Alabaster and some Empire thugs attacked the farm where Rachel lives, bringing a tinkertech power suppressor to shut down Rachel's power.

It turns out that Rachel is very good at violence in defence of pack and territory, even when she has to rely on nothing more than her hands and a shovel.

Rachel is a girl who has lived rough. She will have previously used violence to defend herself and her pack. Moreover, she has been extremely conscious of the need for contingency planning (typically expressed in terms of bug-out bag preparedness). She is in excellent physical shape due to woman-handling animals, large bags of feed, etc.

Also, it's a farm. It's her farm. There all all kinds of outbuildings, there are odds and ends all over the place in ways that create hazards if you don't know the space, there is lots of stuff to use as improvised weapons, it's dark with no natural light, she knows the terrain and the attackers don't, and the attackers rarely if ever do ops outside of an urban environment.

Rachel has also been training with the PRT K-9 trainees, and doesn't give a shit about how scary the Empire is supposed to be.

The Empire has shit tactics here. They didn't plan the op, they didn't scout and they didn't rehearse. They keep splitting up, and didn't even register that their comms would be fucked up by their own jammer. This is particularly bad as in this scenario, risk of friendly fire is especially high for various reasons. This means the attackers are more likely to hesitate, while Rachel doesn't have that problem since wireless jamming doesn't affect her ability to coordinate with her dogs and her people are in the basement.

Also, it's not going to be the Empire's A-team. They are attacking an unmasked Ward at home. It would likely get a pass if she was still a villain, as one could argue that the farm is her "base". This whole thing is a desperation play by a cape who hasn't adjusted to the new world order, and minions too dumb to take one of the many, many off-ramps on offer.
Country Living, Part 7
Miss Lindt looked like a goddamn nightmare. She wasn't dressed in all black, that would have been better. No, she was dressed in mixed dark tones, dark greys and blues and browns, boots and jeans and jacket, but very few blacks. She wore heavy work gloves, her hair was tied back, and some sort of grease or oil was smeared on her face. Even looking at her, here, in the light, Shawn felt his eyes try to slide off her.

That wasn't the worst of it, no. She was covered in blood, splatter covering her jacket, gloves and jeans. It looked like she'd beat a man to death with that shovel she carried, and then decided to do it a dozen or two more times for good measure.

Which from the sound of it, she had.

The older woman and earnest trooper hovering around her anxiously would have been almost comical, were the situation less serious.


"It's fine," Glenn said, interrupting the panicked flailing of the pyjama-wearing local head of Image.

The exhausted man looked at him in hopeful confusion.

"Yes, some of the poor widdle nazis got TBIs. Yes, she buried a man in shit. She didn't kill anyone, and for once Youth Guard will be on our side." He paused, then clarified. "The sane half. The half with kids. Some of the others might complain but for the ones with kids, especially with kids in the program? Miss Lindt could have fed the nazis into a woodchipper and they would still sing her praises. They're looking at this saying 'that could have been my kid, attacked at home, protecting me'."

Local guy: Oh noes! This is the worst thing that ever happened!
Glenn: Oh, you sweet, summer child. Let me talk to you about the Fallen.
Ok... I lost the plot thread for the past 3-4 updates.

What the hell happened
E88 has self-destructed, because Coil+Marquis did a serious job on their support-structures, and wrecked everything to do with Kreig. As Alabaster wants... E88 to go out with a bang, even though he knows it is dead, he attacks the farm expecting to meet Rachel and her (depowered) dogs. For further details, see previous post. Also, above, author explains.

Content may be King, but... Context is Emperor!
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Weight of Command, Part 4
"Power suppressor is down," Phil relayed to Emily in an exhausted tone. It was nearing dawn, and neither was going to be sleeping any time soon.

"Guild had a back channel to Toybox," Phil continued. "Told them one of their power inhibitors was used to attack the home of a Ward and asked if they might like to assist in rendering it safe. They couldn't agree fast enough."

Emily suspected that statement hid quite a lot of pertinent detail, but figured she was better not knowing.

"The perps?"

"Panacea confirmed they were stable. She refuses to heal them further, and notes that she couldn't do anything about the TBIs even if she wanted to, which she doesn't. Emphatically. She is currently seeing to Miss Lindt's dogs."

Teenagers. "I thought the dogs weren't hurt?"

"They weren't. She's making noise about staying overnight with them a few days to be sure."

"We defer to her expertise, so long as Miss Lindt concurs." Change in scenery might do the girl some good, after the thing with Krieg. "Alabaster?"

"Boston secure holding. Extremely unhappy about how he was restrained, and panicking that his broken arm isn't resetting."

"He should have thought of that before attacking our Ward."

"Bastion said the same, less politely, and offered to hang around off-duty making the other arm match, when he thought our troopers couldn't hear."

Emily sighed. "I'm sure they misheard, as the report will no doubt reflect. Have a quiet word with whatshisname, Kamil's successor."

Note: Haven't decided for sure but there is a decent chance that back-channel was a PHO message.
Note: Haven't decided for sure but there is a decent chance that back-channel was a PHO message.
Might make you wonder, if the back-channel is through PHO, whether Tin Mother/Dragon has ever been tempted to get the Toybox price list, and just scrawl 'YES! ONE OF EVERYTHING!' across it, then send that to them...


When someone gives you a list to choose from? Never forget the choice 'All Of The Above'. :)
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Old Bones, Part 19
Max watched the television with a sort of morbid fascination. It was an excellent job, truly worthy of the great Riefenstahl. Such a shame, then, that it sang the praises of the dog girl.

Fawning interviews with darkies her dogs had pulled out of some pile of rubble in the desert, heart-wrenching videos of happy dogs playing, despite their conspicuous scars. They'd somehow even got shots of her looking composed and tough and determined, although he did notice the few clips of her speaking were short, carefully edited, and highly controlled. Someone had spent a lot of time on this, had it ready, just waiting for the chance to roll it out.

Max emptied his glass, and refilled it. He didn't know what Alabaster had been thinking. Yes, the girl was a deranged murderer, but she was also a Ward and there were formalities to such things.

If he had just talked to Max, Max could have explained. Or put the madman down, if it came to it.

Max took another drink. Worst of all the mutant freak had failed. Despite the idiocy of the plan, they could have spun it, somehow. Ultimately, dangerous was fine, unpredictable was not ideal but could be worked with. Incompetent? Reckless?

The Empire was his, damnit, his family had worked decades, becoming the best of the best! Now people compared them, unfavorably, to the Teeth!

While the dog girl was lionized on television.

Note: Glenn is good at what he does. He's had this being worked up, since he realized how extensive Dr. Weaver's influence was and that she had taken a special interest in Rachel.
What is Love, Part 6
"It's fine," Rachel insisted, again. "The dogs are fine. Don't care the house is messed up, I'm staying with the dogs." The unheated barn was solidly constructed, but it was not Brian's favorite place in the world, especially with what seemed like a hundred dogs wandering around.

Brian resisted the urge to scream. He'd come out as soon as they let him. He hadn't been teammates with the Rachel for long, but he still felt a responsibility to the girl.

Who stubbornly insisted on staying at the known-compromised location, rather than upset the dogs by relocating them. Sleeping elsewhere while the dogs stayed was, of course, a complete non-starter.

"Look," Panacea said firmly. "You can do better with the dogs if you're healthy."

Rachel nodded reluctantly as the freckled healer took her turn trying to convince the girl to not sleep in the barn on the ground in a pile with her dogs.

At least Rachel had let them push her into a shower at Panacea's special portal place, so she no longer looked like a first responder to a Hookwolf 'demonstration'.

Brian left the freckled healer to her noble efforts and stepped out of the barn. It was lightly raining again, because of course it was. Approaching the 'command' van now parked in the front yard, Brian poured two cups of coffee. He fixed one up the way Lisa liked it, and joined her at a folding table under a nearby tent.

Lisa nodded gratefully at the coffee, without looking up from the incomprehensible assortment of diagrams and reports spread out in front of her. On an adjacent table, next to some certified non-tinkertech power cell… thing from The Fairy Queen's people, a brick-like 'portable' printer was running off even more oversized sheets of… topographical maps, from the look of it.

Brian was fairly sure Lisa was past the point of doing anything productive, but was too wired to sleep and felt obligated to stay.

Ignoring Lisa's squawk of protest, he tore a piece of blank paper out of an unattended notepad, and began brainstorming additional ideas on how they might get Rachel to practice basic self-care, texting back and forth with Cassie for further ideas.

Note: Rachel is... Rachel.
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poured two cup of coffee


I'll admit I'm curious what Lisa is doing... Her main 'Lilac' job, while hanging around Rachel, in the hope she could somehow be of help?

Poor Brian...
(I'll admit I've lost track of who 'Cassie' is, without a re-read... This is the old business of a writer not having more than five, plus or minus two, currently relevant named characters. And, why some works have a 'Dramatica Persona' (sp?) list, somewhere, with each name's memory-jogger...)
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I'll admit I'm curious what Lisa is doing... Her main 'Lilac' job, while hanging around Rachel, in the hope she could somehow be of help?

Poor Brian...
(I'll admit I've lost track of who 'Cassie' is, without a re-read... This is the old business of a writer not having more than five, plus or minus two, currently relevant named characters. And, why some works have a 'Dramatica Persona' (sp?) list, somewhere, with each name's memory-jogger...)

Cassie is Rachel's friend and minion.

Lisa is around because she feels like she should be there, but at this point she is basically spinning her wheels.

Fixed the typo!
Keeping the Faith
CW: Alec talking about religion with his usual degree of sensitivity.

"OK, Sis, now this is important," Alec said in what was, for him, an unusually serious tone.

"Huh? I thought we were just talking to the Christian weirdos? Should be easy."

Alec dramatically put his head in his hands, then looked up. "Wanting to go down on big white sky daddy makes them crazy, but not crazy."

She wasn't getting it. Alec checked his notes, because he was prepared (Lisa must never know). "It's like, remember that thing with the mushroom guys outside Toronto?"

Cherie winced.

"Yeah, that. So we're not going to lie to them, or do shit that's obviously manipulative. They've all got fifteen children so they're really fucking good at telling when someone's running a con…"

Of course, Alec was pretty sure he could run a con on them, but Cherie was dumb as shit so lets not complicate things. If they could convince the Haven peeps that they were good and righteous and redeemed and all that, it could go a long way.

Also maybe they'd get a Nazi puppet, that would be fun.

Note: Obligatory reminder that Alec's views are not my own.
"You are a Christian?"

"I'm... more of a Hedonist."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know who 'Hedon' was, but he certainly seemed to have the right idea about how to live!"


Above is member of Haven and not-Alec. Honest.

(Just in case, Hedonism. I liked the researcher who said they were into 'hedonic engineering'...)

((Because I'm a suspicious person, I did a quick search. I should have known better, shouldn't I? :) ))
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Super Ego Teamup
"Max…" Menja said hesitantly.

Max shook his head, and turned away from his watch collection. He gestured for Menja to continue.

"Haven is making a statement. Live, in five minutes, with the Protectorate, PRT, New Wave and the Guild. About Krieg being mastered…"

Max forced himself to portray calm confidence he did not feel. "Thank you, I'll watch it live. Please ensure we get a recording."



"None of this matters," Glenn said. "Let them kiss their own asses, the script is fine."


Glenn sighed. "For people who know, the fact that this many cape groups are on the same stage pulling in the same direction is more important than what they actually say. There's a reasons these things are usually done with separate supporting statements. Those who don't, they won't notice. As for the usual idiots who like to snipe at us, they're all on-side for this one. I'm more worried about the Vasils."

"They have been very cooperative?"

Glenn leaned back. "The boy's a little snake, but he knows what side his bread is buttered on. He'll behave. The girl is terrified out of her mind but that won't last. We need to make sure that she doesn't get too comfortable and start having ideas."

Note: Sorry, Alec, Glenn sees through your bullshit.
Is Glenn in the know enough to use that terrifying tool, "Ask Dr. Weaver to talk to her"?

(JTBC, Cherie Vasil, that is.)

Sadly this is one case where that's not sufficient. She's spent her entire live where her primary motivation was terror. She doesn't know how to live otherwise. Right now, she has shifted "fear of dad" into "fear of Alec's scary grandmother", but that's sort of a stopgap
Country Living, Part 8
"Jesus," the trooper said, as he picked up a round. "What, did she shake out their pockets and tell the dogs to play with what fell out?"

"Damn close," the sergeant said. "As she incapacitated them, she partially disassembled the firearms, kept some parts, and just threw the rest out into the darkness in pieces along with the ammo. Had a pocket full of springs and firing pins and such when the response team got here. Bunch of knives, too."

The first man sighed. "Points to her for style, but goddamn is it going to be a bitch finding all that shit."

"Would you rather be dealing with the cars she filled with squirrels and raccoons and covered in dog shit?"

"Why haven't they just called a wrecker?"

"Might be a little black book under a seat or something, next to the rabid trash panda that the wrecker doesn't want to deal with."

"Did we ever find out what she put in the tanks?"



"Threw away the gas caps and left empty unmarked containers nearby where they'd be found."

"I'm going to remember that one, damn."

Note: I had briefly considered having her drop road flares into the gas tanks, but this approach has a simplicity that seemed fitting, and draws less unwelcome attention in the setup.

(To be clear, do not put a road flare into a gas tank, that would be bad. It might not explode, but it might not not explode. It depends on various factors including make/model, how much gas is in the tank, how much not gas you've let accumulate in the tank and of what type, how well maintained the car is, etc.)
(Just in case, Hedonism. I liked the researcher who said they were into 'hedonic engineering'...)
((Because I'm a suspicious person, I did a quick search. I should have known better, shouldn't I? :) ))
That's disappointing. I'm still tempted to read the darn book, because it might just be hilarious... but given that researcher's previous book seems to be a bunch of disjointed anectdotes and some "facts" that fall apart at the most basic checks, I guess I would get more frustrated than anything.

On the other hand, I might well just appropriate hedonic engineering, it's such a good term. :3

"Threw away the gas caps and left empty unmarked containers nearby where they'd be found."
I love the subtle reminder that Rachel is far from dumb, and highly practically-minded. It's absolutely not the kind of plan I'd see Lisa come up with, but damn if it wouldn't work; plus, hard to beat that benefit/cost ratio. :3
I love the subtle reminder that Rachel is far from dumb, and highly practically-minded. It's absolutely not the kind of plan I'd see Lisa come up with, but damn if it wouldn't work; plus, hard to beat that benefit/cost ratio. :3

Yep! She also has that skill, common in people who raise babies of any species, of constantly asking "how can I resolve this quickly", because you don't have much time before one of the adorable little monsters goes and does something else.
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"Might be a little black book under a seat or something, next to the rabid trash panda that the wrecker doesn't want to deal with."
You know, alt-Rachel who has 'trash panda empowerment' might be fun...

Not making them bigger, but smarter, better at fine-manipulation. Throw-in a version of Teacher's power that only works on raccoons, but makes them more... likely to think-outside-the-box, not dumber/insane. What harm could that do? :)

(You'd probably want some non-cape raccoons, who have the job of wrangling the cape ones. Calling the head one 'Emily' wouldn't be too on-the-nose, would it?)
What is Love, Part 7
"You did good," Dr. Weaver said to Rachel, as Lisa watched carefully. Dr. Weaver had preternatural (or at least future informed, which was close enough) knowledge of how to speak Rachel, and Lisa was going to learn.

They were at the farm. Rachel had taken a nap, in the barn, on the cot that Wafa and Cassie had finally convinced Rachel to accept, through the expedient of simply setting up the cot without involving her, and then surrounding it with strategically placed boxes (covered with blankets) so the dogs could make themselves comfortable in her vicinity.

Right, talking.

"Why are they all still here?" Rachel asked, gesturing to the many troopers still carefully examining the farm like it was a crime scene, because it was.

"They see you as pack now."

"They're cops," Rachel said, confused.

"Yes they are. Some like you. Some don't like you. All of them? They all have homes, and families. Enemy cape attacks someone's home, their Wafa, their pups? They come together and destroy the enemy."


Note: The care and feeding of your Rachel.
Role Models
"Aisha," Taylor said slowly. "There is nothing magic about the shovel. She could have no doubt used a bat, or a broom, or something."

"But it's so cool!"

Brian couldn't help but listen in, as he tried to sleep. He'd finally gotten home close to dinner time, to find Aisha and Taylor brainstorming.

"She also looks like she can bench twice your weight."

"Hey! I work out!"

That exchange, right there, made Brian once again glad for Taylor. Sure, there were other more salient points, but even at the best of times, he struggled to frame things in ways Aisha could easily grasp. Sometimes he was even jealous of Dr. Weaver, and to a lesser extent Taylor, for how they were able to talk all twisty and get Aisha to actually listen.

"More to the point, she can repeatedly swing a heavy shovel hard enough to seriously injure an adult skinhead. I think you've got some growing to do before then."

"Hey! Um…"

Oh thank god.

Note: What about a smol shovel?