[X]Plan Finding Martial Work and Minions
[X]Visit Pawn Shop - And pawn off all that good shit. Zane knows a local pawn shop owner who'll give him a good price.
[X] Write-in - Find work as a sparring partner, you got the striking game down right? You can join up gyms that harbour pro fighters and show some off at least your surface striking game. Those MMA/Kickboxer guys would probably like you with your enthusiasm if not your unusual style. Now you get paid while doing what you like. Get some of that cash rolling while refining some of the basics and overall fitness! x2
[X] Write-in - Remember your old contacts with the Gravesend Demons? Well check in with the lot of them and see what's up. See if you could help them out with some things or at least bail them from some trouble or two. Favours you know? Maybe friends later? x2

Get the cast filled up and make minions, it can't just be Zane against the world everytime! Maybe he'll get that slice of life, or maybe he can find himself in the deep with his old gang who knows? At least with this, Zane will stay fit as his current job requires him to hone his game constantly.

I'll hold off the Ambrosia vote for now.
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Ok so, here's a reasonable approximation of Ours/Zane's Goals and Assets, and some ideas for how to achieve them

1. Disconnect from the Criminal Gang that Shanghaied him by going to College(Gang is the Old Gravesend Demons, a Brooklyn based Gang rumored to be led by Mephistopheles with a considerable degree of territory due to Mephistopheles's supernatural powers)
2. Open a Flower Shop
3. Not have to put up with people's bullshit anymore
4. Avoid Retaliation attempts from the Zuchezzis, or their rumored employers the Mcnessa crime family.
5. Be prepared for whatever the Plot may seek to do to us

Lesser Goals/Hobbies:

1. Continue Practicing Martial Arts, maybe teach other people some tricks if the opportunity arises

Our Net Worth/Total Assets
A normal leather wallet.
- A pair of stolen leather wallets containing over $1,000 between them.
- A pair of stolen smartphones, slightly old and battered, each one worth maybe around $180 at a pawn shop.
- $120.21, standard circulated US currency; clean, in his wallet.
- A bank account set up by Shen, currently has roughly $2,000 on it. Shen regularly sends over more cash and might be swayed to send more.
- A rough sum of $140 that various people (acquaintances, friends,) owe him and that he can reasonably get back on short notice from them.
- Several changes of clothing.
- His own smartphone; an extremely battered, old model with an extensively cracked screen.
- A stolen pack of cigarettes.
- A stolen plastic lighter.

Boreads Godcard: 35.5% Compatibility(Medium), with a wind barrier defense
Phobos Godcard: 12.5% Compatibility(Medium), with an illusion power charged by participating in and witnessing ongoing battles with serious stakes, with cost discounts for illusions meant to cause fear, and further discounts for using them in battle

How do we achieve these goals?

1. Make money
2. Come to an accord with Mephistopheles(Questionable wisdom, he's Mephistopheles) or become too powerful for any of the Gravesend Demons to coerce, Mephistopheles Included, hopefully while avoiding unforseen consequences towards our flowershop dream.(Edit: Avoid Trouble? HAHAHAHA)

Working Vote:

[x]Visit Pawn Shop

I'm pondering the merits of Zane going smartphone shopping or getting his current phone repaired. Does anyone see any way to connect this to our goals?
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1. Make money
-get to a gym and start being a trainer or sparring guy, they get paid for that. Heck, maybe become a superstar fighter or something down the line, I can see us being doing pretty well in MMA.

-If you wanna bamboozle people with our physical abilities, maybe join the WWE? Get some memes going and get that cash? Our martial talents there might not be as honed as the first option, but it will still need a pretty solid physical conditioning for us to get that role.

-Model work. Having been forged in the fires of martial combat will lend itself to having a good physique yes? Break that nerdy asian stereotype, get to the stage and FLEX! Soon, Zane will be rolling in $$$ and underwear sponsorships among other things..

2. Come to an accord with Mephistopheles(Questionable wisdom, he's Mephistopheles) or become too powerful for any of the Gravesend Demons to coerce, Mephistopheles Included, hopefully while avoiding unforseen consequences towards our flowershop dream.

-we can befriend ourselves to the other members (and slowly weaning them off the gang mindet) and start slowly pull influence from within the group. Soon we can get enough clout to at least give Mephi pause when dealing with us, or maybe offer us preferrential treatment to have us still align to the gang.

I'm pondering the merits of Zane going smartphone shopping or getting his current phone repaired. Does anyone see any way to connect this to our goals

Get more friends to talk with? We need more people to help bail us out of ganghood. If we manage to make friends with someone bigger than Mephi- well having a good unbugged phone will definately help with coordination for plans and keep a line open for other oppurtunities (if Zane can be spared to look for them on the net/social media around New York)
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For some more spitballing, have we tried betting on ourselves in underground fighting rings? Karines found underground fight clubs.

Thought number two:

As usual, the classes were pretty boring. As far as being a prospecting florist, Zane understood that he should've focused on gardening over business and marketing, but Uncle Shen insisted that he should aim for an Advanced Placement in a Macroeconomics course, or at least in Statistics. It seemed like a waste of time, and Zane wasn't a good enough student to believe he'd be able to keep up, but he tried his best anyway, to somewhat mediocre results. It wasn't really that he was saddened by this; he didn't believe it mattered too much. He didn't want to be wealthy like Uncle Shen - he just wanted a calm life and a calm retirement, maybe a family later on. It was, however, somewhat disheartening to know that, other than martial arts and tending to flowers, he wasn't much good for anything else.

Has Zane ever explored the internet circuit for supplemental tutoring in whatever AP classes he's signed up for? Maybe a fresh smartphone would help with that? Maybe the teacher's explanations are questionable. You know, there's stuff like Khan Academy, Coursera, Udemy, Youtube Tutorials, etc. There's people who haven't truly understood the stuff they've studied in math class until they found the right youtube video with a good explanation. Decent Grades on AP tests are saved money when it comes to college expenses.

Does Zane have enough self-insight to know if his problem is lack of understanding, or having to exert undue effort to think about the world in the way a macroeconomics/statistics class demands, etc?
Zane ever explored the internet circuit for supplemental tutoring in whatever AP classes he's signed up for? Maybe a fresh smartphone would help with that? Maybe the teacher's explanations are questionable. You know, there's stuff like Khan Academy, Coursera, Udemy, Youtube Tutorials, etc. There's people who haven't truly understood the stuff they've studied in math class until they found the right youtube video with a good explanation. Decent Grades on AP tests are saved money when it comes to college expenses.

Well, there's the option of write ins... and Birdsie did say Zane was on break at least for the day. So maybe you can put somethin on there and see whether or not Zane will get his brain mojo back on?

But I do want Zane to hang with a lot more people. Even if it's just beating up people, at least we get to have more friends with us to beat other people with.
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Working Vote:
[x]Visit Pawnshop
[x]Introspection: Go deeper. Figure out whether or not your difficulties in whatever advanced class you're taking, be it macroeconomics or statistics, is due to something like questionable teaching methods, as opposed to something more fundamental like needing massive amounts of mental effort to view the world in the way an economics/stats class demands or your attention span. Explore the internet for useful educational videos, buying a smartphone if you have to because your old one is lackluster. Good AP tests are saved money for college, and it might encourage Shen to provide more financial aid.
[x]Build Illusion Charge for Phobos while finding fights to watch with other people.
[x]Practice with the gathered charge, focus on trying to make it look like you're punching from multiple angles simultaneously, do whatever is practical to make this happen, whether it be sparring with friends, baiting muggers, etc.

The Beauty of Illusions is best summed up by Ino in Arc 1 Chapter 2 of Conference Call like this:
zKazinski: Illusions (considered outdated), medicine, necromancy (illegal), fireballs, mindreading (illegal), telekinesis, shields. Sustained flight is possible but impractical. It's easier to just teleport.
zKazinski: Creating items that interact with and control mana is an entire field of study.
Ino!: You think illusions are outdated?
Ino!: I'm going to have to train you in proper illusion usage.
zKazinski: Why do an illusion when you can just create the actual effect?
Ino!: Saves chakra/mana, and they force your enemy to spend the same resources reacting to a large number of threats that may or may not be real.
Kid_Win: Can we back up to enchanting stuff?
Ino!: If you have an attack you like, and an illusion identical to that attack, your foe must treat all instances of your 'attack' as though it might be real, and spend resources defending against it.
zKazinski: That is rather reasonable, I'll consider it in the future.
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I am very tempted to just have a training montage episode. F@ck it, let's go.

[X] Train at the Dojo x5
Probably better results if I cut my plan down to this:
[x]Plan Accumulation
-[x]Visit Pawnshop
-[x]Introspection: Go deeper. Figure out whether or not your difficulties in whatever advanced class you're taking, be it macroeconomics or statistics, is due to something like questionable teaching methods, as opposed to something more fundamental like needing massive amounts of mental effort to view the world in the way an economics/stats class demands? Good AP tests are saved money for college, and it might encourage Shen to provide more financial aid.
--[x]Explore the internet for useful educational videos as part of this introspection, buying a smartphone or other relevant electronic device for streaming video if you have to because your smartphone screen is cracked.
-[x]Build Illusion Charge for Phobos by finding underground fights to watch with other people
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I'm not sure what to vote for, and none of the options seem actively bad, so I'll refrain from voting from now. my main thought is we shouldn't use our Godcards today because a stranger took note of our actions and that Might not be the guy we decided not to rob, plus there's nothing urgent. Maybe we also shouldn't visit the pawnshop for similarly low-profile-ness, but on the other hand, we don't want to be holding onto this stolen stuff forever...
Regardless, Inktobers 7 through 13! For some reason, the size of the file (in bytes, not length) was much lower this time, maybe because, being inside a Silververse-sourced structure, the silvery ontological-dissipation aura was not visible.

Regarding the various silververse references therein:
Watch wasn't especially silververse-y, but it had to be on the side of the Silvered one owing to the Fans, and it's not like clocks don't exist, since Drift Clockwise is a spell (with somewhat similar effects to what was shown, but not amplifying the body). Since I don't recall a silververse quest where picks were a specific resource (in the sense that 1 pick would be worth around as much throughout votes and regardless of context, a la Echo Of The Forebear upgrades in AST I), I interpreted '1 pick' like '1 silver orb', and so the Silvered one games nomenclature.
This was mostly to justify any further times where the effect doesn't quite fit the silververse; I am portraying them as discovering a true name somehow related to Inktober, which then allows them to control the Sour explodolemons(Edit: which were purchased from Faust. presumably the deal was arranged using some of that highly illegal time magic that keeps him from losing business.) from the shelf behind them, and will later allow them to draw on Inktober to survive a superlaserbeam.
they don't regen the arrows out until DefJOE is gone not because they can't, but because they are concealing their regenerative capabilities for combat advantage, to keep DefJOE unaware of the degree; the first cut healed during timestop and then mid glowing-pressure-wave, so it's not clear to DefJOE.
Roof was probably a telekinesis ability drawing on the same principals of the Red Division of the Eight Divisions that rufescent magic is made of in the first place(but not a Red Expression, owing to the lack of drawing that took place), but I'd neglected to make sure it actually fit the Silververse owing to the simplicity of 'telekinesis' (even though I think the Red Division and True names were the only abilities I found which explicitly grant telekinesis? learning to be a mage may have given that too, I forget.).
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I'm starting to get concerned my earlier plan may have been me seeing what I wanted to see when I came up with Plan Accumulation.

As usual, the classes were pretty boring. As far as being a prospecting florist, Zane understood that he should've focused on gardening over business and marketing, but Uncle Shen insisted that he should aim for an Advanced Placement in a Macroeconomics course, or at least in Statistics. It seemed like a waste of time, and Zane wasn't a good enough student to believe he'd be able to keep up, but he tried his best anyway, to somewhat mediocre results. It wasn't really that he was saddened by this; he didn't believe it mattered too much. He didn't want to be wealthy like Uncle Shen - he just wanted a calm life and a calm retirement, maybe a family later on. It was, however, somewhat disheartening to know that, other than martial arts and tending to flowers, he wasn't much good for anything else.

Zanes academic problems are

1. He finds the classes boring/they seem like a waste of time to him.
2. He perceives himself as a lackluster student.

While there is stuff like Psychology of Learning online courses... there's other stuff Zane needs to think about if he wants to build a decent flower shop. Like... here's a blogpost I found. How much research has Zane done into the subject? Did he consider it premature? Does he see it as shorthand for his concept of a life free of Gravesend Demons influence?



Perhaps you have just recently thought about jumping into opening a flower shop, either way, now you want to know where to begin or get answers to your questions. We thought that compiling a list of 10 Frequently Asked Questions when opening a flower shop would help you in your quest to fulfill...

I mean if you look at this blogpost, you can make a case that Zane's mistaken about focusing on Gardening over Business and Marketing, ideally one needs to be good at BOTH.
I'm starting to get concerned my earlier plan may have been me seeing what I wanted to see when I came up with Plan Accumulation.

Zanes academic problems are

1. He finds the classes boring/they seem like a waste of time to him.
2. He perceives himself as a lackluster student.

While there is stuff like Psychology of Learning online courses... there's other stuff Zane needs to think about if he wants to build a decent flower shop. Like... here's a blogpost I found. How much research has Zane done into the subject? Did he consider it premature? Does he see it as shorthand for his concept of a life free of Gravesend Demons influence?



Perhaps you have just recently thought about jumping into opening a flower shop, either way, now you want to know where to begin or get answers to your questions. We thought that compiling a list of 10 Frequently Asked Questions when opening a flower shop would help you in your quest to fulfill...

I mean if you look at this blogpost, you can make a case that Zane's mistaken about focusing on Gardening over Business and Marketing, ideally one needs to be good at BOTH.

I think Zane's desire for the flower shop is a combination of perpetuating the memory of his mother and a release valve from all of the fighting he's has had so far. I don't mean to say it's a bad start for the guy.

But maybe getting him to interact with more people than just his uncle would prolly do him more good in the near future? Because from what I can see, this is something that's gonna take up much of our time and resources setting up before cashing in. All while we have a running godcard superpower war running in the background.

At least hone something of martial in the meantime in the very likely event something's gonna wreck our studytime or business schedule in the near future.
So the plans currently in contention right now for any lurkers are...

1. Hardcore Dojo Training
2. Pawning the stuff/Making money as a Sparring Partner for MMA pros/Helping and Social Linking with Gravesend Demons
3. Pawning the stuff/Trying to get a better picture of what precisely your block is as a Student and maybe buying a phone/Building Phobos Illusion Charge by lurking in the audience of underground fights with other people.

Eventually I think Zane might be able to pull of Tsubame Gaeshi style attacks with Phobos and Phobia if he practices enough. But that needs practice resources.
From discord, credit to portions to OctarineShrike:
Since we have limited use for the Phobos Godcard, we might want to offer it to Mephistopheles in exchange for his help with us living a normal life / the gravesend demons not doing anything about it when we cut ties with them to run a gardening shop.
However, this probably isn't the best time for it; contacting Mephistopheles would cost 7 Ambrosia, and that's probably moreso a cost for contacting him when Zane doesn't really know he exist, as opposed to the act of saying his name being hyperdraining on a comprehensive level. So, most likely, the price of contacting Mephistopheles will drop with time or magical discoveries, and it's not like Zane has to cut ties immediately or in a hurry.
With the benefits of contacting Mephistopheles uncertain (the deal might not actually be worth it, or owing to the demonic nature implied by the name he might screw us over somehow anyway) and the price likely to drop, I think we'd be better off saving our Ambrosia for Brawler's Repute, which is a somewhat-renewable, extremely valuable lifeline.

Another argument in favor of leaving the Gravesend Demons is that it would likely increase Boreads compatibility, owing to the themes of Freedom. But that's not an urgent reason, and I don't think it shifts the balance in favour of spending ambrosia at this point.
two arguments against trading a card to Mephistopheles to leave are that Mephistopheles would probably be particularly suited to the Phobos Godcard (this argument is weakened by the probability that Mephistopheles's magical capabilities- like knowing when his name is called- are themselves the product of a Godcard. The Godcard deliveries in progress aren't the first set of them, but the second; magical beings and Godcard Holders existed before the story started, though not for extremely long. If so, he probably wouldn't benefit much from switching to a new Godcard.), and that remaining in the Gravesend Demons could cultivate the Boread's themes of Brotherhood.
I think I was misinterpreted there. The con I was thinking of is that if one gives Mephistopheles a Godcard, he can bestow it on a member of the Gravesend Demons, enhancing their supernatural influence. We don't know what Mephistopheles wants and he's apparently a criminal gang leader(Edit: Who probably has a faustian bargain themed godcard).
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[X] Plan Accumulation
I'm not interested in dojoing it up, and am especially not interested in going against Zane's desire to break away from the Gravesend Demons.
Chapter 11 - A Trade of Human Life
A Trade of Human Life

It wasn't really at Shen's urging, but Zane attempted to find some ways to pay more attention in class. He failed miserably. None of the instructional videos or online guides were of much help. Instead, he ended up staying late and reading about the healing properties of clear quartz crystals, which 'amplify energy' and are a 'master healer.'

Since he was a gang member, Zane knew well that white crystals could indeed 'amplify energy' and masterfully heal some aspects of a person's life, such as their happiness and lack of addiction, but it was definitely not of the sort he was looking for.

"Want a smoke?" There was a shuffling sound as the other boy reached into his back pocket, taking out a packet of cigarettes.

"I don't smoke."

"You smoked when you kicked Flavio Zuchezzi's ass."

Zane smirked cruelly.

"So that was his name, huh?" His smirk disappeared as he shook his head, raised a hand to refuse. "But, no, I really don't smoke. That was a spur-of-the-moment thing."

It was cold outside, as it often was in November. As such, Zane and Spike both wore jackets. Using the money he'd acquired from selling the Zuchezzis' possessions, Zane was planning to buy himself a new, less-shitty phone, and maybe a new winter jacket, since his present one wasn't up to the task of protecting him from harsh winter. Not even the Defense of the Northwind was exceptionally helpful in that department, rarely being more helpful than it was irritating to deal with.

"Suit yourself." The other boy placed a Chesterfield cigarette in between his lips, then raised up a lighter, shielding it with both hands carefully to avoid having the flame being put out by a cold wind. A few clicks later, he was sporting a lit cigarette and a deep frown on his face. "Why the sudden interest in fight clubs?"

There wasn't a realistic answer he could offer. If he said that his plan was to sap away the collective violence of the combat in order to power magical illusions, he'd probably earn a concerned look and a condescending pat on the back.

"Maybe something broke in me, and I'm sick in the head?"

"Sure." Spike coughed a little, nicotine smoke pouring from between his teeth. He kept coughing for a moment, before settling. "Damn."

"Damn," Zane echoed him, using a similar tone. "You're like, eighteen, but lungs are already failing. See, that's why I don't smoke."

"Cut your bullshit. We're here," Spike motioned for an alley with his cigarette like a pointer stick. As they both entered, they briefly paused to observe as a group of men in dark outfits kicked some dude in the ribs and wailed on him. Spike and Zane walked past, minding their business.

"That's a real Bronx at three AM moment," Spike muttered.

Both of them descended into a dark stairway adjacent to a small bar. A muscular guy with folded arms watched them as Spike knocked on the door. A shutter opened and another guy looked at them both from behind, then opened the door a few moments later. As Zane and Spike stepped into the establishment, they made their way over to the betting tables and Spike put down some money on a few of the fighters that he recognized. Zane was completely new, though, so he didn't bet on anyone, claiming he was simply here to watch and get acquainted with the 'sport,' to which the old, grizzled clerk simply raised an eyebrow at him.

As they observed the first initial bouts of combat, with Zane feeling the illusion charge deep within him slowly arising, Zane could feel a tangible presence observing him. It wasn't a feeling that he could describe or rationalize, but it was strong enough - palpable enough - that he stepped outside for a moment, excusing himself.

There weren't any thugs outside the establishment, nor a bouncer.

He breathed in nervously, rubbing his gloved hands together.

He flinched and stepped back when he saw it. Above the stairs, leaning over the railing, there was a man in a shiny steel mask looking down at him. The mask's chin was pronounced, almost pointy, while its eyes were pressed together in a pleasant way as if smiling, and yet no mouth. There was a metal nose, snub, and a shock of carved hair, sprouting a pair of twisted but relatively short horns. The man was dressed in a dark overcoat and leather gloves, with a gray sweater underneath. A thick, practical outfit; warm, but concealing. And the mask doubled as a sort of helmet, covering most of the head.

"Hello," the man said, innocently. "Zane. Right? Zane Li Black?"

For a moment, Zane stood there, contemplating whether or not he should create an illusion. He'd taken both cards with him, and it was now that he sensed the pulsating stupidity of that decision. If this man was also a cardholder, he was probably more experienced.


"Li." The masked individual's voice carried a sharp note of curiosity. He reached into his jacket's pocket and took out a box of orange tic-tacs, tapping it against his open hand in an attempt to spill some out.

He spoke then, in flawless unaccented Chinese, in an affable and friendly voice, warm like an old friend's. "Fire. Also known as the Hollow Middle of the Six Segments. Its direction is south, its organ is the eye, its animal is the snake, its action is love, and its personality is courage. Do you consider yourself an adaptable person? Do you often bite through problems?" The man briefly raised the mask, to reveal his mouth. He ate the tic-tacs, chewing on them as he slid his mask back down.


At the moment you have 23.8 Ambrosia. A few points short from a 25-Ambrosia Improvement...

[ ] Engage Conversation
-[ ] Be polite, respond to his questioning. "I think I'm dependable. And who are you?"
-[ ] Request his name first, before answering. "Who are you?"
-[ ] Remain silent and wait for him to talk more.

[ ] Run Away
-[ ] Write-in. (Tactics)

[ ] Write-in.
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[X] Engage conversation
I'm not sure what tact we should engage in, but with luck we'll have 25 Arete before we have to fight if we just stall a little longer, and that means that no matter how powerful he is we'll be able to have an at least 50% chance of victory and/or 100% chance of survival, if necessary.
(from the roll shown on discord, if you normally roll a d100 with a DC of 100, brawler makes it into a D200, so you've effectively got 50/50 odds.)
...at least, assuming the guy's actually here to brawl with. punching an illusion which sets you on fire with a targetted range wallhacking auto-aim effect and just keeps talking probably isn't in the domain of Brawler to alter.
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I'm starting to wonder how "I think I'm dependable" flows as an answer to probably Mephisto's questions.

1. Do you consider yourself an adaptable person?(Zane's probable answer: Maybe? He does Jeet Kune Do after all)
2. Do you often bite through problems?(Answering yes to this question attacks the concept of yourself as adaptable depending on how you look at it/how you define adaptable)

Zane however, isn't the sort to quibble over semantics so we can only have one interpretation of the questions. There might also be room for Jeet Kune Do philosophy here(Jeet Kune Do - Wikipedia)

[q]"An adaptable person bites through exactly the problems that need to be bitten through to get what they want. No more, no less. If they know another approach is better, they'd switch. If you claim the mantle of adaptability you will soon find yourself sacrificing it. If the best way to solve most of my problems is biting through them, then whether or not I bite often doesn't matter."
-[q]Sarcastically:"I can't say I've run into many problems that can be solved by chewing on them though."

or Generalizable as

[q]Address the dichotomy of the masked man's questions.

Thoughts? This seem like an approach worth taking?
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[q]Address the dichotomy of the masked man's questions.
It's an interesting point, but it's not clear the Masked Man is expecting a single answer. The dichotomy might even be the point, with an implied 'or'- 'do you consider yourself adaptable, or do you mostly rely on brute force?'. In the context of the talk of Fire immediately prior, though...
Based on a short search, 'Fire' is being analogized to this shape, '☲', which wikipedia identifies as the 'Hollow middle' Trigram, also the number '101' in binary. to throw in some other things it's apparently associated with, the personality of Sovereignty, the artifact of the Sword, the chakra of the heart(with implications of sovereignty by way of meaning 'unhurt, untouched and unbeaten'), and a circle. This man, however, elects to focus on:
Its direction, its organ, its animal, its action, and its 'bushido'(which I assume translates to personality), along with something you could argue associated with one of Fire's properties in a circle but not much else, and something you could justifiably conclude from the general combative thematics of Flame, Sovereignty, Sword, Courage and indomitability.
The Direction is probably meaningless, unless he knows about the Cardinal Geometer or something. The Geometer's south could reasonably be called the adaptable Cardinal, with a comparative focus on utility effects, but I somewhat doubt it's even canon to the Silververse owing to its different ontological context.
on to the rest, the eye might symbolize knowledge or warriness, the snake cunning, love... love, and courage the inverse of the eye/snake?... maybe his point with adaptable is that fire's symbolism is all over the place? but looking at ☰ shows it's ju-...
Oh, ☲ is called 'Li'. he's theorizing about nominative determinism or something along those lines. From this I infer he's Mephistopheles- something something, demons, true names, if Li is our true name we'd fit the symbolism of fire or something.
with that in mind...
[X] Engage Conversation
-[x] Request his name first, before answering. "Who are you?"

[X] Engage Conversation
-[x] Remain silent and wait for him to talk more.
I don't have a preference between these two, but I've concluded answering his question isn't in our best interests. worst-case scenario we show ourselves uninterested in indulging inexplicable conversations about symbolism, best-case we've just avoided having our soul yoinkered.