Point of order: A shovel is a polearm. An entrenching tool is an axe.

Completely different categories of cool, and of Weapon Proficiency. :p Aisha may not go for it.
If Aisha triggers in this fic, I could see her with Green Lantern-style 'projections', maybe shields, throw-in flight if she can get away with it. All made from shadow/darkness. So, none of this 'All the Nazis forget I'm here', more 'Splat a Nazi', 'And, that one', 'And those over there', preferably with 'My shadows are better than any body armor!'.

So, 'I can make giant shovels whenever I want to!'. :)
"Threw away the gas caps and left empty unmarked containers nearby where they'd be found."
So wait, what exactly was this? Throwing away the gas caps exposes the gas in the tank, and the unmarked containers were just for finding them again?

Also, what does trying to drive with an exposed tank of gas do to your car?
So wait, what exactly was this? Throwing away the gas caps exposes the gas in the tank, and the unmarked containers were just for finding them again?
Removing the filler cap and leaving an unmarked empty container nearby implies that you have poured god-knows-what into the gas tank.

Maybe sugar. Maybe EPS beads. Maybe diesel. Maybe water or acid.

She hadn't, but the only way to know is FAFO
So wait, what exactly was this? Throwing away the gas caps exposes the gas in the tank, and the unmarked containers were just for finding them again?

Also, what does trying to drive with an exposed tank of gas do to your car?
Implies contaminated fuel. Have you seen what Hollywood has happen next?

I'm... a little surprised none of the nazis at least sniffed the unmarked containers. Water is odorless, but most other things aren't. You'd need to be really stupid to try tasting it. See if there's any liquid left in a random container? At least a sniff out of curiosity, if nothing else?

Of course, pressure Rachel had them under, maybe no time to be curious...
What is Love, Part 8
The man was exhausted, and bored. The Department of State sounded exciting, but the excitement quickly faded as he spent day. After day. At a desk in an embassy. Mostly telling people that their whatever had been declined, for the reasons stated in the rules that were on the website. And in the letter. That they were sent. And had just handed him.

At least it was a friendly country. Great Britain wasn't as "great" as it once had been, but it beat the heck out of somewhere more "exciting". He did not need to see three different military governments in a single year, let alone month.

He amused himself by trying to guess what the next group's issue would be. Let's see, tired looking woman with a couple kids and a male companion. Visa issue, maybe? Divorce?

He went through the usual pleasantries with no real interest, and accepted an envelope from the woman. Unfolding the contents, his attention was immediately drawn to a sticky note on the front.

"Help! I have information about villainous activity in the US, but the man with me will try to stop me."

Suddenly, the man was much less bored.

Note: This got longer than I'd expected. It will continue next time.
He amused himself by trying to guess what the next group's issue would be.
Now it is our turn to try and figure out who these four people are.
The fact that he didn't mention baby makes me think it isn't Max and Kayden with their kids.
I don't recall Othala having children, but Victor might be smart enough to get a couple orphans to play the role... though I think Othala was more faithful than he in this case anyway.
Who oh who could it be!? XD
tired looking woman with a couple kids and a male companion
Could this be Kayden, Theo, Aster and assigned Nazi bodyguard? Sent abroad by Max, 'for a holiday', to cover his options?

If so, what did Kayden say was her reason for visiting the American Embassy, or, what obliged her visit?
I might be mixing up fics, but aren't we in a story where Krieg went back to Britain? So this would be Mrs. Fleischer.
I might be mixing up fics, but aren't we in a story where Krieg went back to Britain? So this would be Mrs. Fleischer.

Krieg got arrested when his driver turned on him, after driver's daughter who almost got killed when Krieg's car exploded asked her dad to not fight anymore. Krieg then got shot by a sniper who was sent by CI spite grandma, who was pissed because she thought the Empire was responsible for the death of her grandson (who was also a racist, but of a different flavor, and who was actually killed by Coil in an operation that was set up to frame the Empire).

Dauntless convinced Amy to heal Krieg enough for questioning (she was initially reluctant, but agreed when Dauntless pointed out that the kind of need to know if there were more bombs). As soon as Krieg regained consciousness, he grabbed a gun from one of the guards jaded!Taylor got assigned to Amy. Krieg then tried to kill himself. Krieg failed due to a variety of factors including Amy giving his catheter line a good sharp kick. PRT has determined that Krieg is under a compulsion to kill himself (the Vasil kids contributed to this diagnosis).

Piggot suggested that the Protectorate contact Haven to see if they could help deal with the compulsion, since Haven has a lot of experience dealing with master victims. She similarly reached out to the Guild due to the international connections with Gesellschaft. Haven, the Guild, and New Wave made a joint statement with the PRT/Protectorate about Krieg being mastered.

I think this brings us up to speed on Krieg's current situation.
What is Love, Part 9
"… just walked into the embassy," Phil said to Emily. "Krieg's wife, kids, and a Gesellschaft minder who was very unhappy to discover that she wasn't there to extend her visa, and that he would be facing an American court, not one under local law."

"What was she hoping to accomplish?" Emily asked.

"She was shocked, shocked to hear that her husband had been betrayed by his supposed comrades in the movement. She wouldn't have believed it if it wasn't for New Wave, since they're white and know what's good for them, and Haven, because they're God-fearing and the spokesperson looked like a nice white boy."

Emily added that to the growing pile of 'nope', and instead focused on the more salient part, asking "She knows he's looking at lengthy confinement at best? Even if he avoids Baumann, he's likely still looking at serious time, if not the Asylum."

Phil shook his head. "As far as she's concerned, so long as she can visit or at least communicate, she doesn't care. She just wants us to put him back in his right mind or, failing that, get him what care we can. Oh, and she wants revenge on 'those kraut bastards'."

Note: "Make a note, Phil, we clearly have been underestimating the extent of batshit suspicion and infighting among the racist lunatic community."

Also note: "if I had a nickel for every time, I'd only have two nickels, buts it's weird that it happened twice."
Author says TLDR: You're wrong, but you guessed right about who it was anyway.

Right. Good to know. Also, Nazis infighting? Surely not, that's never happened before! I think this is where I mention the videos of LordHardThrasher on YouTube.
The funny part is that Krieg being "mastered" isn't even a false flag operation. He was brainwashed and conditioned by a certain nazi loving terrorist group. Hell, Night and Fog are more extreme examples of what those a-holes do to people.
Feeding Time
Amy sat, exhausted, and sipped her coffee as Rachel supervised Cassie and some K-9 trainees feeding the dogs, while Vicky flitted around trying to be helpful but more generally getting in the way.

The dogs themselves were fine, Rachel had sent them all away from the farm during the attack itself, so the worst to deal with there was a few scrapes, as well as the usual ticks. They had still picked up on Rachel's concerned state, but now that she'd gotten some sleep seemed to be finally settling down.

As for Rachel herself, she looked surprisingly fine, for what she'd been through. Amy was pretty sure that said something about what she'd been through, that she was able to go about her business like usual. She'd even sat down with one of the trainees and Dr. Weaver to go over the engagement and do a sort of teaching look-back thing.

With a start, Amy realized that without thinking about it she'd been staring at Rachel and Cassie as they bent over doing something with one of the dogs. Girls were in shape, especially Rachel, but Amy need to be careful, lest she out herself.

Her self-reflection was interrupted by Lilac's noisy approach, with some more food but more importantly more coffee!

It was only later that Amy realized that she hadn't been staring at Vicky.

Note: Not entirely happy with this one.
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The funny part is that Krieg being "mastered" isn't even a false flag operation. He was brainwashed and conditioned by a certain nazi loving terrorist group. Hell, Night and Fog are more extreme examples of what those a-holes do to people.
Almost as if horrible people doing horrible things even to their supposed allies, aren't setting themselves up for internal conflicts... especially if someone was to find out and "help" the poor oppressed Nazis realise they are being mistreated by their Nazi movement. O;3

Plus, they might learn about antifa in rehab and it would be such a shame if they decided they want to tear down all the Nazi bullshit; at least, I could see some people convincing themselves they never believed in that crap and it was all down to being mastered, as it might be easier than reconciling « being a Nazi and OK with doing horrible shit » and « not being OK with horrible shit being done (to them). »
It's not like they could pretend they didn't know Gesellschaft brainwashes and masters capes, so much so they industrialized it much like the CUI.

PS: Oh, new wordz!
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I'll admit I'm curious what brought this about...

Good to hear the dogs are OK!
I feel like I did adequately capture the fact that Any actually is interacting with girls her age beyond Vicky, and has developed a much healthier social circle.

Also showing more how Rachel's support circle has grown and now actually includes healthy and supportive friendships with people her age. Even Lisa is still bumping around, even though she is well past the point of doing anything useful.

Ultimately, it could have benefited from more time and revision, but It's date night with me better half, and that takes priority.
Ultimately, it could have benefited from more time and revision, but It's date night with me better half, and that takes priority.
I've heard rumours 'having a life' is a good idea. Must look into that, sometime. :)

Seeing Amy is doing better is good - maybe [QA] is suggesting to [Shaper] that dog-healing is a good excuse to reduce the pressure, a bit? Make life easier, in turn, for [future-of-Best-Host]? Whatever logic, Amy deserves a better life.

Have a good whatever.
Old Bones, Part 20
"You," Marquis said to Coil as he passed the man a drink, "are a lucky man."

Coil nodded with enthusiasm. "I was told very seriously that the dog girl was in no danger of death or permanent injury. Never have I been so thankful for their panopticon thinker bullshit."

"Were you able to safely extract your men?"

Coil finished his drink. "They were noticed, and allowed to leave."

"Jesus. What did you do with that lookout your guys picked up?"


Emily stated at the exasperating woman a moment, then sighed. "Well I suppose it would be nice to have one to interrogate who isn't concussed. Please coordinate with Renick and Tagg to make sure the legal and diplomatic sides are covered."

Back in the bunker

"Separately," Coil said, changing the subject, "Accord is transitioning additional operations to us, including in Boston. As the Empire situation calms down I'll be spending more time there working with Citrine on transition matters."

Marquis raised his glass in a toast.

Note: This, jaded!Taylor. This is why you rarely need to expressly state threats.