Hmm...interesting thing, this place is. I like the idea and the funni colour votin', so I'll be stickin' around.
Now now, what's all this nonsense about a Mr. Metropolis or whatever? He's supposed to be big, bad, important, and most of all, the leader of a gang ZLB doesn't want to be in. I don't think voluntarily making contact with him is a good idea, and I think giving him a Card is even worse.

Now about this fine gentleman he's currently meeting,
[X] Engage Conversation
-[X] Be polite, respond to his questioning. "I think I'm dependable. And who are you?"

Being nice never hurts. I think.

(Edited: I've realized a crucial mistake. He bites tic-tacs. He's obviously not mentally okay, and should be taken to the hospital if he offers no resistance.)
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I've got another angle for consideration. Godcard compatibility and what to cultivate when.

Wind:Making ourselves more wind associated
Freedom: We need to act ways that liberate ourselves and others
Jovial: Depending on how cheerful and friendly we can be to people
Duality: We're carrying 2 godcards, what other things can we do in twos?
Brotherhood: We went to a fight club with spike but our main venue for this is Gravesend Demons social links
Heroism: Helping people, doing impressive deeds, etc.
Fear: We need to scare people
Combat/War: We need to get involved with fights, whether they be large or small
Domination: We need to look like an unstoppable juggernaut.

Edit: Some other ideas I'm spitballing for anyone who read this post recently.

The point of this is compatibility building with Boreads.

[q]"These days I like Xun too. Wind. The Broken Below whose direction is Southeast, its organ is the thighs, its animal is the bird, its action is feeling, and its personality is compassion."

or perhaps

[q]"You seem like a man of wealth and taste, is this a job interview?"

to cut through his prevaricating/get him to comment on who we think he is.

Edit2: Or for a plan C.

[q]Use Phobia to fabricate the sound of incoming law enforcement. Run.
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[X] Engage Conversation
-[X] Be polite, respond to his questioning. "I think I'm dependable. And who are you?"
[X] Engage Conversation
-[X] Be polite, respond to his questioning. "I think I'm fairly adaptable yes, doing pretty well adapting to a masked man talking to me from above. Actually, if we're going to be talking, any chance I can have a tic-tac too? Been awhile since morning, and a little extra-fresh breath couldn't hurt. Haven't often used biting as a way through problems though, how about yourself?"

If we're going to engage in conversation, and that certainly seems like the best plan at the moment, might as well actually answer the question and begin a proper dialog with the person.
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Clarification, he's not talking to us from a fire escape. There's a stairway to what's a basement fightclub or something. He's leaning over the stair railing to talk to us.

Edit: Also I'd caution against asking for Tic-Tacs given he's probably Mephistopheles. Don't want to do the equivalent of selling our soul for a donut without knowing it.

Both of them descended into a dark stairway adjacent to a small bar. A muscular guy with folded arms watched them as Spike knocked on the door. A shutter opened and another guy looked at them both from behind, then opened the door a few moments later. As Zane and Spike stepped into the establishment, they made their way over to the betting tables and Spike put down some money on a few of the fighters that he recognized. Zane was completely new, though, so he didn't bet on anyone, claiming he was simply here to watch and get acquainted with the 'sport,' to which the old, grizzled clerk simply raised an eyebrow at him.

He flinched and stepped back when he saw it. Above the stairs, leaning over the railing, there was a man in a shiny steel mask looking down at him. The mask's chin was pronounced, almost pointy, while its eyes were pressed together in a pleasant way as if smiling, and yet no mouth. There was a metal nose, snub, and a shock of carved hair, sprouting a pair of twisted but relatively short horns. The man was dressed in a dark overcoat and leather gloves, with a gray sweater underneath. A thick, practical outfit; warm, but concealing. And the mask doubled as a sort of helmet, covering most of the head.
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Did you get my edit warning you about the possibility of unwittingly selling our soul for the equivalent to a donut?
That's not the right kind of deal for that kind of character. That'd be more the Fae. A demon would generally be required to state the terms up front before taking advantage of us. Just asking for a tic tac shouldn't be able to do any such soul stealing. At least without the qm railroading us into saying yes to a clearly bad deal.

I did not get the edit, by the by, so thanks for bringing it up again.
Duality: We're carrying 2 godcards, what other things can we do in twos?
Brotherhood: We went to a fight club with spike but our main venue for this is Gravesend Demons social links
Heroism: Helping people, doing impressive deeds, etc.
Fear: We need to scare people
Combat/War: We need to get involved with fights, whether they be large or small
Domination: We need to look like an unstoppable juggernaut.
I mean a few of those I don't agree with. Duality doesn't just mean carrying stuff in pairs or whatever, and I think a better approach would be consistently doing two opposite things, or figuring out that two seemingly different things are two sides of the same coin, that type of stuff.
Brotherhood can mean alot of things. I get the example you did with Spike, but there's other ways of forming a brotherhood and the bonds that go with it. Probably, oh I dunno, joining or making a club would help? THat's as close to a brotherhood was we can get barring time traveling into the past (or, you know, illegal gang things).

Domination....? An unstoppable juggernaut sounds like it'd be a path of intimidation or whatever. Isn't you know, extorting or blackmailing someone into doing your bidding domination? Or maybe psychologically manipulating someone into stuff? Holding a group your the leader of with an iron-grip, to the point that it's basically a dictatorship and nobody can speak out against you?
I mean a few of those I don't agree with. Duality doesn't just mean carrying stuff in pairs or whatever, and I think a better approach would be consistently doing two opposite things, or figuring out that two seemingly different things are two sides of the same coin, that type of stuff.
Brotherhood can mean alot of things. I get the example you did with Spike, but there's other ways of forming a brotherhood and the bonds that go with it. Probably, oh I dunno, joining or making a club would help? THat's as close to a brotherhood was we can get barring time traveling into the past (or, you know, illegal gang things).

Domination....? An unstoppable juggernaut sounds like it'd be a path of intimidation or whatever. Isn't you know, extorting or blackmailing someone into doing your bidding domination? Or maybe psychologically manipulating someone into stuff? Holding a group your the leader of with an iron-grip, to the point that it's basically a dictatorship and nobody can speak out against you?
I'd agree with these version of things. Really, I'm not a huge fan of our phobos card. I'd be rather worried about that getting high. Definitely interested in looking for one that's less evil seeming. Wukong would be a good one if we could get it.
I'd agree with these version of things. Really, I'm not a huge fan of our phobos card. I'd be rather worried about that getting high. Definitely interested in looking for one that's less evil seeming. Wukong would be a good one if we could get it.
Yeah, the Phobos one isn't really looking like the kind of card a person on the morally 'good' part of the scale would use, but such is life. It makes sense the Wind had more affinity considering ZLB isn't a bad person, though he's not exactly the friendliest chap. Would Wukong fit him? I'm not sure.
Yeah, the Phobos one isn't really looking like the kind of card a person on the morally 'good' part of the scale would use, but such is life. It makes sense the Wind had more affinity considering ZLB isn't a bad person, though he's not exactly the friendliest chap. Would Wukong fit him? I'm not sure.
Wukong is... an interesting character. I've not actually read Journey to the West, but think Goku and you won't be too far off.
Bah, Dragonball has strayed way to far from the original Journey to the West to be reliable. I doubt the real Sun Wukong ever battled an alien while yelling so hard his hair (or fur?) turned blonde.
Domination....? An unstoppable juggernaut sounds like it'd be a path of intimidation or whatever. Isn't you know, extorting or blackmailing someone into doing your bidding domination? Or maybe psychologically manipulating someone into stuff? Holding a group your the leader of with an iron-grip, to the point that it's basically a dictatorship and nobody can speak out against you?
All that fits domination too. Trying to always be in control of the situation. That's what I was going for.
Inktobers 14-22! They were meant uploaded in one gif, but I got some kind of memory error when rendering it as a single block, so it's two.

In terms of silverversyness, the compass isn't a reference to anything I know of, but there wasn't much room for a compass to be used by the non-Silvered side, so assume it's a True Name effect.
I did my best to make the movements after the helmet manifested smooth with a side of horror movie, which is why the hunch and lean and whatnot. this is also why the borders get a red-black tint, because fear effect... bit hard to do it justice when the immediate retaliation is a falling moon, repeated several dozen times.
That moon is probably far smaller than the actual moon, mostly because otherwise everything else would be too minuscule to even see, but is presumably enhanced ontologically to compensate. Faust's shop is, of course, completely unharmed by the looped moon impacts, because he's Faust. Silververse Fighter is not unharmed, and is smushed enough that his Rufescent Blood can't regenerate him*, so Lotus Flower to the rescue and now he's a plant.
He's then knocked unconscious by a something, which leads to Open- which is to say, Open Gate, the questionable orb expenditure that turns your soul into an open hellgate. I guess they've used it more then 0 times and/or blurry weakened the seals and/or True Name Nonsense, so a powerful demon of some kind is now possessing the Silververse Fighter (who remains unconscious); Leak then has some lesser demons also escape from the gate.

*This does not reflect the actual power level of Rufescent Blood and Lotus Flower. it reflects Rufescent Blood being a side-effect of Inktober 1 and Lotus Flower being the primary, and sole, effect of Inktober 19. Similarly, the moon killing him does not reflect the power of Moons vs Rufescent Blood; it reflects the moon+loop being inktobers 17+18 (And helmet, at inktober 15, not being up to the task.).
Deepest apologies for this delay - the vote is locked. And so, this wins:

[X] Engage conversation
-[x] Be polite, respond to his questioning. "I think I'm dependable. And who are you?"
Deepest apologies for this delay - the vote is locked. And so, this wins:

[X] Engage conversation
-[x] Be polite, respond to his questioning. "I think I'm dependable. And who are you?"
It's fine my dude, we geti it if you've got stuff to do and whatnot. Just please don't forget about this forever.
I'm enjoying it highly, and I think that if the sotry can get far enough, the voterbase will grow.
Interesting art and story.....but what exactly is this?
animations being made for fun(+Inktober +Ambrosia), mostly. It wouldn't be true to say there's No overarching context, but the point of the animation is very much the animation, not to advance the context.
if you're asking why it's in this thread, it's here because a large part of the magical effects portrayed take inspiration from the larger setting Godcard is taking place in. (the sombrero man on day 5 is probably even going to show up at some point.)
Chapter 12 - The Character of "Li"
The Character of "Li"

"I think I'm dependable. It's what matters in life," Zane professed. "And who are you?"


Zane blinked in surprise. "Mephistopheles?"

"Mephistopheles," the man repeated, from a foot to Zane's right. He flinched and stepped back, stumbling and falling on his ass, onto the stairs, as he looked at Mephistopheles now standing right where Zane had stood a moment ago. "Yes. And like you, I wield a Godcard. Points for guessing which."


"Well - yes - I see the irony," Mephistopheles agreed with Zane's confusion. "A Godcard with a demon stamped on it... A Demoncard?"

"Er, no, that's not it," Zane said, raising a finger. "How did you do that?"

"I appear where my name is called. Although I can refuse a summoning, it's neither easy nor pleasant," the man said, moving over and sitting down right next to Zane. Poised like this next to each other, neither of them had much space on the stairs; barely space to nudge the other with an elbow, maybe, let alone to break into a fight. Zane reached for his left pocket, absently fingering the zipper, considering whether to swap Cards for the Boreads. Defense over illusion. He wasn't sure.


After that, both of them sat in uncomfortable - or so Zane thought - silence for a couple of seconds.

"I'm the boss of the Gravesend Demons," Mephistopheles began, out of the blue. "I organize them, lead them, direct them, where possible. I distribute the salaries to the underbosses and they distribute the salaries to the soldiers, workers, associates. A beautiful hierarchy where people use each other. I also grant wishes, where possible - always at a cost, because such is the nature of my power. Is there anything you'd like to wish for?"

For Uncle Shen to stop moping so much.

"No," Zane stated adamantly.

Mephistopheles nodded. "Smart."

He reached into his pocket, offered Zane some of his citrus-flavored tic-tacs (an offer the boy refused,) and then poured a handful into his mouth, chewing blasphemously.

Still chewing, with occasional cracks of the hard candied shelling, the man spoke, "You see, to the east of Williamsburg - to the east of Brooklyn, rather, I should say, there is a legendary place - the borough of Queens. It's not a part of my domain. Actually, it's contested territory - between the Gravesend Demons and the McNessa mafia family. As if that wasn't enough, the police have a strong interest in the area, for reasons I cannot fathom. What's even in Queens, that's so interesting to everyone? A tennis stadium? In any case, it's something of a no man's land; a wild zone, or, more preferably: a table."

The man had an oddly melodic way of speaking, easy to listen to and absorb. Although he usually wasn't one for complicated conversation, Zane found himself soaking up the facts intently. It was pure charisma on the man's side.

"A table?"

"Indeed, and I'm playing cards with my rivals there. It's eminently irritating, as we're locked in a stalemate." He paused, tapping a finger against one knee. "Were locked in a stalemate. As it turns out, I've had a talented wild card in my employ. You defeated a pair of Card-users and plundered their possessions. It's already been sufficient to shatter the balance. The Zuchezzi brothers were the hard-hitters of the McNessa family. And without them, I have the numerical advantage, so to speak. Let's talk about your employment, then - you're pulling out, right? Which I find strange, because you came here, for some reason."

The man waved a hand at the fine establishment next to them. The noises of shouting and combat were audible from within. Zane could feel the violence slowly amassing like a heavy rock in his heart, steadily becoming heavier, drenched in negative emotion; ready to be pulled out like strands of gossamer and shaped into illusions.

"I'm not surprised you know about that," Zane said.

"I know lots of things," Mephistopheles said. "You don't get into my position without knowing things about people. Anyway, I don't object to you leaving - you're your own man. But you'd be, essentially, depriving me of good personnel - and taking magical artifacts with you. And that, for someone who won't use these artifacts, I find unconscionable. Here's my offer: aid me in my conquest of the Queens borough of New York, and I will let you leave my organization with no strings attached. Otherwise, I will demand you hand over one of your cards."


At the moment you have 27 Ambrosia.

[ ] Agree - Stay with the Gravesend Demons for one last fight.

[ ] Disagree - And do what?

-[ ] Hand over the Boreads
-[ ] Hand over Phobos
-[ ] Fight Mephistopheles
- His portfolio doesn't seem particularly combat-oriented, and he's not a martial artist - you can tell with a glance. What are the odds he'll be able to outfight you if you use your cards to your advantage?

[ ] Purchase Brawler's Repute [25 Ambrosia] - Restores Brawler of Midwood, and now you can use it thrice per Story Arc.
[X] Agree
[X] Purchase Brawler's Repute

Even though fighting him with Brawler of Midwood isn't a bad idea, it certainly isn't the best. And since he's a big mob boss, he'll probably reward us for our help.
[X] Disagree
[X] Fight Mephistopheles - His portfolio doesn't seem particularly combat-oriented, and he's not a martial artist - you can tell with a glance. What are the odds he'll be able to outfight you if you use your cards to your advantage?
[X] Purchase Brawler's Repute
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Do not trust the devil, yeesh. He will definitely keep coming up with excuses as to why we can't leave just yet, how the fight isn't over ect ect. If we want out, we should just hand over a card and leave. We already don't particularly care for phobos

[x] Disagree
[x] Hand over Phobos