A Children's Godcard Game​

Yugi was shuffling his deck, a recent switchover to his Buster Blader Deck for a sparring Duel session with the others, when he stumbled across a black card in clear wrap apparently only meant to prevent actual physical contact, not uncommon among collector's, that was quite clearly not a Yugioh card. Being a Duelist who played regularly, and someone who went out of his way to take care of his cards, this struck him as deeply suspicious, seeing as the only chance someone would have had to put it in his Deck was while he was sleeping, since that was the closest thing to 'out of his sight' he'd been inclined towards since the incident with Weevil throwing Exodia into the ocean.

"What do you think Pharaoh? It could be one of Yami Bakura's tricks. Though it seems odd that he would limit himself to this if he had the opportunity, unless he was hoping I'd draw it mid-Duel and didn't want me to get paranoid." Trying to catch him with some kind of Shadow Game booby-trap by sticking it into his Deck seemed like something he would do, given there seemed to be a 'rite of conquest' component to ownership of a Millennium Item if you wanted to grab it off an existing bearer, and catching him as alone as he ever got might well give the deranged Duelist an advantage, and his plans for some Duels today weren't exactly secret but...

'If that were the case, it would likely have activated when we first touched it, seeing as I doubt he would have used any magic that plastic wrap would stop, nor placed it inside plastic wrap in the first place. I suspect there's more to it than some game Bakura's dark counterpart is playing.' the occupant of the Millennium Puzzle, the upside-down pyramid hanging around Yugi's neck, commented from the recesses of the mind of the current owner of said puzzle.

Just to be on the safe side, he headed downstairs where the rest of the group was supposed to gather for their sparring session. Even Kaiba was supposed to show up at some point, though it really wouldn't have been much of a surprise if he'd just showed up unannounced.

Tea was already there, and, to his shock, was holding a similar card, looking at it like she could... intimidate? Guilt? Stare it down until it coughed up it's secrets. "Ah, Yugi, do you have any idea what this is?" Wordlessly, he held up his own card, which only increased Tea's obvious bafflement. "Do you think Joey and the others got cards like these too?" she asked, which was a definite possibility.

'Huh. Tea has one as well? The Thief King can be clever, but this seems very unlike him, seeing as Tea doesn't have a Millennium Item and we've already got a card. So, perhaps this is benevolent, or at least neutral. A new card game Kaiba's developing?' the Pharaoh posited. Having a win in a different card game wouldn't completely soothe Kaiba's ego, but it would likely calm him down quite a bit. Not that he would throw the game on purpose, he respected Kaiba as a Duelist too much for that. Besides, he would almost certainly know.

"We'll have to wait and see. I don't think we should have any Duels until everyone gets here and we can compare notes though. No telling how they'd react." Yugi responded aloud.

Tea nodded, considering that only sensible. So, they settled in to wait. It wasn't a long one, as Joey and Tristan showed up within 15 minutes, almost at the same time. "You guys got weird black cards too?" Joey asked, waving his rather casually for a strange card in a world where using a card without it's permission could get you killed. Only if it was a card connected to a god had actually gone that far so far as they knew, but that wasn't the point.

"I'm guessing Kaiba's created some new game where he can come at you with a clean slate." Tristan commented, having not gotten a card, but being more than familiar with the weirdness one could cause, and thus, eyeing them with some wariness.

"What odds do ya give it that it doesn't have some weird magic crap attached whether he likes it or not?" Joey asked.

"Sucker's bet." Yugi commented.

"I mean, not every card game has to have spirits or whatever behind it, right? There aren't any Uno or Poker spirits." Tea commented.

"We think." Tristan added.

"I see you all got Ishizu's... gifts." Kaiba commented from the doorway into the shop, which had been closed for the day, making them start. He was usually so loud with his presence that it mad Joey seem quieter by comparison. Having him quiet down was always a huge disconnect.

"I take it you know what's going on then." Tristan more stated than asked.

"Just read what she sent me." he passed them a letter, with a smaller note attached.

'Dear Pharaoh and companions, I am certain this letter will find you well.' Kaiba scoffed, not impressed with her future vision after having blatantly defied it with help from his Blue-Eyes White Dragon. 'I will get to the point. Following my brother's... recovery from his descent into madness, I have decided to be more active in my duties than before. We refuse to follow in our father's footsteps. Thus, I have my foresight has revealed a potentially major problem I will share with you. Some kind of interdimensional company with little in the way of scruples beyond a refusal of allying with Nazi Demons has been sending mystical cards to various candidates to 'product test' them in hopes of mass production therein.' Joey choked on his own spit at how utterly bizarre it was to imagine Ishizu, or anyone really, saying something like that aloud, while Kaiba's frown remained unchanged, likely because he'd had quite some time to process this.

'I have taken the liberty of... divesting three of them from their old owners, as the company in question seems to be deliberately target more... eccentric and conflict-prone individuals, and passing them along to the three of you.' Ishizu's letter continued.

"Are we sure she's not related to Bakura?" Tristan asked.

"I checked. She's not." Kaiba responded to the sarcastic question with full seriousness. As Tristan opened his mouth to follow up, he added. "My life's been a Spanish telenovella ever since Gozaburo came into it, and if anything it got worse when Yugioh came into the picture. Would it really surprise any of you?" he asked pointedly.

They continued, privately admitting that not much would at this point.

'The system seems very simple. You touch the card, and a deity or Tarot Arcana of high relevance to your personality and motivations will be selected, and use of the powers it grants, combat-based or otherwise, will cause them to strengthen over time. Defeating a Godcard holder can allow you to take their Godcard, once it's set for a person, it can't be changed for that person, but it can be changed upon finding a different owner. It is unclear to me if switching back would restore the card to it's previous state in full or not.'

'I believe we will see a rash of abuse of these powers, alongside potential extradimensional incursions. I believe you are best-suited to counter these, as the mundane government is ill-equipped to handle the supernatural, and, if nothing else, Seto Kaiba is well-positioned to begin remedying the issue from that end. I will do my best to tip the scales in your favor. Regards, Ishizu Ishtar, Gravekeeper.'

"Hm, if it's Ishizu, we might as well give it a shot." Yugi tore the plastic wrap off, and the moment he made actual physical contact. The card resolved it's face to show an ibis-headed deity, Thoth.

Trusting Ishizu, Tea and Joey followed suit, revealing The Lovers and Wheel of Fortune, respectively. While Kaiba smirked slightly as he simply pulled the card out of his pocket, and displayed Obelisk on it.

"Hm, probably should've expected that." Joey admitted. "To be honest though, I was half-expectin' Blue-Eyes on there." he said, seemingly without a hint of mockery.

"Well I was expecting Ra from Yugi, but at least it's not completely luck-based." Kaiba countered.

"Can you two not fight for 10 minutes straight?" Tristan wondered aloud.

"Hm, it says we have compatibility rates." Tea commented, having turned her card over in curiosity.

"Nevermind that, now that we know they're not gonna drag us into a Shadow Game, what say we do that Dueling we were planning on before this whole mess? I don't know about Kaiba, but I can train my luck by drawing cards just fine if these things actually work." Joey suggested.

"I'm game." Tristan shrugged.

"Why not? We don't have any real leads on any of the things Ishizu was talking about anyway." Tea noted.

"I can wait the hour it takes to see Joey lose and secure a victory for myself. I have people looking into any reports of strange cards with bizarre abilities anyway." Kaiba mentioned.

"Fine by me." A smile crossed Yugi's lips. "As long as you remember Thoth gambled 5 days out of the moon in order to let Nut have children."

Kaiba smirked at the blatant challenge, and pulled out his deck in preparation.

AN: *Looks at Quest title.* *Looks at Yugioh's Godcards.* *Looks at the in-game rewards for Omakes.* I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been made already.

Now, we obviously don't know all the inner workings of the Godcards, nevermind Olympus, but despite rogue Godcard holders being a thing, I suspect this wouldn't happen for several reasons. First, they probably try to avoid people who can put an entire hand on the scales of destiny, because of exactly this kind of ridiculous nonsense. Second, because a world with the Monsters possessing the cards seems ripe for... issues with the Godcards, particularly the Norse, Egyptian, and Incan pantheons, off the top of my head. It's a likely reason they'd be cautious about, say, issuing Godcards to the Rick Riordan universe with all the Gods still running around. Third, they may well have concerns about the apparent memetic hazard Yugioh is in this 'verse, seeing as it's apparently supplanted all other sports. With Kaiba's help, sure, but still. Fourth, I am unsure how compatible YGO metaphysics are with Godcard metaphysics, but I doubt it's high.

Ishizu got the High Priestess Godcard, as I felt Anubis a poor fit and decided to use Mephistopheles as evidence that Tarot Cards were valid Godcards, then used her enhanced fate tomfoolery from that to take Godcards from nuttier holders who would abuse them, hence the Godcards Yugi/Atem, Tea, Joey, and Kaiba have. Sorry Tristan, but there's only so many Godcards to go around, and this many having fallen into Ishizu's clutches, futuresight or no futuresight, already rather stretches credulity.

Yugi has Thoth, partially because Magic and the Magician Girls he switched over too after Atem passed on, and partially because, as god of gambling, Thoth is the closest thing Egypt had to a God of Games, though Atem would have Ra whenever they switch control, because of course he does. Tea as the Lovers because it's the Main Girl Tarot, but also because she's actually a fairly strong character for a show from the 90s. Joey as Wheel of Fortune, because no duh. Kaiba, as the rival character, is another Egyptian Godcard holder, Obelisk, as Kisara isn't an option. Kaiba might find a way to hack the system and make her an option at some point, because it's Kaiba and of course he would, but not immediately.

1986 words above this line.

Not my best work, but I'm sleepy, and there aren't nearly enough Omakes in this thread.
Chapter 38 - Sympathy for the Devil
Sympathy for the Devil

"I meant to ask you something."

Elsa looked at him in puzzlement. "Sure?" Her voice was laced with a subtle kind of suspicion, and he imagined that it was a suspicion that he'd caught onto some loose thread and was about to pull down her entire canopy and reveal what lied underneath. At least, it was nice to imagine that being the case.

He put down the backpack into which he'd been packing up his mission-allotted equipment - mostly backup weaponry and a few medical items of doubtful use in the field. Especially if he was to apply them to himself on his own. Although he'd received training in first aid as a part of his managerial studies and then another brief tutoring shortly before he was ordered to pack up his equipment, it was rather sadly limited to theoretical knowledge and verbal explanations of how to use the various medicines involved, how to correctly wrap bandages, or set his own arm if he dislocated it. There was no practical element to his knowledge.

"I noticed - or rather, couldn't help but notice - that you've been following me around. Even though you weren't necessary for the last mission, you drove me there and decided to link with Squad B. And now you're here, in the damn changing room. Is this because of our last conversation?"

She held onto a stern poker face, but it melted away into irritation after a few moments. Elsa smacked her lips. "Damn, you're sharp. I suppose, after observing you for a while and reading your files, I developed something resembling favor towards you. Does that answer your question?"

"Favor?" He blinked, a little befuddled. Enough to stop entirely.

"You remind me of myself when I was younger," she explained to him. "Believe it or not, I signed into this company through a contract I would have rather not made as well. I found, however, that fieldwork suited me rather well, and I decided to stay, proving my merits. I've seen what the higher-ups can afford - what they can do and achieve. We're not a simple corporation situated on the east coast of the United States, Zane. Although I'm sure you've already guessed something to this effect. It's kind of hard to miss the fact that Olympus has stupendous resources, in terms of quality and quantity both - magical powers, supernatural technology..."

"Yeah," he agreed. "I noticed that. I'd thought a company like this would probably scoff at money, which explains why the Black Cards are issued freely. It's an experiment to refine the cards themselves. And that final refinement is its own form of currency - knowledge, and knowledge is power. My guess - based on what I've learned from observation over the course of my few months on this side of the world - is that the CEO of Olympus is probably some kind of eldritch fuck-ass, amassing power for god-knows-what reason. It's also why I don't want to stay. As soon as I get the chance to expire my contract and move on - if I get that chance - I'm taking it."

He picked up the backpack and tried to step past her, but Elsa stepped into his route. He frowned and looked up at her.

"Are you sure that's what's best for you? Do you think the Rainbow Dragon will be any kinder? Or his mistress? Especially for you, who wants to live an ordinary life?"

His eyes widened, then narrowed, in a sequence, and he was stuck unsure which expression was more appropriate. How did she even know about Pyldret, about the Lotus Maiden? He'd been appropriately stingy with the details of where his powers originated.

As if reading his thoughts, Elsa giggled, annoying him further. "Come on, Zane. Do you take me for a woman whose only skill is applying make-up? When you're in this business for a few years, you see things you wouldn't have imagined before you signed on. I've learned a few things myself - a few reserve aces that I keep up my sleeve."

"Right," he said. "And that ties into what you just said, how exactly?"

She only smiled in response and shook her head.

"No, disregard what I said," she followed up. "I think your attitude might have some merit."

He frowned but didn't argue the point, stepping past her.


His infiltration of the water plant started one hour after midnight when night's shadow would yield some advantage and give him the opportunity to ambush the foes inside. It was meant to be a relatively simple combat operation where he kept regularly in check and reported on any enemy encounter through radio, but otherwise, contact with his superiors would be limited. He was to expect considerable resistance; hostiles that'd be difficult to beat even for himself - and his goal was to locate and if possible, destroy, the Essence Seed they'd received data on from the captured hostile from the earlier mission.

Instead, he found, it was a leisure walk through an abandoned water filtration facility, most of its equipment broken and turned off. As much as the initial readings and observation showed demonic influence all over the water treatment plant, it had become transparent that something wasn't right.

As Zane reached the inner part of the plant, where all the large filtration machinery was, dipping into the Hudson river he came upon a dark room. Its only light was a single wax candle set on a round wooden table. Across from it stood a figure in the dark, arms behind its back.

He raised a hand to report contact on his radio, but the figure spoke before he could, raising a hand plaintively, "Don't."

Zane hesitated. "Who are you?"

"My name is Joseph Maximilian von Herff," replied the man across the table, standing in the shadows still. He stepped out, revealing himself to be a man with blue eyes, somewhere in his forties, wearing a uniform of black, white, and red. Although its colors were obvious and recognizable, Zane didn't see a Swastika armband. He looked surprisingly mundane for a demon, not much different from an ordinary human, aside from being suspiciously thin, gaunt, and tall, with slim cheekbones like he was on the edge of rotting away into a skeleton. "I believe you captured one of my servitors."

"Ah, you're a demon," Zane said. As he focused, he pumped some amount of magical energy into his Knight Arm and felt its thorns undulate in the air, like dancing needles, filling it with more strength, greater power. "Guess I've got to kill you then."

'Joseph' merely chuckled. "Feel free."

"You're not scared?" Zane questioned, surprised but not compelled to change his mind.

"Hardly. If you slay me here and now, I'll simply re-appear in Hell. My form in this world is an outer emanation," said the demon. "I'm sure that you'd be able to accomplish your task, Knight-Aspirant, and I wouldn't even bother resisting, but I came here in good faith to negotiate. Or - well, I lured you here to negotiate. It hardly matters."

He thought about it. "Lured me here? So, your sister, Klara - all of that..."

"My sister doesn't exist. It's a construct of magic, which I programmed to act in a specific manner in order to make jesters of you and your superiors, as well as to leak information as to where you should go. A lot of fabricated details to make sure we'd be able to speak one-on-one, private and unobserved. And likewise, the attack carried out by the men in armor was also a fabrication, albeit one involving significantly more physical evidence. A rabbit's trail of crumbs, but skillfully arranged, you must admit."

Privately, Zane supposed it was, but he wouldn't say it out loud. This man looked and sounded like a textbook manifestation of a complete asshole. "I'm not in a mood to discuss or negotiate anything with demons."

In response, Joseph inclined his head a little to the side. "And what did demons ever do to you?"

He blinked at that.


At that, Joseph reacted with a deep sigh. "Honestly - I bet you're not even Christian. How can you believe that book?"

"One of my friends is a priest," he replied, with a shrug. "It's kind of my duty to make sure you don't exist, otherwise he'd get mad at me. Also, Olympus SOP is to exorcise or kill demonic entities whenever it's possible."

"Oh, please," Joseph uttered with distaste, grunting and flinching in disgust. "Olympus? I brought you here to speak as equals - and you bring up that minor pest? Nevermind, I understand you haven't developed sufficient capacity to do this yourself - so here, boy, I free you of your contract. Free of charge."

A moment of pressure passed over Zane as if a block of gelatin had been thrown in his direction and swam directly through him. A second later, it was gone, and so was the lingering sensation of his signed contract with Olympus that he didn't even know had been there, in the background of his soul. It was completely voided, nullified - a deed that he understood was near-impossible to achieve with any kind of ordinary or even extraordinary magic, outside of receiving direct permission to void the contract by one of the bosses in whose stead Elsa was offering the contract in the first place. He wouldn't have to obey them anymore.

"What in Hell?" As he realized what happened, Zane's heart sunk down into his chest. What did he...

And Joseph smiled a bloodless grin, somewhat excited, as if energized and maybe amused by Zane's stupefaction at what had occurred. "Indeed! What in Hell? As I said, I am Joseph Maximilian von Herff. I am a former member of the Übernatürlich-SS and the Nazi party - although not proudly - and I am currently an Archdemon, assigned to help conquer this reality for Hell. As for my favor, it was given to you freely, and as such, you owe me nothing in return - however, I do personally request that you offer me some amount of honest goodwill in return, and consider fairly what I'm about to say."

Zane didn't respond, unable to actually find the words to describe his feelings about the matter, and about what the demon had done moments ago. Instead, he merely stood and listened, approaching slowly in order to listen better. He also disabled his radio, just in case that someone could use it to listen in.

"As I currently understand it, you, Zane Li Black, are a Knight-Aspirant of Reine Magd, acting on her behalf in this reality, and are likewise perhaps the most powerful and influential person on this Earth." He gestured down to the table with the candle on it, where two opposing chairs were now visible. "As such, if you would, please sit down at this table with me, and we can discuss terms - I am here to conquer Earth for Hell's glory, but that doesn't mean we have to go to war over it. Although I am not a hundred percent sure that we might come out of this satisfied, I believe it's far better to discuss terms prior to making any sort of hard decision on the matter."

He considered.


It seems that Zane is free of his geas to Olympus. How in the heck did that happen? As of right now, you have 4 Ambrosia.

[ ] Negotiate - A demon's words carry much danger, but you owe to at least be a passive listener to this one - after he freed you from bondage, it's the least you can do to not be an impolite asshole. Sit down at Joseph's table and discuss the Earth's future with him, like gentlemen of wealth and taste. Attempt to aim for as good an outcome as possible. If you decide that you decisively cannot accept his final offer, it's possible to simply kill him afterward - he is probably aware of this, however, and he might be aware that you're aware of this, so be careful.

*It's the diplomatic option - even if you decide to fight the demonic invasion, this lets you maybe at least set a balance of humane methodology for incoming skirmishes, or expedite the process in various manners. Or, if you both manage to reach a full agreement, maybe you can omit the demon invasion entirely?
*It's recommended that your vote include either a write-in or a non-vote proposition of the kind of terms you'd like to aim for, in order to better direct what Zane will aim for in the conversation.
*He might be a skilled hypnotist - or simply dangerously manipulative, akin to Charles Manson - and sway you to Hell's side over the course of the conversation. Can your indomitable willpower survive a barrage of impossibly logical and temptingly alluring arguments from a sorcerously-inclined tempter demon, trained specifically to corrupt youthful heroes like yourself, in much the same manner that SWAT officers are trained for combat, and pilots are trained to fly among the skies?
*It seems your patrons do not have any opinion on this.
*Could take a few chapters/turns of discussion with Joseph to fully agree on something.

[ ] Leave - There's nothing actually keeping you here anymore, is there? Inform him that you're simply not interested in whatever he has to say about the topic, but you feel obliged not to kill him at the present moment for freeing you, then leave the room.

*It's probably the closest to a sigma grindset choice that you can get out of this.
*A choice of simultaneous safety and good honor - it lets you maintain the integrity of your psyche and convictions, doesn't compromise your morals in any manner, it's honorable, and you don't expose yourself to demonic influence, all in the same packet. It might look unappealing, but consider the worst-case scenario of the alternatives!
*A vague feeling dances in your chest as you consider this - it appears that Pyldret gives the option at least blanket-level approval.

[ ] Fight - No conversation. It was an incredibly stupid choice to unchain you. Kill him right now, before he can speak another word.

*A ruthless choice, but maybe prudent - it deprives the demonic invasion of an ostensible hero/leader unit and in doing so, cripples it.
*It's clear that whatever is happening is much larger than you can presently understand. Maybe it'd be wiser to stay and listen instead?
*It's possible that he lied initially, and came here prepared to tussle with you or escape in some manner. If this is the case, then picking this could in fact be the worst mistake you'll ever make. Consider it twice, and consider well.
*It seems your patrons do not have any opinion on this.
[X] Leave

Part of a squire's job is to learn from their knight. If Pyldret has a hunch, or even just enough of a preference for Zane to notice it, we should probably go with it, even if just to get a better understanding of why.
[X] Fight

I think that fighting is an extension of the promise we made to our uncle. Don't we need an earth to open a flower shop in? Then say N O to the demon.
[X] Leave

Part of a squire's job is to learn from their knight. If Pyldret has a hunch, or even just enough of a preference for Zane to notice it, we should probably go with it, even if just to get a better understanding of why.
Yes. I agree with this.

[X] Leave
[X] Leave

Do not dance with a Devil. And especially not on the Dance floor of their choosing.
Who the heck is Reine Magt?

Is this the Lotus Maidens name or is there a massive misunderstanding on the demons side right now?
Could be he is just trying to distract Zane or something but maybe im just missing something.

[X] Leave

Something is to fishy with this, the Nazi Demon should know trying to negotiate anything but complete surrender with a Knight is pointless because of their ever growing power.
Any kind of compromise that buys time for the Essence Seed or the Tempter Demons to further corrupt earth is counterweighted by the time the Knight spends training or Pyldret getting closer.

It would be better for it to just compound on the already prepared trap and buy time with the negotiation for a plan to kill Zane right there on his Homeground while he is cut of from any Olympus reinforcements, who speaking of wich will probably think Zane is trying to escape his contract and will try to hunt him down again.
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Chapter 39 - Admission

As he'd been asked to do by the demon in front of him, Zane considered the offer of table negotiations for a moment. It was sufficient to weigh every merit and demerit of the decision, but not dragging on for an unnecessary amount of doubting whether his favored decision was correct or whether it'd result in greater loss of life.

Somewhere, deep in his heart, Zane could feel a steady beating matching his own, telling him that he was permitted to do as he intended.

He drew in a sharp breath.


And he moved to leave.

A moment of blank silence, only his footsteps ringing across the treatment plant. Maybe, rather, it was a blank shock for von Herff, who reacted after a moment's delay.

"What?!" His voice was positively shocked.

"I'm not interested in whatever you have to say," Zane offered a curt explanation, perhaps a veering onto the side of impoliteness. He didn't turn around to face the Nazi demon, but he did keep on a constant watch in case of a backstabbing attempt. "As you freed me, I will not fight you here and now - that's as far as my good faith is willing to stretch itself. I am not otherwise interested in any offers you have, or might have. I'll make these offered negotiations simple with this statement: your presence on this Earth will be contested for as long as I draw breath, and for so long as I am able to contest it. I do not intend to compromise or make any deals, as I wholeheartedly believe your presence on this planet is anathema to my core moral beliefs, which I hold in high regard."

He considered, once more, what else he could add. Nothing came to mind. At least, nothing concrete.

"And I think that's about it."

A moment of silence. He could feel disappointment almost permeating the air on the demon's side, but a moment later, it seemed like von Herff had recovered gracefully.

"Very well," Herff answered stoically, voice filled with a resolved acceptance, but also with a venomous disappointment as if he'd already made his own decision to make Zane bitterly regret his choice on this night. "Then, next time we meet, it will be as enemies. I bid you farewell, Knight-Aspirant."

And, wordless, he left.


It was a dark parking lot in lower Brooklyn, a desolate place without much light or nearby movement. A dog could be heard barking in the distance, and overall, it was a secluded place - somewhere that a smart person wouldn't go alone, or at least wouldn't go without a piece.


As soon as Zane called out across the parking lot separating them, Spike paused in his glancing through his phone, to look back. His eyes narrowed, then widened in a flare-burst of surprise, and Zane chuckled as he manifested the Sword of Terror in one hand, frowning and turning it over once, thoughtfully.

Neither of them crossed the distance to make an attack or engage in a fight, however. And yet it was clear that Spike was ill-at-ease, he probably imagined that he'd never see Zane again in a long time and it came as a surprise that he'd be released this quickly. It was understandable, given that Zane himself was surprised as well.

"It's a damn shame we never established any kind of safety password," Spike said, humming.

"We did," Zane replied. "Octagon potato."

"Morose pastiche."

"Always fever. Shermhead."

"Alright, I think we've established you're actually Zane and not some Olympus worker dressed up as a Christmas elf," said Spike. Given tacit permission, Zane approached, and they greeted each other and spoke about recent events, in a general tone that felt slightly intense.

"Shit. Hah, literal demons?" He shook his head. "Anyway, for news on our side - Brick has a girlfriend now, and he's considering giving up the Godcard thing. He says it's too much risk. Oh, and Mephistopheles died - exhausted his organism. Constantine's got his Godcard in cold storage."

A moment of silence.

"So," Spike cleared his throat, "What do we do about these demons? Von Herff?"

"Don't say the bastard's name, he could be like Mephisto for all we know," Zane chastised lightly, before moving on in the direction of Spike's van. "For now? We get everyone informed. And I mean everyone - not only the Wardens but... every Godcard user. Olympus fucked me over, so they'll doubtless try to do that again. I need to find a safe place and train up an Invocation so I can fight off the Mangler if they send him after me again, or fight off anything else they might send if not. I've been doing a bunch of unsavory shit these past few weeks, and I don't want to keep doing it."

Spike watched him as he explained, face crossed and clouded. He was almost expressionless, when he looked sad, like a machine assuming its default pose. After Zane'e explanation was over, Spike's eyebrows knitted together in intense thought, and after a moment, he said, "I think... I think we should both keep close with Constantine, in case the Mangler attacks again. His powers are pretty damn strong, Zane, and he only keeps getting stronger over time; but Constantine's the same, and he could even the playing field against the Mangler. I've gotten better since that day. I got faster, more durable; I think I could even keep up with you, now, at least if I try really hard and exert myself. If the Mangler attacks again, we'll both give him what for."

A smile, which Zane couldn't help but share in that moment. "Alright, bro. It's gonna be that. If Olympus tries shit again, it's getting its ass kicked."

He didn't care if they sent the Mangler, or Elsa, or the damn CEO himself pumped with nanobots with his skin carved with runes of material reinforcement. He'd beat them up black and purple, until they were afraid to even breathe, as the Brawler does.


A return to normalcy - select one training focus, for the next week. Although Zane will attempt to develop his capabilities somewhat evenly, he'll also try to focus on a particular aspect of his overall build.

[ ] Eternal Knight Arm Mastery - Make an Invocation meant to counter the Mangler's abilities and usual stratagems and do your best to reach an acceptable level of mastery in its use, accumulate steady progress towards the next Rank of your Knight Arm, and train in overall brawling with its use.

[ ] A Squire Is A Drake - Although his Knight Arm was a tool of ultimate potential, he'd barely even started to plumb the aspect of draconic power that his mentor bestowed upon him as a measure against the Mangler. Almost certainly, among these powers was something that'd allow for the Mangler's swift defeat on a repeat performance?

[ ] Divine Martial Arts - It wasn't his lack of power that caused Zane to lose - an absence of power was a factor, but this is no longer even half as true. No - what Zane requires is more experience fighting peer-level opponents, adapting to magical powers being deployed in combat, and fast-speed movement.

And now, one more question - who do you interact with on your return? As your schedule is going to be rather busy, select two, or select four, but at the cost of partially (20-30%) reducing the effectiveness of your training.

[ ] Shen Li - A promise made is a promise made forever, and you told your uncle that you'd eat his food.
[ ] Constantine
- He's a wise man with a lot of good Bible proverbs. Maybe it'd help to confess some of your actions to him, get that weight off your chest?
[ ] Spike - He's your best friend and you haven't spoken in a damn while, now. You don't need updates on Godcard activity; you need to hang the fuck out and chill.
[ ] Brick - It seems he's gotten rather busy lately. Check on him.
[ ] Helene - Although it's easy to forget in the murk of weeks passed, and it had to take the backburner in favor of more solid concerns, she's Zane's (sorta!) girlfriend(?)!
[ ] Johnny Buddha - As mysterious as ever, this bastard. He's a nice guy, though. Figure him out.
[ ] Write-in. (Someone else?)

An immediate concern is to be able to handle anything that Olympus throws at you in retaliation - handling Maximilian von Herff and his merry band of demonic Nazi motherfuckers comes after that, hopefully with the full support of New York's supernatural underground. Focus on what's in front of you for now, what's going to happen in one or two updates from this one, and don't worry about the distant future to an excessive degree - whatever happens, your patron is coming, and the distant future is of his regency and his alone, not yours.
[X] Plan Family is a Tree
-[X] Eternal Knight Arm Mastery
-[X] Shen Li
-[X] Helene

To socialize instead of training is to allow fate to slit our friends throats in front of us.
As is said, Knight Arm is the the tool of ultimate potential. Better train it now.
As for social choices... well, family. Shen is more obvious, but a (sorta) girlfriend is not someone to just ignore either.
[X] Plan Family Has Scales
-[X] A Squire Is A Drake
-[X] Shen Li
-[X] Helene

Look I think dragons are cool okay? Also silver breath was mentioned as a possible option, which would be of superb utility against the Mangler. Time to put the dog in the ground once and for all. Moreover, a gift of Pyldret should not be discarded lightly.
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[X] Plan Family Has Scales
-[X] A Squire Is A Drake
-[X] Shen Li
-[X] Helene

Changing its name because same-named plans would fuck everything up.
Who's running the Gravesend Demons now?

And is it possible to only take a single socialization option in exchange for either a second training option (like Drake + Divine would be pretty nasty) or get a boost in effectiveness to the winning option?
[X] Plan: Fist of the Unlimited Powah!
-[X] Divine Martial Arts - It wasn't his lack of power that caused Zane to lose - an absence of power was a factor, but this is no longer even half as true. No - what Zane requires is more experience fighting peer-level opponents, adapting to magical powers being deployed in combat, and fast-speed movement.
-[X] Shen Li
-[X] Helene

A plan to hone our techs into a more solid and effective base before adding more into the mix.

Plus continuing that akward teen drama with grandpappy and gf!
...So Eternal Knight Arm Mastery uses the training invocation, right? If so...
[X] Eternal Knight Arm Mastery
[X] Shen Li
[X] Johnny Buddha

the socials being more out of preference than anything.
[X] A Squire Is A Drake

I don't like 'Eternal Knight Arm Mastery' because it is too focused on the Mangler. At least our Drake powers will be more generally useful, something that can't be as confidently asserted for an Anti-Mangler Invoc. While plumbing the depths and many different powers Zane now already has but literally just hasn't pushed the right mental button to activate, we'll find all sorts of useful stuff.
I don't like 'Eternal Knight Arm Mastery' because it is too focused on the Mangler. At least our Drake powers will be more generally useful, something that can't be as confidently asserted for an Anti-Mangler Invoc. While plumbing the depths and many different powers Zane now already has but literally just hasn't pushed the right mental button to activate, we'll find all sorts of useful stuff.
I agree we probably shouldn't be going specifically for an Anti-mangler invocation. But statistically it won't even take us a full week to get to the next level of Knight Arm if Zane is indeed using his training invocation, which gives us another chance to improve the Knight Arm as a whole And effectively raises the level of all invocations by three. It's a very general increase to capability, at least as long as he's actually using the training invocation while training; That's the reason for my vote and there's no option for 'advance the knight arm' which isn't also 'for the mangler in particular'.