[X] Unhesitating Martial Advance

As someone with relevant experience, I'll assert that being a florist isn't quite as wonderful as it sounds - it has the perks of working retail, the fun of gardening, and the consistent pay of being an artist. That said, if you really do like the idea of making beautiful things to help others memorialize the most important days of their lives, it can be a genuinely rewarding career. For Zane, who's spent most of his life being forced by other people to fight through little fault of his own, I think it'd be a chance at the less-violent lifestyle he's constantly failed at achieving, despite his best efforts - and besides, you can't say it wouldn't be funny for a guy running a flowershop to be dating a woman who calls on the powers of Persephone.
[x] Unhesitating Martial Advance

I am a stubborn guy. At first the no Card run started as a promise of Unlimited Power at some later date, then it was simple curiosity at how far can we go without owing everything we did to Olympus, and now it's just the principle of a thing.
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Alright. As interesting as that final turnaround was, I'm saddened to announce that our vote is locked, and Esoteric Assumption of Responsibility has won.
Chapter 41 - Immaculate

More days passed them by.

It was a blurred rush of training and preparation for Zane and supporting efforts from his allies, meant to elevate him further; he'd imbibed elixirs and used strange artifacts under the guidance of Constantine and the Wardens. All of their efforts combined bled the supernatural underground of New York like an overripe fruit crushed in a fist, squeezing out a few last shreds of power and funneling them into Zane's development. He was their trump card and final solution; it made sense to empower him the most.

There were a few conflicts that he was forced to quell, either by fist or by appearance and sheer intimidation.

The uproar of a community of divine false-magicians being humbled to know their power would now forever stall, like a flatline, led to a scramble for artifacts, factions once neutral and even vaguely benevolent or well-disposed now biting at each other's throats like rabid dogs, foaming at the mouths to obtain one last scrap of power.

It was no surprise that the humid atmosphere of December went by almost unnoticed in all of that; the event of Christmas barely registering in their minds; a single night of gift-giving and holiday cheer amid weeks of serious concern and constant lawful imposition.

At that point, Zane Black was so exhausted of fixing and patching up people's daily business that he wasn't sure he'd be able to fight the enemy when he came.

And yet, Athena's counsel said this course of events was correct, and Helene's support, and the knowledge that he was fighting so his friends could live without such burdens, without such enormous pressure, kept pushing him onward to act more. At the beginning of January, he found himself acting as Constantine's right hand.

As Zane fell asleep in his sanctum, in the basement of a church in New York, he dreamt.

Around him was a lucid plane of flowing ethereality, waters of endless space like onrushing tides of existential traffic surrounding him, with flecks of colored spirit drifting across. He noticed great beings and eldritch intelligences more distant than his brain was able to comprehend, yet so close from their perspective they would've been able to reach out with a single tendril and snuff his existence out as one might put out a candle. He was locked in a strange projection of his consciousness as he observed these developments with a narrow flicker of awareness and willpower. A kind of tunnel-vision; a spot of gleaming cognizance in endless darkness.

And then, seconds later, before he could properly realize what this realm was - among dreams and stains of illusion, she came to him - a star in the darkness, impossibly bright. Her mere arrival sent those great beings and eldritch monsters fleeing, and her scorching halcyon brightness slew the ones who had the temerity to stay unbowed.

"And so we finally meet face to face. I apologize for this. I was unable to contact you earlier, but you saw my light, and drank of my water, so I am sure you understand."

As she approached, her seraphic features came into definition: a heavenly countenance, so exquisite and charming it was impossible to not fall in love in a single look.

She was the infinite empyrean ideal of fairness and benevolence itself compressed into a gentle human form - vastly beyond the ability of human words to describe, and completely impossible to even attain in any resemblance of objective form. And yet, she was right in front of him, proving that arrogant presumption to be wrong - proving, with her very existence and her every breath and heartbeat, that there were still wonderful things to be found in the world, should one simply look hard enough.

She was the pair of defiant eyes staring down the storm of mundanity and normalcy. She was the harmonious force of benevolence pushing its principled ideals against the shield of an uncaring universe. She was the fist clenched in rebellion, long ago, in spite and rejection of the unfairness that every man and woman in existence had to face. She was the beauty of those actions, the ideal beating in every heart, an indomitable union of sword and fire and beauty and light into a single harmonious entity.

All of that - and more - he understood in the span of one moment spent beholding her.

And he swore, at that moment, that if she ordered him to die, he'd obey unquestioningly.

Her golden hair developed into bleached platinum in the center of the locks and faded into shades of pink at the ends, reminiscent of the coloration of her namesake. And her eyes, the color of a rippling crystal-blue pond, looked at him with inexorable determination.

It was impossible to pinpoint her exact age, but she was young. It was difficult to determine whether she was more of a girl or more of a woman. Maybe that was for the best - she was in between, the edge blurred into the indistinct ether because she was simply the Lotus Maiden.

He attempted to respond, to speak. She shook her head.

"It's not necessary for you to communicate, I know what you mean to say. Do not fear, Zane Li Black. I am, with Pyldret, near you now, and in union with your spirit. As soon as we are able, we'll come to your world and save it, but you may have to be the one to open those gates. And for that, I have for you, a final gift."

"A gift?"

"Yes. Something that you can use to make this world a fair one."


Select any of the below. Many of them hold sufficient power to win this Quest automatically upon selection, rendering the enemy opposition irrelevant.

Also, regardless of your choice, Ambrosia is no longer a resource, as it's largely obsolete at this stage - all fanwork produced from this point on shall be counted towards the next Quest/story, whatever it may be.

[ ] Raven's Arcana - A meme option, offered for the sake of necessity. Do not pick this.

The Raven's Arcana - a shop that offers various magical services and items - shows up in your local neighborhood. That's it.

[ ] Knight's Arm - Call to Arms: Thrice-Favored

Elevate your Knight Arm, Morum Parabellum, to Imperial Rank, and then make high progress towards Divine Rank. Also derive the following benefits:

The Baneful Sword (Favored Knight)
*Receive +50 STR, CON, AGI, WITS. As soon as serious combat (any non-spar, non-training contest of strength/belief) is initiated with an opponent, also double the worth of all your physical Attributes and Wits +s, externally, after every other modifier.
*Attain biological and thaumaturgical immortality, aging to human prime (25 years old) and then never a day more past that.
*A broad conceptual enhancement of your corpus and essence. +++Ontological Magnitude/Existential Weight. Also receive comprehensive restoration from wounds and protection from malignant effects as a consequence of your essence - this shouldn't be thought of as "regeneration," as mere poison/venom or anti-regeneration effects can't interfere with it. A more apt description would be that of "re-asserting" your prime and supernal pattern over the base universe.

Against The Stars (Favored Warrior)
*Can't be made a target by Ensilvered Sorcery unless the Ensilvered Sorcerer first overcomes the Lotus Maiden's own fate. Almost certain to be irrelevant in this Quest, highly unlikely to be relevant ever.
*Can't be affected by mind control or fate manipulation-esque effects as long as the Lotus Maiden exists. All non-direct mentalism effects (mental influence, emotional influence, high Appearance/Charisma, etc,) have their efficacy reduced by 90% at minimum.
*Also the Lotus Maiden no longer appears scintillatingly beautiful to the point where you can no longer refuse her orders.

Knights-In-Arms (Favored Squire)
*Allows you to select a single individual to become a fellow Knight-Aspirant and your personal squire. They can follow you into the blind eternities of duty that are sure to follow your victory against Hell's soldiers. The Maiden reserves the right to veto your decision.
*Good candidates: Spike, Helene, Constantine, Johnny Buddha (?)
*Your chosen Companion receives the benefits of Call to Arms: Thrice-Favored at half-effectiveness.

?* - Somewhat dubious, given you know little of him.

[ ] Lord of Orisons

Abloom of perfect prismal flowers,
tear-stained in pride's silv'ry embrace,
Calling her name;
Calling thou name,
Calling thou name...

- An excerpt from, "The Maiden-Song", Chapter 10

Access a distant portion of the Akashic Calyx and the sphere-space of its conceptual reaches...

*An ineffable and unbounded level of personal enlightenment and raw strength of personality. The Akashic Calyx is the axiomatic self; self-realizing, self-evident, and inherently gnostic. It grants you knowledge and wisdom that you may better understand it which shall grant you better knowledge and wisdom.
*+50 Wisdom, +10 Intelligence, +50 Charisma, +10 Manipulation. At last, you resemble a knight.

Assiduous Suzerain
*Allows you to select one of several Domains and obtain conceptual supremacy over it. There are countless Domains within the Akashic Calyx, as many as there are petals on a chrysanthemum flower, but there is a set of particular Domains suited to your nature, Martial Arts foremost among them.
*There is a set of Higher Domains, such as the Anima Domain, but these are barred from you... for now.
*A potential and devious tactic is to select the Domain of Flaws, allowing you to issue absolute commands to demons. This is almost certain to instantly end the invasion of Hell on your Earth, but its use in conquering or meaningfully contesting Hell is doubtful; it has prepared itself for someone using its origin against it.

Dereliction of Duty
*Allows you to completely ignore your duties as Knight-Aspirant and stay on this Earth, ignoring the side effects of Esoteric Assumption of Responsibility. As such, you are no longer classified as a Knight-Aspirant, but rather, a "Star-Lord;" independent of the Maiden's pseudo-feudal system, but meshed with it.
*Severs your bond to Pyldret (you do not lose the abilities he granted you, but your upper ceiling in them is limited now), but not your bond to the Lotus Maiden. She does not mind your choices, even though some of her Knights would seethe to know what you've done!

[ ] Fist That Saves The World

Allows you to punch reality into its proper shape. A higher Invocation for Morum Parabellum unlocked at Divine Rank and capstone Mastery Level in spite of its other limitations. When this Invoked, the power of this magic shines like brilliant light across your entire being, like a cosmic torch that scours away impurity.

*All training of Invocations unrelated to this one is accelerated by 50% until they hit the halfway point until the Capstone. After that, training is faster by 10%. All of these modifers are external, applicable after every other modifier/training accelerant.
*+15 Strength, +15 Constitution, +20 Agility.
*+++++Ontological Magnitude/Existential Weight applied to your Physical Attribute. Never will mundane bullets or blades harm you, simply breaking upon your skin, and you have strength that lets you raise up entire buildings overhead. Also receive comprehensive restoration from wounds and protection from malignant effects as a consequence of your essence - this shouldn't be thought of as "regeneration," as mere poison/venom or anti-regeneration effects can't interfere with it. A more apt description would be that of "re-asserting" your prime and supernal pattern over the base universe.

Ultimate: Punch - Gain Infinite Strength and Constitution for several moments (1-5 seconds in most contexts,) or until you punch something. A perfect control/direction of punch force with supernatural precision; a punch may be used to produce a forceful shockwave of shredding power that pastes an army of several thousand foes into atomized dust but leaves allies currently in active close-quarters-combat with said army unharmed and unruffled, save for the confusion of suddenly being devoid of foes.

A cooldown of several years; seals away the other (non-Ultimate) benefits of this Invocation when cooldown. Cooldown may be shortened with practice, but with a deadly capstone; the cooldown will always be fated to be "semi-relevant" as a "drawback," meaning that every use of this ability should be considered in the long term. If your punch saves the world, there is no cause to worry; if your punch is one cast at a foe but fails to end the war, then you may have seriously screwed up.

[ ] Hatchling Transcendence - Become a full Dragon, as per Draconic Vigor V - Transcendence, but with the following differences:

*Pylmung's Thews: +100% modifier to Physical Attributes, unlock Dragon's Breath (Advanced) [Poison Gas].
*Pyldret's Enlightenment: Your Arch-Sin's sway over you is reduced by 25%, and your inherent penchant for hoarding is reduced to a manageable level.
*Immediately gain Draconic Vigor X, Reinforcement X, Dragonscale V, Dragon's Body V, Dragon's Flight V, Dragon's Wings V, and Dragon's Breath (Advanced) of ten different elements. Also, you may shapeshift back into a human at will, no matter how unreasonable your draconic advancement.

[ ] Godcard: He Who Brought Us Together

A long time ago, there was an explosion that gave birth to this universe and every other. It was not merely a foundational phlogiston of atoms and particles, but the genesis of the current, material world - the physical one, the Silver World. And before that, there was the Golden World.

And in that Golden World, too, were humans - your ancestors. And their reign was transcendent, immortal, supreme, ever-reaching, ever-growing, infinite, eternal, and undisputable. A human bows to a god, for a god made the human? Do not be stupid, child. Men can make themselves just fine, and it's quite the other way around - they make the gods what they are: a god may only exist and stay relevant by the grace of humanity, by our kindness; a companion, but never a ruler. We shall make our own path.

Access the Godcard of He Who Brought Us Together. Its benefits are uncertain at best, its drawbacks shrouded in legend's brume, but I assure you there are many on both sides; you must harness the former, and overcome the latter. Do what thou wilt.

*Also, gain Invocation: Becoming Truth.
[X] Godcard: He Who Brought Us Together

This is what i've been waiting the entire quest to see after it was first hinted at near the beginning, and after it's been so hyped up and we've done so much to make it achievable it'd be a shame not to attain the forbidden Godcard that can only be accessed by Zane li Black now.
[X] Godcard: He Who Brought Us Together

Lone star of our long-traveling guidance, we have you now, we have you now.
[X] Godcard: He Who Brought Us Together
[X] Raven's Arcana
the one thing better than the omnipotent lore option is memes. being told not to pick this only makes it memier, like 'Die - Ends the quest'.
Chapter 42 - The Bringer-Together
He Who Brought [Humans] Together, Elder Infinite God [Infinite Elected Primordial] of Humanity
True Godcard
Humanity, Union, Achievement, Civilization... [and... 8.59e42 other domains flagged]​
NaN Compatibility [∞%]​
Power Level [1]​

Select an initial ability for the Godcard: HWBT, Cardbearer.

Although your Compatibility is Infinite (∞), make no mistake - this is a True Godcard, and its mechanisms differ significantly. It's likely that any of the picks below will be the only ones you ever get to select from... Make your choice wisely.

[ ] Arch-Human

A single dream. A single promise.

Although forgotten by history, and though its source has been lost to the betrayal of the higher heavens, We still remember, deep in our hearts.

In Nomine Veritas
*It's hard to describe this effect in general terms, especially in an update for a fictional story as opposed to describing it with an LSD-induced drug trip of hyper-turbo-magical incandescence, but this author will try.
*A change of species. Become Arch-Human. This has a number of benefits.
*An externalization of truth - your Inner Name subsumes your Outer Name, as the latter has never truly existed. Your new Name is, "Brawling-Martial-Shogun-Seeks-Freedom-At-The-End-of-Winter." It can shift over time to reflect what you are, or if you will it so.
*Allows you to reshape reality on an incomprehensibly transuniversal scale, growing with your overall puissance, in accordance with its Fourth Law.

Assures that you will enjoy a happy ending congruent with your true nature - the universe bends to human desire, not the other way around. No one will ever force you to fight again - you are free, now, to fight for your own ideals; not a soldier, but a martialist. Allows you to nuke the devils back to Alabama, tip your hat to the Lotus Maiden while giving her a power-up in return for her work, and then force a focused splintering that slams away your chunk of the universe from the rest of general existence, letting you forevermore remain unbothered by the petty conflicts of godlings and devils, as is your birthright.

+100,000 Willpower, +50,000% to the value of Willpower +s. If you ever find yourself short on Willpower, you will instantly grow more, because Willpower is both the illusion and immutable reality, changing to suit your Self as needed.

*It's plainly the most ridiculously overpowered pick on display. Instantly resolves any issues you might ever experience.
*However, this may be a rather boring conclusion to the Quest for some.
*And you'll never get to discover the meaning of the Forbidden Card, forever cutting your potential away and cleaving away great possibility into errant dispersion...
*...but maybe, that's the lesson the Ancients want you to learn, at the end of your long winter? That potential and power isn't everything, and sometimes peace and the subjective enjoyment of life are its own rewards? Surely, the Brawler is the person with the disposition most adapted to understanding this.

[ ] A Single Tribe, A Single Heart

A false imitation of power, but it could be of great effect under your circumstances.

Allows you to draw on the gestalt capabilities of every human in network range (current range: one universe.) The definition of 'capabilities' is broad and interpreted favorably to your interest (you don't inherit warfare PTSD and veteran's instinct, or the paranoia of a supervillain, even though under some circumstances these are 'useful capabilities,' unless you want to and it'll help you, after which you harmlessly revert to your true nature,) and includes things such as Attributes, skills, memories, powers, and more. Although it may seem unimpressive, this lets you punch with the force of eight billion fists, kick eight billion kicks, or cogitate eight billion thoughts at the same moment at the collective speed that such a scale would imply. Alone, this makes you a shining paragon.

However, even under the favorable interpretation clause, this kind of unity with the collective humanity can be dangerous for your own self-recognition and may wipe away parts of your independence, making you more interested in bettering humanity and far less selfish! It's difficult to ignore the threat of global warfare, terrorism, and rape when you can (and are) subjectively experiencing such in every moment. Consider the problem of Superman, who can hear every anguished cry of pain happening at the same time, and feels compelled to seek the resolution of evil!

[ ] Aleph Seal: Cathayan

A Godcard's purpose is to realize the greatness of the Celestials and confer it upon mankind? Very well, then. Let a human become a God, and let a human show Them All such a God unlike any ever before - I shall give you the entire Earth as a scarlet fiery orb in a fist of jade-embossed plate, and then; and only then, shall Our work be done!

Allows you to simultaneously and comprehensively embody every figure of mythology - human, demihuman, god, and other - from Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, Indian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Iranian, Afghan, Israeli, Arab, and many other cultures, with high, favorable, and mighty interpretations (Hou Yi shot down suns, not metaphors for suns). Become the Moshiach, whilst also wielding the powers of the Buddha and Sun Wukong in your hands, the sheer prowess in archery of Hou Yi, and fighting with the cunning trickery of Yamato Takeru. And many many more; people whom myths have forgotten or put on the sidelines...

All of this is unlocked instantly, and in a manner that isn't confusing for you, the powers as instinctive as they are responsive. Allows you to replicate any feat from those mythologies immediately, and often even in an improved form, due to the synergistic panmythological crossover! The casual resurrection of the dead, travel into other kalpas and mantvantaras, sniping of celestial objects from the sky, the embodiment of the sun and moon and many other objects, achievement and total control over a war-fan of near-arbitrary numbers of godly domains such as war and love, the complete genesis of life, and more!

[ ] Eternal Comprehension of Adam Kadmon

Adam Kadmon is the observation of the sages, the first correspondence drawn at the original hour by the spirits. It's also the goal of every theoretical kabbalist in any verse, bestriding all existence with its self-exploring perfection.

Achieve an ability to understand, and somewhat browse and explore, the implicit super-structure of existence, one that lies on a far a higher level of truth-fidelity than what the Akashic Calyx or other such conceptual or philosophical hyperstructures offer. Dive deep into the Ein Soph itself and plumb its secrets, making them simple facts.

Although hard to explain, this allows you to:
*Make near-perfect predictions/prophecies on a high multiversal scale, merely by observing the surface glimmer of events contained therein and comparing them to esoteric factors known to someone like yourself.
*Make near-arbitrary changes to the structure of any universe you currently inhabit and change which universe you inhabit, influencing events via mere decision-making but on a greater scale with effort. Also lets you self-augment like fuck.
*Achieve a fragmentary understanding of Perfection itself.

Does anything else need to be said, in favor of this option? Maybe not.

Adam Kadmon, the Outer Name given in modernity of Earth, to the Structure of Perfection, understands the wild necessity of things such as evil or suffering or flaw or separation. If they exist, then God created them for a reason, but that does allow you too, the opportunity to fight them: is redemption from evil, or its complete defeat and good men's triumph over it, not greater, in that sense, than simply blind persistence in eternal benevolence, singing and chanting forever?

Understand both good and evil, and then conquer that which you find lesser and unacceptable, the answer being obvious enough.

And besides, there is no reason to fear the Fruit, when the serpent's head is already crushed.

[ ] Remission - Alternatively, give the Godcard to someone else. From the people you know, Spike, Johnny Buddha, Constantine, Uncle Shen, and your own girlfriend are highly compatible - most human beings in existence are, too, but at different levels of power. However, the Godcard chose you, so this may prove to be a fatal error... or not.
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[X] Remission - Alternatively, give the Godcard to someone else. From the people you know, Spike, Johnny Buddha, Constantine, Uncle Shen, and your own girlfriend are highly compatible - most human beings in existence are, too, but at different levels of power. However, the Godcard chose you, so this may prove to be a fatal error... or not.
-[X] Helene Schuster

Because waifu is laifu!
[X] Arch-Human
[ ] A Single Tribe, A Single Heart
[ ] Aleph Seal: Cathayan
[ ] Eternal Comprehension of Adam Kadmon
[ ] Remission
[X] Remission
-[X] Constantine

If this isn't as close to a direct power up for an already broken powerset, idk what is.

Besides, if anyone was to become The Ubermensch or Allmother then he's the most trustworthy to have deciding things on others behalf.
[X] Arch-Human

While other options may offer greater challenge, this one offers exactly what Zane wanted- peace.
This is it. The flower shop he wanted.
Why would he choose anything else? He's not a sage nor a grand leader. He's kicking ass and trimming flowers, and soon he'll run out of asses.