragon was going to be a recurring character, but there were already too many "grown-ups".
Obviously you need 'Liz' (for 'lizard'), the 5-yr-old child of Dragon? :)

(Her calling Colin 'maybe-Dad' could be fun?)
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Sky Daddy Solutions
"Yo," Alec said, gesturing for Amy to come in.

"Hey," Amy said wearily. "It has been a fuckshit of a week, like you wouldn't believe."

Alec nodded sagely. "How is Dog Girl?"

"Less freaked out than everyone else," Amy said, absentmindedly noting that Alec had been playing what looked like an extremely gory shooter. "It's funny, she..." Amy paused, finally registering the content of what she had assumed to be an audiobook running in the background. "Is that... are you listening to a bible talk?"

"Eh," Alec replied with a shrug. "The Haven guy is less useless than the PRT talking heads, sounds like some of the Fallen survivors dealt with stuff kinda of like what dad did. If magic sky daddy stuff helps me give dad's bullshit the big fuck you, it's not like I'm gonna say no."

Amy boggled.

"Hey!" Alec said in mock offense. "You can't judge me for my religious beliefs! It's in the constipation! Plus, apparently I can get ordained or shit and do weddings."
Plus, apparently I can get ordained or shit and do weddings.
So, can we be sure Alec would find something more interesting than Elvis to dress as while doing this? Do any Tinkers owe him favours so his... clerical robes would be really interesting? A hat that looks like an animated Flying Spaghetti Monster, or even weirder?

For all that Alec is being… Alec, there are, in fact, takes on Christianity that are received very well by people coming out of bad places. The message of forgiveness, acceptance, and love can be very powerful.

To be clear, Christianity does not have a monopoly on this, and there are also Christian groups that are complete dogshit at this.

That said, Haven has sort of carved out a niche for itself as "saving" people from the Fallen and other cultish groups. You've got a combination of actual grounded expertise, together with a degree of empathy you are much less likely to find in a group like the PRT.

I'm not saying Alec is going to turn around and Find Jesus. I do, however, expect that he might benefit from some of what they are offering IF, and this is critical, he is able to get it from the right sort of person who won't be driven away by Alec's use of offensive behavior and crass humor as a coping mechanism/weapon/mask/shield.

Cherie, now, there is someone I could see going full tilt fervent convert. I'm not saying I'll go that way, but I do see a path where that happens for her. Poor girl desperately wants to feel safe and loved and secure and not terrified out of her mind. Religion can offer that.
Might be just me, but I can't see Alec following any conventional path. Something like 'The Naked Truth' (seriously Christian nudists/naturists) seems far more likely...

I can't see Alec ever not being Alec about it, at least in the near- to mid- term.

Cherie, though, Cherie I could see going full on, long dress and hair bible-thumper. I now have this image of her teaching a Sunday school or something, or running an AA group. (And god have mercy on whatever poor soul shows up looking to trouble her little lambs, because she certainly won't have any)
Cherie, though, Cherie I could see going full on, long dress and hair bible-thumper. I now have this image of her teaching a Sunday school or something, or running an AA group. (And god have mercy on whatever poor soul shows up looking to trouble her little lambs, because she certainly won't have any)
I do agree with you...

I've heard religion described a 'philosophical power armor', with all the advantages and otherwise of that. I've also met people who've lost their religion, for one reason or another. This can be... unfortunate.

I'd like to think there's better/wider options for Cherie than full-on religion. But, bar full-on psycho-surgery of some sort (and who'd trust that in 'Worm'?), I don't know what they might be. She could do with a really good Grandma...
Good Role Models
Brian was in the cafeteria, studying over a pre-patrol snack, when his focus was interrupted by a young, female voice.

"Ah, Grue?"

Brian looked up, to see Vista looking at him anxiously. "How are you," he asked in a friendly tone. He didn't know her well, but what he did know made it very clear that she wasn't someone he wanted mad at him.

"You know, ah, Rachel Lindt, right? Hellhound?"

Brian suppressed a wince at the 'media-friendly' name. "Sure?"

"How did she get so strong?"

Brian sighed. "There are basically two ways to get strong. There's what I do, and what most of the troopers and people here do. Basically, lots of time at the gym. Careful diet, carefully planned workout routine, all very scientific."

"I tried that," Vista said earnestly. "I'm still trying that. But it's so so slow, and Amy said she can't do anything to make it go faster, and Armsmaster said that he can't give me any of his tinkertech supplements because of rules!" The younger girl's frustration as palpable.

Brian nodded sympathetically. "Then there is what Rachel does. Which is basically the same thing lumberjacks do."


"Yeah," Brian rubbed the back of his head. "Routinely work with big heavy things all day, every day. For Rachel, it's dog stuff. Great big dogs, fifty pound bags of food, all that stuff."

Vista's face fell.

"If it makes you feel any better, she doesn't have any formal training in fighting? Well, before she got here, she might have started since she joined up."

Note: No, Missy, Armsmaster is not a healthy role model.
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Auld Lang Syne
Sarah forced herself to not let her anxiety show. Dr. Weaver had assured her of their privacy, and offered to stay as a neutral party, but Sarah had declined. If the man's own code wasn't enough to restrain his behavior, adding more people to the firing line would not dissuade him.

Finally, the man entered. He wore a dark suit, and looked every part the security professional. He was older than she remembered, with streaks of grey in his hair and neatly trimmed beard. Smaller too, somehow, especially without a mask.

Still, no matter what stories might be told, his bearing, the way he moved, it was all just as she remember.

She swallowed nervously, despite herself, and rose from her seat. "Mr. Lavere," she said politely.

The man nodded politely, and stood at his place on the other side of the table. Neither sat.

"Lady Photon. Or should it be Mrs. Pelham?"

"Sarah, I think, if we are to be professional colleagues."

Marquis smiled politely. "Walter."

Note: I have Marquis tentatively pegged as in his forties, although stress makes him look older. Christ, I'm reminded again that Sarah here is younger than I am.
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Auld Lang Syne, Part 2
"I don't like it," Carol said firmly. Mark took her hand and squeezed it gently. The two were sitting on the Dallon's couch.

"That is fine," Sarah said carefully. "Still, he's here. I don't care what the PRT or the Fairy Queen say, it's him."

There was a pause, then Mark spoke. "What was he like?"

"What does he like?" Carol asked incredulously. "What does he want?"

Sarah sighed. She wished their grandmother was here, she always seemed to know what to say. Still, needs must.

She covered her hesitation with a small cough. "Older, much older, but still clearly in the business. He still does the whole," Sarah shrugged in frustration, "'noble warrior' act, although if he did so well in the Cage I'm sure it's just as real as it was last time."

Mark glanced at Carol, then rallied. "Amy?"

"He was very firm," Sarah said. "He wants what's best for her. Emphasized how proud he was, and how good a defense her reputation was. He was very determined, even a little manic. He would flip from talking in great detail about defensive contingencies, to reminiscing about her mother, to talking about how happy she looked."

"One thing that stood out, something he didn't outright say, is that her security is a lot more comprehensive than we realized."

"What are you saying?" Carol asked, confused.

"I don't know. I don't think it's an attempt to take her, if half of what he said was true we likely couldn't stop them if they tried. I wonder whether some of the security is as much to watch him as it is to protect her."

Note: When you stare too long into jaded!Taylor's schemes, sometimes they stare back.
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This one seems to be missing a threadmark;

Goddamn Teenagers (Worm, AU/time travel)

"Finally, I was hoping to discuss with you a proposal that Vista recently advanced," said Director Piggot. "Oh?" Dr. Weaver looked intrigued "Yes. Regarding an attempt to navigate a remote-controlled vehicle from the shore station to the Rig. Specifically, an RC car." "Oh!" The other woman...
This one seems to be missing a threadmark;

Goddamn Teenagers (Worm, AU/time travel)

"Finally, I was hoping to discuss with you a proposal that Vista recently advanced," said Director Piggot. "Oh?" Dr. Weaver looked intrigued "Yes. Regarding an attempt to navigate a remote-controlled vehicle from the shore station to the Rig. Specifically, an RC car." "Oh!" The other woman...
Added the thread mark—thanks!
I wonder whether some of the security is as much to watch him as it is to protect her."
Got to admit, he doesn't sound completely... sane. But, the Birdcage has got to leave a mark. And, future-Taylor? Probably is concerned whether he's useful, not... whether needs a lot of mental health professional attention...

New Wave is... rather stuck, here, aren't they? Is this likely to last until Amy learns adult-ing, not just hits some particular age? Someone should arrange she gets her own shrubbery... Maybe future-Taylor could suggest a 'Build Your Own Ent' project to her?
In Sheep's Clothing, Part 8
Sabah eyed the younger girl carefully as she approached. Once again, they were meeting after a show, although this time the other girl, Aisha, was dressed in smart casual clothes, looking every bit the young professional. If Sabah hadn't known better, she wouldn't believe it was the same girl.

"Good afternoon," the other girl said. "Sorry for the fancy get-up," she continued, gesturing at her attire. "I'm practicing my costume and brain-hacking."

Sabah blinked, and was thankful her mask obscured her facial expressions. "Brain-hacking?"

"Yeah," Aisha said firmly. "Dr. Weaver taught me about it, how people's brains are hard-wired to make snap decisions about people and if you costume right you can use that for stuff. I got the clothes down, and am pretty good at the makeup, but I still have trouble looking like a twenties secretary or something instead of a high schooler putting on airs."

Ok, not exactly what Sabah would have expected Dr. Weaver to be teaching, and certainly not how she would describe it, but sure. If nothing else, this could give her insight more into how the mysterious and terrifying woman operated. "Is there a particular reason you're doing this here, today?"

"Eh," Aisha said, "Dr. Weaver and my brother both agree it's best to practice things when it's hard, not when it's easy, and the Enforcers here are like, super strict toward teens, and girls, and tan folks, so I've got like three extra difficulty stars."

Note: Oh, Sabah, you though the not-cape one would be normal?
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